My Cup Runneth Over

By: Erotica
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I yelled, setting down the cup after a final gulp and collecting my things on the way out after I heard Margo honking the car horn in the driveway.
Usually, I am up, dressed; having my second cup of coffee and waiting on Margo by the time she arrives. However, the electricity went off sometime during the night and though my internal alarm went off early enough for me to take a quick shower, there wasn’t enough time to fully enjoy a cup of coffee, much less a second cup. Maybe I could persuade Margo to stop somewhere before getting on the freeway.
Hurriedly, tip–toeing in stocking feet across cold concrete with heels in hand, I glanced up to realize someone else was in the car with Margo. Oh no, I thought, was the new carpooler beginning today? Oh, what was his name? Mark yes, that was it. Margo and I had been carpooling six months now and looking for someone to join our twosome for sometime, but did it have to be this morning?
Mark seemed like a nice enough man, middle 40’s, typical accountant stereotype, rather quiet, with a low soft–spoken drawl when speaking, but his eyes were captivating. He has a knowing look about him, almost cynical, yet a woman could feel herself drawn into those pools of melted chocolate. I noticed it the first time Margo and I met him at the office and the way the other women seemed captivated by him, whenever he spoke.
“Oh hello Mark, hi Margo,” I said, somewhat aggravated, then apologized quickly. “I’m sorry, it’s just been a bad morning so far. The alarm did not go off and I even got shampoo in my coffee. Can we stop for a cup, before we hit the freeway?”
“Its alright with me if Mark doesn’t mind,” said Margo, “I purposely arrived a few minutes early.”
“No problem,” said Mark, “I could use another cup myself and since this is our first morning together, I’ll buy.”
“Oh, thank you, both,” I excitedly replied, opening the car door and sliding into the back seat, relinquishing my front seat to Mark. At least this way, I thought, I could get a little composure time not having to turn around to talk with Mark and maybe he would just want to look out the window and not talk at all.
Margo maneuvered her way thru the town’s streets, chattering about the change in weather. I, rubbing my feet, trying to get them warm, added a yes or no when needed and Mark was occasionally glancing back and smiling.
He was thinking, God, what I would not give right now for that to be my hand on her foot, inching up the curve of her leg, palm sliding over those tightly clinging silky hose. She is stunning with her legs crossed, first one foot then the other on her knee, hands vigorously rubbing and her skirt riding high up her thigh. If only it was not so obvious staring, I swear I could almost see tiny black pubic hairs poking through the crotch of those pantyhose.
Within minutes Margo pulled into the first Tim Horton’s that she saw. The drive thru line was somewhat longer than usual due to the cold snap we had last night, so Mark volunteered to run in and grab our coffees. As Margo and I sat, watching him weave through the cars, admiring his gait of confidence, we smiled, agreeing on the service being a treat this morning. Although the lines were long inside I could have jumped out and went to the restroom, but decided the effort was not worth it. Besides, we would be at the office within half an hour and the need was not that urgent.
“At your service, ladies,” Mark said, tilting his head a little, as he handed each of us an extra–tall quad skinny.
“Thank you sir,” we both replied, while I added “and this size should take me right up to mid–morning break!”
“Well, maybe last week, but that’s why I came a little early this morning because the city started road reconstruction this weekend,” Margo said.
“What?” I asked. Suddenly wishing I had gone inside, and glanced back as we snaked our way through the parking lot and to the exit.
Mark noticed the sudden change in me and quickly said, “We won’t have any problems, everybody’s inside or still in the drive–thru.”
Mark then thought: She did tense up, that slight flicker of panic in her eyes! The way her legs flinched suddenly then slowly drew tighter together. I know if my hand was between her thighs, I do not know whose grip would be greater, my fingers digging into her flesh or those muscles squeezing, preventing my hand to reach up and feel that warm crotch. I know she would be damp.
Everything will be fine, I’ll just sit still, drink my coffee slowly, make small talk with Mark to take my mind off any pangs of fullness and so long as I have my legs crossed there’ll be nothing to worry about. There is only a little discomfort and besides, what a perfect opportunity to see if those Kegel exercises really do work.
Margo pulled out, merging with traffic saying, “Well, now we are set and off to work,” while blindly pushing buttons on the radio, trying to find a station. Leaning back into the seat, I felt that sudden urge prompted by the hot coffee cup warming my hands and flowing through my body.
Mark turned around smiling, “Nothing like hot coffee on a crisp morning to warm a body. Wouldn’t that be one of those ultimate experiences, filling a hot tub with coffee?”
He was thinking– I would rather watch her fill my cup with pee. My hands wrapped around a small cup, watching her fill it to the brim, splashing over the sides, running over my fingers and then wiping those glistening hairs with the back of my hand before I bring them to my face.
Oh why did he have to say that? I shifted slightly to the side, gradually leaning forward a bit, “Well, yes I suppose,” adding with a slight nervous laugh, “that does sound better than warm champagne.” If he keeps talking like this I will flood this back seat and I do not dare try to slip my hands under my skirt and between my legs to try and hold it back. “Margo, is traffic still moving ahead?” Trying to change the subject to no avail.
