By: Danielle
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When school started three weeks ago, something funny came up. We had a pep rally on Friday for the senior class that extended our school day an extra hour and a half. Normally we finish at three o’clock but that day we had to stay until four thirty in the afternoon.
It started off like any other day with our teacher, Ms. Jorgenson drinking her two cups of coffee. That day we had her the entire day as our teacher. After finishing her coffee, she started to teach, and then went outside for more coffee. She filled a thermos with three more cups of coffee and brought it back to class to drink while teaching.
At lunchtime, we were forced to eat inside due to rain, though some of us left in cars to go home or to restaurants, since we are eighteen years old. We noticed that Mrs. Jorgenson, who stayed with us in the classroom, drank three cups of water instead of more coffee with her lunch.
After lunch we studied quietly for an hour. Mrs. Jorgenson, who hadn’t left us except to get more coffee in the morning, was crossing and uncrossing her legs a bit. She hadn’t gone to the bathroom during lunch.
By three o’clock she looked really desperate as she took us to the gym for the pep rally, which lasted an hour and thirty minutes. I spent most of the time watching the teacher instead of the rally, it was much more interesting.
A district policy is that teachers are not supposed to leave students unattended at any time other than lunch. The extra hour and a half was really killing Ms. Jorgenson. She was still able to hold her piss though, throughout the rally.
When it was over she walked us back to class, and I noticed her discreetly grab at her crotch. She then crossed her legs a bit. As we walked, I caught up with her and started to pass her. I stuck my elbow out so it hit her stomach in such a way that it looked like an accident. She grabbed back at her crotch and pee started squirting out.
Ms. Jorgenson is young, only 25 years old. She was pissing in front of everyone for a full 46 seconds. It was big news on campus. Some of her skirt got wet though most of her pee went through her panties and onto the ground.
She was very upset and started crying. It was funny though it wouldn’t have been nice to be in her shoes. Of course this was big news on our campus for quite a while, people found it very amusing. Poor Ms. Jorgenson!