Late for School

By: Captain Jack
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

It was 7:15 in the morning and Gabrielle Baker was going to be late for class. She had forgotten to set her alarm clock the night before and awoke to the sound of her mother banging on her bedroom door. The high school senior barely had the time to grab her books, let alone do anything else before she had to be out the door. She had far too many absences this semester and was dangerously close to not graduating if she missed any more classes. In her haste she threw on a black baby doll tee that was lying on her floor with a black bikini top underneath. She quickly jumped into a pair of extra short denim shorts, while keeping on the white cotton panties she had worn to bed. Gabrielle grabbed her keys, slipped into a pair of canvas sneakers, yelled goodbye to her mother, and dashed out to her beat up Honda sitting in the driveway. First bell was at 7:30 and traffic was always pretty bad around that time of day. She was so rushed she didn’t even have time for her morning pee and didn’t even take notice to the fact that her bladder was almost full from when she woke up.
She arrived to school just in time for first bell and hastily made her way to calculus class, her first of the day. Gabrielle always hated math and barely had a C in Mrs. Loewell’s class. She skipped this class more than any other, and not just because she had a bad habit of sleeping in late. Gabrielle sat down in her desk in the 3rd row next to her friend Ethan. He was one of her best friends but had always had a crush on her ever since 10th grade. He absolutely adored that girl, with her curly dark blonde hair and her hot skinny body. She was 5’5” with a petite build and he loved how she always walked with a sexy strut showing off her cute little butt.
“Hey Gabby,” he whispered. “Didn’t think you were gonna show up today, ready for that quiz?”
“Oh crap! I forgot about that, I didn’t study at all…”
“It’s ok, I know this stuff inside and out, you can cheat off me if you want.”
Gabrielle loved how her friends were always willing to let her copy their tests, quizzes, and homework assignments. She didn’t know what she’d do if she had to do schoolwork for herself. Gabrielle wasn’t a dumb girl by any means, but like many students she lacked the motivation to care much about high school outside of dances and pep rallies.
“Alright class, time for the quiz!” Mrs. Loewell exclaimed. “I hope you all studied, this is probably the toughest one I’ve given all semester.”
The students passed the papers back and Gabrielle took out a pencil and wrote her name on the top. She started to lean over, waiting for Ethan to start writing, when she felt a slight pressure in her belly and realized she had to go to the bathroom. Classes lasted for 50 minutes each and there was no way Mrs. Loewell would allow her to leave the room during a quiz, she’d just have to wait for the bell. She discreetly eyed her friend’s quiz as she copied down his answers, changing a couple of them, as she wanted to avoid being caught. As time passed by, Gabrielle could feel the pee filling in her bladder and her sense of urgency started to grow. She could no longer concentrate on the quiz and she crossed her legs underneath her desk. She started to fidget with her pencil and kept staring at the clock, wishing time would move faster. With only 10 minutes left of class she had finished the quiz and slowly got up to turn it into the paper container on the teacher’s desk. Walking only made her need to pee more so she quickly finished the task and sat back down at her own desk to wait. Finally the bell rung and she grabbed her bag and jumped to her feet, ready to make a mad dash to the toilets.
“Ms. Baker? Mrs. Loewell said in her booming authoritarian voice. “Could I please see you for a moment?”
Gabrielle’s face went white and her heart started to beat quickly. Did the teacher know she was cheating? The penalty for such an offense was an immediate fail and she really didn’t want to do summer school in order to graduate. She clenched her legs together to hold off the pressure in her belly as she walked up towards the front.
“Umm, yes Mrs. Loewell?”
“Gabrielle, I was just skimming over your quiz real fast and I just wanted to congratulate you on some fine work. I know I’ve been hard on you this semester and I just wanted to say that I feel you’ve come a long way since you started attending class on a regular basis. I just wanted to extend the offer to do a little extra credit for my class, it’ll definitely help out your grades.”
“Oh. Um thank you, I uh, yeah, extra credit would be cool, but right now, I, I think I’m gonna be late for my next class.” Gabrielle stammered to the teacher, trying not to give away her distress.
