Little Heroines' Room

By: Fox
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

( I sent this in to the Thomas’ Water Resources site for their story of the month contest but the page hasn’t been updated in an age. It’s revisiting the superhero theme but I figured I shouldn’t let the story go to waste. )
I nearly burned out my levitation ring trying to get back to the Hall of Justice after the pitched battle with the Brigade of Terror, but days like this were always worth it. I was the only one in the building, so I had the run of the place. I also knew that not all my superpowered colleagues in the Justice Force would be heading straight here. Some had secret identities to cover for, and would be heading out to assure their normal friends that they were fine. I could wait to do that myself. I really wanted to be here!
Ya see, those gorgeous superwomen in our little group all have a terrible secret, one that I found out on a day I was feeling particularly perverted and did some x–rated peeping in the girls’ john at HQ. Here’s the secret: those paragons of prowess and prettiness piss themselves. I mean A LOT! It’s the costumes, you understand. Those wonderful, tight, revealing, squeezing pieces of fabric tend to get stuck on at the worst possible moments. Add to that the fact that there is only one toilet in the girls’ room and the end results can be fantastic. Of course, sometimes the girls soldier on, waiting till they get home or back to their civilian jobs, but it can be truly awe inspiring to watch their desperation at times!
Then of course there are days when they simply can’t wait! Like after a huge scuffle. During the battle there’s screaming and punching and running and all manner of surprises to get one all worked up, and if the enemy is particularly horrifying bladders can fill in a split second. The men have all got problems like this covered, of course, but the women must look sexy, and therein lies their downfall.
I ran into the girls’ room like a kid in a candy store, expecting a wonderful show. I stayed invisible after the battle––invisibility is my main power––and stood behind the john flat against the wall, knowing that even those with super senses can’t detect me if I don’t move.
I didn’t have long to wait, and the opening act was my favorite! Sungirl flew into the room, her toes dangling above the floor five inches or so. Let me describe this vision: She is six feet tall, with unbelievably tanned skin and long wavy blond hair. She’s built like a fashion model, with a slim figure that curves in just the right way. Her costume can best be described as a short–legged surf suit, which shines like solid gold and is molded to her physique. Her powers come from the sun, which makes her glow like an angel’s halo.
Yet this angel was swearing like the devil when as she tried to get out of the suit. She squirmed in sheer panic as she floated in mid–air. Her legs were twined around each other and she curled up several times, moaning in agony as she tried to loosen the special magnetic fastening strip in the back of her suit. It tended to jam on her when she used her microwave powers, something she’d conveniently forgotten when blasting Vampira with them. Now she sobbed as she bobbed up and down and clawed at the strip with all her might as she spun around over the toilet.
“Nooo!” She moaned as she grabbed her crotch with both hands! The attempt to open the costume had to be abandoned as she needed everything she had just to keep in her piss! She squeezed for dear life, rubbing her thighs together as if trying to start a fire! Then just as she gave up and turned to go, she started to piss, sprinkling her water out between and behind her legs! The gold of her costume turned dark but no less shiny around her sexy ass, and the droplets of tinkle reflected her glow and sparkled all the way to the tile, leaving a glittery reflecting pool under her levitated feet. It took a minute for her to finish, and she floated out of the room with her head bowed in shame.
No sooner did she disappear out of the door than did a blue blur streak in. It was Hypergirl’s turn to try to go potty. Hypergirl’s another blonde, shorter and more buxom, with glorious tits that strained the fabric of her costume, a long–sleeved, legless blue leotard. It was modified to withstand the friction of her hyperspeed, but the modification wasn’t perfect, and the snap crotch at the bottom often got stuck shut. That was probably what was happening now.
Hypergirl’s pee–pee dance is always an experience! Imagine about five girls occupying the same space at the same time and all about to pee their panties. I could see her squeezing her pussy at the same time I saw her pulling her slicked back hair and rubbing her shapely thighs together at the same time they were crossed! And the images switched over and over again in a blur of motion that was so bizarre and sexy that the hard–on I had seemed to grow an inch each time I caught a glimpse of the real girl! And her running commentary made it that much better!
“I’m bursting I can’t hold it any more I have to piss I have to pee Oh God It’s coming out Why won’t these stupid snaps work Oh No I can’t contain it I’m gonna burst My bladder’s bursting I have to go I HAVE TO GO! OH GOD OH GOD! I CAN’T HOLD IT IN! I CAN’T HOLD MY WATER! IT’S COMING OUT!”
It always ends the same way. At the last moment Hypergirl freezes, stands perfectly still in a contorted position (thighs tight together, hands smothering crotch, squatting on haunches), and for a few seconds nothing happens. Then her superfast bladder storms the pee out of her! It’s a gush, like the contents of a bucket being tossed out! Her legs are instantly soaked, as well as anything a few feet in front of her, or in this case, the toilet six inches from her knees. She doubled the size of Sungirl’s puddle with a loud splash, dousing her hypersneakers and spraying the whole floor!
