The Wrong Bathroom

By: Friggin' Hobo
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

“All right, that’s all for today,” Professor Johnson said. “Make sure you read pages 216–272 for Wednesday.” Charlie dumped his notebooks into his bag, grabbed it, and quickly stood up. Cultural Anthropology was always so boring, and today he had been even more anxious for it to be over because he really had to go to the bathroom. He’d had a big breakfast and didn’t get the chance to relieve himself before coming to class like he normally does, so he was getting rather uncomfortable by the end of Professor Johnson’s lecture.
A crowd of students began milling around the professor to ask him about the day’s notes, but Chris was lucky enough to push out of the classroom before they started blocking the door. He caught the eye of Stephanie, the girl who was extremely beautiful and just as extremely out of his league. She had shoulder–length brunette hair, gorgeous eyes, and perfect small, rounded breasts. Today she was wearing a short pleated white skirt that showed off her shapely tan legs. Charlie had a lot of fantasies about her, but could never actually work up the courage to ask her out. He wanted to talk to her, but he really needed to get to the bathroom, and she was still stuck behind the throng of people, so he pushed on. Besides, she seemed distracted about something as well.
Charlie started walking down the hall, aware that since he had never had to use the facilities in this building before, he actually had no idea where they were. This was one of the oldest academic buildings on campus, too, so he didn’t expect the bathrooms to be very clean or well kept. “Oh well,” he thought to himself, “I’ll just have to deal with it. It’s only this once anyway.”
He finally spotted a large sign proclaiming “RESTROOMS” with an arrow pointing to two side–by–side doors. “Finally!” he said to himself, rushing into the first one. Just as he had suspected, the bathroom was rather small and dingy, but overall it wasn’t too bad. The two sinks that stuck out of the wall had mineral stains, and for some reason there were only two stalls (one of which didn’t have a door), and no urinals. “What kind of hokey bathroom doesn’t have a urinal?” Charlie grumbled, but it was okay – the business he had to do required him to sit down anyway. He chose the stall with a door, closed it, pulled down his pants and boxers, and sat on the seat. He grunted a little with relief as he voided the contents of his intestines, and wiped.
Just as he was about to flush, however, the door to the bathroom burst open and he heard five high–pitched voices talking in unison.
“…I know, I know, Clara! We’re here though!” one of them said.
“There are two stalls, we can go two at a time!” another said.
“There are five of us, Megan!” the one he assumed was Clara wailed. “Who has to go last?”
“Ohhh…” yet another one groaned, “I don’t think I can hold it that long, you guys…”
“It’s okay, Anne,” the first one said, “You can hold it. Just a couple more minutes, that’s all.”
“I don’t know, Leslie…” Anne replied. “I really have to pee!”
Charlie was confused. Girls? In the guys’ bathroom? What were girls doing in here? He was about to say something, demanding to know what they were doing in the wrong bathroom, but just then the fifth girl spoke up.
“Look, can we just stop arguing and start pissing, please? My bladder is about to burst! If I don’t get on a toilet soon, I am going to wet myself!”
Charlie froze. He recognized that voice. Stephanie! Stephanie was in here, too? And she was desperate for a pee…? Charlie decided to hold his tongue and keep listening for a little while longer, to see just how this all played out….
“She’s right,” Carla said bitterly, “fuck this,” and she pulled the handle on the door to the stall Charlie was in. It didn’t open. “Shit!” she yelled. “There’s a girl in this one already!”
At the same time, Anne said “Ohhhh, that’s it! I have to go! I have to go NOW!” and ran into the second stall, the one next to Charlie. He heard a rustle as her shorts were yanked down, but that was immediately followed by a hissing sound. “No…no, noooo…” Anne moaned, then there was another quick rustle and the hissing sound became a very loud, very forceful tinkling sound. Chris looked down and realized he could see a little bit under the stall barriers. There was definitely a small puddle on the ground in the adjacent stall, which was trickling over into his. He could even see Anne’s shorts and panties around her ankles if he bent down a little – there was a very obvious yellow stain on the white cotton panties, and the grey sweat shorts had a large wet spot on them. Anne must not have gotten her pants off in time before she started peeing in them!
