Sandy Part 3: Robert's Awakening

By: Bubba
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A week later, with only two weekends remaining before heading back to their respective schools, Sandy informed Robert that she was ready to take their relationship to the next level and spend the night with him. Both Sandy and Robert were extremely nervous yet excited about the idea, as they had both been saving themselves for the right person, and it seemed that their waiting would finally pay off. Robert spared no expense in planning the perfect evening. A quite impressive cook for a college student, he prepared a candlelight dinner of salmon and steamed vegetables, followed by white chocolate mousse for dessert, both served with plenty of punch. Neither Sandy nor Robert was keen on alcohol, Robert because he simply could not stand the taste and Sandy because it would upset her DI. Sandy took notice of Robert leaving the table after dessert was finished to use the facilities. Her own giant bladder, having been emptied before she left for Robert’s house, was not feeling full in the least, despite her consuming nearly four large glasses of punch over the course of the two–hour meal. Leaving the dishes to be tended to later, the hopelessly in love couple walked hand–in–hand up the stairs of Robert’s guest house, where he had been living during the summer months. Once inside, the two embraced each other passionately, kissing and hugging the way in which only a couple madly in love could do. Removing each other’s clothing and throwing themselves on the bed, Sandy allowed Robert to explore every inch of her body, fully aware that her large breasts captured most of his attention. Sandy admired Robert’s slim yet toned body, nearly giggling like a schoolgirl when she saw Robert’s manhood standing up at attention. The evening together was like a dream, neither one realizing just how wonderful it was to be. Although still somewhat early in the evening, both Sandy and Robert were exhausted from their fervent lovemaking. After relieving himself again in the single, tiny guesthouse bathroom and retrieving a couple of 2–liter bottles of water for his sweetie, the two lovebirds cuddled together, with Robert falling asleep almost instantly. Sandy, downing one of the water bottles as she usually did to stay hydrated through the night, followed suit.
During the middle of the night, Sandy was stirred when she felt Robert leave the bed to use the toilet. Feeling thirsty, she pretended to be asleep so that Robert wouldn’t feel as if he had awoken her. Crawling back in bed after his usual short pee, Robert kissed Sandy on the cheek and fell asleep quickly, allowing Sandy to down the second bottle of water. Feeling that she had to pee, although not too badly by her standards, she opted to go back to sleep and wait until morning to take care of business. She didn’t want to stir Robert by getting out of bed, and moreover, didn’t want to take a pee during the middle of the night that her sister, Morgan, had recently remarked could “wake the dead.” Over the last couple of years, as Sandy’s bladder capacity increased almost exponentially, her mother and sister had good naturedly teased Sandy about her extremely long, very noisy pees, and Sandy had good reason to worry about waking someone when she let loose. The previous summer, during a road trip to visit Yosemite National Park, Sandy had unknowing awoken her mother and sister in their motel room while taking a particularly monstrous pee during the middle of the night. Finally emerging from the toilet, she was greeted with pillows thrown at her face by her disheveled family. It was all in good fun, though. Her family knew that she had worked excruciatingly hard at overcoming her DI, her marathon pees were proof enough to anyone who questioned that fact. Still, it was always an interesting situation for them to go into public restrooms with Sandy. Sandy’s mom and sister could take a pretty good pee, longer than most women they knew in fact, but they would nevertheless be finished, hands washed, waiting outside of Sandy’s stall, listening to the drone of a very loud, hissing pee that showed no signs of wavering, and indeed seemed like it would go on forever. It was even more remarkable in crowded restrooms, where bursting women would be lined up waiting for available stalls, acutely aware of a furious pee stream emitting from one of the cubicles. Minutes would pass, stalls would turn over, and these same women, now quite relieved, would practically drill holes with their eyes at the same cubicle they heard when they had first entered, its occupant peeing as though she hadn’t peed in years. Sandy’s mom and sister, waiting patiently, would hear snickers and giggling, as well as see gaping mouths and women staring at their watch, unable to comprehend the amount of time during which this mystery super–bladder girl was peeing.
