
By: David England
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We were falling in love…all we needed was a jellyfish!
It had been a beautiful day. A group of us from work had gone for a long ramble along the coast. We were at a place called “Yorkies Knob” (no kidding!) near Cairns in Australia. We had had lunch under some trees listening to the endless roll of the surf. Of course it was hot, and fortunately, we had taken plenty to drink.
After lunch we all seemed to split up a bit. I realised afterwards that my friends had sensed that Alice and I needed a bit of time alone even before we even knew ourselves! Alice has lovely long dark brown hair, and an incredibly sweet smile – I always go for the smile! To be honest, I’d rather assumed that she had a boyfriend already. It was only over lunch that someone else had commented that Alice ‘needed’ a boyfriend. We were chatting together really well as we walked back along the beach. The only slight problem was that Alice began to speed up a bit and hop about.
We went on for a bit, but Alice was definitely getting edgy. I thought I could probably guess the problem by the time she spelled it out.
“I’m sorry about this, but I really need those toilets back at the car park,” she said, by way of explanation. For a moment, I thought she was going to make a grab for her crotch, but she somehow got control again. I realised that Alice’s long dress had made it impossible for her to just relieve herself in the sea as the rest of us had done!
“I guess you guys were lucky that time – no jellyfish stings,” Alice had quipped as we came back to where she was sitting at lunchtime. She was talking of Box Jellyfish, of course, and if they get you, they can give you a sting that gives you a heart attack because of the intense pain – definitely bad news! Strangely enough, the best way to help someone if they have been stung is to pee on the wound – honestly!
As we continued walking back, I noticed one or two jellyfish stranded on the beach – drying out in the hot sun – the season had certainly begun. Alice was not looking at the jellyfish; she was eyeing several clumps of bushes where it just might be possible for a modest young lady to go to the toilet, but each time there were people nearby on the beach, and Alice definitely didn’t want to wait. As for myself – well the thought of Alice dampening her panties under her long dress was beginning to make me hard. Would she get really upset if she wet herself? I didn’t want her upset…but I quite fancied her wet!
I slipped my arm round Alice, and she moved a little closer to me, seeming to forget her need for toilets for a bit. Everything was going really well when we head a cry. At first I thought it was just someone playing about, but it was a man, and he was obviously in pain. Alice is training to become a paramedic, so she automatically started to run towards a little knot of people near the water’s edge.
The scene was quite chaotic. A man of about 25 was writhing on the sand with an angry looking sting on his left thigh. A girl, presumably his girlfriend, was just too distraught to do anything, “John, I told you not to ignore that flag – and now you’ve been stung!” she kept on shouting.
There was another man with them, and he seemed to know what to do with Box Jellyfish stings. He had his penis out, and actually managed a small dribble, but unfortunately, as he was saying, he had been about 5 minutes ago! Alice had already started to blush– knowing what she was going to have to do.
Alice took charge most professionally. She turned to me. “Don’t look away– hold the guy’s leg so we do this right.”
Despite everything, she was obviously very shy. She seemed to consider removing her panties, and then just left them in place as she squatted over the man’s thigh.
“The clothing will help to spread my urine about and ensure we deal with all the wound,” she muttered as an excuse.
The victim was far too distracted to appreciate what was happening. She carefully positioned herself over the man’s thigh as I held his leg to keep it still. I was having quite a job holding his leg– possibly it was starting to cramp, but Alice was clearly having difficulty unlearning all her potty training! She shifted position a bit and counted, “One, two, three, four…”
At ‘four’ she seemed to really push, and that was enough, she started to pee through her panties a few drops at first, and then a huge hissing surge! I could feel the warmth of it as it ran over his thigh and on to my hands– I could even smell it– I was so close to the action! I felt quite guilty under the circumstances, but I just could not control a vast erection, which was hard to disguise in shorts!
As Alice’s flow finally started to subside, I was starting to wonder what would happen next. Whatever happened, I was resigned to the idea that my amorous stroll with Alice was over for the day. Incredibly, at that point a beach patrol came across us and took charge immediately. After briefly congratulating Alice on her quick thinking, they bundled the man (who we later heard made a complete recovery) and his two companions inside their jeep to go and get further medical help.
Within a minute or so Alice and I were once more alone on the beach! She blushed again and looked down at the large wet stain on her dress– I could only imagine the state of her panties! I gave her a hug for what she had just done, but then she pushed away laughing, “Hey– do you realise you’ve just left a big wet handprint on my top!”
We sat on a rock and dissolved into laughter.
“You know, my previous boyfriend would have gone off his head if anything like that had happened – he just couldn’t stand urine.”
I knew I’d never get a chance like this again. I didn’t know if it would work, but I simply had to try. “Um, to be honest, you peeing through your panties like that turned me on so much!”
“I noticed,” Alice giggled, “And actually, it turned me on too!” she finished– managing somehow to look shy and brazen both at the same time!
“I once tried to explain that to my boyfriend, and that was the end of him; we had a row and he left!”
“Look, I know I’ve not got a jellyfish sting, but why not sit on my knee for a minute or two?”
“Just so long as you know how wet it will be,” she smiled her impossible smile.
I only just got my car keys and wallet out of my shorts pockets in time (that is what I call quick thinking!) and we were in each other’s arms kissing passionately.
“I’ve still got a little more pee, if you think you might need the same treatment!” she said teasingly.
I knew it would be quite embarrassing returning to the car park with soaked denim shorts, but I wanted to feel her wetness so much!
She started to pant just before she let go– I was simply amazed how hot she was, and how much pee was still inside her! Within moments her pee was running right through my clothes and down my legs! We seemed to have the beach to ourselves, thank goodness) and my hand started to stray inside her soaking wet dress– but at that moment someone came into sight far away at the water’s edge.
“Let’s finish this somewhere away from the crowd,” she whispered.
We made a run for the car park and got inside without anyone seeing the state we were both in. I set off intending to take Alice back to my place. Inside the hot car, the smell of her pee was driving me crazy. Alice seemed equally overcome with lust.
“Just pull in somewhere quiet– quickly,” she whispered.
When a girl says that to you, you don’t argue! I found a rather good spot with the car well sheltered by some trees, and we were alone again– momentarily rendered shy by the speed at which things were moving. I was staring down at Alice’s wet knees and the huge stain on her dress. I realised that I absolutely had to kiss the source of all that pee. I tried kissing her wet knee, to see how she would react. For a moment I thought perhaps I had been a bit too bold, but then she lifted up her wet skirt and actually started to push my head up towards her crotch.
Somehow her panties were pulled out of the way by the time I got to the top– though who did it, I never knew! Alice was so aroused that my tongue slid straight inside her effortlessly, really deep. Alice started to writhe, pushing her pee–soaked crotch into my face. Within a few seconds she came to a massive climax– yelling out so hard, she disturbed a bird that had come to sit on our car!
I’d almost come myself by the time Alice had slid down my zip– carefully, to avoid another medical emergency! She started to suck me – and I guess she must have tasted her own pee on my member!
Soon we were both spent – flopped against each other in my car, which was going to need some serious cleaning! A week later, Alice moved in with me, and since then, life has been wet, wet, wet!
By: David England