Leaving on a Jet Plane

By: Full Bladder
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Diapers, Humiliation, Foreplay, and Sex.
The first seven weeks of my new job flew by. I was really busy with work, learning many of my tasks on the fly. I was glad that I had paid attention in school; I knew the basics of my job very well. However, there were still many aspects of my job that had been taught lightly or not at all. I worked hard to learn the ropes of the trade and complete my tasks as quickly and effectively as I could. My boss, Mr. Brokovich had been pleased with how well I was picking up things, but it was really all Tanja’s doing. She was a great mentor, both in accounting–related matters and in love.
Before I knew it, it was Friday morning, just several hours before Tanja and I would be boarding our flight to Puerto Vallarta that night. I hadn’t even had time to pack up my suitcases for the one–week vacation, because of the huge amount of work that needed to get done before leaving the country. I didn’t want to leave behind a large workload for my co–workers, being the rookie of the firm and especially because I was still receiving funny looks relating back to that eventful boardroom meeting. I could care less, though. Soon I would be going on an all expenses paid vacation with a very special and sexy lady.
I knew that this last day of work would be the busiest of my days at the firm so far. I had stayed up late every night this week analysing files and completing various financial statements. Nearly all the clients who I would have seen next week had been scheduled for this week instead. A few would need to be seen by other accountants in the firm and the remaining would be dealt with when I returned from my vacation.
Even though I had stayed up working until 2 am the night before, I still had a file to sort through before I headed to my office on Friday morning. The client, a local restaurant owner, was scheduled as my second morning appointment. I would have a total of six appointments today, including one Mr. Patterson, who would be dropping off a file that morning and picking it up at the end of the day. I would have to work on that through my lunch break.
I woke up at 6:30 after a mere four and a half hours of shut–eye and no time for a shower. I made some coffee and drank one cup to get myself awake and sipped another with a piece of toast as I worked through the file. I worked quickly, reminding myself that after today I would be able to rest my exhausted body on a beautiful sandy beach.
I finished the file just in time to leave for work. I quickly threw on my clothes, locked up and started up my car. I had my first meeting at exactly 9:00, so I couldn’t be even a few minutes late. Luckily, the morning traffic wasn’t too bad and I made it to work a couple minutes early, giving me just enough time to grab Mr. Patterson’s file from the receptionist and a coffee from the snack room before going to my office. My first appointment, a 36–year–old woman named Suzy, had just arrived as I opened my door and walked to my desk. I invited Suzy to come in and sit down as I pulled out my own chair behind my desk. I was shocked to see an adult diaper placed on it along with a handwritten note. It read “Thought you might need this today. Love, Tanja.” The “J” was dotted with a big heart.
I stood there in panic, not knowing what to do next. I couldn’t let Suzy see the diaper, so displacing it from the chair was out of the question. I considered sitting on top of the diaper, but thought better of it, knowing it would crinkle. I finally came to a resolution.
Suzy was looking at me, wondering why I hadn’t sat down yet. I looked down at my feet and frowned. “Just need to get my shoelace– ‘scuse me for just a sec.”
I bent down pretending to reach for my shoelaces. The desk shielded me from Suzy’s gaze as I quickly grabbed the diaper and shoved it into my unzipped satchel, before rising up to smile reassuringly at Suzy. I was grateful that I had neglected to properly zip up the satchel at home. I sat down in my chair and started explaining my findings to my client.
I hoped to wrap up the meeting with Suzy quickly to give myself some time to get started on Mr. Patterson’s file due this afternoon. I also needed to pay a visit to the washroom. I was on my third coffee of the day and was starting to get some warnings from my bladder. Unfortunately, Suzy did not seem to be able to grasp my recommendations, which would help improve her family’s long–term financial outlook and also qualify her for some tax benefits. She asked many questions that I answered patiently, knowing full well she understood very little of what I was saying. After nearly forty minutes of this tiresome game of asking and answering the same questions, she finally gave up. She said that she would take my recommendations to her bank and get the necessary changes made.
I cursed under my breath as my ignorant and frustrating client left the office. I looked at my watch and saw that I only had three minutes before my next meeting. Luckily, my client, local restaurant owner Paula S., had not arrived yet.
I closed my office door and walked briskly down to Tanja’s office to ask for the key to the Men’s room. Her door was locked, so I knocked.
“I’m busy with a client!” she yelled from inside the office, “I’ll be free in a few minutes!”
