School Disco

By: Aaron
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Lucy hobbled hurriedly up to the ladies loo with her hand clasped firmly between her legs. “Please Miss Susan,” she pleaded. “I really need to go to the little girls’ room.” Susan was in the middle of smoothing a “Toilet Closed” sign onto the toilet door. She had made this, her third desperation party, a fancy dress school disco themed party and it was so good to see everyone really getting into the spirit of it. Lucy was wearing a short blue pleated skirt, which was now bunched firmly between her legs, and her blonde pigtails and pained expression really completed the effect.
“Is it urgent?” asked Susan.
“Yes miss, ooh it’s an emergency!”
“Well you should have gone during break then, you know that the toilets close at twelve,” scolded Susan, really getting into the act of the mean head mistress.
“But miss,” protested Lucy “I don’t want to be the first one.”
“Then you need to learn to control yourself” retorted Susan as she turned the key in the lock of the ladies toilet with a pronounced click and turned on her heal and strode purposefully away, giving Lucy a quick smile as she went.
Susan had dressed as a schoolgirl, but as she was the host of the party it only seemed fitting that she should take the mean head mistress role. By good fortune she had found a school hall that she could use for the event. Rummaging around in boxes under the stage she managed to find not only a teacher’s mortarboard, but also an old fashioned spanking cane. They were most certainly theatrical props, but they served the purpose perfectly.
Now feeling really mean, she caught Timothy, as he was about to enter the boys’ toilet. She knew Timothy from previous parties and found great pleasure in giving him a smart slap across the bottom as he started to turn the handle.
“The toilets close at twelve child,” scolded Miss Susan.
“But…” started Timothy.
“No buts, you should have gone during your break time.”
“Mmm but Miss–” pleaded Timothy loving the act that he was putting on.
“And if you pee in your pants again you know what will happen.” Warned Miss Susan as she brought the cane down across her hand in a smart slap and left Timothy looking at a “Toilet Closed” sign and a locked gents toilet door.
This was Lucy’s first desperation party and she really didn’t want to be the first to pee herself. It had seemed a good idea at first to fill up at breakfast time and even risking a long tube journey without peeing. Now that she was at Susan’s party, being the first to wet seemed just too embarrassing. Everyone would stare at her and she would be stood there red faced in her puddle wishing that the floor would open and swallow her up, just like all those years ago.
Susan returned to the drinks table. The rules were that everyone should drink at least one pint of liquid every hour even when bursting. Susan downed two pints of water and started on a third. As hostess she considered it important to break the ice herself with an early wetting. Her bladder was already straining, so she knew that it would not be long before all her pupils saw their teacher having a toilet accident.
Gazing around she was impressed by the turnout. Twenty boys and nineteen other girls had really made an effort. Most of them had managed to dig out their old school uniforms or otherwise acquired them from charity shops or God knows where. Everyone was happily stood around chatting over drinks or dancing to the eighties pop music that was pounding across the hall. It was time to circulate, meet new friends, and maybe even find someone to share her wet life with. Susan gazed around. Soon she had spotted something that she really liked the look of. A few quick enquiries revealed that the man in the tight shorts was called Terry. He had a body like a Greek God, and was absolutely gorgeous. Susan gazed at him through the crowd for a while. She would wet that man’s bed any day.
Stella was also looking for a new wet partner, and she had definitely seen something she liked– black hose, long grey skirt, white blouse, and a mortarboard hiding a cascade of brunette hair. “So how do I get to be teacher’s pet?” purred Stella as she sidled up to Susan. The teacher’s pet today would be male, but Susan found something strange and erotic in being chatted up by a woman.
“I think I will have to wipe the pee off a lot of wet bottoms today,” declared Susan. She was really going to like this teacher role.
“You can lick the pee off mine any time,” offered Stella. Susan was a bit alarmed at the speed and direction that this conversation was taking.
“Actually I think I will be pulling down lots more of wet pants than wet panties,” stated Susan, trying to avoid getting herself into her first lesbian encounter. Still, the thought of making out with another girl was doing something to her bladder and she involuntarily gave a little hop and squeezed her thighs together.
“Ohh you need to go girl,” observed Stella with some excitement as she eyed the front of Susan’s skirt.
“Yes” Susan smiled. “There’s a guy over there and, well I just want to pull down his wet pants and…” Susan trailed off as she gazed into the crowd.
Stella gave Susan a quick peck on the cheek then drifted away across the dance floor towards a petite oriental girl with an oh–so–tight mini skirt.
Flirting with Terry was easy. It was the subtle hopping from foot to foot that was doing it. Terry could hardly keep his eyes off Susan’s legs as she made pleasant small talk.
