Sue & Joan 1 - Revelations

By: Arg
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

This story is based on the characters in JJ’s “Lynn” series. Apart from that, it is total fiction.
Cast of characters:
Lynn Mandy– Lynn’s sister Jo–Anne– Lynn’s friend Amy– Lynn & Jo–Anne’s friend Donna– Amy’s neighbor/sister Sue– Lynn’s mother Joan– Donna’s mother
For a couple of weeks after Donna had introduced her to the pleasures of wetting, Joan couldn’t stop thinking about it. She couldn’t dare risk the embarrassment of doing it in public again, but compromised on what she thought of as her ‘piddle & diddle sessions.’ The garden was nice and secluded, so she could fill up by drinking plenty of water during the morning, then find a quiet time in the afternoon when no one else was home to slip into the garden and let it all come out. After the excitement building up with the hours of anticipation, then the joy of the release, it only took a few strokes to bring her to the best orgasms ever.
However, there was still something missing. Joan felt like she had discovered this huge secret, and what’s the use of a secret if you can’t share it with a friend? The question was, who could she tell –most of her friends were so straight–laced that even mentioning that she’d peed herself by accident would be quite out of the question, never mind admitting that she enjoyed it. And talking openly about sex to her daughter was not that comfortable either, especially here where Donna seemed to know much more about the subject than she did.
Joan was still pondering this question on the next Saturday morning when Donna bounced into the kitchen, rushing in to get her breakfast and fill her backpack with several bottles of water.
“Where are you off to in such a hurry this morning?”
“Sorry, didn’t I tell you? We’re all taking our bikes over to the forest for the day.”
“Oh yes? Who’s ‘all of you’ then?”
“Me, Amy, Lynn, maybe Mandy. We’re meeting up at Lynn’s house in 5 minutes. See you about 7 tonight. Byeee…”
Donna rushed out of the house, leaving Joan suddenly filled with a new idea. Lynn and Mandy, or more to the point Lynn’s mother Sue.
Sue wasn’t one of Joan’s oldest friends, as they’d only moved to the district a few years ago, but with their daughters becoming friends it was natural for the mothers to get to know each other. Joan had always admired Sue’s practical and open–minded attitude towards life, the way she stood up against some of the petty characters you used to get at the school meetings. Here was someone who wouldn’t take offense at the idea of some discreet peeing – even if she didn’t like the idea, she’d probably just turn it into a joke.
Joan drained her water glass and went to check the contents of the fridge. With the warm weather and her husband away on business again, she’d hoped to squeeze in a ‘piddle & diddle’ session sometime during the day, but now with Donna away all day too, this was the perfect chance to invite Sue over for lunch and hope to steer the conversation round to her new interest. Yes, there were the makings of a nice chicken salad in the fridge, and ice cream for desert. Two bottles of white wine went in to cool down, then after a few moments thought a third one ‘just in case.’ Sue may be open–minded, but Joan was still going to need some Dutch courage to open the subject in conversation.
Trying to sound relaxed; Joan picked up the phone and called Sue. “Hi Sue, I just wondered if you were doing anything for lunch today?”
“Nothing special, why?”
“Well with the girls all away for the day, I thought we could have lunch together – just the two of us for a change.”
“Sounds great! Do you want me to bring anything?”
“No, I’ve got it covered. Don’t dress up – it’s so warm I thought we’d eat in the garden”.
“Great. About 12 o’clock?”
“Fine, see you then. Bye.”
Step one accomplished – just a couple of hours to wait. Joan busied herself with housework. It seemed silly to worry about her reputation for keeping a tidy home given what she wanted to talk about, but old habits died hard. Passing the mirror, Joan stopped to check her appearance and sighed. True, she looked smart enough in her tailored shorts and crisp white t–shirt, but she couldn’t compete with Sue’s blonde, athletic form kept in shape by rushing around town on her bicycle all the time. Making a mental note to visit the gym next week, Joan ran a comb through her dark hair. “At least my breasts are bigger than hers” she said to herself by way of an ego–boost. Indeed, they made a pleasing shape under the form–fitting t–shirt in her favorite comfortable bra.
