Comic Relief

By: Aaron
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Hannah’s pee dribbled delicately through her white cotton knickers. Head tilted back, eyes tight shut; she worked her fingers in slow orgasmic circles as she gently peed. The wetness, the excitement, and then the lounge door swung open and Hannah let out a great gush into her knickers in surprise.
“Kirsty you startled me,” she complained to her grinning flat mate. Kirsty always liked to see her friend pleasure herself in front of some dirty watersports video.
“What is it? Another pee movie?” asked Kirsty. She peered at the screen and started to feel a bit concerned at Hannah’s surprise choice of sexual stimulation.
“Oh the video must have finished,” exclaimed Hannah suddenly realizing that the television was now showing scenes of barren landscapes and fly covered children instead of Madame Puddle and her dungeon of shame.
“Oh no they’re not starving in Africa are they again?” asked Kirsty as she realized that it was an advert for Comic Relief.
“You are so unfeeling!”
“Well I would love to send them all the food in the University canteen, but student grants can hardly feed us, let alone Africa. We can’t even afford to get drunk any more.” Complained Kirsty.
“Still like to do something though.”
Kirsty pondered for a moment. Her dirty little mind hard at work. Maybe there was a way they could both make lots of money for Comic Relief, and get pissed for free. Literally get pissed.
The pub was starting to fill up with Friday evening drinkers. Heavy rock banged out of the duke box, and the landlord had set the big screen to BBC1, ready for Comic Relief live.
Hannah sat nervously on the bench in the corner of their secluded booth, legs crossed under her long black skirt, arms folded in front of her tight, low cut blouse. Kirsty’s hand lay firmly on her friend’s thigh. About half a minute ago she had tried to get up to visit the ladies – again – just to see if she could squeeze out another drop before the boys arrived and the fun began. Kirsty though, was having no more of it.
A few lads were looking in their direction. Kirsty annoyingly kept giving them seductive looks. They might be the wrong ones Hannah kept thinking, but that didn’t matter to Kirsty. Then one lad walked purposefully in their direction, and Hannah’s heart pounded nervously in her chest.
“Can I get you girls a drink?” He brazenly asked.
“No thanks; I think we’re too expensive for you,” purred Kirsty.
“We’ll wear our red noses for you,” He offered. “And, we’ll give you a fiver for Comic Relief for every pint that you drink, like we agreed on the net.”
Hannah’s heart leapt into her mouth. It was the right guys. Suddenly she wanted to go for a wee again.
“I’m Kevin, and this is Timothy,” he grinned as his friend placed a four pint pitcher on the table.
An hour later the pitcher was nearly empty and Kirsty had ten pounds to give to Comic Relief. The alcohol and the idle chat had warmed the atmosphere and Kevin and Timothy were no longer such total strangers. This was going to be an exciting adventure, thought Hannah. The lads turned out to be in their second year of a Computer Science degree, but soon the conversation turned from computers and courses and became much more interesting.
“Have you ever done anything like this before?” asked Timothy meekly.
“No not at all,” denied Hannah, who was starting to feel quite affectionate towards Timothy. He was the typical timid computer geek, and Hannah just wanted to mother him and bury his face in her voluptuous breasts.
“We girls are quite used to putting off going to the ladies,” purred Kirsty. “Hope you have a lot of money on you.”
“Oh plenty” manfully asserted Kevin. “Timothy has been saving up all his life for a girlfriend. Not spent a penny yet.”
Timothy colored deeply and started to stammer a denial to his friend’s cuss.
“What do you reckon Timothy? Your wallet bigger than these girls bladders?”
Timothy grinned.
“Looks like you and your friend might be getting a bit wet later,” commented Kevin.
“As long as my golden rain can help to water the mouths of thirsty children in Africa,” winked Kirsty.
Another pitcher and the conversation began flowing freely. Kevin had quickly established that both Karen and Hannah liked boys, as well as each other, and that they had more watersports videos than Timothy did, which was something of an achievement. Timothy was staring lustfully straight into Hannah’s eyes, instead of straight down her top, which Hannah took as encouraging, but his line of questioning was getting more and more intimate.
“So when’s the last time you wet yourself?” Quizzed Timothy, tongue almost hanging out in anticipation.
“Timothy wet himself at the Freshers Fair,” cut in Kevin, turning Timothy post–box box red again. He then recounted the time when Timothy, after about six pints was trying to chat up some second year art student at a party even though he could hardly talk. Telling her jokes that could only make you cringe. Then she suddenly burst out laughing.
“Timothy here thought he was onto a winner. Feet under the table and well away,” Kevin explained. “But what he didn’t realize that she was laughing at the little yellow fountain that had suddenly sprung up from his lap. He was wetting himself!”
