A Desperate Night Before Christmas

By: Lynn

‘T was the night before Christmas, when all through the house No creatures were stirring, except me and my spouse;
Our bladders we’d been filling by the chimney without care, In hopes that even St. Nicholas our pants could not spare;
Then we’d nestled down all snug in our bed, While visions of sexy accidents danced in our heads;
And mamma in her panties and I in my cap, Had just settled in, but for much more than a winter’s nap;
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, Our hands sprang to our pants stop the leaking from our bladders;
Away to the window we flew like a flash, And stood crossing our legs while we threw up the sash;
The moon on my wife’s breasts, which were as white as snow, Gave the texture of steel to my object below;
When what to my wondering eyes should appear? But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer;
With a cute little driver so lively and quick, I knew who it was but couldn’t stop squeezing my prick;
More rapid than eagles her coursers they came, They’d have to hurry before our bladders ended our game.
And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On Donder and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! To the top of the Wall! Now dash away! And hurry before golden drops begin to fall!
I dared St. Nick, with no bathroom breaks this route I’d fly, But if I can’t pee soon, I think I’m going to die;
I ate all the cookies and drank all the milk, in the morning they must be found missing, But it was a trick by that horny old St. Nick, to come home my panties almost pissing;
But I’m a girl who likes her fun too; I can be just as sly, I left him with plenty to drink and a little pad lock on his fly!
So up to the housetop the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of toys and a desperate Mrs. Nicholas too;
I just ignored what I heard on the roof, Because I couldn’t keep my hands off my bursting wife Ruth;
We managed to stop jiggling and fondling and then we turned around, Down the chimney Mrs. Nicholas came with a bound;
She was dressed scantily in fur from her head to her foot, But she looked like her panties were about to be stained with more than just soot;
A bundle of toys she had flung on her back, But she had to pee so bad she almost couldn’t open her pack.
Her eyes – how they twinkled! Her cleavage, how large and merry! Her cheeks were like roses but her cold nipples poked out like huge cherries!
All our mouths were drawn up like cute little bows, As we each danced and struggled to hold back our flows;
As she crossed her legs tightly and gritted her teeth, My wife and I kissed and wondered, is she still dry underneath?
Her face was bright when she saw my wife’s swollen belly, And she knew we were planning much more fun than watching the telly;
She was chubby and plump, and so sexy holding herself, My wife and I started fondling each other in spite of our self;
Naughty, naughty you two she said, I’m afraid you must think I’m a flirt, Checking her panties both back and front, the trip down the chimney had made her squirt!
With a wink of her eye and a twist of her head, I knew that tonight St. Nick and I both were going to have a very wet bed;
She spoke not another word, but went straight to her work, And stopped only whenever an urge made her grab herself with a jerk;
She did a wonderful dance while she filled all the stockings with care, With peeing DVD’s to watch and panties and shorts to wet on a dare;
My wife and I were so horny that us she’d begun to watch, Until the pressure in her bladder made her start rubbing her crotch:
Laying a cute little hand beside her nose, (the other was still busy rubbing her pantyhose), Giving her self a good squeeze, up the chimney she rose;
She sprang to her sleigh with just a little spurt, and to her team gave a shout, Get me home fast boys; it’s all about to come out!
Go as fast as you can, soar to new heights, They made me need Nicholas so bad I’m creaming my tights!
Away they all flew like the down of a thistle, And my wife and I were back in bed faster than a missile;
With a breast in one hand and her soft mound in my other, We each did our pee–pee dances while desperately snuggling together;
She was leaking and creaming in her panties, I could tell she was just about to burst, In my own pants I was ready to explode, I didn’t know if I would pee or cum first;
It was then I heard Mrs. Claus’ call home, on the wind and just by chance, You have to hold it, Nicholas; when I get there we’ll both cum and pee in my pants!
And I heard her exclaim ‘ere she drove out of sight, “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a wonderfully wet night!”
Gotta pee …
Gotta pee …
Gotta pee …
Gotta pee–e–e–e–e …
By: Lynn