Annie's Experiment

By: Dribblets
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

“Mmmmm,” Annie groaned as the pressure in her belly grew. Secretly though, she enjoyed it. This was what she wanted. She had waited all week for this day, when her parents would be out for the day, about 8 hours. That gave her plenty of time to do what she wanted, and clean it all up too. She would lay in bed at night, softly stroking her young pussy, and think about the day that would come, when she could live out her most wild fantasies. Her friend Jane was on her way…
Jane was into peeing too. Both she and Annie were only 18, but they had known each other since they were 5. They went through the everyday accidents of accidentally peeing in their pants when they were little. If one wet her pants, the other would do the same, just to make the other feel better.
Annie had started the day off by drinking as much water as she could. Then she called Jane once her parents had left, telling her the coast was clear. Now, as the doorbell rang, Annie could hardly contain her excitement. “Jane! Finally! I’m close to bursting!”– Annie almost screamed.
“No kidding. So am I, I even leaked a little bit on my way here,” Jane admitted.
“Well then maybe you should go first,” said Annie.
So they went upstairs to Annie’s room, where Annie had laid thick towels out all over her bed. The both stripped down to just their bras and panties. “Man, I could come right now just looking at you, with your long blonde hair and round breasts. Not to mention the fact that my pee is tickling the inside of my pussy is making it really hard to hold it,” sighed Jane.
“Well, you are not so bad looking yourself. I just want to hump you like an animal,” replied Annie with a sly smile.
“So then why don’t you?” laughed Jane.
“Because first I wanted to do this…”
Annie walked over to Jane and slid her hand down into her panties. Clean–shaven and free of hair– just the way she liked her own. She felt around for Jane’s clit, and found it, already hard. Jane flinched a bit, and then leaked a little onto Annie’s hand.
“Don’t you dare! It’s not time yet,” said Annie.
“I can’t! I’m so desperate, I just want to pee it all out and get it over with,” said Jane with a worried expression on her face.
“Well, we had plans, and we’re sticking to them. You know the deal,” Annie replied. But Annie wished it too. She was feeling desperate, and by now her stomach was bulging over her white cotton panties.
“Ok. Fine. Let’s just keep going,” she said.
So Annie stuck her hand back into Jane’s wet pussy, and started rubbing circles around her clit. Jane, who was lying on the bed with a blissful expression on her face, arched her back and bucked her hips, until she shook violently and her muscles clenched.
“Ok. My turn,” Annie said.
She lay down on the bed and pulled down her panties, so Jane could see her shaven pussy, pink with pleasure.
“Oh my God,” Jane breathed.
Like an animal, she placed her mouth on Annie’s plump pussy lips, and started licking vigorously at Annie’s clit. Annie felt pleasure like she had never experienced before.
“I’m almost there! I’m about to cum!” Annie screamed, her body writhing.
So Jane stopped. Annie was so upset that she hit Jane. “Why did you stop?” Annie almost cried.
“This is why,” said Jane. She pulled Annie’s panties all the way off, and then did the same with her own. She saw that Annie’s clit was slightly protruding from her plump lips, as was her own. This was what she had hoped for. She placed her large clit on Annie’s large clit, and began to move against it in slow circles. It sent a wave of bliss through her body, and she couldn’t hold back anymore. She made circle after circle, as fast as she could. Annie started to breathe hard, and her hips rose to meet Jane. Annie, too, began to press her clit up against Jane, and they lay there together, grinding each other for about 5 minutes. They didn’t want the moment to end. But because of the plans Annie had, they had to stop, because they both felt their pee leaking out of them. They rushed to put their panties back on, and went back to humping.
They came at the same time. Both exploded into their panties, warm pee soaking them and their panties, as well as the towels on the bed. They lay there in the large puddle of pee, still pressing their pussies against each other. They were shaking from coming so hard, and they were still peeing on each other too. They felt the warmth between them, warming their wet bodies. When finally, their streams subsided, they put on their jeans and shirts.
“Lets go to the mall. I have a great idea that I think you’ll really enjoy,” said Jane with a wink.
And Annie did enjoy it. But that’s another story.