Carla pounded on the door to Charlie’s stall. “Hey! Hurry it up in there, will you, girl? Can’t you hear we’re all completely desperate out here?” Charlie was taken aback. He suddenly remembered that she had referred to him as a girl before, too. Why did she assume it was a girl in the stall? Suddenly it hit him: the lack of urinals, the way five girls had strolled in without comment…THEY weren’t in the wrong bathroom; HE was!! He must have been in such a rush to get the bathroom that he wasn’t paying enough attention to the signs on the doors and walked into the girls’ bathroom by accident!
“What’s taking so long in there?” Carla yelled again, this time a little frantically. “We all have to piss!” Charlie knew he couldn’t say anything, or else they’d be able to tell by his voice that he was a guy, but he also knew he had to stall until they were gone, because there’s no way he could just saunter out in front of all these girls. Besides, he noticed that he was getting a bit of a boner: the sound of Anne pissing in the toilet next to him, the puddle of her urine on the floor, the desperation in the other girls’ voices…it was all really turning him on for some reason. He stayed silent, but exaggeratedly tore some toilet paper off so it would sound like he was still doing something in there. “Shit,” he heard Carla mutter, and she stepped away from the door.
“Anne, hurry up and finish, hun!” Megan said from somewhere to Charlie’s left. He looked under the divider and could see an extra pair of jean–clad legs – she was in the same stall as Anne, standing just behind the pee puddle on the ground, hopping a little bit from foot to foot.
“I…I can’t just stop now,” Anne sobbed, her piss still loudly splashing in the bowl. “I really, really have to go!” She continued peeing just as forcefully as ever.
“So do I!!” Megan practically screamed at her, then groaned “ooooh…” and started dancing more energetically.
“We all have to go, Megan,” Stephanie said in a quiet, distracted voice that said she was really concentrating on holding herself shut.
“Yeah, well, if Anne doesn’t hurry up, none of the rest of us will get to do it on a toilet!” Megan snapped back. “We’ll all just have to piss our pants. Or skirt, in your case.”
“And listening to you pee isn’t making it any easier for me to hold it, either.” Leslie commented. “I can feel it…almost coming out….”
“If the bitch in the first stall would stop PLAYING WITH HERSELF, maybe we’d all get to use a toilet!” Carla growled angrily. Charlie loudly ripped off another piece of toilet paper. He noticed his erection was bigger than it was before.
“Calm down, Carla,” Leslie said sternly. “You can’t blame her for having to go to the bathroom when all the rest of us have – ohh. Ohhhh, no…” Leslie broke off and started moaning.
“What is it, Les?” Anne asked, her flow finally starting to die down a little, after nearly a minute of peeing.
“She’s leaking in her pants,” Stephanie reported softly.
“Heh, yeah, look at that wet spot in her crotch!” Clara barked.
“Shut up,” Leslie said pointedly. “You have to go just as badly. It won’t be long before you start leaking too!”
Clara snorted, but it seemed a little half–hearted. “Well, we wouldn’t have to worry about it if stall one was empty.”
Anne’s pee was getting quieter, but Megan had started jumping around. “That’s it,” Megan wailed, “It’s too much! I need that toilet now, Anne!” She stepped forward and grabbed Anne by the shoulders, trying to force her off the toilet.
“Hey! HEY!!” Anne yelled. “I’m not finished yet! You can’t –”
“You’ve had plenty of time, and I’m about to burst! Get up!”
“Can’t you tell I’m still peeing? If I stand up now it’ll get all over –”
“Yeah, and you already pissed your pants, now didn’t you? What’s a little more going to hurt? I’ve got to piss NOW or else I’m going to soak my jeans!”
“I don’t think –” Anne protested, but Megan was too strong for her, and she was forced off the toilet, a stream of yellow pee still falling between her legs and splashing into her already yellow panties. A new puddle started forming where she was standing now, leaking slowly into Charlie’s stall. Charlie’s boner extended even more. Why was he getting so horny from all this…?
Megan shoved Anne against the divider and out of the way, and Charlie heard her frantically unzip her jeans and pull them down to her knees along with her panties. The hissing sound of a torrent of piss started before she had even set her butt on the toilet. Anne, still sobbing, slid slowly down the barrier until her naked butt was sitting in the puddle she was still making, as pee continued to splash out of her vagina, in order to save her pants from getting any wetter. Charlie could see her butt and the small of her back in the space underneath, and his breath started coming more quickly. The puddle of piss was so hot….
