Punishment by Desperation

By: Gillian

“Can we go to the mall tonight?” Kelli asked. “Sure, I guess.” Meg replied, figuring anything was better than sitting around the house. Being a companion/tutor (babysitter?) was boring, but Meg needed the money. Grad School was expensive, and Kelli’s parents paid better than anyone else she had worked for. Meg couldn’t figure out why she really needed a companion. Kelli was a senior, she thought, and should have plenty of friends for companionship; although her small size fooled many into thinking she was younger. But hell, Meg thought, Kelli was a serious hottie. Good thing her parents didn’t know of Meg’s sexual preferences, she thought. And tonight Kelli looked pretty good, dressed in a pair of very tight fitting black leggings and a tight matching sports bra. Kelli was pretty thin, and not very tall, but had some of the best young legs Meg had ever seen. Not much in the boob department, but her perky little boobs with her sprouting little nips poked sexily through the tight fabric of her sports bra. “Yea” Meg thought to herself, “She’s hot, and if I were still in high school too, I’d be chasing her.” “Let’s go, let’s go,” Kelli said, heading to the door. “Why the rush?” Meg asked.
“I wanna get to the mall before they close you know!” Kelli replied, heading out the door to Megs car. “You gonna bring your purse?” Meg yelled out at the rushing Kelli. “No, I’m just looking,” Kelli joked. Meg locked up the house and headed towards the car and they started the drive to the mall. Along the 20–minute drive, Meg looks over at Kelli in the passenger seat, noticing she’s somewhat preoccupied and a little quiet. “What’s up, you’re like quiet all of a sudden?” Meg asked. “Huh? Oh, nothing,” Kelli responded. Kelli’s knees were pressed together as she noticed her bladder starting to fill. Kelli hadn’t been to the bathroom in a few hours, and while she wasn’t in any urgent situation, she did notice that she had to pee, if maybe not badly just yet. They got to the mall and Kelli’s mood changed considerably as she jumped out of the car, ready to head into the mall. Meg walked behind her, staring at the eighteen year old’s incredibly perfect rear end encased in the tight lycra–cotton fabric of her legging tights. They headed towards the mall entrance. “Hey, I’m gonna go use the bathroom, I gotta go pee,” Kelli mentioned as she headed down the hallway near the entrance to the restrooms. “Ok, I’ll wait here”, Meg thought. She didn’t have to wait long. “Wow, that was quick,” she said to Kelli, who had a distraught look on her face. “They’re closed for cleaning, oh well. Let’s check out some CDs,” said Kelli, heading down towards the other wing. Meg followed, but as they passed the food court, she stopped to get a drink and a pretzel. “You want anything?” Meg yelled to the impatient girl. “Yea, sure, like get me a coke or something,” Kelli replied. Meg looked over at the girl, and thought evil thoughts. “So,” Meg thought silently, “she has to go to the bathroom huh?” Meg bought two large cokes. 32 ounces of cold caffeine, and gave one to Kelli, who gulped it down as she rushed over to the record store to check out the new Backstreet Boys CD. If she had only realized the torture those 32 ounces of drink would shortly have on her bladder, she wouldn’t have drank it so fast. If she only realized that her companion was a lesbian with more than one kinky pleasure as a hobby. If only she knew what was to come. They got to the record store and browsed the CDs. Kelli didn’t bring any money, so she only window shopped, and eventually they leave the store. “Dummy, you should have brought your purse,” Meg ragged on Kelli. “Shut up. I’ll have Mom drive me here tomorrow and I’ll buy what I want,” Kelli bitched in return. Meg was getting tired of Kelli’s attitude. All afternoon and all evening she had been whiny and demanding. Like she knew she could get anything she wanted just because she had a little size 3 body with hot legs and long gorgeous dark hair. Meg was no pig herself, but she was tired of the bratty snotty teens she so often had to chaperone. The two girls headed over to the department store in the other wing. Kelli glanced around, hoping to see a bathroom as her need to urinate had increased to the point of discomfort. The coke she had just drunk was starting to make its journey to her bladder and add itself to the afternoon and evening’s contents. The thin girl was wearing an agonized look on her face as she felt the familiar pressure of a swollen bladder slowly increase. The tight fitting leggings of her workout outfit didn’t help any either as they pressed against her poor swollen tummy. “Wow, take a look at that bracelet,” Kelli exclaimed as she headed straight towards the jewelry counter. The silver gunmetal bracelet with a gemstone had caught Meg’s eye too. “Yea, that’s nice. Bet it’s expensive though,” Meg replied. “Would you like to see it?” the clerk behind the counter asked. “Sure,” Kelli replied, trying the bracelet on. The small size fit well on the tiny girl’s arm, but when she looked at the price tag, she knew she couldn’t afford it, not for a while, anyway. “Can I see those emerald earrings?” Meg asked the clerk, and the clerk went over to the other display case and got a pair out for Meg to try. Meg tried them on; subconsciously noticing that Kelli was starting to squirm next to her. “Uh, can we go now?” Kelli mumbled nervously with her hands