The Owed Favour

By: Full Bladder
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental Wetting, Humiliation, Bondage, and Spanking.
Things were going well between Tanja and me. I was madly in love with her and I could feel that she had a growing liking to me as well. We did have our differences though. I wanted nothing more than to be with Tanja all the time. She was absolutely amazing in every way. She was the woman I had only seen in my dreams until now.
However, Tanja was more non–committal and tended to shy away from any discussions of getting to know each other better. She seemed to want to keep her options open and rolled with life as it came, taking in all of each and every experience. I had told her that I was okay with her bisexuality and wouldn’t mind her being with girls if we were in a relationship, but she just laughed and asked me what was wrong with the relationship that we had right now.
I had to admit that Tanja had a point. Everything about our relationship was great. We were spending more and more time together, every minute of it memorable. We were going out together on all our lunch breaks, which always flew by in conversation and laughter. We even went out for coffee a few times after work. The sex was incredible. Every time Tanja and I made love, often as part of our pee games, it was an adventure. There wasn’t single day that passed without me thanking my lucky stars that I had found Tanja.
Life wasn’t a complete bed of roses though. Tanja had been spending a lot more time with me, which meant that she spent a lot less time with Selena. I had noticed some looks of jealousy in my direction, but she hadn’t said anything. I mentioned this to Tanja at one of our drinks–only lunch breaks, but she didn’t think much of it. She explained that Selena understood her situation, but sometimes got a little protective, fearing that she might get hurt by a boyfriend. I doubted that what Tanja had told me was completely true, but took her for her word and hoped that Selena would realize that I would never hurt Tanja.
I tried to convince Tanja to spend some time with me outside of work a few times. I left the time and place up to her; any movie or dinner was more than fine by me as long as it was with Tanja. She always seemed to have plans for evenings and weekends already. Finally, one Friday afternoon at a coffee shop after work, I decided to force her hand.
“You owe me one favour from the hold–it competition,” I said firmly. I knew Tanja would not adhere to my wishes without a fight.
“I think we’re a little past favours, David.”
“A deal’s a deal. You owe me for winning the bet.”
“Okay big boy, I’ll let you have this one. You weren’t exactly dry either. You were pretty much pissing yourself at the same time too.”
I felt my cheeks redden, but I had Tanja cornered now. This was my opportunity to finally see Tanja outside of work.
“I want to go on a date with you tomorrow.”
“I already promised Selena I’d go shopping with her tomorrow.”
“Okay, then I want to come too.” I figured a day out with two beautiful women was better than a day alone at home.
Tanja sipped her coffee thoughtfully, as she considered my proposal. Her mouth frowned a little then set decisively. She put her coffee down on to the table.
“Alright it sounds good. I will let Selena know the change of plans. One condition though; Selena is very picky when it comes to shopping. She hates not going to the exact stores at the exact times she has planned out. You have to promise me that you will do exactly as Selena and I do, so you don’t slow us down or change our plans. Is that clear?”
I considered what Tanja had said. It seemed fair enough. She and Selena already had plans for tomorrow, but had accommodated me into their shopping trip. It would be very inconsiderate of me not to agree to stick to their plans. I nodded at Tanja.
“Good. We’ll come by and pick you up at nine–o–clock sharp tomorrow morning. Make sure you are ready outside your apartment building. If you are not there, we drive on and the favour owed is history.”
I told Tanja I understood her conditions and agreed to see her tomorrow. I left for home wondering why she would be so insistent on sticking to a shopping schedule, but figured she probably didn’t want to create an inconvenience for Selena.
I was outside my apartment building at 8:45. It was a bright sunny day and quite warm already. I could tell it was going to be a scorcher. I was already regretting wearing my light brown casual pants, but didn’t want to risk missing my ride while rushing up to my room to change into shorts.
Tanja’s white BMW convertible arrived at exactly 9:00. Both women were wearing sunglasses. Tanja was dressed in a short white summer skirt and a yellow tank top. I could see her nipples poking out from under the thin fabric and knew that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Selena was wearing white Capri pants and a tight blue t–shirt, which didn’t quite reach her waistline, showing off her red g–string panties.
Selena was riding shotgun, so I got into the back seat. There was a small cooler placed on floor. I noticed that both women already had water bottles placed in their cup holder compartments.
