A Midsummer Day's Nap

By: Fox
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

It was the hottest day of the year, so naturally it was the day the air conditioner picked to conk out. Vicki and her daughter Nicki had to resort to such time honored standbys as ice cream, standing in front of the open fridge, and walking around in their underwear to keep cool. They’d also taken to drinking large amounts of very cool soft drinks, cola for Nicki, homemade lemonade for her mother. Nicki tried to keep her fluid intake measured, knowing the consequences of overdoing it, but Vicki, a New Englander who hated Summer, always drank as much lemonade as she could manage on a hot day. Nicki watched her closely as she went through her usual daily routine, clearing up and washing the breakfast dishes, cleaning the house, preparing lunch and deciding on what would be for dinner. She was usually done with all of this by one in the afternoon, and in the process that day she had paused every once and again to fill a tall glass with icy lemonade and drink it down. By the time she called Nicki to lunch, the lemonade pitcher was half empty. As they ate, Nicki asked: “Mom, is it okay if I go to the mall?” Teenagers, Vicki thought as she performed the usual interrogation. “Who with?” Parents, Nicki thought as she played along. “I’m gonna call Shari and Mindy and see if they can go.” “And what are you going to do there?” “The usual, hang out, shop—” “Look for boys?” “Mo–om! Look, they have air conditioning at the mall. It’s cool at the mall. Can I please just go?” “All right, all right. Just don’t shop too much. You almost gave me a heart attack with that last credit card bill.” “Yes, Mom.” Nicki said as she hurried through her lunch. “And make sure you have your cell phone for emergencies.” “Yes, Mom.” Nicki said as she left the table. She ran to her bedroom and dressed, then went to the bathroom for a quick pee. When she came back downstairs, her mother had finished with the lunch dishes and had set something out to defrost. Nicki watched from behind as Vicki stood at the sink and raised another full glass of lemonade to her lips. Nicki watched with interest. Her mother tipped her head back as she drank, letting the cool fluid slip into her mouth. Nicki noticed that Vicki’s feet shifted a little as she guzzled, first to the left, then the right. Then her left heel raised up as her left knee bent and closed in on the right. She held this stance for the few seconds it took to finish off the glass. Nicki followed the lines of Vicki’s body with her eyes. It occurred to her that she’d never been this interested in the woman’s looks before, but that pose held her gaze. Vicki was a very tall, slim woman, with a fashion figure and beautiful legs. Her choice of attire just brought more attention to her attributes. She was wearing a rather plain blue tank top with a pair of fancy white–lace panties and some pink slippers. The combination simply made you look, just to see what was under the jumble. For a moment, Nicki imagined what it must have been like for her father the first time he’d seen Vicki similarly attired. She immediately shook the thought aside, because it led to others too gross for her to imagine. Besides, she now had something else on her mind. “I’m gone, Mom.” She said as Vicki sighed with satisfaction. The woman turned to face her. “If you’re still there in an hour call me on my cell.” Vicki said, putting her glass in the sink. “I’m going to take a nap on the patio, and that will wake me up.” “Okay.” Nicki said, already headed for the door. “Bye–bye.” Vicki watched Nicki head out the door, then said a silent prayer of thanks for the hour or so of absolute peace and quiet she would enjoy. Determined to stay comfortable, she went out onto the patio in the back in just what she was wearing. The deck was enclosed, and just to discourage any peeping toms she closed the blinds covering the windows. She stretched her lanky body out on one of the patio chairs, resting her mobile phone on her stomach. It was the vibrating kind, and she was sure the sensation would wake her up if anyone called. She got into a relaxed position, and soon was fast asleep. She woke up later feeling stiff and a little groggy. Her arms felt all knotted and tense, and her shoulders hurt. She attributed the feeling to circulation at first, and decided to wiggle her arms to get the blood flowing. The failure of the effort woke her up fully: She couldn’t move her arms. After a moment she realized why. They were hooked over the side of the chair, and it felt as if they were tied with a heavy duty cable. She tried to move her legs and felt the same sensation about her ankles. Someone had tied her to the chair, and though she couldn’t see what bonds had been used she could tell it would be no use to try and slip out of them. Vicki couldn’t help but think the worst. We’ve been robbed! Someone immobilized me and broke in! Her mind raced a mile a minute, trying to think of what to do. Are they still here? She strained but didn’t hear anybody in the house. Did Nicki come home and surprise them? Oh, God if she’s hurt— She thought of her cell phone. It no longer lay on her stomach. It had slipped down, and was now resting on her pelvis. Vicki could feel it through the white lace. At once she realized it would do her no good, since she couldn’t reach it or dial. Then suddenly, the sensation in her pelvis changed. The feel of hard plastic was overshadowed by a sudden, internal heat and a fluid heaviness that pressed at her insides. Her pussy tingled and twitched, right around her peehole, and Vicki gasped as her bladder joined the