Hot Mexican Nights

By: Full Bladder
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Diapers, Bedwetting, Humiliation, Foreplay, and Sex.
Tanja and I were together in Mexico. It still seemed so surreal even as I lay beside her in bed that first morning in a five star beachside resort. It was already getting quite warm even though it couldn’t have been past 9:30. I considered getting up to turn on the AC before it got too hot, but didn’t want to leave the comfortable bed just yet. Tanja was still sleeping beside me, completely nude.
It had been a long but fun night. We had gotten drunk back in L.A., but not drunk enough to be restricted from flying. We had taken a cab to the airport, already desperate from the alcohol we had consumed. We both had to struggle not to wriggle too much at the luggage check in. One of the security guards had looked rather curiously at our midsections. I was sure that the bulkiness was visible, especially to trained eyes that constantly looked for signs of hidden packages or dangerous devices. Fortunately, we weren’t asked to remove our clothes and were allowed to board the plane.
I am a very nervous flyer and was also extremely tired from the exhausting day, so I took a sleeping pill before the plane took off. I didn’t bother asking Tanja if I could use the washroom before I knocked myself out; I already knew her answer.
I woke up about an hour later from a dream about needing to pee really badly at a high school dance, but not being allowed to leave by teachers guarding the exits. I woke up just as I was wetting myself in the middle of the dance floor, with everyone laughing and pointing, even the teachers. As I opened my eyes, I realised I was also wetting my diaper on the airplane seat. My hands were clenching my crotch in desperation. I must have had to pee really badly, but had been unable to wake up to use the toilet because of the effects of the sleeping pill. I was certain I had been wriggling too, just like in my dream. I wondered how many passengers had seen me in that desperate sleeping state.
I decided to not to try to stop peeing. I felt extreme relief as the liquid left my bladder and filled my diaper. I could tell that my bladder had been really full from how long and severely I was peeing. Tanja was watching me closely. She was not desperate, having already wet herself while I was sleeping. She had her purse on her lap, but I could see that her hand was under her skirt. I suspected that she had reached into her wet diaper to touch herself as she watched me pee myself in my sleep.
We had ended up taking a cab straight to our hotel room, making out in the backseat the entire way. We couldn’t wait to get to the hotel room to cure our horniness and finish each other off. We were already ripping open articles of clothing in the elevator, getting some strange glances from people who could see our diapers. We ran down the hall to our room and jumped on the bed, stripping each other naked. We ended up making passionate animal love for hours before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Our wet diapers were still on the floor beside the bed, along with our clothes. I turned over and put my arm around my lover, who purred happily. I must have fallen asleep again, because I was awakened by the sound of Tanja peeing in the toilet. She had left the washroom door open and grinned at me when I sat up to watch her pee. I realised this was the first time I had seen her pee into a toilet.
I got out of bed and joined her in the washroom. I gave her a good morning kiss as she was getting up from the toilet and went into the shower, deciding I would relieve myself as I showered. Midway through my shower, Tanja came in and joined me. I had still not peed yet so I pointed my manhood at her and let go. She laughed as my stream hit her body. I directed it at her clitoris, exciting her further. We had some hot steamy shower sex before drying off and getting ready to go down to the dining hall for a late breakfast. “A great start to the vacation,” I thought to myself.
After breakfast, Tanja and I went shopping at a nearby outdoor mall. Mexico was full of beautiful women, but not many of them could even compare to Tanja. As we walked around the mall, nearly all men, tourists and natives alike, turned to look at the beautiful woman with me. She even got a few good looks from some very attractive women, which made her smile. I didn’t feel violated by so many eyes on my girlfriend, just very lucky to have something so many people wanted.
After a few hours of shopping, we returned to the hotel. Everything was so inexpensive in Mexico, especially considering the raises that were waiting for us back home. We had ended up buying a lot of things– jewellery, clothes, even some foods and drinks we felt brave enough to try. We went to a nearby bar and grill for lunch, downed a couple of drinks and a sandwich each. We returned to the hotel and changed into our swimwear. Tanja had wanted to check out the outdoor swimming pool our hotel had. I wondered what the point of a swimming pool was when there was an ocean in the backyard. Maybe some people didn’t feel comfortable swimming in the ocean.
Neither of us was in much of a mood for a swim so we stretched out on the poolside deck chairs and sipped some drinks from the bar, soaking in the hot sun.
