Sandy Part 2: To Pee or not to Pee

By: Bubba
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Sandy’s much increased bladder capacity allowed her to earn a remarkable 1430 points out of a possible 1600 on her SATs, permitting her admittance to a top–ranked ivy–league school. Her parents couldn’t be prouder, and frankly, Sandy couldn’t have been more pleased with herself for conquering her illness. Throughout the remainder of high school and the first two years of college, Sandy rarely missed any class on account of her bladder. There were still some days when her thirst would be too great and she would still need to leave occasionally, but those days were few and far between. She continued working on her kegel exercises, and only visited the toilet when absolutely necessary. Even when bursting, she would still wait patiently in the bathroom line during passing period, gossiping with other students about clothing, boys, and other typical girl–talk, before entering a cubicle and drowning all other sounds with her thunderous urination. Students began to recognize when Sandy was in one of the stalls by the tremendous sound and incredible duration of the urine stream she produced.
Some girls even began to place bets about how long she would pee for, or how many times the stalls to each side of Sandy would turn over before she finished.
Sandy could hear the comments and snickers, even over her own strong flowing stream, and although mildly embarrassed at times, she considered her bladder a point of pride, something that she had worked hard to control, and her massive output demonstrated this fact.
During the latter part of Sandy’s 2nd year in college, a new drug entitled DDAVP entered the market for treatment of DI. This drug allowed much consumed water to be absorbed by the body and not simply passed out, and was essentially a godsend for people affected with DI. For the first time in her life, Sandy was drinking slightly less than a liter of water an hour, as opposed to the 3–4 liters that had ruled her past. For once, it was not her that was asking for a bathroom break during road trips or leaving football games to relieve herself. Her capacity granted her several hours without peeing during both day and night, allowing her to sleep better than she ever had in her life.
It was around this time that Sandy had finally chosen a career path in the field of political science, and was accepted to work as an intern for the local congressional office the following summer. It was here that Sandy was introduced to Robert, a returning intern who attended school north of Sandy. Both Robert and Sandy were instantly attracted to one another. Robert admired Sandy’s intelligence and was turned on to Sandy’s somewhat shy yet witty disposition. As a lover of taller women, Sandy’s 5’10” (1.78m) tall stature was also not overlooked by Robert, nor was her ample bosom. Sandy found Robert’s sense of humor hysterical, and found herself falling for his charming, yet not arrogant persona.
The two interns began seeing each other on nights and weekends, having typical dinner/movie dates, playing games with friends, cuddling on the porch swing, etc. They simply could not get enough of each other. During one particularly hot summer afternoon, while sipping lemonade by the pool, Robert excused himself for the second time in two hours to use the bathroom. “Damn it! Gotta pee again. Hey, how come you never have to go?” Robert’s eyes glanced towards Sandy’s nearly empty 2–liter water bottle and half empty glass of lemonade. Sandy tried to avoid the question.
Robert shrugged and left the poolside to relieve his tiny bladder, while Sandy was left to ponder the scene that just occurred. Why was she embarrassed to tell him that she had a gigantic bladder? She thought maybe she was afraid of bruising his fragile male ego if he found out that she could pee more in one go than his entire family combined (whom she had heard peeing on more than one occasion), and still have plenty in her bladder to take on her former nemesis Traci in a long–peeing contest. She thought she was probably over–analyzing the situation, perhaps putting too much credence in the introductory psychology class she had just completed, but she came to the conclusion that she did not want to risk their relationship in any way. Things were going too perfectly, and as ridiculous as the whole idea seemed to her, she just didn’t know how Robert would cope with her endless pees. So far, she had been able to easily hold her urine while she and Robert were together, which had never been more than a few hours. However, she and Robert had discussed spending the night with one another, and while she desperately wanted to, she knew that she would have to pee at least once in his presence. Once again, she felt that her bladder was dictating her life, although in a much different sense this time around. She realized that she could pee often around him when she didn’t need to go, but he had already seen that she was capable of lasting long periods of time without urinating, and she did not want to undo the capacity that she had proudly built up. Knowing how silly of an issue it was that was keeping Sandy from being intimate with Robert only served to drive her crazier.
