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Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Humiliation. Ever since my last accident, I'd been thinking on how to best go about my next wetting. Every idea just seemed too bold for me. I liked what I felt to a certain extent, but most of my initial ideas would potentially put me in very socially dangerous situations. I kept arguing with myself in that regard, because it is entirely the point to feel that danger. The simple release is nothing without thought of losing it, the fear of utter humiliation. That's when I came up with my plan. I wanted to pee in front of someone but have it not matter. I wanted to experience the urgency of a consequence to flooding my pants.…
Read →Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting. My name is Daisy and I wet my pants last Sunday. I have no idea when my fetish with wetting began, but ever since I was little, there's always been something magical about the desperate struggle with nature. My earliest memories of feeling attracted to someone were memories of helping a struggling friend make it to the restroom and watching her fail en route. With such a fetish for watching, I've always been a careful soul in regards to my own bladder. I've wet myself a couple of times as a little girl, but that's to be expected. In my middle school and high school years, I'd never let myself get even remotely near the "danger…
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