A few minutes were exactly what I didn’t have. I walked back to my office and saw that Paula still wasn’t there. It was exactly 9:45, our agreed upon meeting time. This file was more complex than Suzy’s file, as it was a restaurant business and not just personal finances. I would be advising on a number of things including payroll management, purchasing efficiently, and maintaining a steady cash flow. The restaurant was in trouble; the owner had used up all of her capital investment and had gone to the bank for help in financing operations. Now the loan was almost gone and the business would likely go under in a month if things didn’t turn around. I had done an extensive ABC costing analysis for Paula and hoped that it would help her save her business.
As I walked into my office, I realized this meeting could take a while. I was feeling pressure in my bladder now and I wasn’t sure just how long I would be stuck in my office for. I knew that Tanja was just as busy as me today and there was a high probability of her being stuck in a meeting at any given time. I had my third meeting at 11:00, with my current meeting tentatively scheduled for an hour. There was a possibility that I might not be able to use the toilet until close to lunchtime. I was already feeling a little uncomfortable from the growing pressure in my bladder.
I decided that I should take precautions and put on the diaper. Hopefully, the meeting wouldn’t take too long and I would get a chance to pee into a toilet and not a diaper. I walked over to my door to lock it so I could change, but Paula walked in just as I was about to shut it. She was a thin tall woman, about thirty–five. She had short hazelnut brown hair and dressed very professionally in a grey suit and black wide–soled heels. She was the stereotypical cougar, a strong single woman who knew she looked great and wasn’t afraid to show it. She greeted me with a big smile and was about to sit down before thinking better of it.
“David, do you know where I can get some coffee? I missed my coffee this morning because I was running late and I’m just not the same without my morning caffeine.”
“There’s a snack bar just down the hall on the left,” I said pointing. “There should be some coffee in the machine.”
“Oh, thanks so much, David. Would you like some too?”
I didn’t want to consume any more liquid than I had, but I was feeling the crash from the sleep–deprived past week already. I needed the caffeine to keep myself awake. I accepted Paula’s offer.
As soon as Paula left the office, I quickly locked the door and took off my pants and underwear. I reached into my satchel and took out the diaper. I put it on, surprised at how well it fit. My boxers would not be needed now, so I threw them into the cupboard. I had to struggle a little to get my pants back on over my bulky diaper, but I managed. I ripped off my belt and threw it into the cupboard as well. I was just tucking my shirt back in when I heard Paula kick my door.
“Be right there!” I yelled, quickly running my hands over my waist, making sure my shirt was tucked in all the way around and the diaper didn’t show anywhere. I rushed to open the door for Paula.
She looked at me questioningly as she carried in the two mugs of coffee. I turned around and walked to my desk, wondering how bulky my backside looked. The diaper felt nice against my body, soft and fleecy like a hug from Aunt Rosie, who always wore big fur coats in the winter. It made me feel safe, secure. I felt like releasing my pee without a second thought.
I sat down on my chair speaking to cover up any crinkling sounds. “I’m sorry about the locked door. I just shut it behind you– it must have locked. Now let’s get started, shall we?”
This meeting was lengthy and elaborate, as I had expected it to be. Paula had a very good sense of business and finance–related matters. She asked intelligent questions and agreed with most of what I told her. I was really getting desperate, though. Half an hour into the meeting, I was starting to wriggle around in my seat. By the one–hour mark, I was absolutely bursting, fighting the temptation to hold my crotch. I had finished my fourth coffee of the day and knew I could not last much longer.
Paula was giving me strange looks as I continually shifted in my chair in desperation. “Is everything okay, David?” she asked as the meeting was wrapping up. It was now 10:50.
“Yes, everything’s fine,” I mumbled, wondering how I kept ending up in these situations. The meeting ended at exactly 11:00. Paula gathered up her file and financial statements that I had prepared for her and got up to leave. I stood up to walk her out, but my bladder didn’t comply. It shot out several hot blasts into my diaper. I quickly doubled over and grabbed my crotch to try to regain control.
Paula looked at me in open–mouthed shock as I struggled to control my bladder, doing a huge pee–pee dance in front of her. I stuttered helplessly not knowing what to say to salvage the situation. Paula slowly backed out of the office and left without a word. I could see my next client, an elderly wealthy man named Mr. Jhorksrecht already waiting outside. I quickly rushed out of my office, shouting an apology to my client and bolted to Tanja’s office. It was locked again. I hammered on the door, hollering for the key to the washroom not caring about any client or co–worker who heard me.
