Rank and Privilege

By: Fox
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VFA–251, the “Annie Oakleys,” was the first all–female attack squadron in the U.S. Navy. Flying the versatile F/A–18D Hornet, they could strike any target from tanks to ships to aircraft. The Squadron Leader was Andrea, a Navy Commander. Newly formed, they got their first assignment at sea, to a Nimitz–class carrier.
All but one of the ten squadron members flew out to the carrier on schedule. One of the aircraft had serious mechanical problems, and the pilot, Denise, had to stay behind while it was repaired, since there were no spare aircraft available. By the time it was finally fixed the carrier was halfway to its patrol station. Denise had to fly out to meet it, traveling several hours over the ocean. The flight was brutal. She’d been delayed by headwinds all the way, and she’d needed to drink plenty of coffee to keep from falling asleep in the cockpit. It was twilight by the time the carrier came into view, meaning her first landing on a carrier would be a night landing, the most stressful kind.
All the tension had done her metabolism no good. The coffee had made its way through her system quickly, and she’d had to pee since she cleared the coast. She was bursting by the time she made her first pass over the flight deck, and it was all she could do to keep her hands and feet on the controls, fighting the urge to cup her crotch and close her legs. She made two touch–and–go passes before committing to a final approach, which ended with a jarring, awkward landing. Denise said a quick prayer of thanks for landing safely as she taxied to a parking spot.
She was unhooking her restraints before the wheels were chained down, and was squeezing her sex as the cockpit canopy opened. “Where’s the nearest head?” she yelled at the plane captain that had come to help her out of the cockpit.
He gave her directions, but then added, “The Squadron CO wants to see you in the office right now, sir!”
Oh, No! She was sure Andrea was furious about her landing. More tension compounded her problem. She wondered for a moment if stopping off at the bathroom first would be a noticeable delay. Having never been on a carrier before, she didn’t know if Andrea could tell she hadn’t come right to the Squadron Office from the flight deck or not. Not wanting to aggravate the CO further, Denise decided to head straight there. She got directions for the Squadron Office and made her way there at a gallop.
It wasn’t just that Andrea was her commanding officer. Andrea was an idol to all the women in the squadron, and practically a goddess to Denise, the youngest member. Andrea had been one of the first women to fly in Navy combat squadrons, and was the first to command one.
She was in her thirties, tall, amazingly fit, and had the most beautiful brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Denise had had many an improper fantasy about Andrea since she was assigned to the squadron, and often wondered if there were any way to seduce the commander into her rack. At the moment, however, she would settle for not pissing herself in her superior’s presence.
She reached the office and tried to pull herself together. When she felt she was in as much control as she could muster, she knocked.
“Come in.” Andrea’s voice called.
Denise walked in as formally as she could manage while keeping her thighs together. She stopped at the desk and saluted Andrea, who was seated behind it. “Reporting as ordered, sir.” She said.
“Sit down.” Andrea said, and Denise complied, relieved to be able to cross her legs. She sat and crossed them tight, practically wrapping one around the other. She sat up straight, with her hands folded in her lap, forcing her legs not to quiver.
“I was watching your landing.” Andrea said, in that husky voice that made Denise melt. “It looked a little rough. We should talk about it.”
“Yes, sir,” Denise said. “It was rough. I…I’m afraid 1 was a little distracted.” She realized as she said it that it was the wrong thing to say.
“Distracted? Denise, that’s a 35 million dollar airplane up there, and you represent several thousand dollars and several years’ worth of training yourself. Both of you are too valuable to be smashed into the deck because you got distracted.” Andrea said this with an even voice, but her eyes showed that she was upset.
Suddenly, the nerves were too much for Denise to bear. She felt a little urine leak out, and she could tell that she only had a moment or two before it all came out in a rush. “Commander,” she said with a cracking voice, “request permission to blow tubes.”
Andrea then looked Denise over. The young pilot was wincing and gritting her teeth, and now her legs were trembling uncontrollably. A strange look came over the Commander’s face, as if she had conflicting emotions and didn’t know which one to let surface.