“Is that right Timothy?” chided Hannah. Timothy went even redder.
“Hannah wets the bed,” put in Kirsty after they had finished laughing at Timothy.
“Only because you tie me to it and don’t let me go wee– wee,” protested Hannah, with a little wriggle of her bottom.
A few more notes on the table and Hannah’s wriggling had become incessant. She had moved next to Timothy on the wooden bench. Timothy took this as an encouraging sign, and his penis was pressing firmly against the inside of his jeans. Hannah though just wanted to make sure that if she was going to wet then he was going to get caught in the flood.
‘You really need to go don’t you?’ Timothy whispered in her ear. She did, and she wriggled up closer to him with her legs tightly crossed. Grabbing his hand she gently placed it onto her belly.
“Wow, you are full,” Timothy stared into her eyes. “Would you like another drink?”
“Another fiver to Comic Relief would be very generous.” Confirmed Hannah, noticing that Timothy was looking a bit squirmy himself.
“But, can you do me a favor?”
“Anything for you, Hannah.”
“Don’t visit the men’s room while you’re at the bar.”
“Oh OK,” Timothy gulped. He already needed to go badly.
Kirsty gave Hannah an appreciative wink. Nice move! Waiting until Timothy had disappeared into the crowd she turned suggestively towards Kevin.
“You can ask me what I am wearing under my jeans if you like,” purred Kirsty. Kevin looked down at her lap. Tight blue jeans were hiding what underneath?
“OK what are you wearing? Sexy lace panties?”
Kirsty gently undid the front button and wriggled her jeans down a bit. He was wrong. “Tight white cotton panties, better for weeing in, they hold more,” she explained. Then Karen hooked her little finger in the waistband and pulled forwards ever so gently. Kevin caught sight of the top of her wispy black hairs. Cock straining, he paid her a compliment that made Kirsty smile.
Timothy arrived back with more beers, and Kirsty took great delight in telling him that he had just missed some action.
“What? Did Hannah just wet?” he asked rather alarmed and disappointed that Hannah hadn’t waited for him. He stared at her black skirt, and the bench and the floor, but could see no sign of a puddle.
“No, Kirsty just showed me her panties.”
“Oh drat I would have loved to see that,” Timothy looked at Kirsty slightly pleadingly.
“Sorry love, you missed out, but Hannah might show you hers.”
“Err I might,” said Hannah a bit uncertainly, annoyed at her friend volunteering her.
“Go on, we can all see that he fancies the panties off you.” Both of them colored deeply.
“Come and sit back down,” Hannah patted the bench beside her. Timothy hurriedly sat back down and looked eagerly at her skirt.
“You can pull my skirt up a bit.”
Timothy started to pull on the smooth material.
“That’s enough,” whispered Hannah as her hemline reached her thighs. Timothy’s eyes were transfixed on the silky black of Hannah’s stocking clad legs.
“Now on your knees.”
Timothy looked at her confused for a moment, and then knelt in front of her gazing at her stockinged knees clenched tightly together.
“I could let you look or I could let you touch. What do you want to do Timothy?”
Kirsty and Kevin both looked on. Both were getting very aroused.
“Touch please!” Timothy almost whispered in anticipation.
“OK, now close your eyes,” Timothy clenched them shut. “Now open my knees very gently.” Timothy started to prize them apart, but they were clenched tight shut. “Gently, or I might wee,” warned Hannah. Timothy reduced the pressure, and Hannah’s knees slowly started to open. “Now you can slide your hand up my skirt.” Timothy started to move his hand upwards, feeling the warm tights running across his palm and the back of his hand.
“Oh!” exclaimed Hannah, and clamped her thighs tight shut on his hand. “That was close. Be more gentle with me please.” Timothy muttered an apology and opened his eyes.
“Eyes shut” ordered Hannah, in her best schoolmistress voice. Timothy clamped them shut them instantly. “I’m going to have to spank you for that you naughty boy, now be more gently with me.” Hannah then released the pressure on Timothy’s hand. Timothy’s heart was pounding as he started to reach further, so gently this time. Finally his fingertips met the warm material, which clad Hannah’s bursting pussy. This was heaven. He gently moved his fingers along her gap, feeling the very warm, slightly moist material. “Oh Timothy,” gasped Hannah, “don’t do that or I’ll wee on your fingers.” Timothy was nearly drooling.
The evening drew on into the noise and the chatter of the pub. They laughed at the comic antics of Lenny Henry and Jonathan Ross and felt the pulsing pain of desperation fill their straining bladders. Three sets of thighs were clenched tight shut. Hannah rocked slightly with her legs crossed tightly under her skirt. Kirsty had one hand between her thighs as she ran the fingers of her other hand through Kevin’s hair. Timothy also was in desperate need. Cross–legged like Hannah, his cock really starting to hurt.