Noon rolled around, and right on time Sue whizzed up to the front door on her bicycle. As predicted, she was looking great in a skimpy halter–top and a pair of white shorts, rather shorter than Joan’s, the better to show off her long legs.
“Hi Sue, come on in, you look like you could use a drink.”
“Yes, you certainly picked the weather for sitting in the garden.”
“White wine OK?” Asked Joan, leading the way to the kitchen.
“Have you got some soda to make it into a Spritzer? If I start guzzling straight wine in this heat, I’ll be tiddly in no time.”
“Sure. I’ll have the same.” said Joan, selecting some large glasses.
Conversation over lunch flowed over familiar topics – the success of Sue’s business ventures, and the controversy over school funding where Sue was so angry at the city council that she had got elected as the parents’ representative to the school board. Finishing the food, they reclined their garden chairs and relaxed.
Joan got up to clear away the dishes, and returned with yet another refill of the drinks. They were well into the second bottle now, and the beginning of a need to pee reminded Joan of the purpose of this get–together. How to steer the conversation onto pee games? Sitting down again, she thought of a safe opening:
“I bet when the kids get back from the forest they’ll have another load of laundry to do!”
“Yes, it’s nearly as bad as when they were babies,” laughed Sue.
“You’d almost think they did it on purpose.”
“I’m sure they do!” replied Sue “Some of their excuses are quite creative, but not really very believable.”
“Oh yes? What have they been telling you?”
Sue’s own bladder was beginning to feel comfortably full from all the drinks, and with the wine and the sunshine making her feel mellow, she was happy to push the conversation a bit further.
“Well, the most outrageous one was a few weeks back when Lynn and Jo–Anne came in having completely pissed in their jeans. The story was that Jo–Anne was desperate when they found that the toilets in the park had been closed due to vandalism, and then some un–named boys surprised them and made Jo–Anne lose it. Lynn’s excuse was that she’d done it on purpose just so that Jo–Anne didn’t feel humiliated being the only one in wet jeans. But this wasn’t just a few spurts– they’d obviously given everything they had into their jeans. And to cap it all, when they got home and told this tall tale, Mandy insisted on wetting herself too, to show solidarity and protest against the city closing the toilets!”
Sue decided to keep her own participation in this little protest/game to herself for now, as she still wasn’t quite sure what Joan’s feelings were about pee games. She certainly wasn’t acting as if she were disgusted; indeed she was paying close attention and seemed really interested – maybe even turned on? Sue could see Joan’s nipples standing out through the thin fabric of her t–shirt. Maybe there was a chance for something to happen here.
Joan was delighted by Sue’s tale – this was just the sort of conversation she had hoped to get going. “Yes, that’s certainly more original than Donna’s usual ‘I couldn’t find a toilet and I just had to go’ kind of excuse.”
“Well, I used to get that from Mandy when she started going to concerts, but lately she just wears skirts and thinks I don’t notice the pissed–in panties that turn up in the wash. And Lynn’s panties come home from school wet more often than not these days.”
Joan was getting really excited by all these images. Sue seemed pretty laid back about the youngsters pissing themselves, though Joan wasn’t sure what she’d think about a grown woman doing it. But this conversation was too hot to let the subject drop.
“So, do you think they’re out there in the forest this afternoon, pissing away together to their hearts’ content?”
“More than likely. That little group seems to have got themselves organized– one day they’ll come home from school all wearing skirts and not wanting to sit down in case I discover their peed panties, another day they’ll all be wearing jeans, with almost–dry pee stains in the crotch that they think I can’t see.”
Sue was now getting horny with all this piss talk, and it didn’t seem as if Joan would mind if she had a little accident. Taking another long drink from her glass, she let out a good squirt in her panties. Her shorts were of good thick material, and she knew from experience that it would take several squirts before the dampness soaked through, and even more before it became really visible. Putting her empty glass back on the table, she absently trailed her hand across her breasts, adding to the tingling down below.