“I saw lots of wettings,” confessed Susan. “There was one girl who had her hand up in assembly for ages and when she finally did wet herself she caught two other girls in the flood.”
“Me,” blushed Susan at Terry’s next question. “I wasn’t the driest girl in class,” she suggested tantalizingly. “Were you the driest boy?”
The conversation flowed, and Susan’s desperation gradually built until she was totally knee locked. She gazed into Terry’s eyes. Oh she had so many fantasies that she wanted to try once she had found the right man, and this was the right man. Susan daydreamed for a while. His penthouse apartment, if he had one, blazing fire, chilled champagne, her tight blue jeans and a very full bladder. He was stroking her and touching her and making her skin tingle and cheeks blush. She could visualize herself handcuffed by both hands to some solid object. No chance at all of lowering her jeans to squat for a pee. The big hand on the great ornamental clock had struck the hour again. A tense pause as Terry rolled the dice. If the number 6 lands uppermost then he would unlock her handcuffs and allow her to visit the toilet. Any other number, then it would be another liter of water that she would be forced to drink. The dice rolled…
Lucy knew that if she carried on squirming her hips and peddling her feet then she would soon get everyone’s attention. So far everyone’s attention seemed to be towards Susan who was doing a little pee–pee dance as she talked to a bronzed hunk in tight shorts. She had to do something, but what? If she could just relieve the pressure, just long enough until Susan or someone else had peed then that would be better. She could do a bit in her panties, no one would notice. That was it; they were destined to get wet anyway. Lucy parted her legs and when no one appeared to be looking, started to ease the floodgates open– nothing at first. Lucy relaxed further. The first seepages of warmth started to fill her panties, and drips started to hit the floor between her feet. It was coming out too fast. Lucy clamped down hard to stem her flow but it was too late. Lucy’s pee hissed uncontrollably through her panties and splashed noisily onto the floor.
Soon Lucy was standing in a puddle of her own pee, red faced with embarrassment and wishing just to be swallowed up into the floor. Again she had a feeling that she had not had since all those years ago. She felt sexy. At that time she did not really know what the feeling was, but now, the act of publicly wetting herself made her feel incredibly horny. She looked down at the puddle around her feet and in her state of arousal she just wanted to lift her skirt and rub herself silly through her wet panties.
“Nice wetting” complimented Timothy who was almost salivating as he gazed at Lucy’s puddle, and then at her burning red cheeks.
“Its not mine,” denied Lucy as she hurriedly stepped out of it. “I just walked into it by accident.”
“But I saw…” Timothy tailed off as he realized that this was probably Lucy’s first party and she was embarrassed at her accident. Instead he led her to the drinks table and Lucy gratefully gulped down a beer.
“I wet myself in math once” began Timothy, trying to break the ice with a personal story. “Bloody teacher would not let me go to the toilet.”
“I hated math,” groaned Lucy.
“I hated the math teacher.” They both laughed at this, then both swapped stories of wet panties in the classroom and wet pants in the playground.
“Go on then show me your wet knickers,” asked Timothy when the conversation between them had significantly warmed.
“I know you wet yourself over there. Go on show me your knickers. I dare you,” boldly challenged Timothy.
“What the hell,” thought Lucy as she clasped the hem of her skirt and raised it above her waist. Timothy looked down at the wet semicircle on her white tight cotton panties and a large bulge grew in the front of his pants.
“Oh well done,” beamed Susan, grabbing Lucy by the hand. “You must be the first of the day. How was it?”
Susan and a gaggle of onlookers had spotted Lucy’s puddle and followed her trail of wet footprints. “Err, it’s getting a bit cold now,” admitted Lucy sheepishly.
“OK, I’ll show you where the girls changing rooms are and oh and before I forget…” Then she raised the back of Lucy’s hand and marked a big red star on it in ballpoint pen. “Every time a naughty pupil wets themselves they get a red star on the back of their hand. That way we know who was the driest when it comes to the prize giving. Come on lets get you changed, seems I’ve got some catching up to do if someone has wet already.”
Susan returned to Terry’s side. She was pleased to see that he had been making an enormous effort to catch up with her and was now bent over double and sweating like a pig. Susan loved the look on his face as his desperation built. She herself was making little dance steps where she stood, completely out of step with the music of course– first one leg in front of the other, then the other leg. Then she put two hands between her legs and gave a bent double bum wiggle that really tantalized her onlookers.
A damp patch had started to appear on his crotch, but still Susan held on. Terry’s face screwed up more and more as he tried in vain to hold the urine in his overstretched bladder.