Finally he wriggled free of Hannah’s embrace and started to get up for a much–needed visit to the bathroom. Hannah grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.
“Just nipping to the gents Hannah. Back in a minute,” but he was not going to get away that easily.
“You go and I’ll do it while your gone,” threatened Hannah.
“No don’t!”
“You’re a big boy, surely you can hold it, or are you going to wet yourself?”
“But we’re paying you,” protested Timothy.
“What about that spanking you were going to give him?” reminded Kirsty. Hannah sat looking as embarrassed as Timothy. Finally Kirsty got fed up of waiting for her friend to assert herself and quickly checked to see if anyone else in the pub would be able to see what she was about to do.
Grabbing Timothy roughly by the arm Kirsty dragged him across her lap. This was a spanking that he was not going to forget in a hurry. She slapped him hard across his bottom like a naughty schoolboy. Just three whacks with her hand, but already the pain in Timothy’s bladder was unbearable. On the third whack he lost it. A silent wetness gushed into his trousers and soaked across Kirsty’s legs.
With a squeal Kirsty roughly pushed Timothy off of her, but the damage had been done. Her jeans were soaked in Timothy’s piss. Timothy sat there, flushed deep red in embarrassment. Still peeing, a pool was forming around him on the bench and dribbling onto the floor.
“Oh great, now what!” Exclaimed a very angry Kirsty. “I’m soaked and it’s not even my own. It’s pointless, bloody pointless going on now!” Timothy stared forlornly at his piss soaked lap as Kevin tried desperately to think of a way out of their predicament. “Couldn’t you change into your little black skirt now?” asked Hannah rather timidly knowing that her friend in this mood should only be approached with caution.
“Great, then what do I go home in?” She retorted.
“Timothy will lend you his coat. Its long, no one will notice a thing.”
“Well what am I going to wear? Everyone will notice’ Timothy replied in some alarm.”
“Good.” Kirsty started to smile. “I think I would enjoy seeing you walk out of here in those pissy clothes. Everyone will laugh.”
Kirsty got up to go to the ladies, grabbing her bag with her change of clothes and Timothy’s coat to wrap around her.
“I’ll come with you,” asserted Kevin.
“Into the ladies?”
“You don’t really want to stand in that queue for the ladies do you? Timothy will probably wet himself again before you get back. Come on I’ll get you into the gents.” With that he grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd, wondering if he could get her straight into a cubical or whether they were in for an embarrassing wait.
Hannah and Timothy watched them leave. Timothy looked so sorry for himself. He looked like he was going to cry, sitting there in his quickly cooling puddle of pee. Hannah leant forward and put a comforting hand on his knee. She so wanted to give the naughty boy in his own puddle a cuddle and a long passionate snog, but the sight of Timothy’s accident had done nothing for her own predicament. She tightly clamped her thighs against her busting pussy and tears of desperation started to fill her eyes. She was in danger of not being able to hold on until her friends got back!
The row of men at the urinals turned to look as Kevin and Kirsty burst through the door. Damn, a row of shut doors and angry red ‘engaged’ signs faced them. Thinking quickly, Kevin grabbed Kirsty and they passionately snogged against the wall until oh so thankfully a cubical door opened and they could stumble inside.
With the cubical door safely bolted shut, Kirsty kicked off her shoes and pulled down her pissy jeans. Again Kevin got to see her tight white cotton panties, and this time a full view. Kirsty pushed one hand between her legs to check that at least her panties had escaped Timothy’s accident. The situation was so sexy– she was in a gent’s toilet with pissy wet jeans around her ankles and a dishy lad looking on. She just couldn’t help giving her pussy a loving rub. That was a mistake she quickly realized. She had been comfortably holding. Now those sensations of pleasure from her fingers caress had gone straight to her bladder in waves of pain. She looked longingly at the open toilet bowl, and then hurriedly slipped into her skirt. The quicker she got out of there the better.
“Right, time to drain the snake,” asserted Kevin as he turned to face the toilet bowl.
“Oh no you don’t, I’m having to hold so you can hold too!”
“But we are paying you,” grinned Kevin as he unzipped his fly.
“Ok, a fiver and I’ll let you wee.”
“A fiver!?”
“A tenner and I’ll even hold it for you.” Kevin looked at her in surprise.
Back at the table, finally Hannah broke off their passionate snog, and Timothy gazed into her tear–filled eyes.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, concerned.
“Yes,” she replied weakly. “I’m leaking. I can’t help it.”