placed between her thighs, her bladder now voicing its displeasure at being so full and for so long. “Just a minute, these are really nice,” Meg replied. Meg tried another set of earrings on while Kelli paced back and forth, the onslaught of desperation for a bathroom now fully noticed by the young woman. “Well, okay, thanks. I was just looking,” Meg said to the clerk, putting the earrings back on the counter. “Let’s go now, okay?” Kelli replied, obviously having fully realized her need for a pee. The girls walked out of the store, with Kelli glancing everywhere for a restroom sign. “You okay?” Meg asked, having noticed Kelli’s squirming and the intense look on her face. “Yea, I just realllly need to find a bathroom like now,” Kelli replied. “Oh come on, you can make it until we get home,” Meg teased, interested in the young bratty woman’s apparent agony. “Whatever, let’s just hurry, I really gotta go,” Kelli replied, walking quickly towards the entrance where they came in. The girls headed towards the parking lot when Meg looked over at Kelli and noticed the silver bracelet on the teenagers arm. “What? Where did you get that?” Meg asked incredulously, having realized that the teenager must have shoplifted it. “What are you talking about?” Kelli asked nervously, aware that she had been caught. “That bracelet. The one you were looking at in the store. Did you take it?” Meg asked; staring down at the teenager, now nervous both from the combination of a throbbing full bladder and having been caught shoplifting. “Yea, I mean, it’s not like I can afford it,” Kelli arrogantly replied, trying to defend herself. “We’re taking it back. NOW,” Meg yelled, continuing her tirade. “I’m NOT going to have you shoplifting while I’m out with you!” “Come on, it’s not like everybody else isn’t doing it!” Meg yelled back. “We’re going back, NOW. Come on!” Meg dragged the girl by her arm as they headed back to the mall. “Okay, but can I like stop and use the bathroom first?” Kelli pleads. “No.”
“But I really gotta go, please?” Kelli begs, her voice shaking as she finished her sentence, her body screaming for bladder relief. “NO. Right now you’re lucky I don’t turn you into mall security.” Kelli followed, silent and sullen as they headed back to the store. Her bladder was throbbing incessantly, the full sensation bothering her continuously as she walked, her swollen tummy bulging against the low cut of her black leggings hugging tight against her cute little body. She had to pee, and very badly. “Please, can I just go to the bathroom, I really gotta go pee,” Kelli begged, stopping midway along the way back to the store, her hands pressed agonizingly between her thin legs. “No. The mall closes soon. Come with me, or we can call security,” Meg replied sternly. “PLeASE?” Kelli screamed in agony. “NO!” Meg answered. Kelli started to follow again, the pain in her midsection unbelievable now as her bladder had reached its limit. The poor young woman felt she was about to start wetting herself at any moment, and here she had to go and embarrassedly hand back something she had tried to shoplift. The girls returned to the store and Meg quickly approached the clerk, dragging the suddenly quiet and sullen Kelli behind her with her arm in Meg’s hand. “Excuse me, Maam. I’m afraid this girl tried to walk off with your bracelet. I’d like to return it.” The clerk looked at Meg, and then the nervous Kelli and thanked Meg. “I’d like to keep this quiet, but if there is any way you could just write a note to her parents about this incident, I’d appreciate that,” Meg asked the clerk, Kelli’s eyes turned with rage at Meg’s speech to the clerk. She knew if her parents found out about this that she would get a beating and be grounded for a month at least. “Well, I guess, Okay,” the clerk replied, as she pulled out a piece of stationary and wrote a note explaining the attempted shoplifting to Kelli’s parents. Meg took the note, apologized to the clerk and the girls left just as the gates were being pulled down as the mall closed for the evening. “What, What are you gonna do with that note?” Kelli nervously asked Meg. “It depends. Maybe I’ll give it to your parents. Maybe I won’t.” “Please, don’t give that to them. I’ve got a date with Jason this weekend and if my parents find out about this I’m gonna get grounded and my Dad will probably hit me and I’ll like be in so much trouble and I really didn’t mean to…” “Shut up,” Meg replied to Kelli’s babbling. “Please, don’t tell my Dad, please?” Kelli begged. Meg thought for a minute. A devious plan formed in her mind as she realized she was attracted to Kelli’s desperation. It was be time for Kelli to pay the price. “Ok. I’ll make a deal with you. You have to do anything I say for the rest of the night until your parents come home. Anything, and if you obey me, I won’t tell your parents, and I’ll give you this note and you can do whatever you want.” “Really? Okay, sure,” Kelli quickly agreed. “Okay, it’s a deal,” replied Meg as the girls walked through the empty mall corridors. “I really uh, have to go to the bathroom, can I go pee before we drive home?” Kelli begged, stopping again as her mind returned to the problem of her bladder’s fullness. “No. We’ll see when we get home,” Meg answered. “But please, I really gotta go. It’s an emergency, honest. I gotta really pee. Pleasssseee?” Kelli begged. “No. Hold it,” Meg ordered. Kelli squirmed in agony as she started walking, concentrating