“Help yourself to a drink, David,” said Tanja, putting the car into gear. “It’s going to get really hot today and we’re gonna do a lot of walking, so it’s best to stay hydrated.”
I opened the cooler and took out a water bottle for myself. I was already thirsty from waiting outside in the hot sun. I opened it and drank hungrily, almost gulping down half of the bottle before closing the lid.
It was a thirty–minute drive to the mall. There was a lot of traffic, but it was expected on a sunny Saturday morning in Los Angeles. We all finished our water bottles and had opened our seconds before we had arrived at the mall. Selena insisted on getting started right away, so we quickly finished our water and entered the mall.
Unfortunately, Sports World, the first store Selena had planned on shopping at, was closed. The store had a notice posted on its entrance that the operating hours had been cut back. It now opened at 10:00 instead of 9:30. Tanja suggested going to another store first, but Selena decided that she wanted to stick to the route she had planned out. They would just spend less time at each store instead.
To pass time until the store opened, we visited an Orange Julius kiosk just across from the store. They had a summer promotion where all classic flavoured drinks were just $2 each. We each bought drinks even though we weren’t really thirsty and sipped them outside Sports World, waiting. We all agreed that the drinks were much too large to drink at one time, but far too tasty to throw away too.
By the time the store opened, we had finished our drinks and thrown the cups in the trash. As planned, Selena and Tanja shopped quickly. They walked straight to the ladies clothing section of the store and started looking through the store’s stock. I wandered over to the men’s section just having a look around. I didn’t intend on buying much today, just good deals I might come across. I could use a pair of runners since my old workout shoes were starting to wear down, but I didn’t really notice anything exceptionally eye–catching in the store.
I walked over to the ladies’ section to see how Tanja and Selena were doing, but couldn’t find them. I searched the store for about five minutes before I saw them coming out of the changing rooms together. They were carrying large bundles of clothes, but I knew that trying on clothes was likely not the only thing they had done in the privacy of a cubicle.
As Tanja and Selena waited in line to pay for their items, I realised that I needed to pee. It had been nearly an hour and a half since I had taken the first gulps of water in Tanja’s car and I could feel a growing pressure in my bladder. Nothing urgent, but it was enough for me to keep an eye out for the washrooms. Tanja had warned me that it would be a hot day, but the air–conditioned mall was quite cool. We hadn’t done very much walking either, just the one store so far. Pretty much all of the liquid we had drunk, two 500 ml water bottles and a large fruit juice drink would need to be urinated out soon.
The next store on the list was a bookstore called Glendale Books. It was a short two–minute walk from Sports World. Inside the store, there was a small coffee shop to the right of the bookstore cashier counter at the front of the store. Selena went to look for her book in the best–sellers section while Tanja and I walked over to the clearance section. I didn’t read many books, but did check out the occasional title that people recommended to me. I found “The Godfather” by Mario Puzo on sale for $4.99. I had watched the movie and had really enjoyed it, so I decided to try out the book. Tanja also found a title that interested her, a romance novel.
Selena came back with her book a few minutes later and we got into line to pay. I was feeling a little uncomfortable now and decided that I would ask Tanja where the washrooms were after we had finished paying.
The store was giving away a free small iced cappuccino with each purchase, so the three of us all got one. I could tell Selena was growing impatient while the girl behind the counter made our drinks. We walked out of the bookstore with brain–freeze. I was feeling the cold chills from the iced cappuccino send waves through my body, making my bladder shiver. I leaned over to Tanja and whispered in her ear.
“Do you know where the washroom is?” I asked. It came out sounding a little more desperate than I had intended.
Tanja smiled. “I can tell you where it is, but you will have to ask Selena if you can use it.”
We had reached the next stop on Selena’s route, a women’s shoe store. I sensed that Selena was quite experienced in the shopping department. She seemed to have routed out the mall perfectly, optimising time and walking distance.
I tried to catch up to Selena as she entered the store, but she walked surprisingly quickly. She swiftly grabbed a young male sales clerk by the arm on her way to the fashion oriented part of the store, with expensive high–heeled shoes on display. There were many different brand names from all over the world. Some of the prices almost made me wet my pants right there in the store. There were shelves of shoes decorated with everything imaginable. The priciest ones had precious stones on them, diamonds even.
