The Boardroom Meeting

By: Full Bladder
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental Wetting, Humiliation, and Sex.
My new job has kept me very busy to say the least. I begin work at 9:00 am each morning and quit at 5:00 pm. There is usually a few hours of work left over that I complete at home for clients coming in the next morning. Despite the big workload, I am enjoying my job. A big reason for this is the money. It is nice to be able to eat real meals after living on Kraft Dinner for the past six years. I am even considering moving out of my rented apartment and buying a place within the next year, a big step for someone just a few months out of university.
Without a doubt, the best part of my job is Tanja. I fell in love with Tanja the moment I first saw her and my heart still leaps every time I think of her. As luck would have it, she has the office nearest to the washrooms and has been designated the handler of the keys to both washrooms. It is because of her that I have been introduced to a whole new world of watersports.
After my accident on orientation day, I was a little hesitant about asking Tanja for the key to the washroom. I knew that she had been so immensely turned on by me wetting my pants and had given me the most amazing sex of my life afterwards, but I was still shy. I still felt embarrassed about wetting my pants like a small child in front of her and her girlfriend, Selena. Also, I wasn’t sure what would happen if I asked Tanja to let me use the toilet. After all, the last time I was desperate and in need of her help, she had made me wet my pants. If that happened again, I might not be lucky enough to get away with it without all my co–workers knowing.
For this reason, I took all precautions possible for my first week of work. I didn’t drink anything on mornings before work and made sure I used the toilet before leaving home. I limited my fluid intake at work and went to the toilet again while out on my lunch break. Even with these precautions, I was still pretty desperate by quitting time. I was afraid that one day I would have no choice but to use the washroom at work. To make matters worse, I knew Tanja would be waiting for that opportunity. Every time I ran into Tanja or Selena, I could tell from their facial expressions that my accident was still very much on their minds.
As much as I valued my job and workplace reputation, I could not forget about Tanja. I could not get over the amazing time we had that first lunch break, and thought about it a lot over the weekend when I did not have piles of work to keep myself occupied. By Monday morning, I had made up mind. I would let Tanja have her way with me, regardless of what the consequences might be.
I drank one large glass of orange juice and two cups of coffee before leaving for work. By the time I had reached the office, I was already feeling the pressure building inside me. After meeting with two clients, I was squirming in my seat with still a solid two hours to go until my break at 12:30. Fortunately, I had the office to myself till then with no more meetings until the afternoon. Going for broke, I got myself a cup of coffee from the snack room and sipped it while working on some files. By 11:00, I was holding my penis underneath my desk to keep myself from leaking. It was time to confront Tanja. I gulped down the remainder of my cold coffee and locked the office door. I quickly walked down the hall to Tanja’s office, feeling uncertain about what would happen next. It could work out good or bad, but I knew I had to find out.
Tanja’s door was closed. I knocked and tried to open the door. It was locked.
“Just a minute! I’m in the middle of a meeting with a client!” yelled Tanja from her office.
I decided to wait outside the office, not wishing to disrupt the meeting. I didn’t want Tanja to know how urgent my need for the toilet was. Five minutes ticked by like five years. I was really getting desperate now, unable to stand still and wanting nothing more than to shove my hands into my crotch like I had in the privacy of my own office. I was afraid one of my co–workers might step outside their office and see me in such a desperate state.
How long was this meeting going to go on for anyway? I felt so stupid getting myself into this situation. What was I thinking? Now I was in pain, with no idea of when I would be able to relieve myself. I knew that the coffee I just finished drinking was rapidly being added to my bladder’s contents, stretching it further and making me more and more desperate every passing moment.
I heard an office door open. It was my boss, Mr. Brokovich. To my horror, he started walking towards me.
“Hello, David,” he greeted me cheerfully, “Waiting to see Tanja?”
“Yes sir, I just wanted to see her about one of my files. It appears to be missing some information.”
I did not want to admit that I needed the washroom to my boss, especially badly enough that I would wait outside Tanja’s office instead of coming back later.
