Sandy Part 4: A Pee to Remember

By: Bubba
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Glancing at the elegant gold watch her parents had given her as a commencement gift (a newer car, she felt, would have been much more appreciated), Sandy was surprised to see that another hour had past. Looking up out the far window of the 17th floor, she was also not expecting night to have overtaken the day so quickly. Daylight savings time had been implemented only the previous weekend, and she, like most everyone else, was still adjusting. Honestly, the night did not appear much different from the just–ended day, which had been overrun with ominous clouds, destroying any chance of sunlight heating their quaint city beyond the freezing point. On a clear day, it was possible to see as far as 35 miles from the observation deck of their building, dubbed the “skyscraper on the prairie.” This, however, certainly was not the case on this November day, where a light snow had been falling off and on, the wind blowing such that one would surely suffer from hypothermia if not protected by layer upon layer of clothing. No, Bismarck, North Dakota was not a setting Sandy would have ever expected to call home, but here she was, grinning and bearing a full day of constant freezing temperatures, the first of many, and wishing that such a job opportunity had opened up in a more climate–friendly state. Still, despite the weather, Sandy was quite happy with her new environment, and more importantly, was finally granted the opportunity to participate in a honest–to–goodness political campaign. After she and Robert were married the summer following their college graduation, both newlyweds had trouble finding careers in their fields, and had spent the next three years bouncing around jobs in a recessed economy, kissing up to superiors in the fields of marketing, sales, and customer service, working positions in which they were underpaid, under appreciated, and most importantly, did not feel passionately about. Therefore, when Sandy’s former internship manager informed her that Senator Hazelwood’s re–election camp was interested in hiring her to fill a newly opened position, she practically accepted the offer on the spot, knowing Robert would fully support such a move. By springtime, Sandy and Robert acquired a cozy two–bedroom apartment near the state capitol, and Robert was able to land a job in the local congressional office, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Life was good– hectic at the moment for both Sandy and Robert, but much better than it had been a year previously, and worth the absence of days where sitting by the poolside and patio dinners were feasible.
Despite the later hour, Sandy had no plans to leave her cubicle anytime soon. Her desk was piled with unopened letters from concerned voters, and her job was to ensure that each letter was answered in a professional yet personal manner, either addressing their concerns with the senator’s four–year master plan where applicable, or thanking the would–be supporter for bringing a new issue to the senator’s attention, promising to consider solutions and implementing the one providing the greatest benefit to the most people. Born and raised in the sparsely populated state, Bill Hazelwood had a very real connection with the people, and Sandy felt better knowing that the incumbent senator was genuinely interested in their concerns. With the race as tight as it was, every single vote counted in this 1992 election year, making Sandy’s job that much more important to the senator’s success, and ultimately determining her own. Sandy busily worked away, only slightly aware that the sound of wind could be heard screaming even from inside the enclosed area. She paid more heed, however, to the messages being sent by her throbbing bladder, signaling, as voluminous as it was, that it was near maximum capacity, and quite understandably so. Normally, Sandy only peed twice a day, once in the morning after she awoke and once in the evening a couple of hours before bed. Abiding by this schedule, Sandy ensured that she would not have to urinate at her work, which suited her just fine. However, Sandy had overslept on this day, largely due to her having a late night the previous evening, and was forced to forgo her morning pee in order to catch her carpool. Despite having not peed since the night before, Sandy had not visited the capitol’s restroom throughout the entire day, nor did she have plans to do so, a remarkable feat considering the numerous water bottles littering her trashcan, their life–giving liquid consumed and existing in the vastness of Sandy’s gargantuan bladder. It was one thing to pee endlessly in the privacy of her own home or even in the role she won as “restroom celebrity” in her college dorm community bathroom, but Sandy wasn’t anxious to show off her unique peeing talents to her fellow coworkers. Pissing forever just didn’t seem professional to Sandy, and although she couldn’t really explain why she felt this way, she had no desire to become the butt of office gossip, which, she had unfortunately discovered, ran rampant throughout the adult office world nearly as badly as in junior high schools across the nation. She could almost imagine the conversations in her mind: “Have you ladies ever been in the restroom when Sandy is peeing?” “Oh my God! Yes! She must pee gallons at a time! And that stream! I have seen elephants let go at the zoo, and Sandy puts them to shame without even trying.” “Ladies, I went in the bathroom once to have a, um, number 2 shall we say, which you know can take quite a while, and that fire hydrant was going the entire time I was in there. I wanted to see just how long she would go, but you can only wash your hands for so long before becoming suspicious. So I waited outside the bathroom, and do mean waited, for her to finally come out. Good gracious, I could cook an entire meal in the time it takes her to empty that mammoth bladder of hers.” “You mean she actually DOES finish at some point? I had no idea.” No, Sandy was content to keep such comments at bay. Besides, by saving her urine, she ensured some truly fantastic releases for Robert, who had come to worship Sandy’s mighty bladder, leading to unforgettable sexual episodes. If Sandy had dug a little deeper within her mind, perhaps she would have realized that her magnificent peeing had become a prime sexual focal point for not only Robert, but herself as well, and mixing erotic thoughts into a professional environment was generally not a good idea, hence her apprehension about peeing at the office.