I watched patiently as the two ladies gaggled over the store’s collection, the clerk opening glass cases to let them see the most valuable items in stock. I could feel a dull ache in my bladder. I was wondering why Tanja and Selena were not craving the bathroom as well. After all, they had consumed exactly the same amount of liquid as me. They should be getting desperate as well.
Yet, they made no move to wrap up their sightseeing session at the shoe store. In fact, Selena had seemed to ground her plan to shop quickly completely. She and Tanja touched, sniffed, and tried on shoes for over half an hour. My bladder was really hurting now, but I had noticed some signs of desperation in the two girls as well, especially Selena. She was showing minor signs that I wouldn’t have noticed had I not been watching for them– rubbing her hands on her upper thighs, tapping her foot when standing still, squeezing her knees together, even flexing her buttock muscles which I observed when her back was towards me.
I was reaching the point of major discomfort myself. I could feel my bulging bladder pushing against the waistband of my pants. I wished I could undo my pants button to reduce the pressure on my bladder. I tried to take my mind off the pain by looking at the girls. I took comfort in the fact that Selena was more desperate than me, showing signs of desperation already. This meant that she would want to leave the store and use the toilet pretty soon, which would give me the chance to empty my bladder as well.
Selena did a mini pee dance on the spot while Tanja was busy getting the clerk to help her try on a pair of white shoes lined with velvet cloth from Kashmir, making sure the teenager got a good look up her skirt. I noticed that Tanja didn’t look all that comfortable either. She was sitting on the edge of stool with both her hands placed behind her for support. This posture minimized the amount of body weight pushing down on her abdominal region. Tanja took her time trying out the shoes, rotating her feet back and forth as well as in circles. She got up and walked a few steps before sitting back down, satisfied with the shoes.
As soon as the clerk had finished helping her girlfriend, Selena rushed over to whisper some urgent words into her ear. Tanja nodded and smiled understandingly. She took off the white shoes and handed them to the clerk with a big smile, saying that she would take them. Selena purchased a pair with fur from a naturally deceased Alaskan Hare, the attached tag guaranteed.
There were three people in line already, with only one cashier. It took a full ten minutes for Tanja and Selena to make it to the front of the line, the elderly woman in front of them getting into a lengthy argument with the cashier about the sale price of her shoes. By then, Selena was really dancing. She even pushed her hand into the crotch of her tight Capri’s a few times while waiting in line. Tanja was not quite as desperate, but she was starting to wiggle now, feeling the mounting pressure in her bladder.
I have to admit that I was extremely turned on by the sight of these two beautiful women getting desperate in such a public place, but I had my own plight to deal with. I had my hands in my pockets while I waited for the girls to pay. I had a firm hold of my penis, squeezing the head tight to help keep the pee inside my bladder.
The paying process took longer than expected. The cashier said that she needed to telephone the insurance company before the shoes were removed from the premises, which was a normal procedure when anything over $500 was purchased. The cashier explained that this was basically a security measure to keep track of how much money was in the store, in case something happened and the computer’s hard drive got damaged along with the merchandise. After the phone call was made, the cashier accepted the girls’ credit cards but had to process the transaction manually with the store’s Interac machine out of order.
Selena had her hand permanently pressed into her crotch now, being too desperate to worry about how she looked at this point. I could tell that without the help of her hand pushing up against her pussy, she would begin to go to the washroom in her pants. She was trying to ignore the curious stares she was getting from other people in the store including a man and wife lined up behind her. Even the cashier looked up from her computer screen as she was punching in the credit card numbers, distracted by Selena’s constant shuffling.
“Is everything okay, Miss?”
“I really, really need to go to the bathroom,” Selena answered, blushing heavily.
The cashier stared at her strangely for a moment before directing her attention back to the monitor. “Just make sure you don’t pee yourself here, sister. I ain’t in no mood to clean up your piss.”
“I’ll try not to,” whimpered Selena softly, aware of the fact that everyone in the store could hear what the cashier was saying.
The cashier finished processing the transaction and printed off the receipts. She slapped them on the desk along with a pen, pointing to the X’s where Selena and Tanja were to sign. Tanja signed first, scissoring her knees and wriggling her hips. She passed the pen over to Selena, who had to remove her right hand from crotch to accept the pen and sign the receipt. She quickly replaced her right hand with her left hand on her groin area. As she signed the receipt, I noticed that her hand was glistening with wetness. She had already started to leak in her pants. The cashier noticed it too as Selena returned the pen and receipt.