“Can I go to the toilet please Miss Susan, please?” interrupted Lucy as she stood there in front of Susan and Terry with a pained expression on her face. Her legs were tightly crossed and her hands pressed firmly against the front of a clean dry school skirt.
“But you’ve only just been,” protested Susan in surprise.
“I need to go again, please, it’s an emergency,” protested Lucy. When her first accident had been discovered the thrill was more than Lucy had expected, and she had been downing pints of water until her bladder was rock hard again.
“I will not be interrupted by such an insolent little girl as you, Lucy. You can go and stand in the corner for being such a bad girl. I’ll be along to deal with you in a minute.”
Lucy trotted off, head hung low, as Susan and Terry looked on in amusement.
Seeing Lucy’s pleading had curiously made his own predicament much more urgent. Terry only managed to hold on for another 10 minutes till suddenly it all came out and flowed down his legs and around his lovely firm butt, and made a puddle on the floor. Susan moved into Terry’s puddle as he stood there and brushed her lips sensuously against his. The chemistry was instant as their tongues touched and entwined until Susan’s desperation forced her to pull away. Susan stood there lifting her knees slightly one after the other, holding on in complete desperation. She treaded water for a while and still her crotch stayed dry. Terry had started brushing his hand against the front of his soaking wet shorts. The long bulge was obvious and Susan could not take her eyes off it. Then it happened. A complete accident– no warning given as Susan’s bladder erupted and its contents gushed onto the floor. An accident of accidents– a complete drenching that soaked the back of her skirt and filled her shoes and spread across the floor in a great flood. The release. The relief. Susan tilted her head to the ceiling and gave a great sigh of relief. Terry moved into her puddle, and again they were joined tongue writhing against tongue and crotch against soaking crotch.
Susan led her man towards the changing rooms. On the way she noticed Lucy standing in the corner in the middle of a large pool of wee. She would have to deal with Lucy in a minute. As head mistress it was her job to change the wet pants of naughty boys who had peed themselves and she fully intended to fulfill her duties. The changing room was empty apart from Stella who was snogging the face of the petite oriental girl with her hand firmly up the girl’s skirt. “I wet myself miss,” declared the oriental girl in a break from Stella’s insistent snogging.
“She peed herself all over my lap,” beamed Stella then got back down to business.
Susan stood Terry up against the wall and unzipped the fly on his soaking shorts. He was wet up to the waistband and the bottom of Terry’s shirt had a semicircle of wee. Terry’s shorts flopped wetly around his ankles and Susan worked on the button on his black boxers. Soon his swollen penis sprang into view and pointed straight at her. It seemed only right that she should take it into her mouth.
Four hours later and the many little puddles on the floor meant that almost all of Susan’s class had a red star on the back of their hand. Some had several stars, and tight jeans, dresses, and skirts were replacing wet school uniforms. Timothy was in his second pair of school shorts. A small crowd had formed around him as he did a little pee dance where he stood. He relished the attention and smiled at the reaction from the girls when a small damp patch started to spread from the end of the obvious penis shaped bulge in his shorts.
“Hey everyone, Georgina’s about to explode,” someone shouted excitedly. “She’s the only one that has stayed dry so far and she is absolutely bursting. It’s fantastic. She’s so desperate that she’s glued to the spot. She can’t move!”
Suddenly Timothy was left standing on his own, just as he started gushing into his pants. Awkwardly he waddled along behind everyone else, leaving a trail of pee as he went. A large group had gathered around a pretty blonde in a white blouse and short green pleated school skirt. She was sucking air heavily through her teeth and hissed and sighed. Her expression was of pure desperation as she sat on an orange plastic chair, leaning forward and clutching herself between her legs. She was making small rocking movements, but apart from that seemed rooted to the spot. “I can’t move,” she whimpered. “If I stand up I’ll pee everywhere.”
This was met with a deluge of well–meant advice. “Just relax let it out.” “Hold on longer.” “You are doing sooo well.”
“I’m going to make a dash for the bathroom,” suddenly blurted Georgina. “Please out of my way– I need the bathroom now,” she almost screamed. She ignored everyone telling her that it was locked and suddenly teetered to her feet and hurried as quick as she could with her thighs tightly pressed together to the other side of the hall. Everyone followed. Georgina clasped the door handle and pulled hard. The door did not move. Georgina pulled even harder and rattled the door handle before slowly sinking to the floor. Leaning against the door Georgina gave a little sigh and tilted her head up towards her eager and concerned onlookers as she resigned herself to the inevitable. Another sound followed. A harsh hissing that could be heard above the disco music. A faintly yellow puddle spread around Georgina’s bottom and soaked up her skirt. The crowd gradually edged back to avoid getting their feet wet in Georgina’s steadily spreading lake. It was ages before the hissing finally dulled and the puddle stopped spreading. Georgina glowed in her obvious relief and Susan stepped forward into her puddle to congratulate her and help her to her feet. After receiving one of Susan’s little red stars on the back of her hand she was lead through the crowd to the girls’ changing room. The soaking back of her skirt was slapping against the back of her bare legs as she went.