She finally decided on annoyance. “Denied. You can hold it a little longer. You mean you actually almost crashed because you had to piss?”
Yes, and I really can’t hold it any longer. Denise thought as she felt another drip escape into her briefs. “You don’t understand, sir. I didn’t mean…”
“Oh, I understand.” Andrea said, remembering her early days as a pilot. On one particularly windy night she’d had to land an F–14, and came so close to crashing on one approach that she’d pissed herself. She remembered the mess the flood of piss made in the flight suit and the cockpit.
“Take off that flight suit.” Andrea said. “No need to mess it up when you might need it again. “
Denise got gingerly to her feet. She writhed like a little girl desperate to make as she slithered out of the jumpsuit. Andrea watched her every second. Denise had an hourglass figure under the baggy cloth, topped by precious melons for tits encased in a battleship–gray sports bra. Close inspection of the matching bikini briefs showed a dark spot between her closed thighs, highlighted by the sheen of wetness. Andrea got wet in a different way as she looked in Denise’s doe eyes and full, voluptuous mouth grimacing with an urge to answer nature’s call.
Another urine drip came out as Denise stepped out of her boots, and they kept coming as she squeezed her crotch with both hands. Soon it wouldn’t be just drops. She closed her eyes and prayed hard that she could get to the squadron ready room and the bathroom in there before she exploded. She would have to leave without being dismissed, but that would be better than the alternative, and the punishment couldn’t be worse.
She would never know for sure though. Andrea looked to make sure the office door was closed, then stood up, and walked around to stand in front of Denise. She looked the Lieutenant in the eye and yelled, “Ten HUT!”
Denise reacted instinctively, coming to attention before she realized that there’d be no way to hold it in that stance. Her knees knocked a little in a last ditch attempt, but Andrea thwarted that effort as well.
With an evil smile on her face, Andrea put her face closer to Denise’s and said, “At Ease.”
Denise put her hands behind her back and spread her legs, and her piss came out in a torrent, soaking her briefs and her pussy before streaming down to the deck unhindered. To Denise’s surprise, Andrea grabbed her crotch just as she started to piss in earnest. It was a wild sensation. The hand held tight and rubbed back and forth as Denise urinated in it, and the pilot couldn’t help but move her cunt in rhythm with the strokes. She came as she finished peeing; squirting the last of the pee so hard it went straight through the fabric.
“As you were.” Andrea said. Denise dropped her head in Andrea’s chest and clamped her thighs around the Commander’s hand. She was still dripping profusely, and the puddle she’d made on the floor ruined the flight suit anyway.
Andrea brought Denise’s face up and they kissed passionately. Andrea was still rubbing Denise’s pussy. When they broke, Andrea took her hand away. Denise wanted to protest, but Andrea said, “Take off those panties and get over the desk.”
Denise did as ordered as Andrea stripped off her clothes. She rummaged through the desk and found the strap–on dildo that she’d left there specifically for this occasion. She went around again and got in position behind the waiting Denise. She put on the dildo, making sure the little nub designed to stimulate her clit as she fucked someone was in place. When she was ready, she positioned the tip in Denise’s piss–drenched cunt. “This will make sure you don’t have any more accidents,” Andrea said.
The first thrust took Denise by surprise; the next fired her libido and got her juices flowing out of her. She felt each and every insertion as the plastic device slammed into her, and what little urine there was left in her bladder squirted out as she had her second orgasm. She squealed in delight as Andrea fucked her, enjoying each stroke as if it were the first and the best.
Finally, Andrea came herself, once, then again, then again as she fucked Denise raw. Ultimately, she collapsed exhausted on top of her subordinate.
After she caught her breath and could make her limbs work again, Andrea rose up a little. “I trust,” she said, in a ragged voice, “that we won’t have to have this conversation again.”
“I promise,” Denise said, still panting, “that we won’t have to have the conversation again…sir.”
By: Fox