rest of her body in awareness. “Oh, no!” She said aloud. “Oh, no—not now!” Nature was calling, and Vicki had no way to answer. All the lemonade had finally been turned into “lemonade” of the more vulgar kind and needed to complete its trip through Vicki’s body. She strained at her bonds, wriggling her wrists and feet in an attempt to defeat them somehow, but it was no use. Her arms were completely useless, and she could only move her legs enough to close them tight. This she did, and pressed her slim ass into the material of the patio chair. She was stuck, and she winced as she imagined the disaster looming if she didn’t get to a bathroom soon. Lemonade was her big weakness. It was perfect to cool her off on a hot day but she always drank too much, since she never stopped drinking until she felt the first twinges of a need to pee. Often she had that last glass at the wrong place and time and was left frantic to pee by the time she reached a toilet. Her piss would come out in a rush and take forever to completely get rid of. Sometimes she didn’t quite make it, and would be dripping piss from between her legs long before she could sit down. Having slept only made the problem worse. Her strongest need to pee always came just after she woke up. Vicki tried to wiggle her ass in the seat, but could only move it an inch or so any way. That wouldn’t help. There was no way to cross her legs or hold herself either. Her dignity was at the mercy of her bladder and her willpower. Suddenly she had an ugly thought. Once again her attention was drawn to the phone resting on her pelvis. Part of it was resting over her bladder, and she just remembered it was set to vibrate, so the sensation would wake her. Uh–oh. It would be really bad right now if… She squealed and squirmed as much as her bonds allowed as the mechanisms of the cell phone vibrated the case with a muffled hum, just as she thought of it, of course. It died after a few seconds, then trembled again, and then again. Each time it shook Vicki all the way through, swirling the pool of piss within her and bringing her ever closer to an accident. Whoever it was gave up after five buzzes, and Vicki tried to relax, laying back with her short black hair matted to her head with sweat, and tried to maintain control. Then the vibrating started again, and when it just kept going the now frantic woman realized that the worst thing possible had happened. Her caller had decided to try paging her! The vibrations wouldn’t stop until she turned off the feature and received the message! Vicki started to sob as her whole body jiggled. She breathed and hissed through her teeth and her tits shook in their blue covering as she tried desperately to shift her position. She didn’t have enough leverage to move the long chair, but she hoped to heaven she could move the phone. She had to hurry! She could feel the flow of piss in her urethra, and there was nothing preventing her from wetting her panties! Slowly, agonizingly, the phone started to slide away from her bladder, but it was too late. Just as the phone tilted toward her hip, the flow became a gush, and hot fluid squirted out of her. The lacy crotch of her underwear was immediately drenched, and several ounces of her piss coated her pussy and the insides of her thighs as it splashed part of the phone and dropped through to the finished hardwood of the deck. She managed to get control of herself only after she wriggled enough to tip the phone over the side. It was temporary respite. She could still feel the fluid heat of her piss right inside her peehole, poised to spray out at any time. The wetness of her crotch just made it worse. The feel of it was subconsciously enticing her to just let go, but she couldn’t let herself do it. “Help me!!” She screamed out at the top of her lungs. “Somebody please help me!!” It was no use. Her closest neighbors were all out of the state for the summer, and no one else could hear her from inside the enclosure. She kept wiggling in despair, praying for a miracle. “Mom?” Nicki’s voice called out. Vicki sobbed for joy. Nicki wasn’t hurt, and she’d be free any minute. “I’m on the patio!” The mother called back. “Hurry, please!” She heard running footsteps coming closer, then Nicki was at her side. “Are you all right, Mom?” “I’m so glad to see you! I think we were robbed! Untie me…please! I have to go to the bathroom before I check to see if anything’s missing!” She kept squirming as she spoke. If she sat still, she was sure she’d pee all over the place. Nicki ducked down out of sight, and Vicki felt her manipulate the bonds around her hands. “This is really tight. Did you have an accident?” Nicki said. She could see the small puddle Vicki had left. “A little one.” Vicki said, embarrassed. “You’ve gotta hurry, Nicki! I still have to go! I can’t hold it in anymore!” “That bad, huh?” Nicki said. Vicki didn’t notice the tone in her voice. “You know how much I have to pee when I drink so much lemonade, sweetie! Mommy’s bursting!” Suddenly Nicki was no longer working on the bonds. Vicki looked up to see her daughter rise, holding Vicki’s cell phone in one hand. The girl turned off the pager and placed it back on her mother’s pelvis. Then she took out her own cell phone and typed in a number and a message. She then moved the phone so that Vicki could see her number on the screen. Nicki’s thumb was poised over the “Send” button. Vicki looked up again, and saw the evil smirk on Nicki’s face. In the other hand, Nicki held two silvery objects—the keys to the bicycle locks she had tied her mother down with. “Now that I have your attention,” she said, “let’s talk about my allowance.”