The Long Ride Home

By: DaveJ
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The visiting team had won and now they were boarding the bus for the two–hour trip home. Also the cheer leading team and other fans that had gotten permission to ride the school bus to the game were boarding for the return trip home. The fact that their team had won sort of threw the schedule and pre–boarding activities out of kilter. Nancy danced and pranced around the boarding area congratulating each of the team members as they boarded their special bus. She ignored the fact that her dancing and prancing concealed a need to void her bladder.
When the team was boarded it was announced that the fans and cheerleaders would have to board also as they were to return caravan style. Nancy boarded one of the two remaining buses with her best friend Sandy. As they settled into their seats in the back of the bus Nancy noticed that she should have used the restroom before boarding but she had been busy congratulating the team and it was too late to worry about it now. She asked Sandy if she needed to go to the bathroom.
Sandy replied, “No, I went before we boarded.” Nancy giggled, “I wish I had done the same.” Fifteen minutes into the two–hour ride home Nancy began to experience severe discomfort with her bladder. It was full and beginning to cry for relief. As she squirmed and fidgeted she asked Sandy once again if she had to go. Sandy replied in the negative and asked Nancy what was the matter.
Nancy was now desperate and she told Sandy that she had to pee badly, so badly that she knew she wouldn’t make it home. Sandy said she would ask the chaperone teacher to allow a stop for comfort. When Sandy came back down the aisle after talking to the chaperone Nancy could see in her face that a comfort stop was out of question. Sandy said “You’re gonna have to hold it.” Nancy sobbed and squirmed.
For the next forty–five minutes Nancy squirmed and fidgeted in her seat fighting off the release of her bladder, which was desperately needed. She was wearing a white knit turtle necked sweater and a red divided skirt with inverted center pleats front and back. She pulled and smoothed the skirts around her legs numerous times and then crossed her legs back and forth numerous times. Nancy’s entire body was extremely tensed and her face was contorted from trying to hold back the contents of her full bladder.
Sandy once again appealed to the chaperone to stop the bus somewhere for Nancy’s relief. Once again she was rebuffed. Meanwhile Nancy crossed her legs as tightly as she could and gained some relief from this posture. She decided that she might be able to relax, as her crossed legs would prevent any leakage of pee. Relax she did and horror of horrors she realized she was flooding her panties and culottes. She peed for several seconds before regaining control. She moaned, “Oh my God, I’ve wet myself.” Sandy threw her arm around her and said “Hang on, I’ll help all I can.” “Are you OK now?”
Nancy said she was relieved for the present but she still had to go. She whispered that her crotch was wet and that her bottom was soaked. She didn’t know if her accident would show or not but if it did she would be humiliated. Nancy was sitting in a puddle of her own making and thinking that she was seventeen but had wet herself as if she was seven. Her face burned and she was feeling like the loneliest person in the world. She wanted to cry but dared not lest it would emphasize her dilemma.
She sat there and leaned against the window in utter anxiety for the rest of the trip. She wondered and wondered how she could get out of this situation. She thought that maybe she was dreaming, that she hadn’t wet herself at all; it was just an illusion. But when she felt the wetness of her culottes in her crotch and along her buttocks and thighs she knew for sure that she had wet herself. It wasn’t a dream it was real, “What am I going to do?” The bus pulled into the schoolyard where the parents would pick up those needing a ride home. Nancy’s father would be there and he was the last person in the world that Nancy would want to know that she had wet herself.
When everyone on the bus stood up and started to file off Nancy finally stood and looked at the front of her culottes and noticed that the center pleat hid her accident in the front. She became elated and asked Sandy how her backside looked. “Like you peed all over yourself,” said Sandy. “You have a dark wet patch all over your backside… Its obvious you peed yourself.”
Nancy decided that she would not get off the bus until all other students and teacher/chaperones had departed. She told Sandy that she would not let her father see her from the rear and that everything would be OK. Since she had not completely voided during her accident she now needed to pee again but she knew she would make it home. The trick was to keep her daddy from knowing what a horrible thing she had done.
Nancy noticed to her discomfort that one of the teachers was still seated and that the bus driver had not left her seat. Finally the teacher stood and Nancy knew why she was slow departing. The teacher had an accident also. She was wearing a gray business suit and when she stood she revealed a dark wet patch all over the back of her skirt. Nancy felt for her but then remembered her own wet clothing and stayed on board until the teacher left. Nancy boldly went up to her father and excitedly told him about the great win her team had accomplished all the while keeping her backside away from him. Most of the other students had drifted off and she was confident that no one saw what she had done. Her daddy proposed that they stop at a popular drive–in for a snack on the way home. Nancy rebelled knowing she could not possibly keep hiding her wet pants in such a situation.
Her father insisted and finally Nancy told him that she needed to go home to use the bathroom. “There are bathrooms you can use at Staley’s,” he said. Nancy, feeling her wetness, cried, “I need to go home.” “Why can’t you go at Staley’s?” he queried. Nancy feeling trapped and on the verge of tears simply muttered, “I need to go home.” “Nonsense, said her father, “I’m famished and I bet you are too.” “Please just take me home,” moaned Nancy. Sandy had heard all she could stand and blurted out to Nancy’s father, “Nancy has wet her pants. It happened on the bus. She couldn’t help it because the teacher wouldn’t let the driver stop. She didn’t want you to know, but she can’t go in at Staley’s without everyone seeing what she did.” “She couldn’t help it and I’m sorry for blabbing but Nancy needs to go straight home.”
“I’m sorry for telling on you Nancy but I couldn’t let this go on any longer.” They went home in silence.
As mentioned before a teacher also had an accident on this trip and the bus driver did also. That’s grist for another story or so.