on holding in her ocean of pee so it didn’t escape her crotch and flood her clothing. They walked to the car and Kelli silently got in. On the way home Kelli sat sullenly in her seat, her thighs pressed together, her hands buried into her crotch, her body bent over and tensed in extreme desperation as her bladder relentlessly screamed for a chance to release. The drive home was 15 minutes of pure torture for Kelli. She had never in her life had needed to use the bathroom this badly. The constant stinging, the burning sensation around her swollen crotch as she maintained tight control of her pelvic muscles in desperate effort to contain the spasms from her bladder were wearing her out. She was praying for the discomfort to go away. Anything she could do to stop her trembling body from peeing uncontrollably in her leggings she was doing. Her only thoughts were to hold her muscles taut as her body wanted to pee SO badly. She almost thought about trying to let a little out into her leggings just to relieve the incredible pressure, but she knew that if she made a wet spot in Meg’s car that she’d be doomed. She held on, the drive finally ending as they pulled up to their house. Just a few more steps, Kelli thought, and then she could pull down her leggings and pee. She had to go so bad the thought of just letting go in her clothing right there on the front lawn crossed her mind. “Come on,” Meg replied, heading towards the door. Kelli stumbled out of the car, half holding her crotch while trying to walk. “Wow, you must really have to go to the bathroom pretty badly!” Meg replied ironically, being fully aware of Kelli’s ordeal the whole drive home. “Yea, I’m about to pee in my pants, hurry up, open the door!” Kelli begged. “Oh really?” Meg asked, turning around, holding the door key in her hand. “Well maybe I’ll just wait a minute before going inside then, Okay?” “NO. Please. Please, I really gotta go pee,” Kelli begged, both hands shooting between her legs, her knees locked together again. Meg paused, and then opened the door. Just as soon as Kelli crossed into the room, Meg grabbed her arm. “Stop,” Meg commanded. “What? I gotta go pee. Please. I gotta go pee,” Kelli begged again. “Remember our deal, right?” Meg asked. “What? I’m about to pee my pants, let me go!!” Kelli begged, tugging away from Meg but unable to completely free herself from her grip. “No such luck. You do what I say, or your parents will find out everything that happened tonight”, Meg replied. “Okay, whatever, but why can’t I just go pee first, before I’m about to have an accident all over myself, okay? Then I’ll do whatever you want, okay?” Kelli continued with her pleading. “Nope. You either do what I tell you right now, or we’ll see how your Dad feels about having a shoplifting daughter.” “NOO. Please, Okay, Okay, don’t tell my Dad. I’ll get grounded and everything and he’ll probably beat me if he finds out,” Kelli sullenly replied, realizing now that she had no choice. It was either hold in her pee and play Meg’s sick little games or have her parents find out and get grounded, thus missing her date the next weekend and probably getting the crap beat out of her by her Dad. Kelli, even in her immense discomfort, opted to play along, hoping she could convince Meg to give her a much needed bathroom break before she started leaking and wet her clothes. Meg was enjoying Kelli’s dilemma, and walked the girl downstairs to the family gym. “Stand here,” Meg commanded, as she reached into the backpack she was half carrying over one shoulder. “Huh”, Kelli looked, her mind not able to focus, her legs twisted together in pain as her bladder shot another wave of painful contractions through her body. She had to go pee BADLY. Meg had noticed the poor girls growing desperation ever since entering the mall, and of course, the purchase of the extra large coke she gave to Kelli was part of the plan. An hour later, it was plainly obvious that the coke had added to whatever fullness Kelli had before then, and the poor girl was extremely uncomfortable, as her bladder had been sending distress signals for over 30 minutes now. Meg wondered how long until Kelli would lose control. Kelli was such a bitch, but Meg had to agree that she was gorgeous. Even with her face grimacing from pain, her legs twisted together and half bent over, Kelli was hot, Meg thought. Her leggings were so low cut, her sports bra neatly hugged her small perky breasts, and Meg couldn’t help but be excited. She was going to take advantage of the situation and make Kelli feel some pain. So, given Meg’s desire to see Kelli pee herself, she went a few steps further with her evil plan. Meg took out a pair of handcuffs from her backpack and quickly latched one of Kelli’s wrists to the cross bar on the top of the gym, and then, before Kelli could even realize what was happening, Meg forcefully took Kelli’s right hand, which had been stuck in between the poor girls desperate legs, and yanked it, latched the handcuff on it and attached it to the crossbar. “What the fuck are you doing?” Kelli yelled, suddenly realizing Meg had trapped her onto the gym. “Making you pay,” Meg responded, noticing now how much more difficult it was for Kelli to maintain control of her bladder without her hands to shove into her crotch. “Whyy?” Kelli screamed, totally in agony from her desperation and being tied to the gym cross bar. “Because you tried to break the law. And this is how