By: Anna M.
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Hello, my name is Anna. I’m 24, blonde; slim, neither tall nor short.
If you’ve read my other story, you know I pride myself on my good bladder control. I’m one of those girls who never seems to pee…
I usually leave all my pee for when I get home.
But I wasn’t always like that… back when I was in college my bladder wasn’t all that strong and didn’t have that much capacity. I guess I was just ‘normal’ :) Anyway, one day I arrived late for a test, didn’t pee first, got desperate, you get the picture (I’ll tell it in some other story), and ended up failing the course because I had to leave the test early to pee so I didn’t answer all the questions.
I was so mad at myself that day that I decided to set a goal for myself: train my bladder to be a little more resistant. So the next day I set out to carry out the first of the many training exercises I devised…
In the morning I woke up needing to pee quite badly, and as I peed I started to think what today’s exercise should be. As I peed I promised one day the exercise would be to skip that delicious morning pee, but not today –– it was too good.
So ok, I decided that pee would be all I’d have until I returned to the dorm after lunch. It was 6 in the morning, so it would a good six hours until I came back. I’d skip my usual pee between the morning classes and would not pee before lunch as I normally would. And I promised myself I wouldn’t rush anything, I’d just behave normally– then calmly return to the dorm, change clothes, take out the trash and then pee.
Well, after the first class I had to pee but of course, not bad. But here’s the thing: I forgot about my commitment and went to the ladies’ out of habit and only remembered after I’d started peeing. I cursed at myself and considered cutting off my pee right there. (I had peed, like, half of it by the time I remembered) and compensated by drinking a lot of water… but stopping a pee was too much of a torture so I peed until the last drop –– and promised myself that one day the challenge would be to stop a good pee midway through :)
Anyhow, the next day I tried to do the same thing. I had my morning pee and decided not to pee until I returned, but I had an idea… after putting my panties on, I cut a little strip of sticky tape and stuck it vertically, starting at the front of my panties (they were old so I didn’t care if the fabric got damaged) and going all the way to just below my bellybutton. That way, the panties would not be able to come off (I and would not be able to pee) without tearing the tape. The tape would symbolize my “no pee” commitment and I would be reminded of the exercise if I tried to pee, and I would, of course, be reluctant to tear it.
During the first class I drank down a Snapple bottle. (Knowing full well I was playing with danger since none of the Snapple was going to be able to come out any time soon)
After the first class (that was maybe two hours and a half after I left the dorm), I had a slight need to pee but I remembered I had the tape on so I knew there should be no peeing. I did go to the ladies’ to wash hands, rearrange my hair and such.
In the middle of the second class however I felt my bladder starting to complain that I hadn’t peed at break. By the end of class I would definitely have gone to the bathroom in ordinary circumstances, but again, I remembered that I should honour the tape and walked right past the tempting bathroom and made my way to the cafeteria. That must have been about five hours after I left the dorm.
Situation summary so far: 6 hours without a pee, drank a Snapple bottle, bladder moderately full, tempted to pee but not desperate, tape intact. I noticed that I was walking unusually fast… I just didn’t walk that fast normally so I reprimanded myself and started walking even slower than I used to, to compensate for the rush. After all, rushing to get back to the dorm qualified as cheating on the pee–exercise.
I arrived at the cafeteria. I’d have a quiet lunch now and then calmly stroll back to the dorms and there I would calmly change clothes, take out the trash and only then would I allow myself to tear the tape and pee.
However, things never seem to turn out the way you expect now, do they? As I was walking into the cafeteria, I heard one of my friends, Ashley, calling me from her car as she was just driving by. There were two other friends of mine in the car and they seemed to be going somewhere.
“We’re going to the Mall, we’ll have lunch there and hang out a while. Come on over!” Ashley said.
“Yeah, c’mon, get a break from that cafeteria food.” another friend insisted.
For a moment I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to go but at the same time I wanted to finish that pee exercise since I’d already sacrificed two pee breaks and wasn’t about to give up now.
I figured what the hell and just got in the car with them. I’d pee as soon as we got to the mall and leave the exercise for another day.
Situation: 6 hours and half without peeing, had a Snapple in the morning, bladder moderately full but getting fuller, tape intact, needing to pee but not thaaat bad We caught some traffic and made it to the mall in half an hour, and by then my bladder was already pretty angry at me and I reminded myself to look for a bathroom first thing.
We went into the mall and started strolling around, and I of course was on the look out for bathroom signs. By the time we ran across a bathroom, I was already very impatient. I excused myself and went in, found a free stall and closed it shut. After putting the seat protector sheet on, I took my belt off I felt a wave of need as my bladder anticipated the relief. Then I unbuttoned my skirt and felt even more need. As I pulled down the skirt I saw the tape going from the front part of my panties to just below my bellybutton. It was there, intact, a safeguard against cheating on the exercise. I was going to have to tear it off to get my panties down and pee.
As I started peeling it off, I stopped myself and I realized that violating the tape now, in the mall, would be a really sad way to break the promise I had made only to tear the tape back in the dorm.