One weekend towards the end of the summer, Sandy met up with her best high school friend, Alicia, and the two both caught–up and reminisced while spending the day swimming and enjoying a meal at their favorite caf’ that evening. Alicia’s small bladder filled, she headed to the single unisex bathroom in the back of the restaurant when the meal was over. Sandy, feeling the effects of several glasses of lemonade and bottles of water, as well as a large soda which she so rarely allowed herself, followed her friend into the tiny yet clean restroom. Alicia, needing to go quite badly, wasted no time in lowering her panties and spraying a wild stream inside of the toilet. Fifteen seconds later, her short pee had ended, and, after cleaning herself, allowed Sandy to take her place on the commode. The antithesis of Alicia, Sandy’s stream started off somewhat weak, yet organized, and built up over the next few seconds to a level of intensity that did not seem possible, cascading into the high water level below and resonating loudly throughout the cramped room. A minute and a half later, Alicia practically yelled “God, Sandy, I forgot just how much you could pee!” Sandy blushed slightly, then, remembering her fears about Robert, decided to broach the subject. “I’m worried about peeing when Robert’s around. He’s never heard or seen how much I can go.” Embarrassed to continue, Sandy forced herself to go on. “I’m afraid he’ll think I’m a freak or something and won’t want to see me any more.” The thought of her not seeing Robert anymore caused her face to fall. Alicia didn’t quite know how to react. It seemed absurd for a relationship to end based on one’s peeing ability, yet that certainly wasn’t a problem she had ever had to deal with, so she couldn’t write it off as being completely ridiculous. As a psychology student with an emphasis on relationship counseling, she knew that while she was pretty sure that Robert, if he was at all a decent guy, would not end a romance for something so trivial, the fact that Sandy felt so strongly about it was enough for her to break away from Robert and ultimately end their relationship.
Alicia knew that Sandy didn’t have all that much luck with guys, and had never seen her care about a man as much as she did about Robert, so she was determined to help her friend out as best she could. She essentially told Sandy exactly what she had been thinking. “Sandy, if Robert is the kind of guy you believe him to be, do you think he would have a problem with you peeing way more than any racehorse I’ve ever seen?” Alicia was smiling, forcing Sandy to smile and shake her head. “And, if he did have a problem with something so stupid, would he be the kind of guy you would want to be in a relationship with?”
Sandy again shook her head no, but still didn’t feel completely comfortable with the whole idea. “But if he dumped me, wouldn’t that confirm that I’m some sort of freak”? “Only if YOU believe you are,” Alicia replied. “You’ve worked way too hard in life to place your self–worth in the hands of some guy. If he can’t handle some aspect about you, that’s his problem, not yours. And vice versa. You wouldn’t get rid of him if the situation was reversed, would you?” Sandy tried to imagine the idea of Robert urinating in a urinal for ages, while guys on either side of him came and went. The thought actually turned her on slightly, and she quickly tried to brush the idea out of her mind. “No,” Sandy finally replied, “I wouldn’t” “Then why expect any less of him”? The last statement finally clicked in Sandy’s mind. “I shouldn’t” she replied. Sandy suddenly smiled. “Wow, you’re going to make a really great therapist someday! Thank you so much!” Sandy started to stand up to give Alicia a hug, but stopped herself as she realized what she was doing there in the first place and indeed, what she was still doing. “Oh, right.” Sandy commented, her pee stream mightily pounding the porcelain as evenly as when it started almost four minutes ago. “God, sorry, I’m on here so long sometimes that I forget what I’m doing. When I have to go this bad, sometimes I wonder if I’m ever going to stop!” Sandy blushed again. Alicia smiled broadly and proclaimed, “That certainly makes two of us!”
Bubba ( email welcome )