“I’m glad you’re paying attention to detail, David. That is what separates a great accountant from a good one. I’ve looked over some of your work and it has been of excellent quality. How do you like it here so far?”
I felt a spasm in my lower abdomen. I buckled my knees slightly and shifted my feet, managing to restrict the trickle from flowing out of my urethra. I was close to losing control of my bladder, right in front of my boss. Fortunately, he hadn’t seemed to notice my situation…yet.
“Um…It’s been great so far. I like it.”
Another spasm came from my bladder. This time, I couldn’t stop the warm urine from leaking into my pants. I had to clench my kegel muscles with all my physical and mental strength to stem the flow after the squirt. I barely refrained myself from grabbing my tortured manhood. I was pretty certain that there was a wet spot on my pants, but I didn’t dare look.
“I’m glad to hear it. Say, has anybody told you about the company’s annual barbeque yet? It’s scheduled for this Saturday. Only the employees and a select few customers are invited. It’s a fun little event.”
‘GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!’ I screamed internally. Why wouldn’t this darn old man just get lost? It was hard enough to not wet myself as it was, but he was making it tougher still, standing there making small talk. I helplessly felt another squirt leak into my underwear.
“I’ll try to make it for sure, Mr. Brokovich,” trying to hide the enormous strain my bladder was under.
“I look forward to seeing you there then. I was just on my way to the washroom; you will have to excuse me, David. It seems like my bladder isn’t quite as strong as it used to be.”
I watched agonizingly as he pulled out a key to the washroom from his coat pocket and continued down the hall. “Lucky bastard,” I cursed under my breath. I felt another spasm coming and quickly shoved both my hands into my crotch to prevent any further leakage. I could feel a wet spot of about 4 inches diameter on my pants.
Just then, Tanja’s office door opened and a middle–aged woman walked out. Her eyes fell on me holding my crotch. A look of utter shock was on her face, as she continued to stare at the fully–grown desperate man in front of her. I quickly removed my hands from my groin, but not without losing control again and releasing a long spurt. The woman watched in horror as my pee soaked my pants further, wetting the entire crotch region. Wordlessly, she turned and marched down the hall, staring back in disbelief at what she had just witnessed. My face burned red with embarrassment.
I stepped into Tanja’s office. She looked at me and smiled knowingly. “I was wondering when I would see you again, David.”
I had nothing to say. Tanja had seen me pee myself once already and she knew what the wet spot on my pants was.
“What are you doing, David? You’re wetting your pants like a little boy!”
She was turned on. I had seen the same look in her eyes just a week ago. I felt another squirt. Tanja saw it too. Her eyes were locked on to the most private area of my body.
“Let’s get you to a toilet, you bad boy,” Tanja purred, grabbing a key from her desk and rushing me out of her office and down the hall into the women’s washroom. She pushed me into a cubicle and pulled down my pants just as I started to lose complete control, explosively spraying her face and breasts with my long–held hot, clear liquid.
“Look what you are doing, you naughty boy!” scolded Tanja, quickly grabbing my penis and directing the stream into the toilet bowl. I peed for what seemed like hours, feeling great relief and pleasure at the same time, my bladder finally emptying with a beautiful woman holding my dick, relieving my suffering. I finished peeing with a massive erection. It was so hard that Tanja could not direct my stream into the toilet bowl anymore.
I finished peeing with my manhood pointing straight up, spraying pee all over the cubicle. Tanja tore off her own clothes and pushed me down onto the floor. She sat down on top of me, my fully erect organ entering her clean–shaven vagina, and started pumping up and down. I could feel how hard her clitoris was as it rubbed up against me. Once again, we in perfect harmony, making love in unison– every movement, every expression, and every sound. I noticed that her bladder was full. I could see it and feel it. She had been patiently waiting for me to come to her. She had known that I would come to her eventually, that I couldn’t resist her forever. I had resisted for a whole week. Had she kept herself ready for me everyday? She must have.