Sandy’s attention was suddenly diverted to a ringing bell, and she looked up to see her manager, Kendra, standing in the middle of the room, waiting for each person’s full attention. One of the few African–American females in Bismarck’s mostly Anglo population, Kendra had been a strong supporter of Senator Hazelwood since he first entered politics. Satisfied that she had the floor, Kendra began her announcement. “The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning until midnight. It’s going to get pretty nasty outside real soon. I would like for everyone to please go ahead and leave. I appreciate the hard work everyone has been putting in, but nothing is worth risking our safety, not even an election. Thank you.” Kendra then went over to Sandy’s cubicle to speak with her. “If it’s ok with you, Sandy, I would like to finish a few things up here before we leave. I think it will be all right since we only have a short way to go.” “Sure thing,” Sandy replied, finding it ironic that Kendra was defying her own words spoken just a few seconds ago, yet glad to have some more time to continue her work. She, Kendra, and Doreen, the intern, all lived in the same apartment complex, and carpooled to and from work, alternating cars each week. Even if Sandy had wanted to leave, Kendra was driving this week, and demanding to be taken home immediately would not have been one of Sandy’s wiser career decisions.
After another 45 minutes, with another three letters completed and snow now falling down in earnest, the trio of women made their move to exit the building. At close to 7:00 in the evening, with wintry weather more than knocking on its doors, the capitol was void of all but a few brave, perhaps foolish souls. Kendra pressed the down arrow button on the elevator, and the three waited impatiently for it to make the journey to their high–level floor. All three women were glad to be leaving, exhausted from putting in more than a full day, but satisfied with their outcome. If the election was lost, at least no one at the camp could claim the defeat resulted from a lack of effort. Sandy was especially glad to be going home, excited to see Robert, who should have left his office well before the storm hit. She imagined Robert would be anticipating her arrival, and she thought briefly about his delicious reaction to the especially huge pee she would take upon arriving. The doors finally opening, the three stepped on the practically silent modern elevator, which began its descent once the doors had closed and the “L” button had been pressed. Only a few seconds had passed before the three women felt the elevator abruptly halt and simultaneously witness the main cabin lights flicker off, replaced the next second with a dim emergency lighting system powered by the buildings low–wattage backup generator. Sandy, Kendra, and Doreen stood in silence for a brief while, taking in the situation, before Kendra exclaimed agitatedly “What the hell? Why did we stop?” This certainly was the question on their minds, but none had any answers, at least not any that could be proven within the confines of the now cell–like surroundings. Well before the days of cellular phones, the only means they had to communicate with the outside world was through the emergency call button, which would signal the fire department of their plight. “We should be out of here soon enough,” Doreen said, trying to brighten the mood, but Sandy was a bit more of a realist than the perpetually optimistic Doreen. With the storm getting worse and worse, the priorities of the fire department would be to help stranded motorists, which would no doubt be plentiful, especially as swiftly as the storm had overtaken the city. A stuck gas–heated elevator, Sandy reasoned, would have to wait. She imagined their situation was caused by a power failure, and not by an elevator breakdown, simply because of the way the emergency lights clicked on as soon as they stopped. Leaning back against the carpeted walls of her jail, Sandy let out a barely audible sigh and closed her eyes. She hoped she was wrong about having to wait long. She really needed a pee.
