Nancy and Bruce - A Soggy Episode

By: DaveJ
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

On their second date Bruce and Nancy were ensconced in a neighborhood tavern where they were drinking beer and scarfing up on all the goodies that were served at the bar. They had gobbled up six or seven beers by early afternoon and a couple of bowls of chips and popcorn. After the first six beers they had both relieved themselves and were quite aware of further requirements for relieving themselves.
Before the next requirement came to their attention, Bruce suggested that they retire to his garden apartment to grill some steaks on the balcony. Nancy thought it was a great idea and stood up to prepare to leave. Both Bruce and Nancy had a slightly full bladder but both thought that they were in control. As each stood each realized that they were suffering from a very full, rather than a slightly full, bladder and neither wanted to admit to such a fact at this point.
After all, Nancy wanted to appear cool and collected and Bruce had the same desire. Bruce had said that his apartment was only twenty minutes away and Nancy had decided that she could wait another twenty minutes. Since Bruce was in his own territory it was easy for him to make a decision regarding his somewhat desperate need to relieve himself. So the two of them left the neighborhood taproom in a somewhat discomforting situation. In short, they had to pee and pee badly but they plunged on and decided not to let the other know of their distress.
Bruce knew of the rule of six beers as he had drunk many times with many friends while in the service. He knew that after the first visit to the restroom that all subsequent visits were demanding. After one had consumed six or more beers and had at last gone to relieve himself that all subsequent calls for relieving his bladder were to be answered immediately.
Bruce knew that his drive to his apartment would be cutting his need to pee very closely. He was sure that he could make it but he knew that any obstacle in the way would probably result in a disaster. Bruce decided not to go to the restroom before leaving the bar simply because he was sure he could make it home and he wanted to appear cool.
Nancy was a bit younger than Bruce and she didn’t know of the six plus beer rule. She had been to the bathroom several minutes before Bruce suggested that they depart for his apartment. They spent a few minutes discussing the menu and just how they would grill the steaks and how they would prepare the accompanying dishes and the spices before they decided to depart.
Once they were in Bruce’s car the need for relief became obvious. Nancy began to squirm in her seat and to pull and tug on the pants of her light blue jumpsuit. Nancy was at a disadvantage, as she had no idea of how far it was to Bruce’s apartment. She was beginning to wonder if she would make it there when a traffic light caught them and caused them to stop. Bruce had gone through this many times and he knew that sitting still at a traffic light was the worse thing that could happen to someone with a full bladder. He glanced over to Nancy and saw that she was extremely tense and that her legs were crossed as tightly as possible. He knew that Nancy was in as bad a shape as he but his desperation kept him from enjoying Nancy’s situation. But, he really wanted to enjoy it.
Nancy was on the verge of wetting herself but she decided to keep it to herself. After all, how long would it be before they arrived at Bruce’s apartment? It couldn’t be too far, she thought as she clinched her thighs together and hung on for dear life. Bruce looked over at Nancy and knew she was in misery and cursed himself for being in the same condition, making it difficult to enjoy Nancy’s situation. Bruce had always enjoyed watching a woman desperately trying to avoid wetting herself. But, on this occasion he was too close to embarrassing himself to be that much interested in what Nancy was going through.
When the next traffic light turned red before Bruce could get through it, he thought that he would severely embarrass himself. He really needed to pee and being in a stationary position was no help at all. As he squirmed in his seat he noted that Nancy was doing the same. Jeez thought he, I have a date about to wet herself, a situation I have dreamed of for many years and I can’t enjoy it, because I am about to wet my own pants. I simply must hold out, as I can’t let this woman know that I am anything less than cool.
Meanwhile, Nancy was thinking “Dear God, why can’t he get a go on a traffic light. If I have to sit still much longer I will surely wet myself. Oh God, please let me hold it until we get there. I don’t want to tell him of my desperation because that would be so uncool. I like this guy and I don’t want to humiliate myself before him.” Nancy struggled on with her full bladder.
Bruce was shifting around in his seat but not so much as to be noticeable. He was thinking that he had been down this road before but not with someone as neat as Nancy. He knew how far he had to go and he knew just how long he had to hold his water. He was confident that he wouldn’t humiliate himself before this very neat girl. But, the pressure was intensifying. And, out the corner of his eye he thought he saw Nancy slide her hand into her crotch. He knew that this girl was absolutely desperate but he was also absolutely desperate and he didn’t dare slip his hand into his crotch.
Nancy thought, “I must ask him to find a place for me to use a restroom. But that would be so gauche. We were in his neighborhood when we left the bar and his condo couldn’t be too far. I simply can’t ask him to stop somewhere so soon. I would look so unsophisticated. It isn’t that bad, as right now I’m in a relief mode. Oops here it comes again!”
Bruce was thinking that he couldn’t cross his legs as he was driving. Crossing ones legs and holding ones member is an excellent way to avoid having a wetting accident. While crossing his legs was out of the question, holding himself was even more out of the question. He simply couldn’t let Nancy know how badly he needed to pee. That would be so uncool.