We came together, both losing control simultaneously. I shot my load into her while she violently squirted out her bladder’s contents, moaning to a major climax. She peed a torrent with my penis still in her, still erect. God, she must have been desperate, with so much liquid in her. She lay down on top of me and continued peeing, her water flowing all over our bodies. I could feel her body shaking; her facial expression was one of extreme relief and pleasure. As she finished relieving herself, I started pumping again. We made love one more time before laying down in each other’s arms, completely spent and in absolute bliss.
“I love you, Tanja,” I blurted out, wishing I could stay in the perfect moment forever.
Tanja sighed and got up. She got a towel from the vanity cupboard and dried herself off. She quickly redressed and left the washroom with one parting sentence for me.
“Keep your Friday morning open.”
All week long I thought about what Tanja might have planned for me. Friday was the company–meeting day. The hour–long weekly meetings always took place in the boardroom, just after lunch. All employees were required to attend, as it was the time and place for important announcements from Mr. Brokovich, debates about issues within the workplace, and an excellent opportunity to get advice from other co–workers regarding certain clients or files.
I was both excited and nervous about what would happen. Tanja had changed her behaviour towards me and I was wondering if I had said the wrong thing to her. I had been going to her office two or three times daily, asking for the key to the men’s washroom, though never in serious danger like that eventful Monday morning. She would hand me the key, without so much as a flirtatious gesture. I was getting worried that she was cross with me, but decided to wait until Friday to make sure. I didn’t want to risk angering her further by saying the wrong thing.
On Friday, I decided on my usual one cup of coffee with no other fluid intake, still completely clueless about Tanja’s plans. I came into my office five minutes early and sat down to work. I had kept my entire morning open, following Tanja’s orders. One hour passed. Then another. It was now 11:00, with no sign of Tanja. I was starting to wonder if she wanted me to come to her office. I decided I would confront her at 11:30. I could only hope she was still interested in me and had not decided to end the game we had going with each other.
At 11:15, my door opened without so much as a knock. It was Tanja. She was dressed amazing and looking very sexy as always. Today, she was wearing a bright red low–cut sleeveless blouse with a grey cotton skirt, which went down to a few inches above her knees. She wore tan–coloured pantyhose and white high–heeled shoes. Her hair was done up in a ponytail. Her full lips sparkled with lip–gloss.
Tanja walked straight to my desk and placed the key to the men’s washroom on my table. “Go pee,” she instructed. I didn’t really have to go, but the morning’s coffee had worked its way down to my bladder, so I could use a pee break. Obediently, I went to the washroom and came back to see Tanja sitting in my chair, her long, sexy legs resting on my desk. She was sipping a large glass of water. On my table, I saw a large pitcher of water and another glass already full of water.
“Drink up,” said Tanja. I picked up the glass and took a sip out of it.
“What are we doing, Tanja?” I asked, perplexed at what was happening.
“We are going to have a hold–it competition,” Tanja replied. “We drink and hold until one of wets our pants.”
“No way. I’m not doing it.”
Tanja stood up from the chair and approached me. She didn’t stop until her body was right up against mine. I felt her perfectly shaped round breasts grind up against my body. Her perfume had a musky, erotic cherry scent. Slowly, she backed me up to the wall and stroked my face lightly with her long fingernails. With her other hand, she reached down to sensually massage my manhood. I could feel myself getting hard.
“Do you love me, David?” she breathed softly, running her upper hand through my hair now. “Do you really love me?”
I was overcome by the Spanish beauty’s charm. I could not resist her. I was her slave and she knew it. The only response to her question that I could muster up at that moment was my heavy breathing, and it was all the affirmation she needed.
“If you can hold your pee, David, if you can show me you are a big boy, I will be yours. You can make me do whatever you want.”
That was all the motivation I needed. The greatest woman I had ever known, way out of my league, was giving me a chance to win HER. All I had to do was not wet my pants like a grown up should be able to do and she would be mine, ready to do whatever I asked. I reached for the glass of water and hungrily started gulping it down. Tanja drained her own glass of water and confidently slammed it down on the desk.