“Just barely, but when you imagine that hot tub filled with coffee, will you add some floating toast? I’m starving and didn’t have time to eat this morning.”
Leave it to Margo to make some remark like that, I could not help but laugh and when I did, I felt it. That hard wave of fullness washing over my insides, those first uncontrollable drops seeping out and I crying out, “Oh!”
Mark quickly turned around. Margo looked in her rearview mirror, catching the look on my face asked,” What is wrong?”
“I can’t help it, I knew I should have gotten out and went to the restroom when we stopped, but I didn’t know there was going to be construction going on. I have to pee and you have to get us to work as soon as possible or find another restroom.” I sat the cup on the floorboard thinking, if I accidentally pee, maybe I can hide it by saying the coffee spilt. No, they are never going to believe that, and if Margo does not find some place soon, that is exactly what is going to happen, an accident.
“Well, I am trying, honey but I can’t fly over these cars. Besides, I don’t see how I can cross over two lanes much less find a restroom in this part of town.”
Meanwhile, Mark was thinking: Can this really be happening? A dream is about to come true. I do not want to take my eyes off her. She is actually squirming on the seat; those hose must be wet and if that is so, can the seat be wet too? God, if my hand was there now to feel the dampness, her legs are clenched together tight. I cannot resist; I have to do it.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be there in no time, traffic is still moving,” Mark said, in a calming voice as he placed a reassuring hand on the top of my thigh, slowly and firmly stroking as if he was willing me to take my mind off one thing for another, but it wasn’t working. I had to get some relief. I pulled my legs up, Marks hand slid off my thigh, around to the front of my calf and just below my own arms as I wrapped them around my legs, hugging tightly. That is when I felt the first trickle run back between the cheeks of my ass.
I could not look at him and yet I could not take my eyes off his. He seems so concerned, almost as anxious as me. Why did all this have to happen today? “Margo, please,” I pleaded, “…anywhere, I’m desperate!”
She is wet! I see a dark spot on the crotch. Why didn’t I drive today? To have that spot on the backseat of my car, but then I would not have been able to put my hand on her leg. Feeling her desperation rack through her body, vibrating against my palm and then seeing that look on her face, this is heaven.
“I’m sorry, there is nowhere, they won’t let me over and now we’re stopped.” Margo sounded almost as desperate as I did. I did not know if was concern for her backseat or me.
I could not stand it any longer; I fell to my side, drawing my legs up tight. Maybe if I could just get my hands between my legs that would help. No, nothing is helping. I’m stuck in this car. I rolled to my stomach, pulling my knees up, half sitting half lying, crouched on my knees with my hands between my legs and I rocked back on my heels– anything for relief. “I can’t hold it,” I could feel the tears welling up and I wanted to cry. All I could do was alternate the rocking and putting my face down on the seat. “Ohhh, I’m so sorry, please help me,” I begged, I did not even want to look at either of them now.
Mark was ecstatic. Oh yes! Look at the back of her skirt, the wetness has soaked through. How long can she hold it before those little spurts turn to gushing? She mesmerizes me. I want to climb in that backseat and have her soak my body with her golden ocean. I want her.
Mark eyes her cup on the floorboard and picks it up. Opening the car door slightly, he pours out the remains of her coffee. He turns completely around in the seat and Margo stares at him in wonder.
“What are you going to do?” Margo asks.
“The only thing any of us would do, if we were in her situation,” Mark says, “…and nobody other than the three of us will ever know what happened today. Do you understand me?” Margo only nods her head.
Mark places one hand on her back and holds the cup in his other hand. “Take your hands away,” he urges and while holding the cup and working his fingers and wrist, gently pries her legs apart. The dewy heat falls and caresses his hand. Then suddenly a spritzing washes over his fingers and he positions the cup to gather every precious golden drop. The warm pee was coming in spurts at first and then flowing out like a stream. He feels the cup become heavy and warm just like his cock, which is growing with excitement at the feel and sight of her being so helpless, humiliated and peeing. He never wants to forget this day.
The words oh no, sounding like muffled cries escaped my throat. What is he trying to do? I begged for his help and he is trying to shove his hand between my legs? I cannot hold it anymore, the more I rock the stronger the waves sweep thru my lower abdomen. My bladder is bursting and I feel the spurts spilling over and downward. However, why isn’t there a great puddle under me, and why isn’t the seat soaked? What is happening? No, I do not want to know, I just want to forget this day.
Very carefully, he pulls the cup away, not wanting to spill a drop and he looks at his wet fingers with hidden jubilation. His fantasy almost come to life would have been perfect if it had been just the two of them in the car. However, seeing Margo watch in amazement, he decides not to push his luck any further. He turns very carefully in the seat, the cup filled to the rim and opens door again, watching with a smile as the yellow stream spills over the rim and splatters on the road. With a deep silent sigh he turns in the seat facing Margo and glances to the backseat to catch her trying to sit up and regain some composure.
“Looks like I was wrong this morning,” he says, “…not everyone was inside or sitting in the Drive Thru, one could even say, our cup runneth over.”
Erotica ( Email is welcome… just click on her name )