Joan was now almost sure that the conversation was turning on Sue. Maybe Sue liked this too? Time to make the topic more personal. “Well, we never used to get up to those kind of games at my school.” Joan said, in a wistful tone of voice.
This was the moment of truth. Sue gave another squirt and decided to go for it. “You obviously went to the wrong school. We certainly did at mine.”
There it was – out in the open. Joan’s hopes for the afternoon had been wildly exceeded, and there was still more to come.
“I’ll just refill the glasses, then you’ll have to tell me all about it.”
With Joan out of the way, Sue took the opportunity to slip a hand under the waistband of her shorts. Panties nice and wet, but not touching the crotch of her shorts so no damage there. Maybe a damp spot on the seat before long, but that wouldn’t show unless she stood up. Just a quick rub to boost the feeling…
Joan was beside herself. Sue was into wetting too! Or at least she had been as a teenager. Maybe they could do it together! Joan rushed back with the fresh drinks before the conversation could go off the boil.
“So, how did you get started on pissing games then? Go on, I want all the details!”
Sue smiled at Joan’s undisguised enthusiasm. Had she just picked up on the subject, or was it something she’d been thinking about for a while? Maybe even she’d even tried it herself? Sue hadn’t had a pissing partner since college, and now Joan of all people! From her current state, it would only take a few good stories to get her to join in. “Well, it all started innocently enough with a family holiday at the beach, with my best friend Rachael staying with us. There were no toilets at the beach itself, and it would have been silly to drive back to the village just for a piss, so everybody just went into the water and peed through their swimming costumes as a matter of course – the adults as well as the kids. It was just the way things were done.”
“Maybe in your family. My mother was far too uptight to let us get away with anything like that, even if it was fun. Specially if it was fun, in fact.”
“Anyhow, one afternoon it was a bit cold and I didn’t want to go back into the water, so I thought I’d get away with it just peeing very slowly through my suit into the sand. It felt really sneaky, and I loved the warm, damp feeling down there. No one noticed, and towards the end of the afternoon Rachael came out of the water shivering and said something like ‘you’re lucky you don’t need to pee.’ Later that night I told her my secret, which she thought was really daring, so we dared ourselves to go the whole of the next day without peeing in a toilet or in the water. Of course, we teased each other by continuously refilling the teacups at breakfast, so by the time we got to the beach we were busting but couldn’t show it without spoiling our plan. Going for the first time in a dry costume was the real challenge, but we distracted attention by starting to build a big sandcastle, then squatted down, looked at each other, and let go the first squirt. It was really hard to stop at just a bit, but everyone knew we hadn’t been swimming yet; a little bit of dampness could be explained by sitting on the sand, but a full pee would be too obvious. And the feeling of peeing for the first time into a dry costume was something else.”
Sue had been pretending to look into the middle distance while telling her story, but out of the corner of her eye she could see that Joan’s hand was now casually laying across her chest, with the thumb very slowly drawing circles around one nipple.
“So you went the whole day without going in the water once?”
“Well, we couldn’t go the whole day without swimming, it would be too suspicious, but we’d planned this the night before and so we agreed to go swimming only when we were both completely empty, then we came out, dried in the sun, and then we were ready to start pissing again. So we did it all by sneaky pissing.”
“Hmm, I’d never thought about doing it that way,” said Joan thoughtfully. Her bladder was now feeling very full, and if Sue could get away with doing it a swimming costume, surely she could let out a spurt in her shorts. She tried relaxing experimentally and was rewarded with a good spurt, needing to tense up quickly to stop it again.
Sue missed the telltale signs of Joan’s wetting as she had been glancing down at her own shorts to check if the results of several more spurts were visible yet. Nothing obvious, but the back of her shorts was soaked and it must be beginning to work its way up the sides by now. She had been doing the entire running in the conversation so far, now was a chance to throw it back on Joan’s side.