An hour and a half later, Sandy realized that her initial thoughts had been correct. With still no communication from would–be rescuers, the trio had taken their seats on the surprisingly comfortable carpet of their new home, Sandy’s long legs stretched out almost at the doors’ edge. The three women had said little, and Doreen’s mood had visibly deteriorated. Sandy thought that she saw her squirm a couple of times. “How long do you think we’ll be trapped in here?” Doreen suddenly piped up. Sandy and Kendra shook their heads that they didn’t know. “I hope not too much longer,” Doreen continued unabatedly. “I shouldn’t have had that coffee earlier. I really gotta pee.” Sandy nodded, empathizing with the intern. Doreen was usually visiting the restroom every couple of hours. Her bladder, while only containing a drop in the proverbial bucket compared to Sandy’s, was full, and Sandy, more than anybody, understood what that felt like. “Me too,” replied Kendra, shifting her position on the elevator’s floor. “I haven’t been since lunchtime. Everything has been so hectic.” “Geez, I could have never lasted that long, I’m always having to go.” Replied Doreen, silently cursing her miniscule bladder. “Hey, Sandy, when did you last use the restroom?” She asked, not remembering Sandy’s leaving her seat all day. “Oh, a while ago” Sandy said, avoiding the question yet certainly not lying. It had been a while ago, almost 24 hours by her watch, yet her trained bladder was holding on. Unfortunately, while Sandy could control her bladder for hours on end, her thirst still consumed her, not nearly as badly as in her youth, but enough that she was forced to remove one of the few emergency water bottles from her purse. “Wow, Sandy,” Doreen spoke up again. “You are always drinking water, yet I never see you go to the bathroom. Your control must be excellent.” “Yeah, I suppose so” Sandy lazily replied, thinking that while her control was definitely exceptional, it helped to have a bladder the size of a Yugo.
After another hour and a half, though, Sandy was really questioning her ability to hold on. Doreen was in visible pain. Sandy had offered to let her use one of her water bottles, which she thought she could make useable by cutting the top off to allow for a wider opening, but Doreen was saving such measures for a last resort. Sandy would have liked to use one herself, but she would need more like ten to gain relief, and the pressure of her stream would surely splash back out of the bottle. Kendra was feeling the effects of a very full bladder as well, but moreover, she felt responsible for putting the other two women in this predicament. “I am so, so sorry about this,” remarked Kendra. Sandy and Doreen didn’t blame Kendra for their predicament; if anything, they admired her work ethic and dedication, which they wasted no time in telling her. “Still,” replied Doreen, feeling a bit better and greatly appreciated, “if you need to just pee in the elevator, I will take responsibility for it and have it cleaned up.” Sandy imagined herself peeing and peeing in the elevator, amusingly thinking that she couldn’t possibly do so because none of the women were equipped with scuba gear. Despite the jokes she made in her mind, Sandy realized that she needed to pee extremely badly, worse in her adult life than she had ever remembered it. She couldn’t fathom how much her bladder was holding, but she knew the figure had to be astronomical. “So much for not peeing at work,” Sandy thought to herself. She would have given almost anything for a toilet to open up so that she wasn’t forced into flooding the elevator with her endless reservoir. Praying for a miracle, Sandy pulled her knees to her chest, assuming a sitting fetal position, trying to take some of the pressure off of her incredibly distended bladder.
