Tiffany & Tara

By: Amoeba
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

20–year–old Tiffany was late for class again. She knew that her professor was going to be very upset with her for being late again and would probably fail her on the lab that she was late for. She brushed her brunette hair that fell to her shoulders, wishing that she had a roommate to wake her up. She hated living by herself. Looking in the mirror she noticed she was standing there in nothing but a white pair of bikini panties and a white bra. She quickly slipped on a pink skirt with a matching belt and pulled on thigh high tan stockings. She threw on a white halter–top, slipped on shoes, gulped down a cup of coffee, and ran out the door. She started running to class when she realized that she had forgotten her notes and rushed back to her dorm to grab them. By the time she left again, she was already worn out from running and she could feel the coffee going through her quickly. She walked as fast as she could…she was slim, but not athletic…to her class, getting a bottle of water out of a vending machine along the way.
She opened the door just in time to see students gathering around lab tables. The professor turned her head and looked at her watch.
“Miss Schmidt, what time is it where you live?” the professor asked. “Because according to my watch, class started fifteen minutes ago.”
“I’m sorry, professor,” Tiffany said, quickly trying to think of an excuse. “My alarm clock didn’t go off and I overslept.”
“Well hurry to a lab table before I change my mind. But you’ll have to get the notes on the lab you just missed from your partner.”
Tiffany looked around and noticed her best friend already paired up with somebody else and the only spot left was with a shy, quiet girl that she didn’t even know. She was pretty cute, though, with her glasses and her blonde hair that went to her back. As she walked by her friend, Tiffany cast a dirty look at her and kept walking. She got back to a lab table in the back and set her notes down.
“You’re Tara, right?” Tiffany asked. The girl just nodded and pushed her notes toward Tiffany. About 20 minutes into the lab, Tiffany had already finished off the bottle of water she bought and reached in her purse to pull out a can of Pepsi. She opened it and started sipping at it. The part of the lab they were at was only a 1–person job and Tara had volunteered to do the part. Tiffany looked at Tara so hard at work and so happy to do it. Tiffany hated Chemistry but Tara seemed to love it. Tiffany then realized that she wasn’t just watching Tara, but she was actually checking her out. Tiffany was very bisexual and found out that she had a stronger attraction to females.
Tiffany kept sipping at the Pepsi, looking at Tara’s thighs and tight ass in her jeans, ignoring the growing feeling of needing to pee.
Actually, Tiffany didn’t feel it at all. She took a big drink of her soda to finish off the can with her eyes still on Tara. She didn’t hear the professor come up behind her. The professor slammed a notebook down on a table and Tiffany jumped up and she could feel a few squirts of pee go into her panties. She quickly gained control and looked up at the professor.
“Do you want to be in this class, Tiffany?” she asked sternly. “You’re always late, you’re sloppy with your work, and here you are daydreaming. I can easily give you a zero for this lab if you’d rather be somewhere else.”
“No, I need this class,” Tiffany said smugly.
The professor just glared at her and walked away. Tiffany now realized how much she needed to pee and started to panic. She was standing there with her legs crossed, tightly squeezing her thighs together. She should’ve asked to go to the bathroom, but didn’t in fear the professor would’ve failed her. She looked at the clock, moaning when she realized the class was another hour long yet. She went to shift her legs and with just the second that they were open, pee started to splash into her white panties. She quickly closed them again.
She looked around and saw everybody was busy, so she secretly lifted up her skirt and saw a yellow stain around her crotch. Luckily nothing had gotten on the stockings. She realized that she might be able to relieve most of the pressure without anybody noticing. She looked around, nervous, and opened her legs a bit. Just as it started to come out, her lab partner tapped her on the shoulder. Surprised, she let out a big squirt that stained the upper part of her stockings. She quickly closed her legs and tried to regain her composure as she turned around to her partner.
“You can do the next part so she doesn’t think you’re slacking off,” Tara said.
Tiffany tried to object saying she didn’t care, but Tara insisted. Tiffany walked across the table to where the project was and Tara went off some place, probably to get a drink or where Tiffany wanted to be: to the bathroom. Tiffany tried to concentrate on the lab, but the need to pee was too strong. She looked at the notes, trying to get a bearing, but to no avail. She realized now that if she even got the chance to go to the bathroom, she probably wouldn’t make it out of the room: she was going to wet herself.
Thinking of this made Tiffany frantic and she grabbed her pussy through her skirt and wet panties. Even with her thighs tightly crossed and her hand pressing firmly against her pussy, she could feel a long squirt come out into her panties and down her thighs, also leaving a spot on the front of her skirt. She looked around the room– her lab partner and her professor were nowhere in sight and everybody else was busy with their projects. She squatted down and pulled her panties down to her thighs…she needed to pee and she didn’t want to make a big scene out of it.
But just as she was about to pee on the floor, she heard the classroom door slam. She quickly pulled up her panties and stood up, seeing her lab partner coming back to the table. When Tara came back, she noticed that Tiffany hadn’t done anything. She turned around to confront her about it and noticed the desperate look on Tiffany’s face and the wet spot on the front of her skirt. Tara couldn’t help but giggle at it, which made Tiffany feel hurt and mad at the same time.
Tara walked up and whispered in Tiffany’s ear, “Go ahead…wet your panties like a little baby. Turn me on.”
Tiffany looked at Tara in shock and Tara just smiled and replied with, “I noticed you checking me out.”
Tiffany knew she couldn’t hold on any longer anyways. She just opened her legs and felt it come gushing out of her pussy…splashing into her panties and soaking them and running down her legs in her stockings. She found she actually liked the feeling of it. It splashed loudly on the floor, drawing attention from other tables. It wasn’t long before the whole class was watching in awe of Tiffany wetting herself that nobody even noticed Tara standing in the back with her hand under her pants, fingering herself watching Tiffany…well, except for Tiffany, who didn’t take her eyes off Tara.
When Tiffany was finished wetting herself, her white panties were now yellow and soaked, there were long streaks down her stockings, her skirt was wet, she was standing in a puddle, and Tara had a silent orgasm. She was quite turned on by it but embarrassed by everybody seeing her. The professor was still gone from the room, so Tiffany grabbed her notes and quickly slipped out. Tara was following her out when the professor came in and noticed Tiffany was gone and asked where she was.
“She kind of had an accident and ran out crying,” Tara said. “I just wanted to go make sure she’s OK. We’ll be back.”
Tara slipped past the professor before she could say anything and ran down the sidewalk to catch up with Tiffany, who was totally red faced and starting to cry. Tara put her hand on Tiffany. Surprised, she turned around to see Tara.
“Aw, it’s OK,” Tara said softly to Tiffany, wiping the tears off her face.
Tara let her hands slip into Tiffany’s hair and she started to kiss Tiffany softly. Tiffany dropped her notes on the ground and kissed her back, running her hands through Tara’s hair. Tara pulled away and looked at Tiffany’s tear streaked face. Tiffany was still sniffling but no more tears.
“Did the little baby wet herself?” Tara teased. “Well, I’ll just have to make you feel better by evening it out.”
Tiffany looked at Tara, confused, which quickly turned into surprise as she watched a wet spot start around Tara’s crotch and quickly spread down the legs of her jeans and splash onto the sidewalk. By the time she was finished, Tara was completely soaked and the sidewalk had a huge wet spot on it. Tara smacked the wetness on her legs and smiled at Tiffany. Tiffany felt a lot better now and they walked back to Tiffany’s dorm together.
After that night, the very next day they became roommates.
By: Amoeba