
1 stories

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Accident in the Park
By: Ani-Wee (30 Apr 2002, Tuesday)

I was told to go to the toilet before we left, but I didn't.When we got to the park, I was asked to look after my younger sisters. I was wearing black knickers, a blue skirt down to my knees, and a white T–shirt. After a while, I began to feel the need to pee. I ignored it, and I continued to watch my sisters. My family said they were going home for an hour, leaving me on my own with them, a responsibility thing they said. After a short while, I really needed to pee. I crossed my legs, which helped, but it couldn't hold for long. I could feel the pressure on my bladder; it was sort of a dead weight. This didn't help too much, because it seemed to sink down. I knew where the toilets were; it was just that I…

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