At 10:30 AM the following morning, Robert was finally awoken by a combination of sunlight shining in his eyes and birds chirping just outside the bedroom window. Glancing lovingly at the still sleeping beauty at his side, he carefully exited the bed and headed to the bathroom to relieve his full morning bladder. Finished after a full 30 seconds, a lengthy pee by his standards, he flushed the toilet. The gently swirling of the water and the slight groan of the pipes was enough to awaken Sandy, who sat up in bed with a start. She had been having a vivid pee dream, and was quite thankful that she was still dry. Though she hadn’t had an accident in bed since she was quite young, she still worried that she might, especially when she was not in her own surroundings. That fear expelled, she became aware that her bladder was very, very full, and would need to be emptied soon before she really did have an accident. Realizing that she hadn’t peed in over 16 hours and recalling all that she had drank in that time, she knew that she was about to take a big pee–an extremely large pee in fact, and the fear about what Robert might think hit her like a ton of bricks. Her morning pees were so huge that sometimes even she was amazed at her capabilities. Forcing herself to dismiss the idea of quickly leaving the guesthouse and finding another toilet, she got out of bed and greeted Robert in the bathroom, who had just finished filling the sink with water. “Good morning dear,” Sandy greeted Robert, smiling at her own greeting, which made her feel as if she and Robert were wedded stars in a campy 1950’s sitcom. “Morning sweetie” replied Robert, wrapping his arms around Sandy and kissing her forehead. “Did you sleep ok?” “Yes, thanks,” said Sandy, glancing longingly at the toilet, her giant bladder crying for relief. “I, uh…need to pee” Sandy said nervously. “Oh, ok, I’ll give you some privacy then” replied Robert, starting to leave the confined bathroom. “No, wait” Sandy suddenly proclaimed, probably louder than necessary. “I don’t mind going while you’re in here, if you don’t mind,” Sandy stated, feeling more confident with her new plan. She would rather pee in front of Robert and perhaps discuss her amazing peeing ability in person than have him listen, however unintentionally, from outside the door, wondering if she was part camel, pretending later that nothing was at all odd with what he had heard. “No, I don’t mind at all,” replied Robert, somewhat surprised by her brazenness. Peeing, after all, was generally a private thing. He actually liked the fact that the woman he loved didn’t seem concerned about urinating in front of him. Everybody pees, right? While he was splashing water on his face and reaching for his razor, Sandy went ahead and hiked up her oversized nightshirt, lowered her panties, and seated herself on the toilet. Within a couple of seconds, her stream began spraying the water below. Sandy was surprised that she wasn’t more pee–shy; after all, she hadn’t ever peed in front of a man before (her father didn’t count), especially not one she loved so much, but her overfilled bladder wanted relief far too much to care. Her unified stream gained strength, building and building, her urine shooting out of her faster and faster, until the hiss that she was making as her pee grazed her labia was just as loud as the incredible stream hammering the water below. Closing her eyes, Sandy sighed slightly, her relief finally under way. Robert, his face now lathered, forced himself to stare straight ahead at the mirror, trying, but failing, to ignore the amazing noise that his girlfriend was making simply from peeing. He had heard a few women pee before. For a time in high school, his father had been laid–off from his corporate job, and the family had been forced to live in a modest, single bathroom home. Having two sisters, one being a fraternal twin, the other slightly older, he had heard them pee quite a number of times in the shared family bathroom. But their combined streams couldn’t produce even close to the noise that Sandy’s was making. Applying the razor to his unshaven face, he heard Sandy ask over the sound of her immense stream “so, what do you have planned for today?” “Not too sure,” replied Robert. “I need to get my mom a birthday present, and I really should register online for fall classes.” “Yeah, me too,” replied Sandy. “I always hate going through that process. At least this year I am guaranteed to be in my required political science classes.” “Yeah, me too” replied Robert, aware that the mega–decibel