I stood there, legs tightly together, hands on the tape ready to rip it off, bladder complaining, getting waves of need…
Darn I was soooo close to a toilet.
The temptation was terrible. I had seven hours worth of pee behind that little tape. I definitely regretted drinking that Snapple. But my commitment won. I reluctantly pulled my skirt back up and buttoned it, then put the belt back on and walked out.
As I left the bathroom I felt… well, on the one hand I felt a pretty insistent need to pee urging me to get back there and finish the job. On the other hand I felt so proud of myself, to be walking out of the bathroom with the tape still 100% intact, having resisted to the temptation even as I was there– face to face with the toilet holding a pretty respectable amount of pee…
So I took a deep breath and told myself “I promised. No pee until I get to the dorm. Must honour tape. That’s final.”
We went to the food court and ate… I had a can of Coke as I usually did. I have to confess that I considered not ordering anything to drink due to the situation, but I realized that would be cheating too.
We ate and stayed there talking for a while. When we got up from the table I felt a VERY pressing need to pee… I had to use a LOT of willpower to keep it in as a wave of need hit me. It was about 2:30pm… well, my last pee having been at 6am, that made… wow– eight hours and a half. Plus a Snapple in the morning and a Coke, none of which were, of course, allowed to come out.
After the wave passed I continued to feel full… but it was more bearable. I was having trouble staying still of course, so I kept pacing and hopping, and I was kind of hoping no one noticed. Damn, I needed to pee pretty badly.
Situation: 8 hours and half without peeing– plus Snapple and Coke– bladder pretty full. Needing to pee pretty badly.
As we were walking out we passed by the bathroom again. I imagined the car ride would take another half an hour, and my bladder was already pretty full, so I decided to give up and go pee! I went in really quickly and got into a stall, took the belt off while hoping to contain another sudden wave of need. Oh, the toilet was so close yet again and I had now almost 9 hours worth of pee. I took my skirt off and again saw the tape there, intact, the guardian….
I cursed at it as I tried to peel it but then… well again I had second thoughts. Quitting, me? I’m not a quitter. If I rip of this tape now I’ll be quitting. No, the tape stays. I took a deep breath and pulled my skirt back on, then had to hop a little bit to hold the pee inside as it was protesting the sudden change of plans and went out of the bathroom with a really full bladder.
Try that sometime, walking out of a bathroom with a full bladder. It’s pretty bad.
I was even prouder walking out of the bathroom this time, since my urge to pee was really serious now, it wasn’t just like ‘I want to pee’ it was like ‘I HAVE to pee, I NEED it.’ And again I had resisted it.
We drove back to the dorm and got more traffic. I had to keep my legs crossed all the way and even had to shift in my seat a couple times. Damn, I had the worst need to pee in my life (that is, not including controlled circumstances like ultrasound scans –– on those I had been in worse need to pee than I was now). And my friends decided to stop by a gas station to fill up (hey!) and buy snacks, and that took some time and I was almost shouting at everybody.
More traffic. What a bad time for roadwork.
We finally got back to the dorm and I rushed to my room, violating the rule about not rushing.
Situation: 9 hours without peeing, plus Snapple and Coke– bladder very full. Need to pee very, very bad. Tape intact, intact since morning! (Applause)
As I got to my dorm I rushed into the bathroom, almost tore my skirt off and then started to peel the tape as I did a pee–dance and hopped on one foot. Just a few seconds, just a few seconds!!!!
3:30pm and I hadn’t peed since I had woken up. Then I remembered that part of the deal was that I had to change and take out the trash before peeing. So once more I fought the temptation to just pee right there but resisted and went out of the bathroom almost dying of need. It was the most awkward change of clothes in my life; I almost tripped over my pants (good thing I didn’t fall, otherwise there’d be pee all over the floor) and had trouble finding the armholes of my sweater. All the time I was hopping and dancing…
I almost pissed all over myself as I leaned down to pick up the trash, ran like mad to the trash chute, came back and made a bee–line for the bathroom, only to find it… LOCKED! My roommate had just arrived while I was out dumping the trash and was taking a shower.
I banged at the door “Charlize, I NEED TO PEE!” I shouted, but she didn’t hear it.” “What?” “If I don’t pee I’ll explode!!! Hurry up!!”
To which she answered, “Go to the bathroom in the hallway, I’ll be a few minutes here still.” I confess that I almost rushed over to the hallway bathroom to pee… but then again; that would not fulfil the promise exactly. And since I had already waited ten hours (!), I just kept on dancing and hopping and grabbing my crotch as I tried to hold back. When I felt about to give up I peeked inside my skirt to see the tape and seeing it there, intact as promised, encouraged me to hold on.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon…”
When she came out I darted to the toilet, took off my skirt and finally and with a huge smile, I tore away the tape and pulled my panties down. I was barely done doing that when the pee started to gush out like a waterfall and I almost missed the bowl… I almost had an orgasm from the feeling of PEEEEING, finally, after more than nine hours!!!!! If someone held a gun to my head and told me to stop peeing, I wouldn’t care; I’d just continue that most delicious fantastic pee I ever had!!!
By: Anna M.