The party had really heated up as the hand of the clock steadily ticked towards ten. There was dancing, drinking, flirting, peeing. One girl even wet herself as she did a handstand. Susan gave Terry many other wet displays and many times they went hand in hand to the changing rooms. After soaking a pair of tight blue jeans from crotch to ankle Susan squelched off alone into the changing room and sat on a bench to pull her shoes off. Lucy was already in there, bottomless apart from a pair of wet knickers around her ankles. Lucy turned and sheepishly smiled at Susan. She was almost blushing as she stood there with little beads of pee glinting from the ends of her pubic hairs. She seemed to want to say something but hesitantly held back. “Having fun?” soothingly enquired Susan.
“Oh this is wonderful” enthused Lucy. “So you have these parties regularly?”
“This is my third now. The last two had no particular theme apart from the desperation of course, but the school uniforms are really getting people going. I’ll probably do another one next month.”
“Can I come please?” pleaded Lucy.
“Course you can love,” smiled Susan.
“What theme is it going to be next time?”
“Mmm, hadn’t really thought about it. The problem with dressing up is that after one or two wettings people tend to run out and end up in normal clothes again.”
“I’ve run out of dry knickers,” dolefully murmured Lucy. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
Susan thought for a moment. “I should have another pack of panties in my handbag. Here, try these on.” Susan threw Lucy the last of her pairs from her clothes bag and Lucy hurriedly slipped into them gabbling gratitude as she did so.
Once dressed in a long red dress and Susan’s panties Lucy summed up enough courage to ask Susan something else. “Were you ever spanked for wetting yourself Susan?” Susan had not been. Having her legs roughly wiped with a damp cloth in the girls’ toilets was as humiliating as it had ever got. Then Lucy unexpectedly asked Susan a favor, which made Susan smile broadly and happily agree. After Lucy had hurried from the room Susan rummaged around in her handbag. She dug deeper, more frantically, then sat there in the shocked realization that there were no fresh pairs of panties. She had just given her last pair to Lucy.
With the seal well and truly broken it did not take Lucy long to fill up again. It was getting near ten anyway, so she guzzled down the rest of the Heineken, shame to waste it, and was soon doing a peepee dance to Madonna’s “Like a Virgin.”
Lucy was not short of company for long. Timothy eagerly observed her state and hurried over with another drink for her. She invited him to feel the bulge of her bloated bladder through her dress. Then she moved his hand so that it rested against the inside of her thigh and he could feel the bulge of her pussy through the thin material of her dress and panties. Then she undid a button and invited him to slide his hand inside to feel her warm skin. Cheeky Timothy first cooled his hand on his chilled beer glass, and Lucy winced as his cold hand touched her tummy. The involuntary shudder trembled the sphincter of her bladder and the dam begun to fail. Lucy could have fought back, but she was too much of a naughty schoolgirl to give much resistance. Oh how she just wanted to stand there and let it all go.
“Kiss me,” she demanded, turning to Timothy and pressing her mouth against his. Their tongues danced inside each others mouths like they had always belonged, and Timothy pushed and rubbed even harder the thin material of her dress against Lucy’s damp sex. He felt the warmth on his fingers instantly as Lucy started to dribble. He kept his hand in place as Lucy completely relaxed herself within Timothy’s warm embrace. Letting go was so easy. Warm wee ran a wide trail down the front of her dress and cascaded into a puddle between her feet. It felt so sexy being a naughty girl. Pressing her fingers on top of his she started to slowly rub his fingers into her soaking sex.
Susan spotted Lucy standing by the steps to the stage with several admiring boys salivating over her. Her head tilted towards the floor as she stared at the little puddle around her feet. Poor Lucy had wet herself again. Remembering Lucy’s request Susan hurried over and escorted the naughty girl up the stairs and onto the stage. It didn’t take long to get everyone’s attention. Not with Lucy standing with her, with an obvious pee trail running down the front of her dress. It was nearly ten and time for the farewell speech.
