Pee Virus

By: Da1337dude
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Marilyn: The main character. She has long, blonde hair, a smooth, unblemished face, and sexy, but not overtly big, boobs.
Julia: The leader of the group Marilyn hangs out with, and a rather popular girl. She is a little short, and has flowing, shoulder–length black hair. She has a slightly darker complexion than normal, but she is not an Asian or a black person (sorry if anyone interprets that as racist, I just want to make that part clear). Despite her smallish boobs, boys consider her quite hot.
Kate: A member of Julia’s group.
Topaz: A member of Julia’s group. She has fairly short, curly orange–blonde hair, and has a special role later on in the story.
Rory: The girl who starts the events depicted in the story with an unusual virus. She has small brown freckles all over her face, and brown hair.
Caroline: A tall girl with brown hair woven into two brown pigtails and several freckles and pimples, who is Rory’s most loyal friend, and stays by her side when everyone else leaves.
Marilyn wakes up, and wonders for a few seconds what woke her. Then she feels the beginning of a need to pee. Faster than seemingly possible, the need to pee increases to desperation level. She grabs at her crotch, but knows it’s no good. All her desperate grab achieves is to allow her to hold on for a couple of seconds longer, and to feel the first spurt. A couple more spurts follow, soaking her crotch area, before the pee begins flowing out unstoppably, soaking her blankets and her pajama pants. She sighs, and curses the strange, recent events…
It had all begun when a new girl called Rory had come to her school. At Rory’s very first lunch break Marilyn had seen her being surrounded by a small ring of people. Marilyn had gotten there just in time to see Rory finish peeing her panties. Strangely, however, she did not appear as humiliated or shaken as one would expect. Once the teasing began, she explained in a shaky but calmer than you’d expect voice that she has an illness that makes her pee herself. Most of the teasing continued, but some of the ring broke apart. For a while, life had continued, with Rory occasionally peeing herself. Most of the students just accepted it, but some continued to tease her, and some came over just to watch every time she had an accident. But then, one day, one of Rory’s few friends, Caroline, wet herself, in a highly embarrassing way, during assembly on stage. As this was while she was being praised for being “a good friend and a good role model” (which, even though it wasn’t directly stated, most people knew was referring to her becoming friends with Rory), she had spread around a story that she’d done it to show just how good a friend she was to Rory, and to help Rory feel better. However, rumors had begun to circulate that Caroline had also peed herself in class, and speculation had gone around that she hadn’t done it on purpose at all, as she’d flinched on stage, and had seemingly been stopping herself from crying…
Within a few days, most of Rory’s friends had distanced themselves from her. However, even so, most of them got spotted wetting themselves. And it had continued spreading. An expanding ring of girls had begun to pee themselves and it went from a theory to a certainty that Rory’s illness was contagious. At first, teachers had denied that it existed. But by now, they could not. New school rules had been introduced to make the infection less of a headache for the cleaners, the infected, and the non–infected. Corners filled with towels and sometimes a couple of buckets became standard features in classrooms. Two classrooms were designated change rooms and girls were to only use the school toilets to pee or do a no.2 (to avoid excessive toilet queues). A change of clothes was to be brought to school. Trousers were not forbidden, but almost no girls wore them, as they made accidents highly visible and necessitated a skirt or another pair of pants being brought to school as a change. A new rumor was going around that Rory’s parents had been sued for not telling the school that Rory’s illness was contagious.
The illness affected everybody differently. About 75% of the female students were either immune or had just somehow avoided infection, and males seemed immune altogether. Among the infected, several things were uniform, and several things were different. When the infected girls wet themselves, they went from feeling a mild urge to pee to desperate/wetting in 5–30 seconds. There was a huge difference between the amounts of times infected students had accidents. A few unlucky girls pee in their panties more often than not. However, most of the infected students only had an accident every other day or so. In most cases, just–in–case toilet visits were useless, as some girls had had accidents as little as 15 minutes after a just–in–case toilet visit. Adults seemed immune, as no teachers had been spotted having accidents, although a couple had left their classes abruptly for no apparent reason.
Her parents interrupted Marilyn’s thoughts. “Time to go to school, Mary!” called her mother. “That’s not my name, mom, and you know it!” retorted Marilyn. She hated being called Mary. As per Marilyn’s request after the first time she’d peed herself at home, neither of her parents commented on her accident, even though there was no way they could have not noticed it. Soon, Marilyn was headed for school. The first couple of periods passed uneventfully, apart from a couple of girls dashing to the towelled areas in the classrooms, turning their backs on the class, pulling aside their panties, and peeing. When the bell for Break rang, Marilyn hurried off to meet Julia, Kate, and Topaz. Grabbing one of the sets of cracks on the tennis courts that served as a handball court, they promptly began playing, and started talking. Most of the talk was fashion talk, until Kate brought up the pee illness.