Hannah rocked to one side and shoved a hand under her bottom, then colored deeply as it came out damp. Timothy ran his hand from Hannah’s waist down her leg and under her bottom. She was damp all right. She had leaked through the back of her skirt. Not too much, but the material beneath her was definitely damp. A warm feeling briefly spread across Timothy’s fingers and Hannah clamped her thighs together harder to stem the flow.
“Oh,” she gasped.
Timothy gazed at her in concern, then down at her lap as he imagined what was happening under that long black skirt. “Is there anything I can do?” Timothy asked helplessly as Hannah sat there rocking from one side to another.
Forlornly she shook her head. “Like what?”
“Err, I dunno. Get you another drink?”
Hannah stifled a laugh that almost brought the floodgates down.
“Oooowwww” she began.
“If the others don’t get here soon…” she trailed off as she bit her lip and gazed worriedly in the direction of the gents.
Meanwhile, in the gent’s– Slipping the tenner in her bag, Kirsty roughly pulled Kevin’s jeans and boxers down in one sweep. Taking his cock between her fingers she pointed it at the toilet bowl. She watched as the Kevin relaxed and his pee arced forward, splashing onto the rim and onto the floor. Kirsty adjusted her aim, and Kevin’s pee noisily tinkled into the toilet bowl. Blessed relief for Kevin as he tilted his bead back and gazed at the ceiling enjoying the sensation of his cock between the fingers of a beautiful woman. For Kirsty though, it was agony. The sound of Kevin peeing was almost too much, and she held her legs rigidly crossed and squirmed her hips.
Kevin’s cock started to stiffen between her fingers. He was enjoying the sensations a bit too much, and Kirsty was finding it increasingly difficult to keep Kevin’s jet aimed at the toilet bowl. Finally the force that Kirsty needed to use to keep Kevin’s erection down was getting just too painful. Kevin leaned forwards to ease the pressure, and was forced to push Kirsty’s hand away. Without her hand, his cock sprang upwards and a fountain of pee bounced off the ceiling, splattering the both of them in golden rain.
Both laughing like children, Kevin and Kirsty stumbled from the wet cubicle and brushed past the queue of surprised men waiting for the urinals. Back in the crowd Kevin hesitated at the bar, but Kirsty dragged him away.
“Come on, Hannah’s probably wetting herself by now.”
“Another one for Comic Relief,” suggested Kevin, a glint in his eye.
The barmaid took ages. All the time Kirsty was getting increasingly worried about the state of her friend’s continence. Finally they were able to return to their friends, Kirsty clutching a fresh, cold beer in her hand. Back in the booth they stopped to look at Timothy cuddling a very distressed Hannah, their faces saying it all.
“You OK there?”
“I think I’m doing it,” admitted Hannah. “Spurts. My bum is getting wet.”
“Oh love,” began Kirsty as she stood looking at her friend. The pangs of sympathy that she felt went right to her bladder. First though was the beer in her hand. ‘Oh God its going to happen’ she was thinking, as she put the glass to her lips. She was going to need this beer. All watched as Kirsty steadily tipped the bottom of the glass higher and higher until she had downed it in one. It was going to happen soon. Kevin, Timothy and Hannah sat and watched Kirsty standing at the side of the booth. Watched her twitching legs and writhing hips, their eyes drawn to her high hemline and her bare thighs.
Even in the dim light of the pub the first rivulets down Kirsty’s legs were unmistakable. Her friends’ eyes were transfixed on the first signs of Kirsty’s long held waters. Hannah especially had noticed that her friend had started to wet herself, something that did not help her out of her own predicament.
“Oh” was all that Hannah said as she too gave up the battle. Slightly parting her legs beneath her skirt she expelled a relieved sigh as she let it all go. Timothy switched his gaze to Hannah’s look of blessed relief, and then down at her lap as wee noisily cascaded onto the floor and spread out along the bench from under Hannah’s skirt.
Kirsty too completely gave up the battle. Seeing her friend wet herself in the pub was too much. Urine washed down her legs in a waterfall that puddled in a great lake around her feet. Oh it was so erotic standing and pissing herself in public– so naughty, and so utterly forbidden. Oh, she so much wanted to lift her skirt and push her hand down her panties and bring herself to orgasm.
Finally the two cascades trailed to a stop. Timothy was again sitting in a puddle of urine, not that he cared; he was in heaven. Kevin, Kirsty, and Hannah were, too. A big puddle was on the floor and a big pile of notes was on the table for Comic Relief. The puddle was starting to snake its way into the main part of the pub. Creeping across the wooden floor and around the shoes of the other drinkers standing with their backs to them. It was time to leave.