Parking Lot Wetting

By: Brianna
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Kameron woke up at 7:45 am on the dot. “Oh shit!!!” She screamed as she jumped out of bed. This was the day that Kameron was supposed to catch the 9:30 flight to Orlando, Florida. The previous night, she partied hard with some friends, so she hadn’t even packed yet.“Calm down, Kameron!” she mumbled to herself as she searched for her, “Travel Checklist.” It was a default checklist that she always made out whenever she was traveling. It had all of the basic things that she would need to bring along on the trip. Kameron spotted the checklist hanging up on her refrigerator. She opened the fridge and took out her 32–ounce bottle of Aquafina, as she eyed the checklist quickly. She drank a huge gulp and then began to run around the house grabbing the necessary items for the trip. Naturally, she wouldn’t have much time to take her usual 15–minute shower, so she cut the time by 10 minutes. She brushed her teeth, dressed, and then went through the checklist once more. She seemed to have everything. Just as she dragged her luggage out to the car, she realized that she really needed to eat something. He stomach was making very loud noises, and she didn’t want to be embarrassed at the airport if people heard her tummy. Knowing that there was little time to spare, she ran into the house to grab something to fill her stomach. She grabbed a multigrain bar, an apple, and 2 bottled waters. Now she was on her way to the airport.
Once she started the car, Kameron turned on the radio to hear the traffic report. Apparently, the expressway was backed up thanks to a car accident. “Damnit! Now how am I gonna make it on time?” The quickest way to the airport was the expressway. The street would take forever and she would definitely miss her flight. The report DID state that the accident was quickly being cleared out and traffic would move smoothly in about 15 minutes. Kameron figured that this was her only real chance to make itt to the airport so she headed out to the expressway anyhow. Traffic was backed up much more than the news radio show had said it was. Kameron cursed to herself as she sat in the traffic; which didn’t seem to be moving at all. In her frustration, she drank the majority of the water that was in the first bottle. She kept the radio station locked to see when traffic would be moving again.
Minutes continued to pass and traffic seemed to only inch ahead. “There are construction delays on I–96. Be on the lookout for even more back ups.” Kameron sighed heavily. “Now I am never gonna make this flight… I guess I’d better call and reserve a ticket for a later flight.” Traffic still wasn’t moving. Kameron hadn’t gone to the bathroom since she had gotten up in the morning, and now she was beginning to feel her bladder swelling with the water that she was drinking. “Man I have to pee,” she said aloud, still drinking more water. The lack of movement from the traffic didn’t allow much air on this 82–degree morning. Kameron’s air conditioner only kicked out hot air anyhow. This water would be her only source of cooling off.
Traffic started to move. Kameron was elated! She looked at the clock… 9:05. “Great, now I can still make the flight!!!” Kameron’s bladder was totally full now and in desperate need of relief. At the rate traffic was going now though, she would be able to make her flight and make it to the bathroom. She knew that she might barely make it to the restroom, but that didn’t matter much to her. Traffic started to slow up a bit, but not too much. “Oh come on! I have to make this flight!” Kameron said to herself. Her real thoughts were about making it to the bathroom though. Kameron remembered the time she was stuck in rush hour traffic and she peed her pants badly. She certainly didn’t want a repeat of that. Kameron was 22 years old…far too old to be wetting her pants.
Finally after 12 more minutes, traffic ran smoothly. Kameron was near speeding when she got close to the airport. Her bladder was so swollen that she didn’t know what to do. She was excited and still trying to hold in her urine. Once she exited, there was a bit of a traffic backup leading to the airport. Kameron was irritated because she really had to pee, AND she was in danger of missing her flight. Traffic was moving at a snail pace through the parking lot. This could only mean one thing… There weren’t many parking spots. Kameron’s bladder really needed to be emptied. She fidgeted in the driver’s seat as she tried to keep her mind off of her full bladder. The cars moved around the parking lot and Kameron looked for a parking spot. “I have to PEE!!!!” she yelled out of frustration. She was at the point of holding herself between the legs now. Kameron still didn’t see any parking spots. She was squirming and fidgeting because her bladder was contracting. On top of that, her pants were tight, and pressing her bladder. “Oh shit, I hope I don’t pee my pants!” she mumbled. Finally, she found a parking spot. Another driver saw the same spot, and Kameron had to zoom into the spot, and had to break hard to keep from hitting the car in front. She lost control for about a second, but quickly gained it back. “Yikes!!!” she screamed. She could feel the wetness in her panties and it clung to her vagina. It was like torture. Kameron was quite a ways away from the door. She grabbed her bags and started walking quickly. Feeling the wetness and not being able to hold herself was making not losing control almost impossible. Every step she took, it seemed like she was about to just totally lose control. She had a pain so sharp in her bladder that it caused her to double over. She knew that she couldn’t walk much further without peeing herself. She decided that she had to let some of the urine go. She still had 8 minutes before the flight was scheduled to leave, and she was halfway there. She relaxed her muscles and let some of the urine escape into her already wet panties. She looked down to see if it was visible. There was a dime–sized patch between her legs. No one else could see that except for her.
Letting some of the urine go turned out to be a bad idea though. Now she had to go twice as bad. She tried to walk even faster, causing her to squirt in her pants. She couldn’t stop walking though, but the squirts kept coming, and now it was visible that she was peeing her pants. Kameron knew that the inevitable was about to happen, so she ran to the side of someone’s car, still squirting. She knew that she couldn’t go into the airport like this and she was going to miss the flight. She started to cry as she tried to take her pants off to finish peeing, but her belt was stuck. “No… NO!!!” she screamed as she fought with the belt. This just pressed against her bladder even more, and Kameron just stood there in shock and embarrassment as warm pee began to flood her crotch. She cried hard as she pee cascaded down her legs and hit the ground. She peed for about 2 minutes, totally soaking herself. Some people walking by saw what was happening and they giggled and whispered to themselves. Totally embarrassed, she just grabbed her bags and went back to her car.