pee stream to his left was still going on strongly. “Hey,” Sandy said, “Maybe I could help you pick out a gift for your mom?” “Sure thing,” replied Robert. “I could always use a woman’s touch.” The restroom then took on a conversational silence, the sound of Sandy’s pouring urine filling the small area. Robert shaved, Sandy peed, until Robert, completing his task, replaced the razor and drained the basin. Not knowing what to do, Robert took in the situation that was unfolding in front of his eyes. Not only was Sandy peeing way louder than anyone, male or female, he had ever witnessed, but she was also peeing much longer as well, and showed absolutely no signs of stopping anytime soon. He had never timed how long it took him to shave, but he thought it had to be more than two minutes. “Wow, you really had to go, huh?” Robert stated, surprising himself with his blunt comment. “Yeah” Sandy replied, almost in a dazed manner. “Sometimes my pees take a while to finish.” She didn’t really know what to say next, but, feeling as though she hadn’t even dented her mighty bladder, felt that it was time to spill her guts. “No, that’s not true…all of my pees take a long time to end…a really, really long time.” Robert stared at her in amazement at what was just revealed to him, but before he could question her, she went into a detailed monologue about her past history, an area that Robert had tried to bring up before, but which Sandy had been reluctant to discuss. Sandy explained it all: the horseback riding accident, the DI, the SATs, her new medication, all the while her pee flowing from her loins, her stream rising and falling in perfect rhythm with her breathing. She even told him that she didn’t want to pee during the middle of the night for fear of waking him up, recalling the incident with her mom and sister in the motel, which he wouldn’t have believed to be possible if he wasn’t personally hearing her furious output in its full glory. Her story concluded, her pee everything but, Robert felt himself become aroused, seemingly without explanation, his penis extending as far as he had ever felt before. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” questioned Sandy, her eyes staring at Robert’s crotch, an impish smile spreading across her face. “I…I don’t know” replied Robert, slightly embarrassed by his reaction, but feeling more turned on than he ever had in his life. “It’s just that…I keep thinking you must finish at any time, but there’s always more!” Sandy blushed, her cheeks turning quite red. This certainly wasn’t the first time she had shocked someone with her endless peeing, but it was the first time, at least that she was aware of, that she had excited someone simply by doing what came so naturally to her. “Oh, there’s much, so much more to come,” Sandy retorted, purposefully pushing her stream out so hard that she actually felt splash back. Sandy had been worried about Robert’s reaction to her endless deluge, afraid that he might label her a freak, but hadn’t ever considered the possibility that he would be turned on by such a display. Remembering her own reaction to the image she held of Robert peeing forever, she was suddenly surprised that she hadn’t thought about this type of response before. But then again, how was she to know that endless peeing would also turn on other people? She had thought she was weird in that aspect, but the evidence clearly showed that Robert felt the same way. Perhaps they were in the minority. Maybe it was fate that had introduced her to Robert. In the end, it didn’t matter. She loved him, and he loved her more than ever. Glancing up at the tiny wall clock, Robert suddenly yelled, “My God Sandy, you’ve been peeing for over seven minutes!” Looking down at her own spewing urine, feeling her urethra being filled with a practically endless supply, Sandy calmly retorted “yeah, I had a feeling this one might last a while. Do you have a book I could read? Perhaps the bible, King James version if you don’t mind?” Sandy, of course, was joking, although there were times when she felt like she could make it through Genesis before finishing a big pee, but the effect on Robert was not lost: he was visibly shaking, about to collapse from excitement. “I think,” said Sandy, gently pulling Robert to his knees, “that this is the start of a beautiful relationship.” She leaned in to kiss him, her pee stream splashing the porcelain with the changing of her position, and the two locked lips, incapable of even imagining their experiences yet to come.
Bubba ( email welcome )