Twenty minutes later, it seemed that all hope had been lost, and the women had resigned themselves to the inevitable. Kendra was practically doubled over, her own urgency increasing greatly at a rapid rate. Sandy was fighting with all her might, but felt that she was ultimately losing the battle. Over the last two hours, her bladder had reached new levels of urgency, filling greater than it ever had, perhaps greater than any other human being was capable of, yet her healthy kidneys were relentless in their quest to continue pumping liquid. She fought back a couple of severe spasms, yet she could not bring herself to let go just yet…there was just too much to consider. Her gallons of urine would probably ruin the carpet, and she respected Kendra too much to put her through that kind of scenario. Her urine would no doubt seep underneath the doors and fall either to the floor below, whichever one that was, or down the elevator shaft, creating a whole new mess for someone to deal with. Finally, she didn’t want Kendra and Doreen to have to be exposed to that kind of messy situation, for there was no telling how much longer they would be incarcerated. After the carpet had soaked up all that it could, she guesstimated there would still be a couple of inches of urine completely covering the floor. They would have to stand the entire time to save their clothes, and would be forced to deal with the smell until they were finally rescued. Sandy didn’t think her urine had much odor to it, because the amount of water she consumed made it mostly clear, but with such a quantity pouring out in a very confined area, she didn’t want to take the risk. No, as long as she had an ounce of strength, Sandy would fight until the bitter end, putting her years of bladder endurance training through its most difficult challenge ever. “SHIT!” Sandy’s thoughts were broken at the sound of Doreen’s agitated expletive. “Quick, give me the bottle!” Sandy looked up to see Doreen in a half squat position, pushing her crotch with both hands using all her might, trying to avoid disgracing herself and knowing that she had reached her small bladder’s absolute limit. Just as Sandy was handing Doreen the modified water bottle, its top removed just in case of such an emergency, the three women felt the elevator lurch and begin moving downward, at the same time seeing the main cabin lights click back on. “Good lord, the power’s back!” exclaimed an excited Kendra, thinking of the lobby bathroom that lay just around the corner. “Oh God, oh God,” Doreen was muttering to herself, trying to find strength to last just a bit longer, her dress hiked in preparation for her release. Sandy mouthed a silent “thank you” into the sky, fully intending to make good use of the building’s facilities. “4…3…2…” The women were almost counting out loud as the descending elevator’s LED panel lit up, the women’s relief nearing closer and closer with each passed floor. “DING!” The elevator finally stopped, signaling it had reached its destination, and the two seconds it took for the doors to open was perhaps the longest in each woman’s life. Wanting to sprint, but at best achieving a fast hobble, the women made their way to the bathroom conveniently containing three stalls, as if the restroom’s designer had anticipated such a day. Plowing through the door first was Doreen, closely followed by Kendra, with Sandy at her heels. Knowing the unwritten restroom etiquette rule for this type of situation, Doreen made her way to the far–ended handicapped stall, with Kendra taking the middle and Sandy practically knocking the door off of the stall closest to the sinks. The desperate women began relieving themselves in the order they arrived. Doreen re–hiked her dress and snatched down her panties, her splatter starting before she was even fully seated. A split second later, Kendra’s skirt was raised, her panties lowered, and she allowed her strong, hissing stream to completely engulf her with ecstasy. Thankful that she was wearing a skirt herself, Sandy followed Kendra’s example and began her usual unified stream straight into the water below, which built and built as it typically did to where it was by far the loudest stream in the bathroom, indeed the strongest most women had ever heard. “Ahhhh” Sandy moaned aloud, not caring about anything except the relief she would finally get. Kendra responded with an “Amen” and Doreen stated, “I’ll second that.” The three women peed in silence, verbal silence at least, for the next forty seconds. Never in the history of the capitol’s lobby bathroom had so much hissing noise been made and so much urine expelled in that amount of time before, and indeed would probably never happen again. Doreen was particularly proud that she had held on, and the length of her urine stream showed as much. She was usually all peed out in less than 15 seconds, and even when seemingly bursting, she had never delivered more than 25 seconds worth of urine in one go. Now, only after 45 seconds was her pee beginning to taper off, coming to a finally conclusion a few seconds later. Sighing, she began to tear off paper, only now realizing the immensity of the streams she was hearing to her right. What amazed her was that even though Kendra was in the cubicle next to her, peeing a strong stream in her own right, she heard Sandy’s stream more clearly, which must have been spraying out with a force she could only dream of achieving. Flushing the toilet and exiting the cubicle, Doreen stood with her back against the wall, facing the stalls of the two still strongly peeing women. If this was a dual, Doreen thought, Sandy would clearly be the victor. “Girl, I hope you’re feet aren’t tired, ‘cause I still got some peein’ ahead of me,” Kendra brazenly said to Doreen, who laughed at the remark. “I don’t know, Kendra…it sounds like Sandy’s gonna give you a run for your money,” replied Doreen. “If you only knew,” thought Sandy, whose bladder felt even fuller than when she first started peeing 60 seconds ago. She knew that she could stop after a couple of minutes, a very long pee by most anyone else’s standards, and save the enormous quantity of urine still remaining for her loving husband, but the feeling of relief she was experiencing after being so incredibly desperate was practically orgasmic, nearly indescribable, and Sandy had every intention of prolonging the sensation as long as possible. There would be no cutting this pee short, and from the signals being sent from Sandy’s bladder, she would be seated on the toilet for a long time, an unbelievably long time indeed. If the Guinness book had peeing records, Sandy was certain that this pee would win all of them.