“Thank you everyone for coming to this my third desperation party and for being such good fun. I have enjoyed every minute of it and by all the wet pants and knickers out there I’m sure that you all have as well. I hope that some of you will stay to help me with the mopping up later, or I think I will be here until midnight,” Susan paused for the short laugh. “But first, as always, there is a small prize for the person who wets himself or herself the least. It’s not Lucy of course…” Susan paused for the even longer laugh “… and it’s not me because as you can see I’ve wet myself so much that I have run out of clean underwear.” Susan paused again for the short gasp as she grabbed the front of her skirt and for a brief instant flipped it up to reveal her bare pussy. “Now, who has the least stars on their hands, own up!” There was a general muttering for a while “No one is owning up? No one wants to admit that they didn’t drink enough?”
“Georgina only wet herself five times,” someone shouted.
“Anyone else?” asked Susan.
“Christopher,” a female voice volunteered. “He did it six times.”
“He did it again, oh I missed that!”
Finally Susan called Georgina up onto the stage.
“I can’t, Miss,” cried out an anxious Georgina who was making no attempt to hide her desperation.
“Why not girl? You’ve got legs haven’t you?”
“I can’t climb those steps, I’d wet myself all over the place,” she wailed.
“Some one help her,” insisted Susan.
Whether she wanted to go or not, Georgina was half led, half carried up onto the stage. She was still dry as she stood there in front of the whole “class,” but was making some very lively wriggling and treading motions as she accepted her prize.
“I need these right now,” exclaimed Georgina as she unwrapped the pair of adult nappies, but still she continued to hold.
“Now for poor Lucy,” continued Susan turning to the unfortunate girl. “Lets see your hand.” Lucy held it out. “Oh my God, there are more stars than skin.” More laughter. “One, two three … fifteen. Oh my God that’s fifteen times you’ve wet yourself Lucy, and now you have done it again, you bad, bad girl.”
“Sorry Miss,” apologetically mumbled Lucy.
“Lift up your dress and show everyone what a bad girl you have been!”
“Sorry miss?”
“Come on girl, up with your dress!”
Humbly Lucy lifted her dress and lowered her eyes as her soaking wet panties came into view. She colored slightly.
“Now class, what should we do with a naughty girl that wets herself?” asked Susan.
There were mumblings from the hall then ideas like “make her stand in the corner” and “slap her bottom” were shouted from the crowd. The idea of a spanking soon caught on and there were demands of “smack her wet bottom” and “give her the cane” from every corner.
“Turn around and bend over,” demanded Susan.
“Pardon Miss?” exclaimed Lucy in mock alarm.
“Turn around and bend over I said,” asserted Susan in her best schoolmistress voice.
Lucy obediently turned around and bent over to touch her toes. Miss Susan flipped up the back of Lucy’s dress to reveal the wet tight white wet cotton stretched across Lucy’s buttocks. Susan stood back for a while to admire the picture, and then reached for the cane. Whack the first blow came down square across Lucy’s bottom, then again and again. The class stood staring at the spectacle, so erotic, every male crotch was bulging, and many of the panties in the hall that were still dry were quickly dampening. The blows rained down in quick succession, punctuated by pained yelps from Lucy. Georgina, who was standing to the side, was looking even more uncomfortable than anyone thought possible, and then Lucy’s untamed bladder exploded once more. Pee sprayed out of both sides of the crotch of Lucy’s knickers. The class gasped as her pee pattered down onto the stage and Susan leapt back as her skirt was caught in the fountain. Georgina stopped her dancing and stood aghast watching. This was too much for her. Standing facing the class, Georgina lost her dignity as the crotch of her white shorts darkened in an instant and a Niagara of pee gushed down her legs and onto the stage.
When the last of Lucy’s rivulets were draining down the backs of her legs, Georgina was still in full flow. For several minutes a very audible hissing had been coming from her and a great lake had formed around her feet. It spread out towards the edge of the stage as it merged with Lucy’s own puddle. Susan stood there and let the twin streams surround her, then let go all she had. She reached from behind and pulled the front of her skirt tight across her pussy and let the whole of her class see their teacher wee through it and revel in the warmth of her pee running down her legs.
“Have any naughty children out there still got anything left in them?” demanded Miss Susan.
“Not any more,” shouted back Timothy as he let go in his trousers. Soon every other bladder in the class had been released and the sounds of hissing and splattering filled the hall. Wee ran down legs and soaked down trousers and socks to form great puddles around feet. Then puddles merged to become lakes and Georgina’s wee reached the edge of the stage and ran over the edge to join everyone else’s lake of wee. The whole class was united in one ocean and when the last trickles had stopped Miss Susan turned and gave Lucy and Georgina one large wet hug.
“You are all in detention you naughty girls and boys,” announced Miss Susan turning to the class. “Same place next month, and bring your PE kit!”