Anastasia Beaverhausen

1 stories

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The Absolutely True Adventures of Anastasia
By: Anastasia Beaverhausen (31 Oct 2010, Sunday)

After a studious semester my first year in college, I realized that the classes were easy. Not really all that different from high school. I had been expecting something challenging and unexpected to leap out at any point that first semester, but it never did. I relaxed a lot about my schoolwork then. I still did well, but allowed myself to have a social life as well. I still wasn't a big house–party person. Those things are just annoying to me. A bunch of my friends were having a dorm party though, with one of those giant jugs of vodka and a couple of gallons of Tampico. I was pumped. We all started drinking and playing Strip Monopoly, the rules of which still confuse me. I was wearing my college freshman…

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