you’re going to pay,” Meg replied. “Why why why, I gotta pee, please just let go to the bathroom, I’m about to wet myself,” Kelli replied, her voice sobbing in a high pitch as she realized her predicament. “One hour. Hold it one hour, and then you can go. If you wet your pants before then, I’m telling your parents. I’ll be back in a second,” Meg responded, leaving the poor struggling teenager locked to the gym. Kelli swore under her breath at Meg, but Meg heard it, and decided to make it even more interesting. Meg headed back upstairs to the kitchen and fished around. She took two bottles of ice tea from the four pack in the back of the refrigerator and brought them downstairs with her to the gym. Kelli stood there, squirming, her thighs pressed together, her feet fidgeting around as she danced from toe to toe in a desperate pee dance, trying in vain to hold it in. The handcuffs clanked against the metal bar as she moved her hands back and forth. Not being able to assist in the pain relief with her hands was killing Kelli. She knew there was no way she could hold on for an hour, much less probably half an hour. She hadn’t had to pee this badly since she had an accident in the school bus when she was in junior high and peed all over her plaid catholic school skirt in front of her classmates. “Here, drink this. Now,” Meg commanded, handing Kelli the first bottle of iced tea. “What?” Kelli replied. She wasn’t drinking anything more, not with her bladder throbbing continually and screaming for relief. “Drink it, or the deals off and I tell your parents. Chug it. Now,” Meg told her again, sternly. “OK, but afterwards can I please, please go to the bathroom–I really gotta pee. Puhplease?” Kelli begged, tears forming in her eyes as she took the first bottle of iced tea and drank it. Within minutes of downing the cold liquid, Kelli felt the effects as her tummy strained even more. The seams of her leggings were painfully taut as her bladders fullness was swelling her belly. She had to pee so incredibly, she didn’t know what to do or how to stop the intense burning sensation spreading throughout her body. Her pee wanted out so badly it felt like any second her poor little crotch would give way and just let it rush out. She tried everything to keep the massive oceans of urine inside of her, but drinking the extra beverage didn’t help. “Ok, now down with the other one. Chug it too,” Meg commanded, taking the empty bottle and handing Kelli the next one. “Please. I’m bloated. I can’t. I gotta pee. Pplease I have to use the bathroom,” Kelli whined, her pacing back and forth increasing as her bladder contractions grew in intensity. She felt the edges of her vision gray out as she tensed so as not to pee into her clothing. She would do anything to avoid the humiliation of peeing on herself. She clearly remembered the bus ride incident, sitting in a puddle of her own pee in her skirt, pee dripping down the side of the bus seat and her friends laughing, and couldn’t bare the thought of wetting herself again. Meg, on the other hand, welcomed the idea of wetting. Just a few months ago she had read about it on a fetish board at an Internet newsgroup, and while she had not tried it herself, was intrigued by the idea of making somebody uncontrollably pee on themselves and was curious what it felt like herself. Kelli was obviously her best chance at witnessing an accident, and honestly, Meg thought, with this stuck up little rich bitch, it would serve her right. She remembered girls like her in high school –ultra thin, long hair, great legs, small firm tits and an attitude problem. More muscularly gymnastic built girls like Meg never got the attention that the little skinnies did. Now it was time for payback. “Drink it, or you know what?” Meg teased the totally desperate girl. Kelli chugged it in defiance, immediately feeling her bladder swell even more as her stomach grew from the added liquid. The pain in her abdomen was unbearable now; she knew she couldn’t hold on much longer. “Ok. I drank it, please can I go pee now, please?” Kelli cried, her face sweaty and her hair matted from the exertion she was putting into keeping her body from doing what it so badly wanted to do. This was better than she had expected, Meg thought. She pulled up a stool from the bar and sat down, staring at the girl. She looked at her watch. “Only 50 minutes to go, and then I’ll let you pee,” Meg replied, figuring full well there was no way the girl could hold on that long in this state. Meg had almost wet her pants in grad school, at the library once, and barely made it to the student union to pee, narrowly preventing her from soaking her jeans in public, and she knew that Kelli had to be near the point where her body would take over. Meg stared longingly at the fine fabric of the black leggings tightly hugging the poor woman’s great legs. Kelli’s nipples were fully erect and stuck out from the tight sports bra. Her belly was obviously full and bulged out a little over the tight leggings, something that had not appeared that way earlier in the evening before all the liquid the girl had drank, Meg observed. Kelli squirmed, her pacing almost continuous and her throbbing contractions and the massive wave of pressure came in quicker intervals. Each wave of pressure overtook the poor girl and she closed her eyes as she summoned all of her strength and willpower to keep from peeing into her leggings. She wanted to pee SO bad she