“You can keep that pen, Miss. I’ll just take the paper, thanks.”
Selena’s face burned cherry red with humiliation as she picked up the wet pen from the counter. She squirted some more. I could see the spreading wet spot on her bum.
The cashier quickly tore off the carbon copies of the two receipts, handing them to the two desperate women in front of her, eager to get them out of the store before an accident happened.
I decided to help Selena with her shopping bags. I knew there was no way she would be able to pick up her bags without wetting herself fully. I pulled my hand of my pocket, letting go of my penis and reached for the bags. I felt myself lose control for a brief second as a squirt escaped into my pants. I hunched over slightly as an involuntary “Oh!” escaped my lips. Everyone in the story redirected his or her attention from Selena to me. I quickly turned and walked out of the store, Tanja in hot pursuit. Selena was much slower, as she hobbled behind us, both hands in her crotch now. We waited for her outside the store as she agonizingly made her way towards us, all eyes still following the beautiful blonde woman in such a dire need of a pee.
Tanja led the way to the washrooms. She and I walked slowly to let Selena keep up, but it was just as much to keep control of our own dangerously full bladders. We were both shoving our fists into our crotches, disregarding the stares from shoppers walking in the mall. I was surprised that Tanja’s legs were still dry, despite her very obvious desperation. She was struggling but not giving in to her pulsating bladder. I had spurted a few more times and my light brown pants were now dark brown on the front and inside of the legs. I was close to losing complete control. How far were the washrooms anyway? It felt like we had been walking in desperation for hours, with hundreds of eyes having seen us. In reality, it had been only about fifty yards.
I heard a cry of defeat behind me. I turned around already knowing what I would see. Selena stood perfectly still in the middle of one of the largest malls in Los Angeles, peeing in her pants. She closed her eyes, both in relief and embarrassment as she lost complete control of her bladder. She was surrounded by close to fifty people, all of them stopping in their tracks to watch a very attractive woman have a huge toilet accident in the middle of the mall. Selena completely gave up trying to hold in her pee and surrendered to her bladder. She removed her hands from her crotch and parted open her legs, letting a river of pee flow out freely. She looked down at her pants, waiting for her bladder to empty itself. Her pee flowed out from her vagina for almost two minutes, but it felt like hours to her, as she stood there frozen on the spot helpless. She finally finished peeing, standing in a middle of a huge lake with people surrounding it all the way around, watching her in shock. Her thin white pants were now see through, her red g–string completely visible to everyone.
I could only stand and watch, feeling my own bladder expanding and contracting rhythmically. I had dropped all the shopping bags onto the floor; I needed both hands to prevent myself from wetting my pants. Seeing Selena have such a desperate accident only made my need to pee more immediate. I glanced behind me to see Tanja crouching down on the tiled mall floor, her vagina resting strategically on her left heel. She got up, giving her pee–hole a quick squeeze with her right hand, and rushed over to help her girlfriend. I noticed that she had finally started to lose the battle against her bladder as well; her legs were wet now. She grabbed Selena’s arm and dragged her to me, instructing her to pick up the bags. Tanja grabbed her own items and quickly ushered us into the closest store, a sex shop.
The store was full of all the erotica and sex gadgets imaginable to me– magazines, video, toys, condoms, and lingerie, even food. Thankfully, the store was vacant except for the cashier, a skinny, twenty–some female. She was quite attractive, about 5’6 with small perky breasts. She had small freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her curly brown hair went down to her shoulders. Tanja and I walked up to the cashier table, holding our crotches. Selena was behind us, her soaked pants dripping onto the store’s wooden floor.
Tanja didn’t say anything to the cashier, whose nametag stated that she was Jill, so I spoke instead.
“Can we use your washroom, please?” I knew that this was an obvious question. Any half–wit could have seen our predicament with one look at us.
“I’m sorry, but the washroom is employees only.”
“Please! It’s an emergency. We really need to go!” I was begging now, as spurts continued to escape my urethra. My socks and shoes were getting drenched from the inside.
Jill twirled a strand of her hair thoughtfully. “I don’t know. The last time I let a customer use the toilet, my boss got really upset with me.”