Wordlessly, I picked up the pitcher and refilled both glasses. Another refill for both of us– and the pitcher was empty. Tanja quickly picked up the pitcher and brought it back, refilled. Another two glasses of water each left us both feeling bloated. We agreed to part ways and meet again in forty–five minutes for lunch.
“Wait. What if you cheat and go to the bathroom when I am not watching you?” I asked.
Tanja scrambled her face for a second. “Why don’t you keep the keys? I’ll send anyone who needs a key to your office. My office is right by the washrooms, so I’ll be able to see if you try to cheat.”
“That seems fair enough. I’ll see you at lunch.”
I was starting to get worried. I could feel the huge ocean of water sloshing around in my stomach. It was only a matter of time before it was in my bladder, desiring to be urinated out. I did not want to wet myself again. It would be the third time in two weeks. Before meeting Tanja, I had not wet my pants since age 12.
On the other hand, I wanted to make her wet her pants as revenge for what she had done to me. I also wanted to prove to her that I was a big boy. I was also getting excited about pee games after having Tanja pee on me during sex on Monday. I wanted to witness her have an accident in her clothes. I had to win this contest. There was no two ways about it.
By 12:30, I was feeling the water enter my bladder. I didn’t have to pee just yet, but knew that the need would grow rapidly, because of all the liquid I had consumed in a short time frame. But I knew the same thing would be happening to Tanja. She was shorter and smaller than me, but she had drunk the same amount of liquid. Her bladder was smaller than mine. It would be harder for her to hold the water in her body. I walked confidently down to her office, curious to see how the lunch break would play out.
As I walked into the office, I was surprised to see Tanja sitting cross–legged on top of her desk, expecting me. She had a pair of plastic 500 ml water bottles beside her on the desk. She immediately handed one to me and opened the other one for herself. I was taken back by her confidence. She seemed to be expecting to win. I knew she would love nothing more than to watch me have another accident. I had to be just as stubborn as her and show her I was not the one who was going to pee my pants that afternoon. I quickly opened my bottle and took a rather large gulp out of it. Tanja giggled a little and gulped some of her own water down.
“I think it’s time to go over the rules now,” Tanja announced suddenly.
“Yes. The first rule is no forfeits. I know when you get desperate, you might get scared of having an accident, but the game isn’t over until one of us wets our pants. You will give the keys to the washrooms to Selena, who will give them to the winner of the contest. The winner will then be able to go to the washroom and pee. Capiche?”
I nodded, impressed. Tanya was really covering all the bases. I was starting to sweat now. I could feel a twinge in my bladder. It would be screaming for relief soon enough.
“Next, we need to clarify the prizes. I offered to do anything you wanted from me if I lost. I think it’s fair if I get whatever I want from you if you lose. The person who wets their pants owes one favour to the other person. Agreed?”
I nodded again, getting more anxious still.
“The final rule is other than this contest, everything must go as normally planned. For example, we must go out for lunch like we normally do and then attend the board meeting afterwards. You are not allowed to back out of things just because you need to go to the washroom. If you have an accident in an inconvenient situation, tough break.”
I gulped, really worried now. I wondered how experienced she was in the watersports department. She certainly knew what she was doing and I was feeling less and less confident each passing second. In fact, I was dead scared at the thought of being desperate, or God forbid, peeing myself in front of people. I didn’t want to back out though, not wishing to look like a complete wimp.
“Well, that’s about it then, David. Let’s finish up our water and go for lunch,” Tanja stated decisively.
Tanja and I finished drinking our water bottles and we went off to lunch, stopping by Selena’s office to give her the keys. Neither of us was particularly hungry with our stomachs holding so much water. We walked to a nearby soup and sandwich shop and agreed to split a tuna sandwich. I was starting to feel uncomfortable now. Under normal circumstances this would be the stage where I would use the toilet. I looked over at Tanja who was calmly nibbling at her half of the sandwich without a care in the world. She looked up at me and smiled, like she could read my thoughts. I quickly changed my facial expression to a more relaxed one. I couldn’t let Tanja believe she was in better shape than me. This was as much a mental battle as a physical one.
