Bustin Beauty

1 stories

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Bursting all Day
By: Bustin Beauty (31 Jan 2005, Monday)

This story is about a true experience from the past. Many years ago I had a girlfriend, she was starting her first job at the age of 18, she was petite and pretty with a great figure, a bit like the singer 'Paula Abdul' who was well known at this time. Mandy (not her real name) was to begin work at a large office in the west end of the city, she started at 9:00 am and was introduced to her desk, she was to man the switchboard, after an hour of tutoring she was familiar with the desk and confident to work on her own. It was a warm August day and she was glad she chose her loose white blouse and pleated above the knee skirt, bare legs with white mid heel sandals. Before she knew it, it was 12:30 and her…

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