By: Debbie D.
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Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting.
My new boyfriend Joe was open right from the start as to what turned him on. The first day we went out he asked to watch when I went for a wee. I was a little bemused but I’m not exactly shy so I let him do as he wished. Over time this progressed to him touching me whilst I peed on his fingers. Also he liked me to pee a little when we made love. He had a plastic cover on the bed and again I didn’t see it as a problem. We had a good sex life and it wasn’t that he wanted it that way every time.
One day however he confided to me that what he really fantasised most over was to have me really desperate to pee but for some reason not able to get to a toilet. I would tell him how desperate I was and hold on as long as possible until I finally had no choice but to wet myself. I had no objections to doing this in private, but he wanted it to be somewhere public– very public, like a shopping centre or some big outdoor event. I didn’t feel comfortable with this I’m not shy but hey who wants to humiliate themselves in front of loads of strangers?
So we carried on as we were and sometimes I’d have a ‘little accident’ when we were alone together either in the house or garden. He loved me telling him how desperate I was and how my bladder ached and really would soon let go. He loved me to say something like “Oh no it’s too late I’m wetting my panties” so he’d be sure to see the first wet patch appear. He also liked it best when I wore light blue jeans or shorts. But I always knew it wasn’t quite right because I could, of course, just go to the bathroom.
During the course of our games I had become aware of how arousing a very full bladder can be and also very good at guessing exactly how long before I reach breaking point. The first couple of times it was really a case of forcing a pee out and this doesn’t have such a good effect as when you really can’t hold it any longer. I began to think that a public accident might not be so terrible. Hell I might even enjoy it.
I planned the day carefully; my overnight bag would be in Joe’s car as I was staying at his house that night. I decided I could face peeing my pants in front of a few dozen strangers but only if I had a change of clothes at hand. We were going to go for a picnic at a large park where there was a Bank Holiday air display. When we got there it was just as I hoped crowded and with only a few portaloo toilets dotted about the showground. A person really would have to be desperate to use one of those things. I was wearing my tight light blue jeans Joe’s favourite pair and best of all I hadn’t let on what I intended to do. I didn’t use the toilet before leaving my flat and had not been since first thing, so when we arrived at about noon I was already feeling the first twinges brought on by the three large coffees I drank earlier.
I made sure there were plenty of cans of cola (ice cold) in the picnic hamper/cool box. Some things affect the bladder more than others and next to beer (which was out as Joe was driving) ice–cold cola does the trick for me. We ate a leisurely lunch watching the air display, I drank three cans of cola and by two when Joe suggested a walk around the showground and funfair I knew it wouldn’t be too long till I needed to go.
As soon as I stood up I realised I was already in need if not quite at desperation levels yet. Sitting down must have numbed the signals. After about half an hour walking round I started to get a bit fidgety, scissoring my legs as I walked and bending slightly when standing still. Still not desperation level but extremely uncomfortable. Joe was so into the fair he seemed oblivious to my need. After another half hour of sideshow games and another cola just to make certain, I decided it was time to tell him I had to go pee. We set of in search of relief for me. Joe just found a quiet area and nipped behind a tree. Hearing him peeing almost made me lose control there and then. I was truly desperate by now and having to concentrate to keep from letting go. We found a portaloo but the queue was a mile long. Another one had been boarded up, blocked probably. Joe, bless him, had no idea I had no intention of using it anyway. If there had been one available I would have just said it was too gross and go look for another one. By now I was fast reaching breaking point. When I reach this stage my teeth chatter and my legs shake I can barely talk and hardly walk and when I do talk it comes out all whiny and whimpery. “I really need to pee, I can’t wait much longer,” I whispered. Joe was obviously turned on by my plight and half hoping not to find another loo, but gallant as ever, he asked a passer by if there were any other toilets about. It turned out that there were some proper facilities, but right at the other end of the park. “I really don’t think I can hold it” I said, actually crying by now with the sheer effort of keeping it under control. By now I was hobbling and almost doubled over it was actually painful to move but I knew that if I stopped that would be it. I leaked a little drop of warm pee into my panties– it felt lovely and I longed to let go totally but wanted to make it last for Joe. “I just peed a little, “ I told him. He gripped tighter on my hand and I could see he was aroused at the thought. A few more minutes and I felt another hot spurt, bigger this time, and a dark patch appeared on the crotch of my light blue jeans. “Ooh no,” I whimpered “I’m doing more pee look you can see it on my jeans!” Joe’s erection was obvious now– he so loved this but still not had no idea that I had planned it or that I had no intention of actually getting to a toilet. “We’re nearly there now love, look I can see it, there’s a queue but I ‘m sure if I tell them how bad you need it someone will let you go first.” Another lapse of concentration and the wet patch grew from coin size to saucer sized, still only really noticeable if you were looking for it. We arrived at the toilets and the queue was huge. Joe grabbed my hand and took me to the head of the queue. By now I was shaking from head to foot and actually sobbing. “Please will someone let my girlfriend jump the queue she’s really desperate and we’ve walked for ages to find a toilet!” An elderly man three from the front said I could go in front of him. But I already knew it was too late. As soon as I stopped walking I gave a little shudder and a big moan and my bladder stopped its struggle. I tugged Joe’s arm to be sure he saw it all. “Oh no I can’t hold it I’m wetting myself,” I squealed. Everybody stared at me as first a spurt and then a trickle and then a torrent poured down the legs of my jeans into my trainers and formed a huge puddle on the concrete floor. Joe told me afterwards that he came in his pants just as I started peeing. So did I!
By: Debbie D.