“So have you ever wet yourself as an adult?’ I asked Tanja between bites, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. I wanted to get an idea of exactly how much experience she had.
Tanja looked me in the eyes and grinned, like she knew that I knew her answer already. “More times than I can count, honey.”
No help there. I was going against a very experienced pee games player. I was liking my chances less and less as my bladder filled up more and more.
“When was the last time you wet yourself?” I quizzed on, squirming a little. I could still not see any visible signs of desperation in Tanja.
Once again, Tanja took her time in answering. She leaned back in her chair to uncross and re–cross her legs. I hoped that maybe this was a sign of her feeling the effects of the water, but I couldn’t be sure. She certainly was not squirming or shifting at all.
“It happened just last Saturday night when I was out with my girlfriends at a club. We had plenty to drink before going in and met some cute guys who bought us a lot of drinks. Some of my girlfriends just don’t hold their liquor well and we got kicked out because of our rowdiness. We all had to pee, but one of my high school friends, Gina is particularly small bladdered and wound up having an accident while we looked for toilets or dark alleys. She started crying, so I peed my own jeans to make her feel better. I had to pee pretty badly anyways, so if I could relieve myself and make my friend feel better, why not?”
I felt my manhood strain. I could only sit there speechless as the vision of Tanja wetting her tight jeans on the streets of L.A. filled my mind. Many men would kill to be sitting where he was right now, across from undoubtedly one of the Los Angeles’ most gorgeous women. Tanja could tell I was enjoying her story. She gazed into my eyes for a few long seconds before finishing her sandwich and announcing it was time to leave. I looked at my watch and was surprised to see that she was right. There was only fifteen minutes left in our lunch hour and we had a ten–minute walk back to the office. I was surprised at how fast time had flown by with her.
As I stood up, my bladder reminded me just how much time had passed. I bent over slightly before straightening up. I hoped that Tanja had not noticed the small sign of desperation.
“You OK there?” Tanja asked, feigning concern.
“Yea, I’m fine. Why?”
“Just thought I saw you bend over a bit. My dad had some severe back problems that gave him trouble whenever he stood up from a chair. You should try some yoga. It works wonders.”
“Thanks for the tip,” I mumbled. That sneaky bitch! She knew exactly what was going on and was just playing dumb to tease me. Why wasn’t she growing desperate as well? Was she cheating somehow? Maybe she had found a way to pee before they had met for lunch. For all I knew, she could have made a spare key to the ladies or peed into something other than the toilet, such as a bottle, potted plant, or even a diaper. I was close to questioning her until I saw her squeeze her legs together tightly and bend her knees quickly while paying the bill (she insisted on paying since she decided to go to lunch). The entire manoeuvre couldn’t have lasted more than half a second, but I knew I had seen it. She did need to pee.
We were both showing some signs of needing the toilet on the short walk back to the office. I watched Tanja closely. She was really trying not to give me any signs of her increasing discomfort. I could see her clenching and unclenching her fists, the little uncomfortable jiggle in her walk, even little gasps that escaped her once or twice. I was getting very uncomfortable myself. I had my right hand in my pants pocket to hold the head of my penis while I walked. I was sure Tanja knew what I was doing. Wearing a skirt, she had no way of subtly holding herself in a busy city center like this. I was feeling glad I had this advantage over my opponent. As we entered the building, Tanja suddenly stopped, bent over, and clenched her skirt with both hands. She rocked her hips back and forth a few times before continuing towards the stairs, getting a strange look from the receptionist. I scanned her legs to see if there were any drips, but couldn’t see any wetness.
“Did you just leak?” I whispered into her ear.
“Of course not,” she replied matter–of–factly. “I’m a big girl. I can wait until I am able to use the toilet.”
