Holiday Romance

By: David England
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Humiliation, and Foreplay.
Going on holiday to Cyprus was supposed to be so much fun! My friends, Alice and Barbara had talked me into the idea, but I had my doubts from the start.
“Come on Janice, why don’t you join us on holiday before we all go off to university! It will be great – promise you!”
The first day was quite nice, exploring the coast, and lazing in the warm sun, but I found the evening hell! To be honest, I guess I was just not very good at mixing with people, and I really couldn’t bear the idea of getting disgustingly drunk!
That first night we all three went into Paphos town and ended up at a big, noisy disco–bar. We all had a drink, and stood around looking at the other people – well, the boys for the most part. Barbara was blond and incredibly good looking. She had come in a skimpy skirt, and was being invited out to dance by a local lad almost immediately. Alice just laughed, “Come on Janice, have another drink, we won’t see Barb again for a bit!”
“No, I don’t really want another drink so soon – you know I don’t drink much.”
Alice went off to get another drink for herself, and my heart began to sink. I’d not really brought any clothes for a place like this – and anyway, I was overweight and plain, and I knew fancy clothes would not fix that. I had just come out in a thin jumper and jeans.
Alice wasn’t as pretty as Barbara. She wasn’t naturally blond, but even so, I had no doubt she would be out there dancing before too long. I went and got myself an orange juice, just really to have something to do – I felt incredibly out of place in that bar. I was only away for a moment.
“Jan – I have just met a rather nice boy, and I’m just going to have a couple of dances with him – I’ll be back in a few minutes!”
With that, I was left standing drinking my orange juice, trying to stop tears welling up in my eyes. A few minutes later, I sneaked out and walked along the beachfront. Some people were already drunk even though it was only about nine in the evening. I kept walking until I reached a little headland. I had the sand completely to myself, and it was still warm enough to sit and listen to the waves breaking on the shore. The moon had come up, and I felt quite romantic, in a very melancholy sort of way.
I didn’t want to get really maudlin, so I tried to cheer myself up with a rather naughty thought. Although nobody back at the bar had got really drunk by the time I left, I knew that things would get pretty wild later, and some of the girls would end up wetting themselves and throwing up.
I could not bear the thought of people throwing up, but secretly, the idea of wetting myself had always seemed kind of fun. I used to do it secretly at home if I had the house to myself for long enough, but I was beginning to wonder if I could get away with wetting myself in public out here – just walking back afterwards, pretending to be drunk.
I looked around to make sure nobody was coming. I’d have to get off the sand and sit on a rock – otherwise I’d end up covered in wet sand!
Was this really such a good idea – suppose Barbara or Alice found my wet jeans – they knew I wouldn’t be drunk! I’d just decided not to be so silly, when a sudden wave of determination swept over me. I wasn’t going to meet a man, and there was only one bit of fun left available to me!
I stood up, took a furtive look round, and did a huge gusher in my jeans! God it felt naughty to do that, but I enjoyed every warm dirty moment of it. Walking back was not going to be easy, so I decided to sit on the rock a bit longer, listening to the waves, and the distant sounds from the town.
Suddenly, I heard voices! A couple were walking round the headland. The man took a quick look at me,
“Hi love – had a bit too much to drink, I see!”
I cringed as he laughed, and said nothing. I just wanted to get away, but I decided to wait a moment to let them move on a bit. My heart was pounding, and I felt really awful now.
Before I could move, another man, this one on his own, came round the same headland. I cringed inwardly, and waited for the inevitable sarcasm.
“Oh hi – its beautiful out here on the beach with nobody else around, isn’t it!”
He was quite tall, with black hair and a shirt open at the neck, and he was walking over towards me. For a moment, I thought of running away.
“Yes – my friends took me to the bar over there, but it was a bit too loud and brash for me.”
“Me too – I prefer to be alone out here and look at the stars – not that I can see many with that big bright moon!”
I was incredibly self–conscious about the state of my jeans, and I nearly turned and ran, but he was so polite!
“By the way, I’m Gavin. Look, tell me if I’m intruding – maybe you just want to be alone.”
“Er, it’s not that, but I really need to get back and change!”
Gavin chuckled slightly, but he was smiling in a nice sort of way, so I didn’t run.
“I’m Janice, and it’s been great meeting you, but I really need to go!”
As I turned to leave, I heard Gavin say,
“I’ll be here at around 6 tomorrow evening – so if you find yourself with nothing to do, just come and say hello!”
As I walked back, I couldn’t remember if I had even replied to Gavin – it had been so sudden! I couldn’t imagine what he wanted with me, and the whole thing was probably just an elaborate joke.
I rinsed out my jeans, had a shower, and got into bed. I was half excited, and also upset. It took ages to get to sleep, and I woke up when Alice turned up. I pretended to be still asleep, as she fell about the room rather noisily. At one point she looked over at me,
“I don’t know what to do with you, Janice!”
I shrank inwardly – very glad I was ‘officially’ asleep!
By next day, I was certain that I’d somehow not understood Gavin properly – maybe he was gay, or trying to lure me into a time–share agreement, or even prostitution! On second thought, I decided it couldn’t be that last possibility!
Even so, I peeled off from the other two towards the end of the afternoon, and raced back to the room to change. I couldn’t live the rest of my life thinking what if?