almost thought about just trying to let some escape, but knew once she started that she probably wouldn’t be able to stop. “This bitch Meg,” she thought. “I wonder how she’d like it if I had her tied up and she had to pee,” Kelli thought silently in anger. The pressure increased. Her pussy was throbbing and pulsating as her bladder was now violently screaming for relief. She could feel the pee come to the very edge of her lips and was so close to just letting go, and only because of Kelli’s stubbornness and extreme concentration did she prevent herself from peeing into her leggings. Meg was getting excited at the scene. Meg also realized her own growing need to urinate, but held it back. She was far from the desperation of Kelli, but openly wondered what it felt like; to have to go so bad you were on the verge of peeing without stopping. Meg’s nipples grew firm at the thought. “So, how bad do you have to go anyway?” Meg asked, waiting for the obvious answer. “I’m about to pee, I can’t hold it anymore, please just let me go and I’ll do anything you want. Anything,” Kelli begged in reply. “Well, bad news. I think you don’t have to go badly enough, so I think you can wait a while longer,” Meg replied, pulling up a stool from the bar in the corner of the gym and sitting there, watching Kelli squirm. “Come on. Please. I can’t hold it. Please please plllleasse,” Kelli begged, the massive pain in her crotch growing out of control with each passing tick of the clock. “Hold on, I’ll be back,” Meg replied, suddenly remembering something. Meg bounded up the stairs as fast as she could, her own short miniskirt impeding her progress. Kelli got a quick look of Megs white panties up the back of her skirt and secretly wished she could make Meg undergo the torture she was going through. Kelli crossed her legs, unable to stand still because of her bladder’s urgent condition. Meg went over to her backpack, and sure enough, she had forgotten to take her Sony Digital Video camera out before she came over. She had an idea, and couldn’t believe what she was going to do. She checked the battery and tape, and sure enough, about an hour left. “That should do it,” she thought, and headed back downstairs to the squirming teenager. Kelli looked at her with large eyes, wondering what was next. “What are you doing?” Kelli mumbled; her concentration fully occupied with keeping her urine contained inside her tortured body. “I’m going to interview you,” Meg replied. Meg turned on the recorder, pointed it at the squirming teen, and zoomed in on Kelli’s sweaty face. Kelli’s long dark hair was matted with perspiration, her eyes filled with agony. Meg realized how bad Kelli had to go and hoped for the best. This bitch was going to provide some future entertainment, for sure, Meg thought. Meg zoomed back and the image of Kelli, bouncing back and forth on her feet, her arms handcuffed to the gyms crossbar, her legs pressed together as best as she could while she struggled to maintain her dignity long after most girls would have involuntarily wet themselves minutes ago. The questions began. “What’s your name?” Meg asked. “Kelli,” Kelli replied, unable to form sentences as the pain in her crotch was so severe. “Why are you handcuffed?” “Because you’re a fucking bitch!” Kelli yelled, fighting off a spasm of pressure that almost caused her to totally lose control in her leggings. “Well now, that’s not nice”, Meg replied. Meg put the camera down on the stool, centered it so Kelli’s body was in the viewfinder, and walked over to the struggling girl. “I’m a bitch, huh?” “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I just have to go pee so baddd, please, please let me go,” Kelli cried, tears forming again in her eyes. “How bad?” Meg asked, getting closer to the girl. “Reaally bad. I can’t hold it. Please let me go to the bathroom,” Kelli cried. The contractions in Kelli’s body overcame her. The pain no longer came in waves, everything now hurt. Her pee was on the very edge of slipping, and she knew it wouldn’t be longer before the hot wetness would be running down he legs. “Why am I making you wait so long, Kelli?” Meg asked. “Because I took something in the store and you are punishing me –please let me go to the bathroom please I’m about to start going I can’t hold it any longer please,” Kelli mumbled, tears now streaming down her cheeks. “Wow, You must REALLY need to use the bathroom. Here, tell me how this feels,” Meg said, putting her hand alongside the top edge of Kelli’s leggings at the waist, and running her fingers across Kelli’s tanned abs, tracing the fabric of the waistband of the leggings. Kelli winced in pain when Meg suddenly increased the pressure by pushing her hand in HARD right when Meg’s fingers reached the spot under Kelli’s bellybutton. A loud gasp came from Kelli. The pain in her body was too much. A violent contraction overcame her, and for a brief moment Kelli could not maintain control. A quick burst of pee escaped her burning urethra and quickly dampened a two inch wet spot on her crotch. Tears burst out of her eyes as she struggled to keep from peeing. “I’m losing it. Please, I’m starting to wet my pants. Please let me go now. Please pleaseeeeee,” her voice trailed off. Meg realized that Kelli was about to lose it. While she longed to stick her fingers inside Kelli’s tight leggings and feel her body, she realized it would not be in her best interest. Meg did manage to gently stroke Kelli’s