Tanja opened the door. She was angry. She grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me into her office. Her client, a busty blonde thirty–some woman craned her neck to observe the commotion behind her. Tanja roughly shoved me against the wall and glared at me. The shock made me lost control momentarily and I felt a squirt dampen my diaper.
WHAT makes you think you can interrupt my meeting with a client like that?”
It was a rhetorical question. I wisely kept my mouth shut, feeling my bladder pulsing violently.
“You are SUCH a baby! You come here asking for the key to the washroom when you know I am as busy as you today! I could see that you and I would be stuck in meetings for the entire day so I gave you a diaper, but you are too dumb to know how to use it!”
I felt my face redden as Tanja’s client looked at me curiously. Tanja unzipped my pants and yanked them down, revealing my diaper. My face reddened even further.
“I see you know how to put on a diaper, but you don’t know how to pee in it, you big baby. Go ahead and show Mommy what babies do in their diapers.”
I felt humiliated but turned on by Tanja’s taunts. I didn’t want to wet my diaper there, but at this point I didn’t have much of a choice. I was extremely desperate and Tanja had me trapped up against the wall. I gave in to the overwhelming desire and released my bladder’s contents into my diaper. It was complete ecstasy. I felt the warmth spread all over my groin area, as my diaper got soaked. My body stopped trembling and relaxed, no longer under such excruciating tension. I felt weak at my knees and realised how tired I was. I wanted nothing more than to collapse to the floor in my wet diaper and take a nap, just like a little baby. Surprisingly, the diaper did not leak, but the accident was evident from the diaper’s colour change and sagging. I realised then that I should have just peed myself under my dress pants, avoiding all of this embarrassment.
As I finished relieving myself, I looked at Tanja. She was not angry anymore. In fact she was relaxed. Very relaxed. Her eyes were staring dreamily into mine. She had a small smile on her face, the angry redness fading quickly from her cheeks. Her entire body seemed to limp. I had seen this enough times now to know that she was peeing.
I looked down at her blue and green skirt, expecting to see a flood flowing out from under it, but there was nothing. She was wearing a diaper as well and she was wetting it at that very moment. I leaned in and kissed her slowly, producing a small gasp. It turned into a hot and heavy encounter as we communicated our apologies to each other, me for not accepting the gift she had given me with such love, her for getting angry with me. I could feel her diaper rub against mine as our crotches touched. I wanted nothing more than to pull off her diaper and finish apologizing for my actions with my very excited libido hidden well by my diaper, but knew it was not possible with Tanja’s client there and my own client waiting for me outside my office. She broke off the kiss and walked back to her desk. I quickly pulled up my pants over my wet diaper and exited the office, feeling the blonde woman’s eyes burning holes in my back.
I went back to my office apologizing to Mr. Jhorksrecht for keeping him waiting. The meeting with him went pretty smoothly, but there was a lot to cover with all the various investments he had all over the world. Fortunately, he was very knowledgeable when it came to money related matters and understood everything I told him. I could feel my soaked diaper sloshing every time I moved in my seat. The meeting ended a few minutes before noon, which gave me a head start on the file I had planned to finish during my lunch break. I decided that I would take off my diaper and change into my boxers during the lunch break. I was enjoying the warm wet feeling in my pants.
At exactly 12:30, Tanja came to my office unannounced, carrying her purse. She closed the door behind her and locked the door. As she twirled in front of me, I could tell she was still wearing a diaper, presumably a new one since she had wet the one she had been wearing that morning.
“Time to get naughty baby David cleaned up,” she announced, walking towards me. She pulled me up from my chair and then pushed me down to the floor, on my back. She removed my pants and then opened up my diaper. She produced some wet wipes from her purse and wiped my groin area as well as my bum. She then took out some baby powder and rubbed powder on my entire public region. She expertly massaged my penis and balls with her long fingers, giving me a massive erection.
“You dirty boy!” she scolded, “Look at how big your twinkie is! You should be ashamed of yourself!”
She grabbed my penis with her right hand and started stroking up and down, jerking me off. I was already so turned on that it didn’t take long for me to cum. She smiled as I groaned loudly and shot my semen with great force and velocity. I squirted her face and shirt, which fortunately was white so the stains wouldn’t show. I grunted an apology, but Tanja didn’t seem to mind one bit as she licked her lips to taste some of my love juice.
She used a wet wipe to clean herself up before taking out a fresh diaper from her bag and re–diapering me with it. She adjusted her clothes and hair, before getting up to leave the office with a final instruction for me. “Don’t you dare take off that diaper, baby boy!”