I reached further into my pants and clenched my penis harder. My bladder was really hurting now, getting stretched out of shape by the steady river flowing in from my kidneys. Tanja saw me shuffling. She quickly stepped in front of me and turned around, effectively stopping me in my tracks. She roughly reached for my crotch area and forced my hand off my dick. The shock made me leak a few drops, but I quickly clenched the valves shut.
“Look at you touching yourself, you dirty boy,” She scolded. “Didn’t your mother teach you better?”
My face reddened as I stammered an apology. Tanja grabbed my hand and dragged me to the boardroom. I glanced longingly at the bathrooms as we passed them. There was nothing more I wanted than to knock one of those doors down and drain out all the pee from my overextended bladder. As we entered the boardroom, I realised that there was no way I would last the entire hour–long meeting. Most of the water I had gulped down earlier was now in my bladder and the rest would be there in mere minutes. I was on a nearly empty stomach with only the half sandwich from lunch in my digestive system. This meant there was not much to slow the fluid intake by my kidneys. Within the next hour, all the water would go into my bladder and I knew it did not have the capacity to contain the amount I had consumed. My body would be releasing its waste in the next hour, one way or another. The only way I would not wet my pants in front of all my co–workers and boss was if Tanja did instead. I recalled how she had come to my office well after work had started and wondered if she had purposely planned the accident to happen here in the boardroom, in front of everyone.
The boardroom had a large glossy hexagonal oak table with black leather office chairs placed strategically all around it. Tanja dragged me over to the far end of the table, the area furthest from the washrooms, I noticed with disappointment. Selena was already there, seated with the keys to the washrooms in front of her. She smiled mischievously as Tanja and I came in. Tanja sat down next to Selena and pulled me down in the other chair beside her. I heard Tanja let out a small gasp as she sat down.
The meeting started two minutes later, promptly at 1:30, with Mr. Brokovich talking about the events of the past week, some good, and some bad. I could not digest too much of his speech with my mind fully focussed on holding in my pee. It had now been over 2 hours since Tanja and I had started gulping down water. I was getting into the danger zone where a squirt could escape if I didn’t keep all of my attention on preventing an accident. I could see Tanja had her skirt hiked up almost to the point where her panties were visible. Her legs were tightly crossed with both hands on her lap. Her face was moist, as if she was sweating from the great effort of keeping her panties dry.
My bladder pulsed hard. I quickly reached into my crotch to stop myself from peeing my pants. A few people looked over at me. I didn’t care, just as long as I didn’t wet myself in front of the entire firm. I looked over to see Tanja peeking at me, my crotch more specifically. She had hiked her skirt all the way up now, and was pushing down on her body’s most sensitive area with her thumb and forefinger. Her white cotton bikini panties already had a small wet spot on them where she was pressing down. I could make out her clitoris and vaginal lips beneath the now transparent wet spot where she had squirted. I suspected it had happened down in the building lobby.
“We have had a newcomer at our firm in the past two weeks,” Mr. Brokovich was saying. “I’m sure you all know him by now, David Thompson.” He gestured towards me. “As most of you know, I am always eager to know how our newcomers are fitting in. Why don’t you stand up and say a few words about your time here so far. David?”
I could not believe my luck. Here I was on the verge of wetting my pants and the boss had asked me to stand up and talk to twenty co–workers. I removed my hand from my crotch and stood up carefully. Immediately, my bladder responded with several explosive hot squirts that had been denied release by my hand for too long. I felt the liquid burst out of my urethra and soak my boxers. I tapped my feet and bent my knees, trying to regain control. I did, but just barely. I was sure everyone could see the spreading wet spot I had made on my dress pants.
“Um…er…,” I stammered, trying to save some face. “It’s been great…uh.. I am learning quite a bit on the job, also having fun here and am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped me fit in, especially Mr. Brokovich and Tanja.”