“Oh yes? Which way had you thought about doing it then?”
“You know, waiting ‘til you’re bursting then pushing it all out as fast as possible for maximum effect. I hadn’t thought of the thrill of doing it so no–one would know.”
Joan’s horniness was now so obvious that Sue felt confident to go into the sexier aspects. “Well, both parts are good. When we talked about it that night we concentrated on the sneakiness of the whole thing – at that age, it was a big thing to admit that we masturbated. But later on, we both admitted that we’d been as horny as hell that first day, and it turned out that we’d both masturbated in the shower to keep the other from knowing.”
“So, did you do any more on that trip?”
“More of the same – we spent the whole week on the beach, so there wasn’t much scope for variation, but we played the same game each day until we left, cranking up the pressure each day by drinking more and more water. No one ever noticed, so far as we knew, though now having watched what my own kids get up to, I wonder if my mother knew. She never said anything.”
This time, Sue was watching when Joan let go another burst of pee. She decided it was time to call her on it. “Mmm. How long have you been wet?”
“Dang! I thought I was getting away with it. It’s my second spurt.”
“I’ve lost count. I started before your last trip to refill the drinks.”
“Wow, you’re much better at this than I am. I thought you were still dry.”
“Practice makes perfect. Actually, you can pee really quite a lot sitting down before it’s visible from the front. Hopeless if you then have to stand up though. Honestly, I can’t see any on your shorts yet; it was the clenching of your muscles that gave you away, and only because I was looking for it.”
“I’ve only tried it the blatant way before,” said Joan, pushing a big long stream into her shorts. “Mmmmmm, so good!” she noted. A damp patch appeared on the fabric. “Anyhow, you obviously didn’t leave it at that when you got back from the beach?”
“No. I really wanted to do it again, but at that stage it was something I still associated with swimming costumes. I was still masturbating like crazy over the memories of doing it, but didn’t have the chance to do it for real. Then one night I was home alone watching TV, bladder fairly full, and I suddenly wondered how much I could do in my panties before it soaked through into my jeans. Of course I had to try it, and that was when I found out that sitting down the seat of your pants gets wet long before the front. When I’d done as much as I thought was safe, I rushed upstairs and did the rest in the bath. Another massive come– this was the first time I’d had the chance to masturbate in the middle of a wetting rather than afterwards. It was only later when I’d put my clothes in the laundry that I discovered a big damp patch on the couch. Luckily, it dried without leaving a stain.”
Joan’s nipple play had become more blatant by now, though still through the fabric of her t–shirt.
“Close call. So, did you switch to private wetting after that?”
Sue decided to permit herself a hand on the outside of her shorts before continuing. “No. By now it was the end of summer and school was starting next week, so I could hook up with Rachael again. I wasn’t sure if she might think it was just a one–time thing, but she brought up the subject and I described my jeans–on–the–couch experience. It was lunch–hour and we were sitting on the grass in our school–uniform skirts; Rachael pointed out that if we just wet our panties sitting down like that, no one would be able to see and when we stood up our skirts would hide everything. Of course I thought about it for all of about 2 seconds before deciding to give it a try.”
“Was it good?” Joan unsnapped her bra for easier access. All thoughts of good manners had plainly gone by the board. Both of their shorts were thoroughly wet by now.
“Oh yeah! The wetting is always better in a thick pair of panties than a swimsuit, and there’s the sneaky thrill of doing it in full view yet no one can see. Plus it’s always more exciting doing it with a friend to share the experience.”
“I’m just… mmm… finding that out,” said Joan, one hand having disappeared into her shorts and the other still playing frantically with her breasts.
Sue untied the halter strap on her top before continuing. “Well, we sat there for about 5 minutes giving each other a squirt–by–squirt commentary as we let it all out… mmmmm… getting warm and wet and horny… mmmm…”
“Oh god…”
“Then we realised that we needed to dry off before sitting down in class… mmmm… so we ran off to the toilets…. where I… uhhhh… fingered myself to the best climax ever…”
Joan hit her peak first, closely followed by Sue. It was almost five minutes before they were ready to talk again, lying there in their totally soaked shorts, other clothing undone, gently caressing themselves as they came down to earth.