She could feel her bladder was almost as hard as a rock and she desperately needed to get to the bathroom before she went to her next class. Mrs. Loewell handed her some extra credit papers that she stuffed into her bag before awkwardly jogging out of the classroom and towards the girls’ bathrooms. She had almost made it to the restroom when the bell suddenly rang out and she realized she needed to get to gym class right away. The gym teacher always took attendance first thing, and if you missed attendance you were marked absent for the whole class. Gabrielle shook her head in pain from her aching abdomen and rushed off towards the athletic field on the other side of school where the class met everyday.
“Ms. Baker! You’re late! The gym teacher Mr. Rand barked out. “AND you’re not suited up!”
“I, I’m s–sorry Mr. Rand, I forgot to grab my gym bag this morning.” She said apologetically, hoping he wouldn’t mark her as absent.
“That’s OK, I’ll let it slide this time, and you can participate in your street clothes. Today we’re going to be running the mile, so everyone start stretching.”
Gabrielle started to join her classmates and stretch her legs but realized she couldn’t bend her lower body without a flurry of shooting pains going through her bladder.
“Mr. Rand…d–do you think I could go to the bathroom real fast before we run?”
“Look Ms. Baker, you had plenty of time before you came here and you were STILL late. Maybe next time do that before class instead of fooling around with your friends in the halls.”
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB” the whistle in Mr. Rand’s mouth was deafening and Gabby almost lost her pee right there from the sudden loud sound.
“Everyone listen up! Whoever doesn’t complete the mile run today will not pass this class– do you understand? You may begin!”
Gabrielle’s heart was already racing from her desperation but she couldn’t afford to fail a class. Not graduating would be the worst possible thing that could happen to her. She slowly started to jog and when she did, a quick stream of warm pee rushed out of her peehole, instantly staining her white cotton panties. She immediately grabbed her crotch with both her hands and closed her eyes. She stopped the flow as soon as it started but she knew it wouldn’t be much longer now. She suddenly got very frightened at the prospect of having an accident at school.
“Oh God, oh God oh God. This can’t be happening oh God.”
BBBBBBBBBBB!!!” came the annoying whistle sound.
Gabby felt a couple of tears making their way down her face and she tried to run. She felt a nauseating spasm rip through her lower body and a second spurt of urine came out of her. She pressed her hands even harder into herself and kept making her legs move forward whilst trying to clench them together as tight as possible under the circumstances. She made it maybe 50 feet before a bigger wave of desperation slammed into her bladder. She stopped running, put her hands against her swollen stomach and leaned over as more tears began to wet her face. She knew she couldn’t fight it anymore; there was no chance of making it now. Gabrielle was going to pee herself and there was nothing that she could possibly do about it. Gabby felt like she was having a nightmare and that she’d wake up any moment and still be in bed. She doubled over and closed her eyes. She quickly took a deep breath as the warm jet of urine started to stream out of her with wild ferocity. It poured through the bottom of her soft denim shorts and down her bare legs, making them shine in the morning sunlight. The pee start to pool in her canvas shoes and in her socks. She could feel her ass getting drenched in warm liquid and tried to pretend that none of her classmates or her mean teacher could see her disgracing herself. Here she had just turned 18 years old and she felt as if she was only 8. Gabrielle sniffled a little bit from her delicate crying and wiped at her eyes a bit. She could see that her jean shorts were entirely stained with pee that darkened them all the way down the front; she felt like the butt of her shorts was probably completely stained as well. She saw a couple of her classmates smirking at her and she almost wanted to die right there.
Gabrielle started to walk again and felt the wetness all over her lower body. Her panties were totally filled now with lukewarm liquid and she felt uncomfortable as they stuck to her beneath her shorts. Her shoes made a squishing sound as she pressed her feet into the ground, feeling the pee sloshing in them. This was probably the most embarrassing moment of her life, and now she knew she had to run the whole mile in her piss drenched clothes in order to pass this class. This was a day she would never forget for the rest of her life.
By: Captain Jack