Worth the Risk

By: E. Rok
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

This is an absolutely true account of my experiences.
Where to start? I guess the best place to start would be second grade. That was the first time that I realized there was something I loved about seeing a girl desperate for a pee, or wetting herself. I was sitting in class one day, and a girl sitting a couple seats down from me asked permission to go to the bathroom. The teacher said okay, and the girl headed out the door. She came back after only a minute or so and sat down. Not five minutes later, we all heard a splashing sound. The girl was peeing herself! When the teacher asked her why, she said that she had been unable to undo her overalls by herself. I had the most amazing thrill, not only from seeing her pee her pants, but also from hearing her explain why.
From that point on, I started keeping my eyes open for any and every chance to see something like this again. Living in small towns most of my life, the chances are few and far between. It was fifteen years before I saw something like that again.
Two years ago, I was on a family camping trip. My brother, our entire family, and myself were there. One of the days there, I was heading down to the lake with my wife, my sister in law, and her children. On the way down, the girls were going to stop at the bathroom, but they were closed for cleaning. My sister in law was a little irritated, but we kept on down to the beach. At this point, my attention was on my wife and my sister in law.
As we got closer to the beach my sister in law said something like, “I’m about to piss my pants here!” Needless to say, I was thrilled. We arrived at the beach, and she sat down on a bench to put sunscreen on her kids. All the sudden, she said, “I’m sorry guys, but I am literally going to piss myself right now.” With that, she scooted to the front edge of the bench and let loose a torrent through her bikini that left an enormous wet patch in the sand under her. I thought I was going to lose it right then.
These things aside, I have always worried about someone finding out about my fetish. I have issues with self–confidence as it is, and the one time I tried to share this kink with one of my girlfriends, it didn’t go well. So needless to say, when I met the woman I wound up marrying, I was VERY careful about things. She never caught me. However, over the past several months, I have found myself almost wanting to get caught. As a matter of fact, when I think about it now, she probably noticed a lot more than I thought. This is how it finally came out in the open.
I am in the National Guard. That being the case, there are times when I have to be away from home for training for a week or two. Now, my wife and I have a great sex life. We like to enjoy different things and indulge each other. Just a few days ago, I came home from being out of state for close to two weeks. I was exhausted, but wired at the same time. She picked me up from the airport; we had a nice lunch, then started the four hour drive home.
Shortly after we got home, we headed into the bedroom for some serious lovemaking. Two hours and a pint of SoCo later, we finished up. I sat down in the living room for a smoke, and got to thinking about my love life. It’s great. I couldn’t ask for a better partner. But I have always felt a little dishonest about not telling her everything when it comes to my tastes. So after a few minutes of arguing with myself, I called her out of the bedroom; as ready as I could be to tell her the truth and hope it wouldn’t push her away. An hour later, I still hadn’t really told her much. There was a whole lot of stuttering and ‘Um’ and ‘Uh’ but I just couldn’t make the words come out.
I finally gave up on trying to say it and went to the computer. I opened my private folder and told her to take a look. Ironic as it sounds, I went to take a leak while she went through the folder. I have never been so scared of anything in my life as I was of her possible reaction. It was not the reaction I feared.
She said, “You want me to pee on you? You like to pee yourself, what?”
“Both, and then some,” I managed. At this point, I figured the secret was out and just spilled all the beans. A couple hours later, she said, “I’m not sure it’s really my thing, but I will try it with you and we’ll see what happens, okay?” Of course I agreed!
What blew me away was the fact that the very next night, she came home from work and casually announced that she had a whole package of throw away soaker pads. At that point, I decided that she was more than just a little curious about it and I was wondering just when we would try one of those pads out. She did not let me wonder for very long.
Just a few hours ago, we were sitting in the living room, and she said, “Come over here and kiss me, Baby.” I obliged and the game started. As we headed into the bedroom, she said, “Better grab a soaker.”
“We’re going to need it?” I asked. Stupid question, I guess.
“Probably.” She didn’t need to tell me twice.
I grabbed one, put it on the bed and took my place under her. By the way, I like it when she’s the one running the show. We got started and were having a great time when she leaned down and whispered, “So, you want me to pee on you huh?”
“Oh gods yes!” I groaned. She kept rocking on me, and then all the sudden, I felt this wonderful heat spreading over my belly and down my sides. She was actually doing it for me! No shock, at that point I was in absolute bliss. Within less than a minute after that, I had the most powerful orgasm of my entire life. I was on cloud nine. It’s now a quarter after two in the morning, and I am still blown away by the whole thing.
I can’t wait till the next time. After all, who know how far she may be willing to go?’
By: E. Rok