“I need to pee,” Tanja announced after about half an hour of laying in silence. I could feel a need growing as well, with a large glass of orange juice from breakfast, two beers from lunch and several martinis flowing into my bladder.
“Me too,” I replied, “Maybe we should head back inside.”
“Yeah, we should,” said Tanja, but she made no move to stand up and walk to the washrooms in the hotel lobby.
I didn’t want to leave either. I was enjoying the sun too much. The pressure in my bladder was getting annoying though. After another half hour and another cocktail, I decided to drag myself to the toilets. I sat up, intending to rise from the deck chair.
“Where are you going?” Tanja asked, turning her head to look at me.
“I’m just going to quickly use the men’s room. I’ll be right back.”
“Can you wait just a little while? I just want to finish this drink and then we can go together.”
I agreed to wait, knowing the possible benefits of going to the washroom with Tanja. She was taking her time finishing the drink though. I ordered another drink for myself from the bar. I impatiently waited for Tanja to finish her drink and asked if she was ready to go when she finished. I was getting really uncomfortable.
She didn’t respond. Instead, she got up and walked a few steps to my deck chair. She looked incredible in her orange bikini. It was really tight, maybe two sizes too small. Her magnificent breasts looked like they would pop out of her top at any moment. Her nipples could be seen from the side view; I had observed this firsthand from my vantage point of the deck chair to the right of her. Her bottom was very tight as well, showing off her tight ass and even a small camel–toe between her legs. She slid up onto my chair, so that her breasts pushed down on my chest. Her legs were parted apart on both sides of my right leg, her pussy rubbing against my thigh. I could feel her full bladder pressing against my crotch. She looked up at me and asked me to go swimming with her.
“You promised we would go to the washroom after you finished your drink,” I protested.
“What’s the big rush? Can’t a gal enjoy the sunshine?” I could see some eyes looking at us from the other side of the pool. I had never been comfortable with showing affection in public. I agreed to the swim to get Tanja off me. I had an erection poking out a tent in my shorts but figured if I got up with Tanja and walked behind her to the pool, no one would see it.
I dove into the pool feet first. Hitting the water almost made me lose control of my bladder, but I held on. The water was pretty warm, but still felt cold against my hot sun–baked body. Tanja put her hands on my chest and paddled me over to a private corner of the pool. She pushed me up against the pool tiles to kiss me slowly. I put hands on her bum to prop her up as we made out. I felt a slow spreading warmth in the water around my stomach area. I pulled Tanja closer so that her legs wrapped around me and her bikini–clad crotch was right up against my stomach. I could feel a warm stream coming out of her crotch. She was peeing in the pool.
I could see that she was enjoying the relief of letting go in the water. Her eyes were closed as she licked my tongue with her tongue in a long playful kiss. I was feeling a strong desire to let go as well. Being submerged in water made it that much harder to hold it in. However, I knew that peeing in the pool was wrong and held on.
Tanja opened her eyes and broke off the kiss. “I thought you had to pee?” she said, smiling mischievously.
‘I’m not peeing in the pool. Kids drink the pool water, you know.”
“They also pee in it. That’s why they add chlorine to it so no one gets sick.”
“I’m an adult. I don’t have accidents in the pool.” This was as much a teasing shot at my lover, as it was a defence not to pee my shorts in the pool.
“Is that so?” Tanja challenged. She quickly backed away from the embrace and pushed her leg into my abdominal region. I was taken off guard by the sudden motion, surprised by her strength and athleticism. Her foot pushed me up against the pool wall, putting unbelievable pressure on my bladder. I lost control and started peeing in the water. Tanja felt the water warm up around her leg a few moments later and pulled her leg away. She watched me frozen in that pool corner, unable to stop urinating until I was empty.
“I can’t believe you made me do that!” I exclaimed.
“It’s okay, David. Everyone pees in the pool. Anyone who says that they don’t is a liar,” she comforted.
We went back up to our hotel room to shower the chlorine off our bodies. We ended up making love in the shower for the second time that day. After the shower, we decided to have an afternoon nap together. We were both tired from the lovemaking and the sleep–deprived past week.
When I woke up, it was almost dark outside. Tanja was already up, combing her hair in the full–length mirror on the wall. She was dressed up to go out, wearing tight jeans and a flowery summer blouse.