I still needed to finish Mr. Patterson’s file before my lunch break ended. I was feeling more tired than ever after Tanja’s hand job, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep there on the floor wearing my diaper. However, I knew that was not possible. I had three more meetings in the afternoon and there would be no time to finish my client’s file if I didn’t do it in the twenty–five minutes left in my lunch break.
I put on my pants and went to the snack room to get yet another coffee. I hated filling my body with so much black liquid, but I really had no choice. I was running on caffeine. I was also hungry, having eaten only a piece of toast the entire day. I needed to drink the coffee to at least fill up my stomach, since I had no food.
I just managed to finish the file before my next meeting at the end of lunch break. I ran down to grab a water bottle from the snack room, starving and not wanting to drink any more coffee. I took a quick look in the cupboards and fridge but found nothing but a 1/4 full box of Ritz crackers. I took the box back to my office along with the water bottle.
My afternoon meetings were almost impossible to get through. I was worked to the point of exhaustion and felt like I would collapse onto my desk and fall asleep at any moment in front of my clients. I somehow managed to hold on, getting some help from a large energy drink and bag of chips that I was able to purchase from a nearby corner store after my fourth meeting of the day ended ten minutes earlier than planned.
By my last meeting with Mr. Patterson, I was feeling quite desperate again. Since I had peed my diaper four and a half hours ago, I had drunk a cup of coffee, a bottle of water, and a large energy drink. I knew it wasn’t too much liquid, but there was the diuretic impact of the coffee and energy drink to take into account. I had also not peed out all of the four cups of coffee I had drunk prior to peeing my diaper. Finally, my bladder was still tired from holding for so long that morning. All of these factors would make it hard for me to last through the last meeting.
I knew I had no choice though. It was either hold in my pee or wet my diaper. I knew that Tanja would not be giving me the key to the men’s washroom.
I was shifting throughout the meeting with Mr. Patterson, but managed to hang on. By the end of the meeting, I had pushed my chair all the way in so that I could push down on my crotch through the bulky diaper material without my client seeing. When the meeting ended, Mr. Patterson stood up and held out his hand, thanking me for all my work. I let go of my crotch to shake his hand and immediately felt a squirt moisten the diaper. I waited impatiently for him to leave my office, so that I could wrap this long torturous day and find somewhere to pee.
As soon as Mr. Patterson turned around to leave, I started to clear my desk, putting large items in my cupboard, smaller items in my satchel and desk drawers. I lost control a few more times while packing up. The squirts had wet the front portion of my diaper. It was still fifteen minutes to quitting time, but Mr. Brokovich always allowed his employees to leave early, just as long as they weren’t slacking in their work. I planned on stopping by his office on the way out to let him know I was leaving early because I had not yet packed my suitcases, which was the truth.
Just as I picked up my satchel to leave my office, Mr. Brokovich walked into my office, accompanied by Tanja. “Hello, David,” he greeted. “I just wanted to wish you and Tanja a happy holiday. I still regret how the vacation came to existence, but am very happy that two of my hardest workers are being rewarded for their effort and dedication to the firm.”
I continued to wriggle on the spot and slowly lose control of my bladder. The spurts were coming faster and closer together now. I knew it was a matter of seconds before I fully wet my second diaper of the day. I looked across at Tanja. It was clear she was very desperate too. She was dancing on the spot, but smiling. I could tell she was enjoying the feeling of a very full bladder.
Mr. Brokovich continued. “I have noticed how hard you two have worked over the past week. You two had no obligation to try to cover for your time off, but you did it anyway. I am pleased that you thought of the pressure that the rest of the firm would be placed under in your absence. I think this shows just how dedicated you are to your jobs and the organization.”
My bladder seemed to flip violently inside me. I released a stream into my diaper. I barely managed to stop the stream after urinating for a good four seconds. Tanja was rocking her hips back and forth slowly. I knew she was wetting her own diaper, slowly but surely.
My boss was still speaking. I sensed that he liked to hear the sound of his own voice.
“You will both be rewarded for your hard work. David, you have only been here for a few weeks, but have already proven that your work is of outstanding quality. In your contract, it states that your salary will be increasing significantly next year to $75,000. However, I feel that you have proven that you are worthy of that salary now. When you come back from vacation, I will present you with a new contract that will bump up your salary to $75,000, adjusted for the remaining ten months of your first year. Your salary for the second and third years of the new contract will also go up.”