Sue was the first to break the silence. “Well, that certainly wasn’t what I had in mind when you invited me around for lunch! You were the last person I’d have expected to be into wetting.”
“Sorry, that sounds bad. I don’t mean to call you a prude.”
“No, you’re quite right. A month ago, if you’d come around and deliberately pissed in my garden, I’d have been outraged. Then a couple of weeks ago Donna and I were on a trip out of town and couldn’t find a public toilet anywhere. Donna eventually persuaded me to do it in my pants – not that I had much choice, I was absolutely bursting, worse than I’ve ever been – and after that I’ve had a completely different outlook on the subject.”
“Yes, it’s easy to get hooked.”
“But now I find that you’ve been at it all the time I’ve known you!”
“Not really. It’s gone in phases with me. Rachael and I carried on through the rest of our time at high school trying out everything we could think of, but I stopped when I went away to college– living in dorms, I was afraid of getting found out and that my new friends wouldn’t understand. Then after 6 dry months I was sitting in the back of a lecture next to a girl who was obviously playing ‘hold–it’ games. We both had large bottles of water with us, and one thing led to another and ended with both of us getting wet. So, I had a new partner–in–crime and we had fun right through college. After that I had another ‘dry patch.’
“As opposed to a wet patch…” giggled Joan.
“Ho ho. What with getting married, having babies, and then starting the business, I just didn’t have the private time for pissing games. Then after Bob died, the kids weren’t around all the time anymore, so I began to indulge myself again. Just occasionally to begin with, but then this summer, seeing the youngsters at it all the time, I’ve become almost as bad as they are.”
Sue looked at her watch. “I suppose we’d better think about cleaning up, then I think we need a good strong cup of tea. How much wine did we drink? I’ve got that meeting up at the school tonight and I need a clear head to give those idiots from the city council a good roasting.”
“Two full bottles between us. I had a third on stand–by, but we didn’t need it.”
“You had all this planned, didn’t you? And there I was thinking I was leading you astray!”
“Well, I hoped that if we got a bit relaxed I might get up the nerve to talk about it, but I never imagined things getting this far.”
Sue stood up and removed her shorts. “You go and make the tea, I’ll hose down the chairs. Good thing your cushions are waterproof.”
“What are you going to do about your shorts? I don’t think any of mine will fit you.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll rinse them out under the hose and they’ll be dry enough to wear if I leave them in the sun for twenty minutes. No one will notice if they are just a bit damp all over. I’ll bring a spare pair next time.”
Joan went off to make the tea. She hadn’t thought about ‘next time’, but now it was mentioned, the idea was exciting. This sneaky wetting business was a whole new aspect that needed a lot of thought. Could she dare to do it in public if she were very careful?
Half an hour and several cups of tea later, Sue pedaled away on her bicycle. The brisk exercise coupled with the pressure in her bladder was making her feel good again. Could she dare another wetting? It wouldn’t be the first time she’d wet on the bicycle, but normally in her black cycling shorts that didn’t show anything, rather than these white ones. Still, a couple of squirts wouldn’t hurt, and she could do the rest when safely in the garden at home. Turning the last corner into her own street, everything was quiet: no neighbors were around to stop her for a talk. Sue coasted up the driveway to her house, pissing hard into her shorts.
Disaster! Leaning up near the front door were several bicycles. The girls must have come back early. Adrenaline pumping, Sue dismounted from her bicycle and cautiously peeped through the window. No one seemed to be inside – maybe they were in the back garden. Rubbing her legs together to try and stop the pee dripping down, Sue quietly turned her key in the front door and slipped inside. Creeping upstairs, she heard the sound of the back door opening and someone stepping into the kitchen. Sue froze. There was the sound of running water and a bottle being filled up.