“Girls, please,” Leslie whined. “Please make it quick, I can’t keep control! I…I keep leaking….”
“Nice try,” Carla said, “but I’m getting that stall next.”
“What?!” Leslie cried, incredulous.
“I’m about to fucking burst, and there’s no WAY I’m going to wet myself like a 5–year–old. I’m getting on that toilet!”
“Fighting’s only going to make it worse, girls,” Stephanie said in the same quiet tone, but it was starting to sound more strained now. “Please stop fighting. We’re all in this together.” The sound of Stephanie’s voice, especially with that desperate quiver in it, was turning Charlie on even more. He wanted nothing other than to see her wetting herself, to see her standing or sitting in a puddle of her own pee. Just the thought of it was making Charlie’s penis even harder. He thought he might actually come, right there in the girls’ bathroom stall.
“Still,” Leslie said, “I’d really rather have a toilet to piss in rather than my own pants….” She trailed off. “Wait!” she suddenly said. “The sinks!”
“Are you serious?!” Stephanie asked.
Carla gasped. “Of course! We don’t really need a toilet, we just need to not pee in our pants!”
Charlie heard a shuffling around over the loud echo of Megan’s pee still filling up the bowl next to him. He heard a snap and a zip, then a rustle as pants and panties were pulled down, and a grunt as Leslie hoisted herself onto one of the sinks.
“I…I can’t…” Carla muttered to herself as she was still shuffling around. Charlie hadn’t heard a zipping noise from her yet. “Stupid button…”
“Carla? Are you okay?” Stephanie asked.
“No, the damn…argh…the damn button is stuck!” she screamed. “Stupid… FUCKINGHIP–HUGGERS!!!”
“You can get it, Carla, come on…” Leslie said supportively, but trailed off in immense relief as a porcelain echoing sound came from the sink. Her piss flooded out of her urethra, filling the sink and splashing out of it as more and more was released.
“Here, let me help you with that, Carla,” Stephanie offered, moving over to where Carla was, presumably to help her get her button undone.
“No!” Carla snapped. “I can get it! I don’t need – argh, do you have to be so loud, Les? You’re making me lose…lose con…control….” There was a short pause where Carla let out a small whimper, then she said “I’m not going to be able to – oh, shit….” A soft hissing sound was clear over Megan’s tinkling noise and Anne’s diminished splashing; Carla’s piss had started flooding her jeans before she could get the button undone. Soon Carla moaned “No…no, nooo…fuck no…” then screamed “FUCKING NO!!” as the hissing between her legs got louder and then louder still. A soft dripping and splashing added to it as the piss cascading down her legs flowed out over her shoes and onto the floor. She hoisted herself onto the sink anyway, jeans still on, urine still flowing through them and soaking the denim, in order to try to save her shoes. If Charlie bent down, he could see the puddle Carla had made, and it made his penis quiver. From this angle he could also see Stephanie’s sumptuous legs bobbing up and down in a panicked circle. He fought to keep control of himself and not blow a load just thinking about how desperate the object of his fantasies was.
Stephanie moaned. She was the only one who hadn’t pissed yet: Megan was still in the stall next to Charlie, piss stream barely lessened over the minute she had been pissing; Anna sat in shock in her own piss puddle, sobs still shaking her body, and small squirts still escaping from her pussy; Leslie sat stripped from the waist down in one of the sinks, peeing forcefully and messily with no sign of letting up any time soon; and Carla was sitting fully clothed in the other sink, still soaking her already piss–soaked jeans. Stephanie had held on the longest, but from her motions and the noises escaping her, she wouldn’t be holding on much longer.
She stumbled over to the door to Charlie’s stall, still hopping from foot to foot. She knocked once, then gasped sharply and jumped even more frantically – Charlie assumed she had been using that hand to hold her crotch, and moving it to knock with had released some of the pressure and made it harder to hold on. Charlie made a show of tearing off some more toilet paper. No way he was letting this end now before the show was over.
