
2 stories

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The Garage Sale
By: Dave (30 Apr 2005, Saturday)

Some years ago a small group of us used to get together on Saturday mornings and go to garage sales together. There were normally five of us, just friends, two girls, and three blokes. We would look the garage sales up in the paper, consult the street directory, and work out the most direct route to follow to get around them all. One Saturday one of the two girls couldn't come, leaving only four of us. I was already aware that Sally, the girl who did come, tended to have a smallish bladder, so I was interested to see that she brought a can of soft drink with her, which she drank on our way to the first house. Needless to say, after what seemed like a reasonable amount of time for the fluid to be making its…

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The Best School Assembly I Ever Ignored
By: Dave (31 Aug 2004, Tuesday)

This is a true story of a sighting I had of a girl my age (18) when I was in my senior year of high school. We had weekly assemblies, all standing in the open assembly area, just before lunchtime. My mates and I usually tried to stand behind a row of girls so we could check them out. I particularly enjoyed studying the shape of their bottoms under their uniforms and imagining I could see right through to their pants. One day in an assembly I found myself particularly transfixed by an extremely attractive girl in front and just across to the left. She was fairly new to the school and just perfect – not too skinny but not fat; solid, athletic looking legs that went "all the way up" before disappearing under the…

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