“Mmmm…this feels so good.” Sandy’s thoughts were echoed by Kendra’s statement. “I’m glad that I still have some company in here,” Kendra continued over the flow of her pee stream. “Sometimes when I wait too long, I just can’t seem to stop going.” Sandy was almost dumbstruck for what to say next. She was somewhat surprised that Kendra would bring up the forbidden topic of peeing, viewed as such a private event by most women, yet Kendra was never known not to speak her mind, a quality which Sandy both admired and respected. “Yeah, I know what you mean,” Sandy replied, knowing all too well exactly what she meant. “Obviously!” exclaimed Doreen, still waiting for the urinating women to complete their task. She was aware that Kendra had a fairly large bladder, having heard some of her peeing escapades at the office before, but what she was hearing with Sandy was unique. Never before had she heard a woman pee as hard as Sandy and sustain the stream for so long. “Sandy, if you don’t mind me saying so, I don’t know how you waited so long…I mean, it sounds like you’re gonna break the toilet in there and you’ve been at it for quite a while now!” Doreen’s statement of fact ended just as Kendra’s stream came to an abrupt halt, lowering the decibel level in the room only slightly. The pipes carrying her significant output away, Kendra joined her colleague on the wall, waiting for their third member to finish urinating, the mounting duration of Sandy’s pee not lost on either of them. “I’ll say this,” Kendra stated, “not too many women completely outshine me in the bathroom when I am as full as I was.” “Uh, thanks,” Sandy almost apprehensively replied. Then, beefing up her bravery, she added, “I hope you guys don’t mind waiting…Like Kendra said, when I’m really full, sometimes I just can’t stop urinating. I got a ways to go I’m afraid.” Bewildered at such a response and thinking she couldn’t possibly be serious– especially considering how much Sandy had already urinated, Kendra and Doreen laughed nervously, simultaneously listening to the incessant spray emanating from the far stall. As Sandy’s urine stream continued, its pulse relentless, its intensity extreme, its source seemingly endless, the women began to believe Sandy’s claim, yet with each passing second, thought that she must finish at any moment. But this was not to be. As the minutes ticked by, Sandy’s pee surpassed the impressive, silly, and even ridiculously long stages, and still she urinated, unwavering in her quest, her bladder showing its true magnitude. Hearing nothing from her workmates, Sandy felt obligated to speak, almost feeling the need to apologize for spending so much more time of an already overlong day. “Sorry I’m taking so long guys. I was really desperate to go, I guess.” Kendra, trying to take in the circumstances she was witnessing, was at a loss for words, a first for her it seemed. After a while, Doreen finally responded. “My God Sandy…how can you still be…?” Doreen asked, almost in a whisper. “Uh–oh,” Sandy thought, realizing that she was putting her friends into shock with her non–stop urination. She had been told by her college girlfriends that her pees were hypnotic to the point where one could go crazy waiting for them to end, similar to the beating of the old man’s hideous heart in Poe’s famous literary work, so she was not too surprised by the reaction they were experiencing. Reaching up to unlatch the stall door, Sandy’s unexpected move had the effect of breaking their trance. “I thought I had lost you two,” Sandy exclaimed, a smile spreading over her face. “I’m sorry Sandy,” Doreen said, embarrassed of her reaction to the simple act of another person’s urinating. “It’s just that, well…I’ve never heard…” Doreen trailed off, her gaze fixed on the inch–wide stream shooting from Sandy’s loins, its sound even louder with no door to hinder its progression. “Me neither,” Kendra spoke up, unable to explain her own pleasurable feelings, yet enjoying them just the same. “I’m not surprised,” Sandy retorted, feeling that she had to explain herself. “I’ve never met anyone who can go as much as me either. What can I say? I have an enormous bladder, and I wasn’t kidding when I said it was full.” Kendra and Doreen certainly did not object to this statement, unable to comprehend how much Sandy’s bladder was capable of holding. Sandy went on to explain the story of how her great organ came to be, all the while pee pouring into the commode. Noticing the significant water level of Sandy’s toilet, Kendra was grateful that Sandy had