“Please…” she said softly, in a quavering voice. It took Charlie by surprise. The voice was so desperate, so afraid, so tearful…“Please, whoever you are, open up and let me use the toilet…” Her voice was so soft, so sweet…Charlie loved that voice, and he could feel his penis beginning to burn. He was about to come. “Please let me in, please…” she pleaded with him, her voice teary and choked up. Was she…crying? The trill in her voice made him hotter, and he could feel an orgasm building inside him.
“Please…PLEASE!” she cried, and dropped to her knees in front of the stall door. He could see when she landed that she had her white skirt pulled up around her stomach, revealing her powder blue bikini panties, and the fingers of both hands pressed hard into her panties, into her crotch, to stem the flow. She sat back onto the floor, her knees up and her feet planted on the ground, giving Charlie a glorious view of her panty–clad pussy writhing with desperation. “Please…” she whimpered in almost a whisper. “I don’t think I can hold it anymore…I’m about to let go….”
Charlie stood up, unlocked the door, and threw it open. Leslie gasped and leaned forward to cover her pussy; Carla exclaimed “what the hell?!” and snapped her legs closed; Anne stood up and looked around the corner to see what all the fuss was about, and promptly fell back into a sitting position; even Megan, still peeing, staggered to her feet to look over the divider, and screamed; Stephanie just sat there staring up at him, wide–eyed with disbelief.
The shock was too much for Stephanie’s bladder, and urine gushed through the fabric of her blue striped panties and between her fingers, spraying her legs, the floor, and Charlie’s legs. She let her hands fall away limp, and the pee that shot out of her pussy in erratic spurts just splashed on the floor between her legs instead, creating an immense puddle. Watching Stephanie piss uncontrollably on the floor in front of him, feeling her warm pee splashing onto his legs and soaking into his socks, seeing her panties get drenched and cling to the curves and folds of her vagina…it was all too much, and it pushed him over the edge. He put one hand around his throbbing penis, and it exploded, shooting load after load of cum all over Stephanie’s body, and sending wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure through his body. Megan screamed again, and Leslie cried “oh my God!” But Charlie just kept on coming, now shooting directly at Stephanie’s piss–soaked crotch, and he heard her begin to moan a little. She fell backwards so she was on her back, and her moaning got louder. Then, just when Charlie was done with his orgasm, Stephanie’s hand shot to her pussy and slipped under her sopping panties. She started rubbing herself vigorously, crying out louder and louder until her legs shot up in the air and she made her panties even wetter than they already were – but not with piss, this time.
“Okay, class, that’s all for today. Make sure you read pages 273–304 for Friday.”
Charlie pushed his books into his bag, making a point of not looking in Stephanie’s direction. Normally he would stare at her all through Professor Johnson’s class, but after what he did on Monday, he couldn’t bring himself to meet her eye anymore. He slung his bag over his shoulder and rushed out of the classroom ahead of the crowd of people.
He had gotten maybe 15 steps down the hallway when he heard a soft, sweet voice behind him. “Charlie! Wait.” He stopped, and slowly turned around, afraid of what might be coming next.
Stephanie was walking towards him, still as beautiful as ever, although she had a much more serious look on her face today. She stood directly in front of him, looking up at him with stern eyes.
He began to stutter. “I…I’m really, really sorry about M…Monday, you see, I went…I went in the wrong bathroom by accident, a…a…and then –” His explanation was cut off when she grabbed his head and kissed him passionately. Stunned, he didn’t know how to react.
She smiled at him sheepishly. “I never knew how much of a turn on peeing could be,” she admitted, “but Monday afternoon…that was the most intense orgasm I have ever had. Ever. And to be honest…” she blushed furiously, “…I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since then.”
Charlie blinked. “Really?”
Stephanie nodded. “The fact that I turned you on that much really turned ME on, and…” she blushed again. “Well, I’ve noticed you looking at me all the time in Professor Johnson’s class and…I want to have more of what I had on Monday.” She looked at him expectantly.
He stared at her incredulously. “Are you asking me out?” he asked.
She nodded. “Yeah, I guess I am. So…what do you say?”
He grinned. “Absolutely!” and kissed her again.
Charlie and Stephanie stayed together throughout college and eventually got married. The sex was incredible.
By: Friggin’ Hobo