A few seconds later she was empty. At least it doesn’t take long, but it’s small comfort for her. Hypergirl stood up and started to cry, still tugging uselessly at the snaps. A thunderous pounding on the door interrupted her self–pity. A husky, sexy alto called through the door: “Hypergirl, please! I need to pee so badly! Hurry, please!” The superheroine turned and shuffled to the door, muttering quietly to herself.
Meanwhile, I was in heaven, because I recognized the alto voice and the pounding! The door flew off the hinges just before Hypergirl reached it, then two impatient arms pulled her out into the hall. Then she trotted in: Olympia! The strongest woman on Earth. Six–feet–six, muscular feminine build, long raven dark hair and green hawkish eyes. She was dancing in place and holding her crotch, biceps flexing under the strain. “Sorry!” She called back to the poor blonde girl, but only half meant it. She danced over to the john and did battle with her own costume.
“Costume” is not really the right word, however. Some time ago, Olympia had found that it was impossible for mere fabric to survive the type of hand to hand combat she was used to, so she sought an alternative. She found that liquid latex laced with powdered steel was ideal! Just paint on the costume, and it stayed through anything. As you might guess, such a trait was one that could be bad at times like these.
There she stood, legs crossed and buns of steel wriggling as she tried with all her might to rip off the latex/steel hotpants that trapped her pussy. I just had to stroke my invisible cock as I watched her alternately pull and claw, then squeeze her puss for a moment before continuing the battle!
It was no use, though, and I got to see one of the rarest sights in the world: The planet’smightiest woman whimpering like a little girl as she strangled her pussy shut and squeezed her hands behind thighs that could turn coal into diamond with the pressure they were applying! Finally she lost the battle, and the force of her piss did what her hands could not! She opened her hands and legs and burst, blasting a jet of piss through the latex/steel crotch of her pants! The impact of her water kicked up tiles and made a holy mess, and didn’t stop till she had left the floor flooded with piss an inch deep!
She looked at the mess and left the room sobbing. When her back was turned I moved a little so that no one would see the foot shaped spaces I made in the flood.
When I looked up I was stunned to see who came in next, and I thought the jig was up! She was the one hero that could tell I was in there!
But Mental Maiden seemed preoccupied with her own problem. She was walking in a half–crouch and was massaging her pussy to beat the band. She had the most unforgiving costume of all. It was a panty corset, essentially a single lingerie garment that covered her whole torso. It was bone white, and tied up in the back with what seemed like a hundred laces. What she was thinking when she decided to wear it I’ll never know, but it fit her hourglass figure perfectly, and she accessorised it with thigh high spike heeled boots, white hair and a lace mask.
It was the boots that attracted my attention. The latex appendages squeaked like mice as her thighs rubbed frantically together, and she could barely stop wiggling for a second! She tried hard, but couldn’t keep both hands free long enough to untie the laces behind her back, and there were so many!
Then I found out she knew I was there! Invisible Man, she called to my mind! Invisible Man! Don’t just stand there! Please help me! I have to go really bad!
My hero code didn’t let me ignore a damsel in distress, so I went to see if I could undo the ties. I took my time, of course, but even if I had been going as fast as Hypergirl I wouldn’t have gotten them all. Only after I’d gotten the first tie, Mental Maiden started quivering and jiggling, shaking her entire body as she tapped on the floor, and her mental powers broadcast her anguish to my mind:
I’m not going to make it! Oh, God! My pee–pee is coming out! Oh, I can feel it!! My pee–pee’s coming out!! I’m going to pee–pee in my panties!!!
I couldn’t resist! I slid my hand between her crushing thighs and dug up till I reached her crotch, just as a stream of hot piss gushed through the silk of her gusset! I kept my hand there for as long as it took, moving it with her as she shook her ass in a futile attempt to stem the flow! She didn’t pee as hard as the others (besides her mind powers she’s only human), but it felt like she was holding back a tidal wave. Piss filled the tops of her boots and drizzled into the mess already on the floor!
At long last she stopped, but kept her thighs together, quivering one more time and wetting my hand more with her orgasm! Then she relaxed and dropped to her haunches in the piss on the floor, hanging onto the toilet for balance. Then she raised up her ass and thought to me: Finish what you started!
I didn’t need to be told twice! I pulled her crotch aside (not stopping to wonder why she didn’t think of that) and braced myself on her body till I could pull myself in! She was wet and sloppy, and she moaned when I entered her. I humped her for all I was worth, splashing the piss around us and making her breasts shake with each thrust! Finally, I shot a blast of cum into her pussy, trying to fill her up with my own invisible juices!
She left the room dripping from her snatch and barely able to balance herself. I stayed a little while longer to see what else might happen. No one else came in. Maybe the rest decided to try and get home, or maybe Mental Maiden warned them off. In any event it was one day in the annals of Justice that would never be topped.