“So what about that weird Rory disease, hey? There’s a girl peeing herself for the first time every day! I hope it’s not me.” Kate was not infected, but feared that any day would be her first accident. “You should stop worrying about it, Kate. Maybe you will get it, maybe you won’t. But being paranoid about it won’t stop you from getting it. And the worst part of peeing yourself is feeling horrible about it. I’ve been that much happier ever since I’ve stopped worrying about the infection.” Topaz said. She did have the illness, but she felt…differently about it than the others. But more on that later. Everyone else nodded half heartedly, and the game resumed. It continued normally, until Julia felt a twinge in her bladder. She froze as it grew to the point where she’d normally seek a toilet, and barely noticed that she’d flunked an easy shot.
“Oh, no…” she whispered to herself.
“What’s up with Julia?” Kate asked.
“I think it’s happening…” Marilyn said.
“You’re right.” Kate said.
Julia was by now past the point of no return. Her hand twitched, and moved towards her crotch, before she stopped it. Holding herself would not help, it would only serve to make her skirt wet. She clamped down hard, but a spurt slipped through and dampened her panties.
“Yes, it’s definitely happening.” Topaz said matter–of–factly. And less than five seconds later, Julia’s pee–hole had unclenched completely, and with absolutely no warning to an observer, a jet of pee gushed out from under her skirt. Her panties quickly got saturated, and she was thankful that she hadn’t decided to wear the shorts she was thinking of wearing. A couple of boys snickered unkindly, and Kate responded by flicking them off. A puddle quickly formed and grew, catching people’s attention. As soon as her pee finished, Julia turned and walked to the change–rooms, eager to get away from the scene.
Topaz yawned. Spanish. What a drag. She wished she could have an accident, so she had an excuse to leave the room. But she had almost had one in Home Economics yesterday, and it was only the fact that she was near the towelled area that spared her an accident. Suddenly, however, an electrifying idea sprung to mind. She thought about it, and decided she just HAD to put it into action. Why not fake an accident? She faked a jerk, and made a face. Several seconds later, she opened her pee–hole. A jet of pee hissed out, hitting her panties and soaking in. The shape of the chair conducted the pee to the base of her bottom, until it began to spill onto the floor. The teacher quickly noticed, and waited for her to finish before telling her to go to the changing rooms, and be quick about it. God, she hated the Spanish teacher. But it was hard to think about that now. Grabbing a spare pair of panties from her bag, she headed for the toilets, and not to empty her bowels or bladder.
You see, peeing turned on Topaz, especially if she’d been waiting for a long time. It had begun when she was about 10. She was on an excursion to a museum, and had gotten too excited about a certain exhibit to go to the toilet, even though she felt her bladder beginning to warn her. However, once she stopped looking at the exhibit, she realized just how full her bladder was, and requested to go to the toilet, only to find out that the group was too far away from the toilets for it to be convenient. So she crossed her legs, and tried to hold it. But eventually, she couldn’t. She’d soaked her panties, her pants, her socks, and her shoes. Of course, from then on she was Topaz Top–piss, and she hadn’t liked that one bit. However, what she had liked was the peeing. She’d had her first orgasm, in front of everybody, and they’d thought she was moaning in despair! From then on, she’d pee herself in the shower as often as she dared, and she’d even had a couple more accidents while in primary school. Of course, now that she was in high school, she had left her reputation as the girl who wet herself behind, and didn’t want to get it again. Then the pee illness came along. For her, it was perfect. She could pee herself and not be picked on. She could watch other girls pee themselves. And when the illness kicked in, she didn’t even have to wait or drink to get desperate. It was the best thing ever. Of course, she hadn’t told anyone this is how she felt, so everyone else thought she was kind–of laid back about the pee illness, and had a really bad case. While she really had had several unpreventable accidents, she never went to the towel corners if she could help it, although she had to if she was sitting close so it didn’t look suspicious, and had had plenty of deliberate accidents.
Author’s Notes: There’s a huge plot hole in this one: why don’t they just wear diapers? I have no real answer for that, and I won’t any time soon, so you’ll just have to ignore it.
The reason why I had the pee virus work the way it did is that I get so sick of stories that the whole thing is building up to one pee scene. The desperation doesn’t turn me on. Well, sometimes it does, but usually I find it boring. So the pee virus’ sudden desperation thing was an easy way to avoid that.
I was originally planning sequels, but I feel I’ve done everything I can without leaving the school environment and without getting monotonous. I have some good but unrelated stories in the pipeline, though, let me assure you of that! I had some vague ideas about the pee virus spreading beyond the school, maybe infecting the whole world, but I thought that was too similar to another story I’d read before.
There was originally a panty–pooping scene (Julia originally party–pooped during the game of handball, if you’ll pardon the pun), but I didn’t want to turn anybody off.
Unrelated to this story, but I thought you’d be interested to know: My next story is probably going to be Anne’s Adventure, a story about a pee–loving girl who finally gets a chance to fulfill her fantasies when she goes on a holiday to a remote town with few tourist attractions for that exact purpose. I’ve already done a couple of good pee scenes, but I’m far from finished–it’s going to be MASSIVE when it’s done! Maybe I’ll make it a series and send what I’ve already done.
By: Da1337dude