outer thigh as she headed back to the camera. She zoomed in on her face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her eyes bloodshot, her lip trembling. Kelli was about to lose control. Meg zoomed down, and when she saw the small dark area of dampness against the black leggings, she zoomed in, then pulled back to a full view of the struggling girl. “So, Kelli, do you think you can last 30 more minutes?” Meg asked sarcastically. “NOO. Please, not another 30 minutes, I can’t hold it anymore! I can’t hold it, please I gotta pee I can’t I gotta pee,” Kelli cried out loudly, her words jumbling. Her legs pressed together, her hands shaking as they were handcuffed to the cross bar, Kelli felt the largest wave of pressure in her life course through her body. Her crotch muscles were weakening, and another spurt of pee escaped. The wetness dampened the inside of Kelli’s right thigh. Then another spurt escaped, this one longer before Kelli contracted her muscles and somehow stopped the flow for a second or two. The wetness spread through her underwear and her leggings. She was about to totally wet her pants, and she knew it. Meg zoomed in on her thighs and upper legs. The wetness was obvious even with the black leggings. Suddenly Kelli gasped loudly as a stinging wave overtook her and the poor girl’s tortured bladder finally had it’s way, over two hours since the huge coke at the mall, and over 4 hours since she had used a bathroom. Her clenched crotch muscles could not hold back, and she started peeing uncontrollably. Hot jets of pee thrashed out of her lips, soaking her entire inner thigh. She could almost stop them, but each time she did, the pain returned and she peed another jet of urine into her clothing. Then her body couldn’t control the flow, and Kelli screamed. “No. NOOO. Oh GODD. Nooooooooooo,” and her attempt to control the pee stream finished. Her body relentlessly peed. Hot urine jetted out of her crotch, so strong that Meg could see small streams as it burst through Kelli’s underwear and the fabric of her leggings. One thigh was completely soaked with hot pee, then the other. Pee streamed down between the girls legs. Kelli stood there, tears running down her face, her eyes still red, motionless as she continued to void her bladder into her tight clothing. The pee streams gushed down her legs to the floor. The reflections of the room lights were visible in the shiny stream of urine leaving the girl’s body. Meg caught the whole thing on videotape, herself becoming desperate for a pee and so badly wanting to try wetting herself to see what it felt like. But she held on, even with her own bladder on fire from the excitement of this quite attractive but ultimately bitchy high school senior peeing in front of her. Finally it ended. The last droplets of pee ran down Kelli’s soaked leggings onto the huge puddle on the gym floor. Kelli was sobbing, completely embarrassed and humiliated at her huge accident in front of Meg and the camera. Gone was the arrogant stuck up attitude present earlier. She was broken, and she knew it. Meg unlocked her. “Go clean up,” Meg told her, patting her on her back. “And maybe you’ve learned a lesson. Don’t steal,” Meg yelled as Kelli sheepishly walked into the bathroom, pee droplets following her, dampening the carpet between the gym and the bathroom. Kelli ended up taking a shower and changing, and then came out, looking very sullen and subservient. “Feel better now?” Meg asked. “I guess. You’re not going to tell my parents about this, are you?” Kelli asked. “Well, you didn’t manage to hold your pee the whole time, you know!” Meg replied with an evil grin. “WHAT? Oh God, please don’t tell my parents I had an accident.” Kelli replied in fright. Kelli looked really good in the short off–white miniskirt she wore, along with a matching blouse. Meg noticed that Kelli had not put on a bra, and her little nipples stood firm against the soft fabric of the top. Kelli turned around to head upstairs and Meg followed. The light print pattern and the thin fabric of her skirt allowed for an incredible view from the rear, Meg thought. Just a few feet in front of her, walking up the stairs, was Kelli’s fine ass, encased very obviously in a pair of white bikini panties. Kelli really did have an almost perfect body, and this skirt showed it about as well as the wet leggings had earlier, Meg thought. Meg picked up the video camera and without Kelli knowing it, secretly videotaped her ass as she walked up the last stairs. The transparency of her skirt was something else, Meg thought. She couldn’t believe that Kelli wasn’t wearing a slip. They went to the living room, and Meg put the video camera away. “Okay, Kelli, I’ll tell you what. I won’t tell your parents. But if you ever do this again, I still have that letter, remember?” Meg told the now–shy girl. “Really? I promise. I swear I’ll never tell anyone!” Kelli replied, with a look of hope returning to her eyes. “I’m going to go down and clean up. I’ll be back”, Meg answered, heading back downstairs. She went back downstairs, removed the handcuffs from the cross bar, and then sat on the stool. She needed to pee something fierce, but decided to hold it in as long as possible, so see what Kelli had felt like before having her accident. She also decided to make things interesting and not clean up Kelli’s accident. That should teach the little bitch, she thought. Then she heard a car arrive in the driveway. Kelli’s