Michaela's Weekend - Part 1

By: Captain Jack
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Humiliation, and Foreplay.
Michaela jolted up in bed as her deafening alarm clock started to beep. She quickly silenced the alarm and rubbed her eyes, it was a little past 4 pm and she was supposed to meet her roommate Alyssa for a late lunch down the street. The two girls worked together as bartenders at a trendy nightclub nearby. Michaela didn’t get home until 6 am that morning but tonight was the beginning of their weekend and she intended to put it to good use. Michaela crawled out from under the covers revealing her smooth tan legs, She was about 5’“7” and weighed around 108. She ran her fingers through her shoulder length straight brown hair and started to contemplate what outfit to put on. After careful consideration she finally decided upon a skinny pair of jeans with a pair of red and white cotton boy–briefs underneath. She slipped a red bra onto her perky B cup breasts and put a nearly see–through white tank top on. She eyed herself in the mirror as she applied her makeup, she was a beautiful girl with smouldering brown eyes and all the guys always tipped her the best out of all the female bartenders at her work. She hurriedly grabbed her purse and threw some black flip–flop sandals on as she walked out the front door and towards the cafe two blocks south of her apartment in the middle of the entertainment district.
“Hey what took you so long girl? Didn’t you get my texts? You were supposed to be here 15 minutes ago!” Alyssa said as she sipped on a cold beer at a small round table on the patio of the cafe.
“I’m so sorry Aly, I just woke up, came as quick as I could,” Michaela replied as she took a seat next to her friend.
She had only known Alyssa for a little under a year but they quickly became best friends and there was nobody in the world she felt more comfortable around. They had met at Michaela’s 21st birthday party at a bar that Alyssa used to work at, Alyssa was one year older and Michaela had always envied how cool and confident her best friend was. Alyssa always seemed to be in control of every situation and she intimidated every guy around. Today she was looking extra confident wearing a short white pleated skirt that showed off a pair of white cotton panties with little red hearts printed on them. She had on a tight pink and white striped polo shirt with a white bikini top on underneath. She only stood at 5 feet and 4 inches and weighed barely 105 but her attitude was as feisty as any girl could get, Michaela loved that about her blonde, blue–eyed friend. The two girls ordered a pitcher of margaritas and an appetizer plate of fried vegetables and began to discuss the plans for that night.
“We should check out that new club down on Mayberry Avenue tonight,” Alyssa said. “It’s ladies night tonight, we definitely wouldn’t have to buy a single drink for ourselves ya know?”
Michaela smiled and nodded, “Sounds good to me, I’m kinda broke right now anyway. I think if spent almost 300 dollars the other day at the mall on new clothes.”
“Sweet,” Alyssa said happily. “Hold on a sec, I gotta piss like a racehorse, be right back.”
Michaela poured herself another margarita while she waited for her friend. She started to have the urge to pee but figured she’d just wait till they were about to leave. She always had a good bladder capacity.
They drank at the cafe for a little over 2 hours before paying their check and heading 6 blocks west to the Avenue where all the nightclubs and nightspots were located. It was a Thursday night and the street was right next to the local college campus. People always started to fill up the street as the sun came close to setting; it was extra crowded tonight due to a college football game that just ended. The two girls were swaying slightly as they walked, feeling a bit tipsy from that pitcher of margaritas. For being bartenders, neither girl could hold their alcohol particularly well. As they made their way towards their destination a sudden urge hit Michaela, she realized she hadn’t relieved herself in quite some time and the alcohol had filled her up to full.
“Hey Aly, let’s hurry up and get into the club. I forgot to pee before we left the restaurant and I really need to go.”
They walked a bit faster towards the club and could see that the line was ridiculously long, especially for how early it was. Michaela figured it must be since the place just opened up, but that didn’t make her bladder feel any better. She stepped into the long line crossing her legs slightly. She could feel the pressure growing by the minute.
“I gotta go too, but it’s not that bad of a line, probably be inside in 15. You can hold it,” Alyssa said.”
Michaela almost protested, but it would be of no use, her friend always had the last word whether she liked it or not. She looked around at all the different people in line to keep her mind off the growing pain inside of her abdomen. She usually was able to hold her pee for long periods of time; something Alyssa always had problems doing when she drank a lot of alcohol. Michaela had probably seen Aly wet herself a couple times now. The last time she witnessed the blonde having an accident was when the two of them were at the beer garden at an outdoor rock concert a couple of months back and all the port–a–potties were full. Alyssa ended up peeing her denim shorts in front of everyone, though she never made a big deal about it.