I lost control again momentarily and felt another spurt dampen my pants further as I sat back down. I looked around the table and saw a couple funny stares, but most of the people hadn’t seemed to notice my desperation or wet pants. Looking down, I saw that my navy pants were now soaked in the entire groin area.
Mr. Brokovich smiled at me and continued. “David, thank you for the kind words, especially for Tanja. I have always found her to be the utmost professional, always willing to go the extra mile and volunteering to help newcomers. When one of our more difficult clients, Mrs. Rogers, complained of her books never being done on time, I gave the job to Tanja, who has effectively doused the fire. Why don’t you come up here and tell us more about how you managed to speed up Mrs.Rogers bookkeeping system, Tanja? I think we would all be interested in hearing your story.”
I looked over at Tanja. Tears were running down her face from the strain of keeping several litres of water inside her elegant body. She had her four fingers on her vulva now, pushing down hard. Her panties were completely wet, as she was slowly losing control of her bladder. Squirt after squirt was coming out of her pee–hole and she couldn’t do anything about it. A small puddle had already formed on the chair seat. I was sure that her skirt was wet and would surely be noticed by people in the room.
Tanja got up, pulling down her skirt as she did. Surprisingly, the urine on the chair had not wet the skirt. The only signs of Tanja’s accident were the drops of liquid dripping down from her panties onto the carpet as she walked to the front of the boardroom.
Yet, everyone could see Tanja’s predicament. She stood in front of her co–workers trying to disguise a severe pee desperation dance. She leaked small squirts constantly, trembling as they ran down her legs wetting her pantyhose. It created long dark streaks down to her high–heeled shoes, easy for everyone to see. Still, Tanja stood there bravely not giving up; committed to completing the task her boss had asked her to do. For a full five minutes, she thoroughly explained how she had loaded a newer, faster program on her client’s PC and had tweaked the settings so the business and personal transactions were automatically recorded in separate journals. She explained how all of this reduced the amount of time required to sort out all of the woman’s cash, cheque, and credit card purchases as well as her different sources of income. She stood and spoke until she could stand no longer.
Her weakened bladder finally surrendered to the ocean in it. Bursting into tears, Tanja shoved both of her hands into her pussy, but it was too late. A flood came out of her, quickly drenching her skirt, her legs, the thick royal blue carpet. She peed out what seemed like gallons of urine, succumbing to oncoming waves of desperation. She dropped down to her knees, too weak to stand as fluids of pleasure and pain flowed out of her helpless body. She finally finished peeing with an exhilarating gasp after a full two minutes, still shaking and trembling on the floor. Her light grey skirt was now black and dripping wet.
The room looked on in shocked silence. I felt sympathy for Tanja, but was also concerned with my own immediate, pressing need. I had barely managed to maintain control of my own bladder while witnessing Tanja’s humongous accident. I was clinging on to my penis for dear life. I knew if I let go, I would lose total control. Even with the use of my hand for help, my bladder had released some violent spurts into my pants while I had watched Tanja wet herself. I was almost soaked down to my knees.
Selena helped sobbing Tanja off the floor and ushered her quickly out of the boardroom and into the washroom to get her cleaned up. I, too desperate to care about what anyone saw, got up and rushed after them still holding my privates. I ran into the women’s washroom, ever so eager to relieve my pain. Tanja and Selena were already making out outside the first cubicle. I tried to step past them to get into the next one. Tanja broke off the kiss with her lover to block my pass attempt. Before I could complain, she put both of her hands on the sides of my face and proceeded to give me a long, slow, passionate kiss. It was too much. I soaked my pants uncontrollably. I peed with orgasmic relief with Tanja in my arms, our lips still locked in that amazing kiss.
There was a huge puddle on the floor and someone was bound to discover what I had done, but I couldn’t care less. As I finished peeing, Tanja broke off the kiss.
“How do you know that someone loves you?” she asked.
I shook my head, indicating that I didn’t know.
“When they’re willing to pee in their pants for you, just to make you happy.”
I had found the girl of my dreams.
By: Full Bladder