parents were coming home, early! The girls ran to the door to greet them. “Hi,” Meg answered the door. “Hello. How were things?” Kelli’s mom asked. Meg didn’t even have a chance to answer before Kelli ran to her Mom, hugged her and started off with her tale. “Mom, Mom, you wouldn’t believe what she made me do! Mom, she tortured me and made me pee in front of her and videotaped it and everything!” Mom looked quizzically at her husband, then at Kelli, then at Meg. “What?” “I’m sorry ma’am. I’m afraid your daughter got caught shoplifting tonight and is trying to make up a story to get out of it.” Meg replied angrily, glaring at Kelli. “No Mom, it’s not true”, Kelli whined, pointing a finger at Meg. “She’s making it up!” “Well, here’s a letter signed by the store clerk where I caught your daughter trying to steal some jewelry. You decide!” Meg replied as she handed the letter to Kelli’s mom. “What is all of this?” Kelli’s dad demanded. “Hold on, I’m reading”, Mom replied. Kelli turned white, suddenly realizing that she was busted. “Kelli. Can you explain this? We told you about what would happen if you ever were caught shoplifting again,” her mom exclaimed loudly, now realizing her daughter had been in trouble. “And I’m sorry, this isn’t the first time this has happened, Meg. We should have told you,” Mom mentioned to Meg. “uh uh, I didn’t do it, I swear,” Kelli mumbled, trying to defend herself while wearing a guilty look on her face. Dad cut in. “Kelli. I want an honest answer. Did you or did you not try to steal the piece of jewelry described in this letter?” Kelli deathly feared her Dad, and knew lying wouldn’t cut it with him. “Yes Sir, it is true. I didn’t mean to though…” Kelli replied, with tears returning to her face. “Okay. Kelli, sit over there in the chair,” Dad mentioned, pointing to the kitchen chair. Kelli sat down, and suddenly in horror she realized something else that would make her evening worse. Just a scant 30 minutes since her pee accident, she suddenly had to go to the bathroom incredibly badly, and without any warning. Her weakened bladder muscles and the vast amount of liquid she had consumed was creating a massive second pee, and when she sat down she felt the enormity of her full bladder again, and she was scared. Dad looked pissed, and she really needed to go to the bathroom again. “Meg, what about this accident thing?” Dad asked. Meg had to think fast. “Unfortunately your daughter did wet herself downstairs while she was on the gym. She said she did it so I would get in trouble. I’m sorry sir, but obviously she’s trying to get you to not to believe me about the shoplifting thing,” Meg replied in her most businesslike and honest voice. Kelli’s Dad always liked Meg. Meg wasn’t the beauty his daughter was, but Meg was proper, polite, and with short almost shoulder–length hair and a decent if not exceptional set of boobs, she was definitely cute. Dad also noticed Meg’s short denim miniskirt, and her slightly muscular legs. He always liked hiring attractive employees, and was certainly inclined to believe Meg over his stuck up daughter he wished he never had raised. “Sit down a sec, Meg,” Dad replied, watching as Meg sat down on the other chair, her skirt parting a bit as Meg’s desire to hold in her pee caused her to leave her legs uncrossed but with her thighs together. Kelli’s dad caught a glimpse of Meg’s blue nylon underwear between the college girl’s strong thighs and instantly got a hard on. Meg sat across from Kelli, who now was fidgeting in her chair, desperate to pee again. Meg could clearly see her panties between her legs, and Kelli was once again squirming, obviously in need of a bathroom again. Meg could barely hold her own pee in, and the excitement was building. “Honey, go downstairs to the gym and see what happened,” Dad commanded. “Kelli. You know we’re going to have to punish you.” Dad continued. “You’re grounded for the rest of the month.” “What? But I’ve got a date this weekend!” Kelli protested. “Close your mouth until I tell you to talk. No date. It’s been cancelled.” Dad replied, getting angry at his daughters insolence. Just then Mom called upstairs. “Honey, I’m afraid Meg’s right. There’s a huge puddle of pee down here and she got some on the new carpet as well. Kelli, you better have a good excuse for this!” Mom yelled, her voice getting louder. Dad went ballistic. “WHAT, you mean you peed on our new carpet,” yelling at Kelli. Kelli cringed; fear of her father combined with her sudden massive need to urinate again was creating hell for the poor girl for the second time this evening. She had to pee SO badly, she didn’t know what to do. “I uh, I uh, I’m sorry,” Kelli mumbled. “IM SORRY??” Dad continued his rampage. “Is that ALL you have to say??” his voice rising in intensity. Kelli started shaking, tears coming out of her eyes. The recurring pain in her bladder was too much, and without warning she could not control her bladder’s contractions this time, her pelvic muscles weakened from the earlier ordeal. Meg watched as pee suddenly poured out of the girl’s underwear and made a puddle in the thin fabric of the skirt. Within seconds Kelli was wetting herself for the second time tonight. Pee streamed out of her clenched lips again, jetting through the thin fabric of her short skirt and soaking the plastic material of the chairs. Within 15 seconds, she was sitting in a puddle of her own warm pee and it then started to drip off of