“Alyssa! This line isn’t moving at all! We’ve been here for 20 minutes and I swear we moved 5 feet! We really need to find somewhere for me to pee, I don’t think I can hold it much longer,” She groaned and started to press her hand into her crotch showing the severity of her situation.
“OK OK! I have an idea,” Her friend replied. “We’ll just head around back to the alleyway alright? Quick and easy, no prob.”
Michaela had a slight fear about peeing in public places, she hated the idea of somebody watching her but at this point it seemed like the best option. The girls made their way to the back of the building to a thin alleyway behind the nightclub.
“Oh no.”
Michaela’s heart started to beat faster as she saw there was a group of college boys hanging out on one end of the alleyway smoking. She was walking awkwardly at this point from the desperation, her hand still pressed up into her crotch.
“Aly what am I gonna do?” she asked.
“It’s only a couple of guys, just set up behind that dumpster there!
Michaela started to breathe heavy. “You know I can’t do that in front of people!”
“Oh you’re such a princess sometimes,” Alyssa responded, before heading over to the dumpster, dropping her panties and peeing right there on the asphalt.
The college boys start to point and whisper to each other about the hot drunk looking girl peeing only 30 feet away from them. Alyssa didn’t seem to notice, or even care for that matter, but Michaela was too scared to pee there and walked off towards the front of the club. She got back into line and thought maybe it would start to move. She very visibly needed to go at this point and everyone could see her hopping up and down holding herself almost frantically. She waited another 10 minutes before she felt a quick shooting pain from her bladder. She felt a couple drops of urine drip into her underwear and Michaela bolted around all the people to the front. Her mind was racing with thoughts of not making it to the bathroom in time and it was almost too much for her to bear. She hobbled up to the bouncer at the front gate and pleaded with him to let her in to use the bathroom. Alyssa came up following her a minute later and stood by as her friend pleaded her case.
“Look girl,” the bouncer said. “We got a lot of pretty young things lookin’ to get in here, what’s so special about your ass?”
“Please,” she pleaded, jumping up and down with her finger pressed up into her peehole. “I’ll do anything, just let me in before these other people, puleeease!”
“Well…” he said. “Ayte, look, you show me your tits and I’ll let you and your lil girlfriend in first ayte?”
“Are you serious??” she shouted. She couldn’t believe she about to urinate all over herself and the bouncer had just asked for her to flash him in front of a huge line of people.
“You wanna get in or not cutie?” He smirked, unable to contain how proud of himself he was.
A huge wave of desperation came over her and she crossed her legs tighter. She bit her lip but knew she had to get in somehow or she’d end up having an accident right here in the street. She hadn’t had a pee accident since she was in elementary school and she sure didn’t want to have one now. She turned her head away and reluctantly lifted up her white tank and red bra, giving the arrogant bouncer a good look at her cute breasts. Sure she’d flashed plenty of guys before, but it was usually when she was ALOT more intoxicated than what she now was. The bouncer smiled and lifted up the rope to let the girls into the club.
“Have a nice night girlies,” he said as he flashed a shit–eating grin.
Michaela started to hobble as quick as she could through the club looking for the bathrooms. Eventually she saw a sign for the ladies’ room pointing up a flight of stairs and scrunched her face and groaned.
“Hey while you go pee I’m gonna go grab a shot at the bar, cool?” Alyssa said.
Just the mere mention of pee and alcohol made Michaela’s bladder start to throb. She started to feel sick and began to ascend the daunting staircase. Her jeans were too tight to walk very fast up the stairs and they pressed down on her bulging bladder making it almost too excruciating to move.
“You can make it, you can make it,” she started to mutter to herself quietly as she took each agonizing step.
She slowly worked her way up, as each step caused a violent shooting pain in her aching bladder. As she approached the top of the staircase she missed her footing slightly and stumbled forward just a little bit. A hot spurt of pee made it’s way out of her and into her thick cotton panties. She started to breathe faster and jammed her hand against her peehole. She looked down quickly but nothing was visible on her jeans.
“Oh no, oh no, Michaela don’t pee yourself, don’t pee yourself,” she murmured under her breath.
She took the last few steps to freedom before a sudden sight that made her grimace in disbelief; there was a line for the ladies’ room. Tears started to well up in her eyes and she started to tremble in both pain and fear. Here she was, a 22–year–old woman and she was about to wet her pants like a little girl.
“Please, please,” she begged. “Can someone please let me go to the front?? I gotta go so bad. Please, please, I’m gonna pee my pants.”