waited to use the toilet instead of going on the elevator. She wasn’t sure she could have explained how such a mess was created with any degree of believability, as she certainly wouldn’t have bought such a story if she weren’t witnessing such a monstrous peeing event for herself. “Wait, Sandy…you said that you hadn’t peed in ‘a while’ on the elevator.” Kendra’s curiosity was overwhelming her. “Just exactly how long is a while for you?” “Uh, last night?” Sandy replied innocently, almost questioning herself on how she managed to hold her urine so long. Doreen’s mouth fell open, but Kendra was there to ask the immediate question that formed in her mind. “And you said you drink about a liter or so of water every hour?” “Mmmm hmmm,” Sandy nodded, “maybe half of that when I’m sleeping.” Doreen was quick on the calculation, but quickly shook her head at the figure she came to. “No, it can’t be possible…that would mean you’ve drank 20 liters of water in over 24 hours WITHOUT peeing.” Yet Doreen knew from what she was hearing that it was indeed possible…unfathomable indeed, but her senses told her it was true. As if to accentuate the truth of the situation, Sandy bored down on her gigantic bladder, sending an ungodly powerful stream straight into the water below. “I’m sorry…what was that? You’ll have to speak up,” Sandy was smiling, her action understood by her stunned teammates, who suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter, causing Sandy to do the same, her pee stream shooting wildly into the bowl as her abdominal muscles broke their concentration of the task they began over eight minutes ago. “Whoa, calm down” Kendra said amidst her giggles. “If we want to leave here anytime soon, we had better let Sandy get back to work. With that, Sandy’s stream built back up, and she leaned against the back of the toilet, sighing contently. Peeing out a full bladder felt so good, and she was blessed with the ability to experience this feeling for so much longer than other women. It almost didn’t seem fair. After another minute, Sandy felt that she had finally reached her “slow–down” stage, which would last much longer and produce a stronger stream than most women were capable of when bursting, yet signaled that at least the end was within sight. “Not too much longer now,” Sandy explained hopefully to her colleagues. “Ah, take your time girl,” Kendra replied, eyeing her watch bug–eyed and not believing how many minutes they had spent in the bathroom. At long last, Sandy’s unified pee stream faltered, and she dribbled for the next few seconds, coming to a final conclusion after peeing for 10 minutes, 34 seconds. Sandy reached for some toilet paper, and Kendra remarked “what, that’s it?” “Yeah, Sandy…I thought you said you had to pee?” Doreen joined in, broad smiles forming over both their faces. “Ha ha, go ahead, make fun you guys!” Sandy good–naturedly replied, all too familiar with such comments from her family. As Sandy washed her hands, Kendra quipped from behind “Hey Sandy, you ever hear of those urine charged batteries?” “Uh–huh,” Sandy replied uneasily, drying her hands and not sure where this joke at her expense was headed. “Well, I was thinking Bismarck could use some local power competition…” Kendra couldn’t even finish her witty remark without cracking up, and was soon joined by Doreen. Even Sandy was amused by that one– she had to give Kendra props for originality, but that didn’t stop Sandy from lightly punching her in the shoulder in mock protest. Leaving the confines of the restroom, the women were elated that the storm outside had slowed down some, enough to where they thought they could drive safely to their apartment complex. Entering the automobile, the women began their journey home, listening to the radio announcer’s explanation about the jackass drunk who slid on the ice and slammed into the electrical lines, knocking out power to most of the city. Kendra had another thought. “Don’t worry…if the roads are still bad, we’ll just have Sandy pee from the hood and melt the snow as we go.” More laughter ensued. Sandy sighed, thinking what a bunch of comedians she worked with, yet she was content, relieved in more ways than one. As she entered her apartment, Sandy was almost bombarded by Robert, who had been worried at her absence for the past few hours. “Oh, thank God you’re ok. I was so worried…why are you so late?” Robert questioned. “Sorry, sweetie,” Sandy replied, kissing Robert on the lips, a mischievous smile spreading across her face. “I had to pee.”
Bubba ( email welcome )