The Fishing Trip

By: DaveJ
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From the time Nancy was nine years old she had accompanied her father on fishing trips.
In fact the whole family occasionally went along and they picnicked. Nancy’s father was an avid fly fisherman and since Nancy was like all young daughters she wanted to engage in her fathers favorite pastime. When she was thirteen she was an accomplished fly fisherman. By the time she reached fourteen, her parents had divorced. Nancy was sent to live with her mother. She was devastated; she loved being with her Dad. After that, she was only able to see him sporadically, due to school and his work schedule.
One Friday evening after Nancy had reached the age of eighteen her father called and asked if she wanted to go trout fishing early Saturday morning. He and his favorite fishing buddy Ned were going and he thought she might like to go, as they hadn’t been able to spend much time together lately. She hadn’t been fishing since before the divorce. There were butterflies in Nancy’s chest! Dear God she thought, how long have I waited for such an invitation. She had evidently proven herself capable somewhere along the way and now it was paying off. Of course she loved her dad and wanted to be with him as much as possible and there was Ned whom she thought of as an uncle, a good looking one.
Nancy was awake two hours early but she bided her time. Breakfast consisted of an energy packed granola bar and orange juice. Her father picked her up. En route to the stream coffee was acquired. They hit the stream by 0700 and fished all the morning. Nancy chose her flies carefully and it paid off. She had the greatest number of fish when they quit around noon. She was so pleased. However, she didn’t come close to the largest fish; that went to Ned and her father also had one very close to Ned’s in size. But, both Dad and Ned praised her catch along with the fact that she was choosing the right flies and using them correctly. They said that she had really turned into a great fisherman. Nancy spent the rest of the day basking in the glory of showing up her favorite fishermen.
The plan had been to stop at The Grill on the way home for lunch. The Grill was about halfway along the two–hour drive home. The prospect of a juicy cheeseburger and fries suited Nancy just fine. And, as they started back, the prospect of a bathroom also suited Nancy fine.
It had been five hours since Nancy had used a bathroom. Although there hadn’t been much liquid consumed during that time there was still an urge. Nancy had always had a little trouble announcing to her father that she needed to go to the bathroom but she usually did so in the end. Her bashfulness was compounded several degrees due to Ned’s presence as well as being the only female. So when they loaded up to start back Nancy did not mention her concern with having with a full bladder. She was sure she could make it to The Grill.
Fifteen minutes into that one–hour trip she was having doubts about her capacity. She had been shifting all over the back seat of the station wagon, crossing and recrossing her legs. She knew she should just tell her dad but she just couldn’t. Neither her dad nor Uncle Ned had gone all day. It was Uncle Ned’s presence that kept her from saying anything more than any other factor. She just couldn’t let Ned know that she couldn’t hold her water. After all, she was the fisherman of the day.
Thirty minutes later she had reached the final level of desperation. She slid herself into a position in the back seat where no one could see her and she proceeded to hold herself with her hand. She then crossed her legs over her hand. This has to work, she thought, for I am not going to say that I can’t hold it any longer. When I get to The Grill it will all be over. Please God let me hold on a bit longer, she prayed.
It was at that point that she lost all control. Pee flowed out past her hand for all of two seconds before she regained control. That control was tenuous as her bladder was sore and tired from being restrained. She looked down and saw a dark stain in her crotch. She felt behind her buttocks and thighs and noted they were sodden. She had undoubtedly wet herself and it would be obvious to anyone who saw her. What am I going to do? Oh God, Uncle Ned will know that I peed myself. What am I going to do?
They were pulling into the parking lot of The Grill and she still didn’t know what to do. She decided that she wasn’t going into The Grill no matter how hungry she was. Her wet pants would remain her secret and that was that.
Her dad and Ned had gotten out and she remained in the back seat of the station wagon. Dad opened the back door and said, “Aren’t you coming in?” “No, she answered, I’m tired and I think I’ll stay here.” “Aren’t you hungry?” “Come on in and have a great meal.” “I’m not so hungry, maybe you can bring me a burger.”
Her dad stuck his head into the door and asked if she was feeling okay. He knew something was wrong. Then he gently asked, “Did you have an accident?” She bowed her head and began to cry and said, “Yes.” Her daddy said that it was all right and that he understood why it happened. “You just waited a bit too long. It’ll be OK,” said he.
“Please don’t make me get out of the car,” she pleaded. “You have to,” he said. “I’m sure you still have to go.” “Everybody will laugh at me,” said Nancy. “And Uncle Ned won’t like me anymore.” “Nonsense,” said her father. “It is dark in the restaurant and your jeans are dark.” “Chances are that no one will even notice.” “And as for Ned, he thinks of you as his daughter.” “You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”
“I’m so ashamed. I thought I could hold it but I couldn’t. I couldn’t help it. It wasn’t my fault. I just couldn’t hold it.” She was frantic and a bit out of control. Her father grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her and he calmly said “You are going to walk into The Grill and you are going to the restroom to finish relieving yourself and then you are going to join Ned and I for a delicious meal.” “Any crying you feel you have to do will be done after you get home.” “Is that understood?” She weakly nodded in the affirmative.
When she got out of the wagon her father noted that a dark spot the size of a saucer appeared in the front of the crotch of her jeans and when she walked away the seat of her jeans was wet from the buttocks to almost the back of her knees. He felt so sorry for her that he didn’t know what to do. He went up to her and gave her a big hug. When she had finished relieving herself and they were all ensconced in a booth Ned told a story on himself when he was Nancy’s age. She finally felt better and enjoyed the meal, wet pants and all.