So there they were, both needing desperately to pee and neither admitting their desperation. Bruce was now pulling into a parking spot in the front of his apartment building. He got out of the car and ran around the front to open the door on Nancy’s side. He was sort of shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he opened Nancy’s door. Nancy was afraid to get out and stand up, as she was sure this would cause her to lose all control. Nevertheless, she did swing her legs out, stand up without mishap and with great relief followed Bruce into the building and up the stairs to his apartment. They were both too desperate to use the slow moving elevator and their desperation apparently became known to each other even though no word of it was spoken.
Nancy noticed an unusual amount of tension on Bruce’s part when he was trying to get his key into his apartment door. She then began to suspect that Bruce had to pee as badly as she. Such a scenario would be delightful if her dilemma wasn’t so severe. Bruce finally got the key into the lock and opened the door to his apartment.
Bruce, sensing Nancy’s desperation, said, “We are here and the bathroom is down the hall on the right if you want to use it.” While Nancy wanted to keep her desperation a secret she decided that she would take him up on his offer for her to have first chance at the bathroom. She moved into the bathroom without any qualms whatsoever. Meanwhile, Bruce went into the kitchen to get the steaks out of the freezer and to gather up the herbs and spices for the feast– anything to keep moving.
Nancy, in the bathroom quickly pulled down the zipper of her light blue jumpsuit but the need to pee was now overwhelming. She slid her hand into her crotch and pushed up on her peehole with all her might. Holding herself with one hand she wondered how in hell she could get her jumpsuit down so that she could pee. She wriggled her shoulders as hard as she could but the jumpsuit stayed in place. Nancy moaned; “Goddamn it, I’m going to wet myself– Oh no I can’t hold it!”
Bruce, in the meantime had left the chores he was doing in the kitchen and walked over to the bathroom. He was on tiptoes and bent over at the hips. He managed to yell out for Nancy to please get out of the bathroom, as he had to get in there. Bruce’s situation was so desperate that he no longer cared to maintain what he thought was cool.
By this time Nancy had started to wet her jumpsuit. A dark stain was proceeding down her crossed leg and she couldn’t stop it so she sat down on the commode with her clothes on and peed through them. After a while the normal sound of a female peeing into a commode was heard and Nancy became very ashamed as well as relieved.
When she stood up she rued the dark patch in the front of her pants and she felt the rear and noted that she was very wet in the seat of her pants. “Dear God what have I done,” thought she. “I’ve peed myself like a little child. I can’t hide it, what am I going to do– I don’t want Bruce to know. What am I going to do? Oh God I can’t believe I did this.” She noted some paper towels hanging on a roll and she proceeded to try to dry herself with the highly absorbent paper towels.
About this time, Bruce, who was beyond desperation shouted, “Please let me in as I can’t wait any longer.” Bruce hated this admission of his desperation but it had to be done. Telling a lady friend that he desperately needed to pee was infinitely better than peeing in his pants. Unfortunately, there was no longer a choice. At this point Bruce was hunkered over from the hips with legs crossed and with his right hand holding his member in the desperate need for relief into any facility.
When Nancy heard his latest plea she was gratified to know that she had guessed correctly. Bruce did indeed need to pee as badly as she. Well, perhaps not quite so badly, since she HAD wet herself. She was still wiping her jumpsuit pant legs with paper towels when she heard Bruce’s plea. She looked down at her pant legs and decided that any drying was hopeless. With tears streaming down her cheeks she opened the bathroom door to let Bruce in.
What she saw was a shock. There was Bruce standing upright with his hands crossed in front of his crotch as if to conceal something. His pants were wet from halfway between his waist and crotch all the way down to his ankles. Bruce had simply lost it and completely peed himself in front of his bathroom door. A large puddle was present on the parquet floor where he stood. A mask of strain tinted with a bit of relief shone on his face.
Nancy stopped crying immediately. She knew that what Bruce had done was far more humiliating than what she had done. She didn’t try to analyze that thought– she just went with it. It was OK on occasion for a woman to have a wetting accident but it was never Ok for a man to do so.
Bruce was angry and he was ready to vent it; “Goddamn it, look what you made me…” and his venting trailed off as he noted Nancy’s wet pants. “How could you pee yourself when you are already in the bathroom?” he asked. She replied, “You should try getting out of a jumpsuit with one hand.” Bruce said, “One hand?” She replied, “I was holding myself with the other one for Chrissakes.” They stood in silence looking at one another for another moment or so.
Finally Bruce said, “I guess we pushed the pee envelope beyond its limits.”
She replied, “So what are you going to do about it?” He noticed a sly grin on her face. “Well,” he said, “I guess I need to get you dry and cleaned up so you are presentable for the rest of the evening.” “And just who is going to do the same for you?” Her grin was now a broad smile. “You big pants wetting sissy.” “Do you know of anyone who will change a grown up?” asked he. “Yes and I know someone who will not only change a wet bottom but who will spank it as well.” “Let’s get to it,” he said. And they advanced on to each other pushing their wet pants together while massaging each other’s wet crotch. Somewhere it was heard, “This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.”