I peed out a small gusher from the shock of suddenly becoming a much wealthier man. Again, I just barely regained control, managing to mumble out a “Thank you” to my boss as I did. Tanja closed her eyes and let out a tiny sigh. She stopped dancing and put her hands on her hips. She had just lost complete control of her bladder and was soaking her diaper underneath her skirt. Her facial expression was one of complete relaxation. I visualized a torrent of pee coming out of her pussy and soaking the soft white material of the diaper. Mr. Brokovich continued speaking, not even a foot away from her.
“Tanja, I have something different to offer you. I have partnered with a good friend of mine, John Docherty, and we have made plans to open a new firm in San Francisco in a month. It will be similar to what we have here, but we will be starting off smaller, with about ten accountants. I have been very impressed by your knowledge–based skills as well as your leadership skills in your time here. You have done an exceptional job mentoring newcomers like David and you will be sorely missed here if you leave. However, I want you to consider taking on the job of head accountant and manager at the new firm. Your job will be to keep an eye on things and guide other accountants. You will report to me on a regular basis and either John or me will be coming over every week or so to see if you need a hand with anything. You will receive double your current salary as well as 10% of any annual profit that the new firm generates, should you accept the deal. You don’t have to decide right away, but it would be nice to have your answer when you return from Mexico, so we can start making arrangements.”
It was my turn to wet myself. I felt much better as my full bladder leisurely emptied itself, completely filling up my diaper. It felt warm and heavy; I could feel it sagging from the added weight of my pee.
Tanja smiled politely and thanked her boss for the generosity he had shown her, promising to have an answer for him in a week. We were finally free to leave the building, but it was too late as I had already wet my diaper.
Tanja said she had to go back to her office to get her purse, but I knew she was going to change out of her wet diaper. I decided to change at home, having put my boxers in my satchel already. I told Tanja that I would see her later at the airport and walked to my car. I was still concerned with someone noticing that I was wearing a diaper. I was certain everyone could see the bulky material under my pants.
I drove home listening to a slow rock album, Automatic for the People by R.E.M., to keep myself awake in the slow traffic. I got home at 5:25, leaving me with about two hours to get ready and pack my bags before leaving for the airport. I took the elevator up to my room and shut the door behind me. I didn’t change right away; right now the first priority was finding something to eat. I looked in my fridge and discovered some leftover Chinese from a couple days ago. I popped it into the microwave and poured myself a glass of orange juice.
I had just finished eating my first real meal of the entire day when there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer it and saw that it was Tanja. She had already helped herself inside and was just putting down her purse and a plastic bag on the floor.
“Tanja! What are you doing here?” I asked, hoping I didn’t sound impolite.
“I’m here to change your diaper, David. I know you can’t keep your pants dry for that long.”
I blushed, even though I was used to her teasing now. “What about your own diaper?” I teased back.
“I don’t need diapers, David.” Tanja lifted up her skirt to prove her words, revealing white crotch–less panties that showed off her clean–shaven vagina.
I immediately grew a huge raging hard–on. I took off my pants and watched Tanja go down to her knees to tear open my diaper with just her teeth. I had kept my promise of not removing my diaper. She licked my manhood all over cleansing it of my pee, making me almost cum into her mouth. I held in my load valiantly; I wanted her to cum with me. I pulled her head up, removing her mouth from my penis and lifted her by the hips, pushing her up against the wall. I didn’t have to bother taking off her panties. We made love through the little oval hole in her lingerie, her skirt pulled up by my hands on her waist. It was absolute magic. She ripped off my shirt so she could stroke my chest with her long fingernails. She pumped up and down, moaning into the air. I was sure that people on my floor could hear her screams.
Tanja leaned in and locked her lips into mine, sucking my tongue right into her own mouth with incredible passion. We came together, collapsing to the floor. Her long fingernails dug into my back as she climaxed making long scratches on my skin. I don’t know how I had managed to hold her upright against the wall for so long, but my arms, legs, and back screamed their disapproval now. I felt numb to the pain though; the amazing feeling that I felt in my heart at that moment was all that mattered.
Tanja reached into her purse and pulled out yet another adult diaper for me. After she had diapered me, she put one on herself, sliding it right over her wet and sweaty crotch–less panties. She pulled me up off the floor and wordlessly dragged me to the kitchen. She pulled out a six–pack of beer out of her plastic bag and placed three cans in front of me. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes as she cracked a can open for herself and started drinking. It was going to be an interesting flight to Puerto Vallarta.
By: Full Bladder