What did I have to change into? I had only really brought jeans to wear, and all my knickers were the thick sensible cotton variety. I’d never felt like buying the sexy type when only I would see them, and anyway, cotton knickers were nice to wet in – they went beautifully squishy, and clung to me in a kind of sexy way. For a moment, I thought about ‘borrowing’ something from Alice, but I’d feel so embarrassed explaining to her why I had needed them! Anyway, even if Gavin did turn up, he would be too busy selling me time–share, or whatever, to even see my knickers.
I got back to the headland slightly early. There were still people there, but they were starting to pack up ready for the evening entertainment. Whatever happened, at least I would not have to visit that horrible disco place again. I had put on some quite sturdy shoes, so that when Gavin failed to turn up, I could go for a long walk on my own.
Gavin was already there – sitting on a rock! This didn’t seem real – he was taller and more powerful looking than most of the men there! He couldn’t possibly want to meet up with me!
“Oh hi, Janice, it’s wonderful to see you again!”
We started to walk round the headland away from the crowd. I was tongue–tied and stuck for something to say.
“How about if we walk along the shore for a bit, and then go and get something to eat. I don’t really like those old places in the middle of town, but I know a quiet restaurant a few minutes further inland.”
That sounded fine to me. I had been such a bag of nerves that eating was the last thing on my mind, but somehow Gavin was relaxing me, and I realised that being out all day, had left me quite hungry. After a few minutes Gavin cut inland and found a small Italian pizza place.
“No Gavin, don’t get a whole bottle of wine, I don’t drink much, I’d just like one glass of wine, please!”
We ordered a veggie pizza and two glasses of wine.
Gavin let his hand accidentally touch mine, and I went all tingly.
“Hmm – just as I thought – you weren’t really drunk last night, were you!”
My face flushed red hot, and I was almost stammering.
“I’m sorry, I thought perhaps you hadn’t noticed – especially when you asked me out!”
Gavin moved his huge paw over my hand and chuckled in his special way.
“Of course, I noticed – you looked absolutely charming!”
For a moment Gavin actually looked uncertain about what to say next. When he spoke, it was just a whisper.
“I guessed you must have wet yourself deliberately which was awfully sweet, you know!”
Gavin was actually blushing, and I can’t even imagine what I looked like. I took another bite of my pizza while I thought what to say, then I picked up my glass – somehow I had drained the whole lot without thinking!
“Um, maybe just this once I need a second glass – but let me pay!”
Gavin called the waiter over and ordered two more glasses of wine, and also some mineral water.
“We don’t want to get too dehydrated, do we?”
We got out of the restaurant, nicely full of pizza, and fairly, well, relaxed. At least, I was certainly relaxed! I was not really up to any more serious walking, but Gavin steered us back towards the rocks. I felt incredibly gauche at this kind of game, but somehow, I felt that even if the night went wrong, I’d treasure the memory forever. I was also pretty sure that after I had said goodnight to Gavin, I’d have another wetting on my way back to the room, I really needed a pee… but it didn’t quite turn out like that!
Gavin put his powerful arm round me as we walked.
“If I’m right about what happened last night, maybe you would like to do it again, just for me!”
“You mean, in my jeans with you watching!”
Gavin said nothing, but just picked me up and sat him on his knee! God, he was strong – to him I was as light as a feather!
“I thought maybe like this – if I don’t scare you, of course!”
I couldn’t really think clearly, and I just started giggling hysterically.
“Of course I am scared of you, but if I… well, wet myself… right here, I might do too much and really soak you!”
Gavin chuckled again.
“And if you really soak me like that, there is a real danger I shall start kissing you!”
I giggled again, but somehow snuggled further into his lap. I still only meant to do a little drop – just enough for Gavin to see on my jeans, but I was a bit drunk, and somehow Gavin squeezed me just at the wrong moment! I just seemed to turn liquid below the waist!
I’d often imagined what my first real kiss would be like. Nothing prepared me for this. One moment we were two polite people sitting talking to each other rather shyly, the next, absolutely everything was wet and intimate! Our mouths were wet, we were wet lower down, and Gavin’s hands seemed to be working hard to spread my wetness everywhere in between.
Somehow we made it back without too many comments from the crowds of people in the street. I guessed that Gavin’s obvious strength might have something to do with that. We stopped at my place briefly so I could collect a few things for the night and scribble a quick note to Alice and Barbara – then we were off to Gavin’s place.
We seemed to get down to our underclothes almost as we got through the door. I was still a bit scared that Gavin wouldn’t like me in the full glare of electric light, but he left the light off – just letting the moonlight shine on us.
“Sorry about the panties – I wasn’t quite expecting this!”
“They look exquisitely wet to me, but I’ll help you take them off if you like!”
Then he was kissing my legs. I knew they were pee–wet, and I was embarrassed as hell. Further up I knew I must really smell of pee, and I was sticky wet as well. I didn’t really know whether it was OK to be like that – I’d never been even close to the situation before.
Even so, there was no way I would try to stop Gavin now. His tongue went right into me! God, I was so wet and slippery down there, and he just pushed deeper and deeper as I ground against his face!
There was much more – all of it totally incredible – until we collapsed on the bed and actually slept for a bit!
We bumped into Alice and Barbara as we set off to the beach late the following morning. I could see Alice’s eyes open as she took in Gavin – she almost looked stunned. I had my arm round him. He was mine, and I felt incredibly proud – I knew it was going to be a wonderful holiday!
By: David England