the edges. Kelli had slightly spread her legs and Meg had been staring up her skirt the whole time, witnessing the entire episode from the first damp spot to the quick jets that gave way to the torrential stream leaving the poor girl’s body. For the second time tonight, Meg was excited. Her own need to pee was insane now, and she knew if she didn’t relieve herself soon she wouldn’t be far behind Kelli. Mom and Dad both turned suddenly to Kelli, and immediately noticed their daughter peeing in her skirt and making a mess of the kitchen floor. Kelli’s legs were soaked and her Dad screamed. “KELLI, that’s it. I DON’T KNOW WHAT KIND OF GODDAMNED GAME YOU ARE PLAYING HERE, BUT I’VE HAD ENOUGH. GET UP OVER HERE. NOW!” His voice thundered through the small kitchen. Dad sat down on a stool and Kelli sheepishly got up. As she rose, pee dribbled off the soaked fabric of her skirt and dropped to the floor. Pee droplets ran down her bare legs. An even more revealing sign of her distress was the condition of her skirt. When Kelli turned around to face her father, the back of her skirt, soaked with her pee, was completely see–through. Meg stared in disbelief of the incredible ass of this girl, soaking wet with pee, her white panties, soaked, clinging to her body with the skirt fabric clinging to her backside and back of her thighs. Meg almost peed her own skirt in excitement, but somehow managed to hold on. Dad grabbed his daughter, took a large wooden ruler hanging near the refrigerator in the kitchen, and bent her over his knee. It was obvious what was going to happen next. Kelli struggled, but her Dad was powerful and held her down, her butt pointing up in the air. He pulled her skirt up so her bare legs and soaking panties were in clear view to all. Kelli knew what was next, and started crying. The first blow from the ruler was surprisingly hard and fast. Kelli screamed when the wooden ruler contacted the left cheek of her pee soaked panty covered ass. Dad repeatedly and violently started beating his daughter, each stroke furious. Each time the wood contacted, Kelli screamed as loud as she could, her body recoiling from the immense pain. The splat as the wood hit the wetness of the girls clothing was an interesting sound, Meg thought, intrigued by the incredible punishment Kelli was enduring at the hands of her father. After 25 whacks with the wooden ruler, Dad stopped and pushed Kelli off his knees. She fell to the floor. Meg’s last glimpse of the girl was one up her skirt. Kelli’s skirt was pushed aside, her full panties visible, her crotch almost visible through the wetness of her underwear fabric. Kelli sat there, tears streaming down her cheeks, her back of her thighs red with welts from where the ruler had missed its mark on her ass. She grabbed her ass in pain while flashing the family and Meg with her soaking wet legs and underwear. Uncontrollably, she had to pee again and started peeing, the urine streaming for a few more seconds from her soaked underwear and making a puddle on the kitchen floor. “Well, that you probably didn’t need to see. I’m sorry for your trouble, Meg,” Dad replied, “Here’s your earnings for the night, and a little tip,” he weakly smiled as he gave Meg an extra 20 dollars. Dad glanced one more time down between Meg’s legs as she got up. Her blue panties looked so fine. He would have liked to feel between her legs, but he wouldn’t dare with his wife looking on. Meg stood up, and the sudden change in posture caused the first of a huge wave of contractions from her own bladder. She could barely control herself, and a small stream escaped her clenched lips as it caught her by surprise. She sheepishly grabbed the cash and said goodbye, exiting to the door right as the small stream of her pee trickled down her legs. What she didn’t know was that Dad had caught a last glimpse and noticed the small trickle of pee down her leg, and he instantly got a hard on. He glimpsed over at his teenage daughter, a not so prized high school senior, crying, exposed with pee, and he for a minute even thought lustful thoughts towards her. But he remembered the little trickle of Meg’s pee as she left. He would have to ask her about that, he thought, as he headed to the bathroom to masturbate. Meg made it outside, about to burst again, barely holding on. She got into her car, and the overwhelming excitement of the evening combined with her on–the–verge of an accident bladder gave her no choice. She sat back, opened her legs, and let go her bladder right there. Within seconds her own miniskirt was completely soaked, a puddle of pee around her butt, and pee streams gushing through her thin blue nylon underwear. It was the first time Meg had wet herself on purpose in sorts after reading about it, and the thrill of the release and the warm wetness turned her on. She reached between her legs, felt her moist crotch through the puddle of pee in her skirt, and masturbated. Then she drove home, only to play the video she had made of the poor struggling bitch high school senior she had tutored that night. She masturbated again and realized now she needed to explore her fetish of peeing on herself more. Her mind wandered, thinking of things to do. But almost nothing, she thought, would top this night of making some young stuck up girl wet herself in front of her. Meg had reached the pinnacle of her fantasies before even embarking on her journey of self–peeing. A wonderful and wet road lay ahead.