She felt another spurt of pee gush out, this time a lot longer. Her panties couldn’t hold the amount and a small wet spot appeared on her crotch. She started to cry softly and her mascara started to run down her soft cheeks. She pushed her hand tighter into herself as another jet of urine shot out, the wet spot starting to move down the inside of her thighs.
“Oh my God!” one girl in the line exclaimed. “That chick is like, totally losing it!”
The girl in the front of the line looked on in amazement and quickly offered her spot to poor Michaela. She quietly thanked her under the soft crying and hobbled as fast as she could to the open stall, trying to stop another spurt of pee from coming out… Another wave of desperation hit her as she opened the stall door and a spasm overtook any strength she had left in her bladder muscles. The stream of pee started to come out full force into her panties and jeans. Her young body was trembling as she struggled to unbutton her jeans but the torrent of warm pee was too much and she just cried harder, sobbing loudly in the echoing bathroom. The pressure was overwhelming and she couldn’t stop it anymore as the glistening wetness quickly spread all the way down her legs and onto her feet, splashing onto the cold tile ground. Her tight jeans became soaked all down the inside of her legs and from her ass all the way down the back. She sat down on the toilet and just cried until her eyes were red, in utter shock that she had just completely peed her pants for the first time since she was a little kid. She had never felt more terrified than at the thought of having to walk through the busy nightclub in pee–soaked jeans for everyone to see. It took a good 15 minutes before she got enough courage to get ready to leave the bathroom stall. She took out her cell phone and texted Alyssa to meet her at the front as fast as she could. Michaela then took a deep breath, wiped away some tears and made a beeline for the exit. She could feel all eyes on her as she left the bathroom and jogged down the stairs.
“Whoa I’m glad I’m not that girl!” She heard one female say on the way down.
Michaela felt her face turn beet red with embarrassment as she left the building, her head held down in shame.
“Sweetie are you ok?? Let’s get you home right away!” Alyssa said as she put her arms around her trembling friend.
There was no way a taxi was going to pick them up with Michaela looking like she did so they cut through the back alleys to get to their apartment as promptly as possible, Alyssa holding her friend close. They got to the front door of their place and Aly turned the key in the lock and let her best friend into the apartment.
“Come on honey, let’s get you cleaned up,” She said as she led Michaela into the bathroom they shared.
Michaela sat on the shut toilet as Alyssa unbuttoned her friend’s wet jeans and pulled them down to her ankles, revealing her cute red panties, still glistening with all the pee. “It’s not so bad is it?” she asked as she pulled the jeans all the way off and tossed them into the bathtub.
“What are you talking about? I’ve never been more humiliated in my entire life,” Michaela said quietly as tears started to form in her eyes yet again.
“Aw sweetie, don’t cry, I hate it when you’re sad. I mean, hey you survived, I’ve been there. And I bet it felt pretty good just to get all that pee out of your achy bladder huh? Didn’t it feel good at all, feeling that warmth all over you?”
Michaela started to get confused about what her friend was talking about. Did she really mean to say peeing her pants was supposed to feel good?
Suddenly Alyssa stepped forward over the toilet where Michaela was sitting and smiled. Michaela could hear a familiar gushing sound and she looked down in astonishment as her friend released her pee muscles. The fresh urine jetted out of Aly’s peehole and soaked through her little heart print panties, making its way down her legs and onto the bathroom floor. She pushed her hand into her crotch, causing the pee to soak the front of her white skirt as it cascaded downward.
Alyssa made a puppy dog face like a little girl, “Oops! I think I had an accident.”
She leaned closer to Michaela and whispered in her ear, “Can I tell you a secret? I just love wetting myself.”
She started to kiss Michaela’s neck, and then kissed her on the lips, slipping her tongue into her mouth. She took her hand and pressed it into Michaela’s drenched panties, rubbing her clit as she kissed her. She rubbed her harder and harder until the Brunette started to moan softly. Michaela didn’t mind the wetness of her underwear anymore; in fact it started to turn her on as her friend caressed her with a vigorous passion. The smell of all that urine made Alyssa feel euphoric as she started to rub one of Michaela’s firm breasts with her other hand. She massaged her friend’s clit with more speed until all at once Michaela sprung her body back and cried out, reaching orgasm. She had never done anything sexual with a woman before, but Alyssa just felt so safe to her. All her recent pain and humiliation just washed away. She suddenly felt like everything was gonna be just fine…
By: Captain Jack