“Please. I swear we will go in and pee, nothing else. It will only take a minute.” I wondered why Tanja was not helping me convince Jill.
“Okay, alright then. It’s right around the corner behind those drapes.” Jill said, pointing behind her.
I jumped over the counter still holding my crotch. I saw that the floor behind the counter was wet. I darted through the drapes and turned the corner to find the washroom. I opened the door not bothering to reclose it and desperately yanked at my zipper. It was stuck. I couldn’t believe my luck. I was standing in front of a toilet finally able to relieve my severe discomfort and I couldn’t get my zipper down. I yanked at it again with all my force. I didn’t care if my pants ripped, so long as I was able to finally pee. The zipper did not budge an inch. I tried for another thirty seconds losing control of my bladder each time I strained. I looked down at my drenched pants and decided it was a lost cause. I relaxed my tortured bladder and let my pee flow out unrestricted. I sighed with relief, feeling my warm urine flood my pants and flow down my legs. The ocean that was exiting my bladder was covering the entire bathroom floor. I promised myself that I would clean the bathroom before leaving the store, so that Jill wouldn’t get into trouble.
As I finished wetting myself, I noticed that Tanja had not followed me into the washroom. I walked out of the washroom and through the drapes to see what was going on. Tanja was handcuffed to the wall at the far end of the store, with her hands up in the air. Jill was tickling her with a pink feather duster. Tanja was almost naked, stripped of her skirt and tank top, wearing only her soaked white panties. She was losing control of her bladder, dribbling out pee every time Jill tickled her body– her legs, stomach, arm pits, even her beautiful perfectly round breasts. Selena stood beside Jill and watched her girlfriend struggle, enjoying the scene. Her hand was in her crotch again, stroking her womanhood through her wet Capri’s.
I noticed that Jill’s army coloured cargo pants were also wet, which explained the puddle behind the counter. As I walked towards the three women, I could hear Jill whispering at Tanja, torturing her.
“Look at you, wetting your knickers like a little girl. Shame on you.” Jill lightly stroked Tanja again, starting from the neck and slowly moving down in a wave motion down to her crotch. Another squirt escaped Tanja and ran down her legs, adding to the small puddle at her feet.
There was no response from Tanja. Her lips were pursed together from the effort of maintaining control of her bladder through Jill’s torture.
“You’re such a baby. A naughty, helpless baby. I should spank you for peeing your pants.” Jill whipped back the feather duster and struck Tanja’s rear with it. Another squirt escaped Tanja’s exhausted pee–hole.
“At least I managed to hold it in until I made it here to see you,” Tanja responded.
WHAT did you say, bitch?” Jill hissed. She slapped her prisoner across her face. “It’s all YOUR fault I wet my pants before you got here. You were late because you had to get your pissy pants changed, you filthy baby.”
Jill moved in closer to Tanja. She softly kissed her lips then moved down to kiss her neck. She fiercely licked Tanja’s body all over, from her neck down to her nipples, belly button and finally her wet panty–clad vagina. Jill sucked vigorously on Tanja’s clitoris through her panties, as Tanja squirted out hot blasts while screaming with pleasure. Selena approached her handcuffed lover and kissed her passionately, shoving her tongue almost down her throat. I could hear Tanja’s muffled screams even through Selena’s kiss. Then she came. Her squirts came out faster and harder. Her eyes closed as her head tilted back breaking off the kiss. A loud gasp and Tanja lost all control. She had reached the point of no return. Jill pulled her lips away from her crotch as Tanja finally released her long held waters. A powerful waterfall flowed down from her white panties, allowed release after being withheld for so long.
Jill unlocked Tanja’s cuffs, releasing her. Still peeing, Tanja walked up to Selena and returned the kiss she had received from her earlier. Next, she walked to Jill and looked deep into her dark green eyes. She finished wetting herself and took off her soaked panties. She handed them to Jill with a small squeeze of the brunette’s ass and took back her clothes. She redressed before walking to me, pee still dripping onto the floor from her neatly trimmed bush. She placed her hand in mine and silently walked me out of the store. Not a single word was spoken as we walked through the mall in our wet clothes, not stopping until we had reached Tanja’s BMW. I knew we were headed to her place. We both knew that Selena would not want a ride back.
By: Full Bladder