Wet Love for IT Nerds

By: David England
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

I had known Alice’s secret for almost two weeks by now, and I still did not know what to do!
I was working in a PC repair shop as a summer holiday job. After doing any hardware repairs, we would regularly scan the PC’s for viruses and other dodgy software. Of course, we found all sorts of other things on people’s hard disks, but unless it was illegal, we never even mentioned it to the customer. Of course, if anything illegal had turned up, it would have gone straight to the police – but that left a lot of other interesting things!
This particular customer, called Alice, had brought her PC in because it was freezing every few minutes. Alice said her PC contained her university work, and she was quite concerned to make sure nothing was lost. She was a very sweet looking young woman, and I was tempted to try asking her out. The trouble was that she seemed very shy, and I guess I am a bit ‘nerdy’, and not very good with girls.
Some hours later, I found myself daydreaming about her brown eyes and long brown hair, as I carried her machine over to my workbench. A quick check confirmed my initial guess – one of the memory chips had developed a fault. In ten minutes I had her machine back in action, all that was left was to check for viruses, and work out the bill. I’d never have made my discovery if it had not been for a tiny amount of disk corruption – probably data left half written as the machine had stopped suddenly. I found myself reading a message that was obviously meant to be posted on the Internet – a message that was all about how someone called “Wetnicks” would sit and wet herself just for fun!
The idea of Alice wetting her denim skirt seemed so beautiful, I could hardly concentrate on my work for the rest of the day. When I got home, I soon discovered that “Wetnicks” really existed, and had made seven posts about wetting. Everything she had written seemed to suggest she really was Alice – though in truth, all I knew about Alice was that she was about to start her second year of university physics!
Alice had left her PC while she went on holiday for two weeks – leaving me with two weeks to agonise over how to get to know this wet angel! The night before Alice was due back, I was really desperate. I’d gone out with a friend from university, and we had both got pretty drunk. Now, back in my flat, I was ready to burst into tears, knowing that I’d never have the nerve to make a move. Then I had an incredible thought – something I would never have dared do if I had been sober!
I joined the forum as where she posted – calling myself “Wetfred”. Then I wrote her a private message and told her who I was and how I had discovered her secret. I also told her she was very, very beautiful.
Somehow I pressed the send button before I had sobered up enough to think about all the ways this could go wrong!
The following morning, I honestly did not know what to expect – I’d probably get sacked from my job for snooping at the contents.
When Alice came in to the shop for her PC, she was blushing scarlet – I knew at once she must have read my message!
“Um, hi Fred, I guess you must have managed to fix my PC!”
She was biting her lip, and seemed about as nervous as I was, but at least my snooping didn’t upset her! On the other hand, my boss was working on a PC just behind me, which cramped my style (such as it was!).
“Er, yes, everything is fixed,” I said pushing the bill over to her.
Alice put her hand on mine, and stared into my face for a couple of seconds.
I nodded – knowing I was also blushing furiously.
“Um, how about a drink tonight – say about 7 at the George across the road?”
Alice nodded very solemnly, and paid her bill as if nothing had happened.
“Hah – you must have hidden depths, pulling a girl like that – I don’t know what you said to her, but it worked!” laughed my boss as soon as Alice had gone.
“By the way, why did she call you Fred?”
I really didn’t think Alice would show – I felt as if I were in a dream – the kind that is OK for a bit and then goes horribly wrong.
Alice looked adorable as she arrived at the George – exactly at seven, as we had arranged. She was wearing another denim skirt, and a blue sweater. Her brown hair was cascading down over her shoulders, and she was smiling sweetly – though still perhaps a little nervously.
“Um, are you really called Fred?”
“I’m Alan really, but it’s never a good idea to give too much away in Internet nicknames!”
“Do you think I gave too much away with my name?”
“Maybe if I buy you a drink, I’ll find out!”
We settled into a quiet corner with our drinks – suddenly tongue–tied again. For a while we talked about our university courses, a bit of politics, even the weather – avoiding the subject that was on both our minds.
“I guess you read all my posts, even the one about how my boyfriend dumped me!”
“Er, yes, he must have been crazy!”
“He said I smelled of pee after we got back from clubbing!”
I gingerly put my arm round Alice, and was delighted that she moved towards me.
“Maybe you need to test me – find out how I’ll react!”
Alice looked down at the embarrassing bulge in my jeans.
“I rather think I can guess, but you are right, we ought to check! This isn’t a club, but we seem to have found a fairly dark corner!”
Alice seemed totally self–absorbed for a moment, blushing but also smiling slightly. I held her hand, wondering what would happen.
Suddenly she gripped my hand and a dark stain spread over her skirt. It wasn’t huge, but I could guess it must be much larger on her bottom.
“You do smell of pee, and I adore you for it!”
We kissed frantically – right there sitting in the pub! I’d never really hit it off with a girl before, and I felt really overwhelmed with emotion.
We suddenly felt a bit self–conscious in front of so many people. I hoped nobody could see her skirt, but I couldn’t be sure at all. The George didn’t have a great reputation, and I was afraid things could get ugly.
“Let’s go and share some wine at my place,” Alice offered.
When she stood up, it was clear that Alice had peed more than I had realised – there was a puddle on the leather seat, and a little had run onto the floor. She didn’t have a coat, and I was wondering how we would manage to escape without “things being said”.
“It’s OK, just watch, I’ve done this before!” Alice whispered.
Sure enough she walked straight past the crowd at the bar and out into the street. I am fairly sure a few heads turned, but absolutely nothing was said.
“God – that felt amazing, wetting myself with you watching! That boy you read about was dancing with me when I did it, but he didn’t know until we got home.” Alice said as she lead me back to her flat.
“You looked fabulous, I nearly pulled you on to my knee!”
Alice laughed.
“We’ll be home in a minute, and then you might get lucky!”
As we stood in the lift of her apartment block, I became aware again of the smell of her pee. Quite strong, but utterly enticing. I was actually shaking slightly with excitement.
Inside her flat, we kissed incredibly fiercely. Part of me was utterly amazed that this was happening to a nerd like me! She was actually grinding herself against me, and I could feel my thigh getting wet!
We took the wine into her bedroom, and I brushed my hand against her thigh. It was wet, of course, and Alice did nothing to stop my hand exploring her wet knickers. They felt to be the sturdy cotton type, and utterly soaked in pee. Without thinking, I withdrew my hand and smelled her sweet smell close up.
“If you are sure, you can even go down on me!”
We woke naked in a pee soaked bed, surrounded by pissy clothes. I rang in ‘sick’ and my boss just laughed, “OK you probably deserve a bit of that kind of sickness, but only this once…”
Now we post as Wetfred and Wetnicks – everyone on the forum knows about us, but none of our real friends know our little secret.
By: David England