After the Ultrasound

By: Anna M.
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Hello, my name is Anna M. If you haven’t read any of my other stories, here’s a quick intro: I’m a girl who only pees at home, no matter what! I pee in the morning before I leave and then just hold it in till I get back home in the evening… some people call that an “All Day Girl.” :–)
Well, this is a story about the time I had to take an ultrasound scan last year. Routine check. As you must know, a full bladder is a requirement to take it and of course most girls just RUN to the bathroom just as soon as it’s over… but I of course don’t :–) Read on…
One time last year I had an appointment for an ultrasound scan and of course one must have a full bladder for it. Since I hate drinking loads of water, I just scheduled it for about 1 p.m. and didn’t pee in the morning that day… by mid morning I was pretty uncomfortable and when I got there I was really full!!!
I hate not peeing in the morning! If I pee in the morning I can last all day and only pee at night.
Anyhow I go in for my appointment and… Omg it was such a torture when they pressed against my full, full bladder with that cold little gel they use!!
And I shifted as he was scanning so he had to start over!!! The second time I was really still.
When I got out I was so full. I still had to go back to work, but there was NO way I was going to last till 6 p.m. so I decided to bend the rules and drop by home real quick for a pee (I only pee at home for those that don’t know me), since it was close by.
As I arrive home I was already crossing my legs anticipating that awesome pee I was gonna take, I realized something: I left my home keys at work!
So I start moaning to no one, like “oh c’mon you can’t do that to a girl who’s just gotten out of an ultrasound!!! I have a OCEAN inside my bladder here!”
Well, I have no alternative other than to walk back to work (its like 6 or 7 blocks) with my legs REALLY tight together and doing a discrete little pee dance every time I had to wait to cross a street. It was almost 3 p.m. and I still hadn’t peed since the night before!!! Try that sometime…
Anyhow I arrive at work already late for a meeting, go upstairs and meet my boss on the corridor and she starts ushering me into the conference room…
I was really afraid I’d have to hold my pee in the rest of the day and I was already walking to the conference room with my boss trying to persuade my bladder that it wouldn’t have any relief till the evening. Since I was the only one late and was holding everybody up, having a quick dash to the ladies’ wasn’t an option.
Then something really LUCKY happened… my boss (female boss, btw) said she needed to pick up some reports at her desk before the meeting and told me to go to the conference room and get started. As she turned her back I was torn apart by doubt: I looked at the conference room pressing my legs together… then looked at the bathroom… then looked at the conference room again… and decided to DASH FOR THE BATHROOM ;–)
As I was about to go inside my boss passed by and she already had the papers she had gone to pick up. I was afraid she wasn’t going to let me go into the bathroom, but she just said, “don’t be long,” and I knew she meant it.
So I go in and, contrary to my usual habit, I take a pee at work ;–) but as I sit down it takes REALLY long to start since I had been holding that long… and I was in such a RUSH to get to the damn meeting. Anyhow, after almost half a minute it starts coming out and OMG what a relief it was to be PEEEEING :–) I think I almost moaned from the pleasure… but my pee comes out really slow and takes very long so at one point I realized my time was up and actually cut my pee in half… if you’ve ever tried cutting a desperate pee halfway you know what I mean… for the two or three minutes after I stopped it, it felt like it was going to come out in my pants anyway. But later it stopped and I was just “having to pee” but not as desperate.
At the end of the workday my half–emptied bladder was really full again, but I managed to get home without any problems. However the next pee I took there was really good too!!!!
Just thought I’d share that story with ya! Hope you enjoy it!
By: Anna M.