“Get some more coke!” She recognized Mandy’s voice calling from outside. Lynn’s shout of “OK!!” was so loud that the shock made Sue lose another squirt of pee. Finally, the back door slammed and Sue scooted up the stairs into her bedroom.
Peeping out of the window, she could see Mandy, Jo–Anne, Amy and Donna all standing around holding plastic cups. Actually, standing wasn’t really the word – all of them were fidgeting or pacing to and fro. Lynn walked erratically back to the others carrying the bottles of coke and water. Everyone held out their cups and carefully equal measures were poured, then in unison they raised their cups to their lips and downed the contents in one long draught. Jo–Anne’s hand went instinctively to her crotch, resulting in a chorus of “No holding!” from the others.
Sue was riveted to the scene. Evidently this was a carefully orchestrated game of ‘hold–it’. Who was going to lose? Jo–Anne looked the most fidgety, though Amy was squeezing her legs tight together and looked very tense. Mandy looked as if she could do cartwheels without having any trouble. Sue of course was already blissfully wet, and a hand went into her shorts as she continued to watch the action.
Mandy had a new wrinkle to the game. She got Lynn to help her fetch a bench and turn it upside down to make a balancing–beam. They now had to each walk upright along the beam without falling off – anyone who fell off would have to start again at the beginning. Mandy went first to show how it was done. Lynn begged for a rest after the effort of moving the bench, so Jo–Anne went next. She stepped quickly, but about half way along she had a spasm and had to bend double to hold it in. She wobbled considerably but did not fall off nor lose control, though Sue wondered if a leak might have happened. Eventually, Jo–Anne was able to move again and completed the course. Amy stepped up onto the beam cautiously and moved very slowly with curious shuffling steps, but made it safely to the other end. Jumping down to the ground, she let out a loud squeak, causing the others to check closely for damage, but none could be seen. Donna started off well, but half way along suddenly crossed her legs, lost her balance and crumpled onto the grass. “Ouch, that hurt!” she said, eventually scrambling back to her feet. “Someone catch me next time,” she said. Amy agreed to walk alongside Donna, and Jo–Anne paired with Lynn. Mandy claimed to have perfect balance. On the second attempt, Donna completed the course. Finally, Lynn took her turn, copying Amy’s shuffling technique; Jo–Anne walking along side to support her looked in almost as much trouble as Lynn on the beam, but they made it to the end.
Another round of drinks was poured and drunk. Mandy walked the beam again, and then turned round to walk back along it “just to show you how easy it is”, though spoiled the effect by having to stop just before the end for a moment of leg crossing. Jo–Anne mounted the beam for the next attempt and took a couple of wobbly steps before freezing. At this point, Sue noticed a large stain spreading down the leg of Amy’s jeans, but no one else noticed as all eyes were on Jo–Anne, who took another half step, wobbled, and fell off into Lynn’s arms with a loud “Ohhhhh…” as she flooded her jeans.
Lynn and Jo–Anne rolled on the floor, humping their legs against each other’s crotches, while Amy began masturbating more conventionally. Mandy jumped up on the beam and began pissing while dancing around in extravagant fashion, while Donna just lay down on her back and relaxed with hands down her jeans and a blissful expression on her face.
Sue had also reached her climax. After a moment, she got up from her position by the window, glancing ruefully at the big damp patch on the carpet. “Damn. Worth it though.” she said to herself, stripping off for a shower.
A little while later, dressed in fresh clothes, Sue strolled casually out into the garden. “Hello girls!” she said, coming closer, “My goodness! What have you been up to? You’ve got mud all over your jeans.”
“Oh, we fell in the river” said Mandy quickly as the others looked away, trying to suppress giggles.
“Just as well it’s summer or you could have been swept away,” replied Sue, carefully maintaining her poker face. “Better get those into the laundry then, I’m just putting a load in the machine.” Sue turned back into the house, smiling to herself.
To be continued in: Joan goes to the Gym.