I got out of bed and walked up behind Tanja. I reached around to hug her around her belly, kissing the side of her neck. “Going out somewhere?” I asked softly.
“You and I are going out,” she corrected, putting on some sparkling diamond earrings.
“Oh. Where to?”
“A dance club.”
I moved my hands higher, placing them on Tanja’s breasts. I massaged them slowly producing a little quiver from her. “Why do we need to go out? We have everything we need right here,” I whispered in her ear softly.
“We’re going out. Get dressed.” She purposefully broke away from my grasp and walked to her suitcase, pulling out a pearl necklace. I went to the washroom with my own clothes in hand and came out dressed in jeans and a black half–sleeve collared shirt.
We took a cab to a local club about fifteen minutes away. I wondered how Tanja knew about it. She must have done some research before the flight. In any case, I was glad she had the foresight to plan this vacation, because I sure didn’t.
When we arrived at the club, there were about twenty people lined up outside. I wondered how long we would be waiting. I need not have worried. Just as we were walking to the back of the line, the bouncer yelled at us to come to the front. I heard some protests from a few women in the line, but all the men just stared at Tanja as she walked by– at her dazzling white pearl smile, at her smooth brown skin tanned well from a few hours in the Mexican sun, at her perfectly round breasts that maintained perfect posture without any support from a bra, at her firm athletic butt in skin tight jeans, at her long slender legs that moved gracefully as she walked. Everyone could see why she got to cut to the front of the line. I smiled as I walked alongside her towards the bouncer. Dating a gorgeous woman sure had its advantages.
The bouncer checked us over to make sure we weren’t carrying in any outside alcohol or weapons, but I suspected it was more to run his hands over my girlfriend’s body and check her out from every angle. I didn’t mind. Everyone in the line knew that I got to do much more to her than that. Besides, a few touches were a small price to pay for instant entrance to a club in Puerto Vallarta.
Inside the club, Tanja was once again the belle of the ball. I had never seen so many beautiful women in one place, but none of them held a candle to Tanja. Heads turned to look at her, causing quite a stir in the club. Wandering eyes and pointing fingers were directed at Tanja from every corner, but she pretended not to notice. I could tell she was enjoying the attention though.
We went to the bar and sat down. The bartender was an attractive mid–to–late twenties woman with short black hair. She had tattoos all over her slim body. Even she stared at Tanja for a few seconds before asking us what we wanted. I would have to keep a close eye on Tanja so I wouldn’t risk losing her to all the very interested men and women in the club.
Tanja had downed her martini before I had even finished half of my beer. She ordered another one, giving the bartender a big smile. She got a free drink on the house along with the one she ordered for that flirtatious gesture. She gulped down her second drink just as quickly as her first one, with me still on my first beer.
“Going a little fast aren’t you?” I shouted over the loud music. She smiled back and said “No reason not to. We’re on vacation!” She grabbed my beer off the counter and pushed the glass into my mouth, forcing me to chug down the remainder of the bottle. She ordered another beer for me from the bartender.
After her third martini, Tanja was starting to get a little rowdy. She had started to sing along with some of the English songs being played on the dance floor. She was also paying attention to some of the men who were watching her every move. She was looking over her shoulder ever so often making flirtatious gestures– blowing kisses with her lips, giving winks, and even pretending to adjust her bra even though she wasn’t wearing one.
As Tanja ordered her fourth drink, a beer this time, I put my arm around her hoping to ward off the interested parties. She saw me take a quick look around, checking to see if there were still eyes on my girlfriend. “Worried about losing me, David?” Tanja asked with a big grin.
“No, I know you love me too much to leave me. Besides, how many of the guys here would let you see them wet their pants?” I said this last sentence in a baby voice, knowing she would like it.
“Awww honey, that is so sweet.” She leaned over with her eyes closed and lips open. I was only happy to oblige to her request. I kissed her, but was a little more conservative than usual, knowing there were at least twenty pairs of eyes watching us. I hoped that I didn’t look too awkward or unnatural. As I ended the kiss, I was pleased to see that many of the eyes that had been preying upon Tanja were now looking away.
We had another two beers each. We were both feeling quite buzzed now, especially Tanja. She was getting very touchy, putting her hands on my face, shoulders, back, chest, knees, as we talked. I wasn’t really too keen on her pawing me all over in such a public place, so I took a hold of both of her hands. This was also effective in preventing her from drinking any more.
“Let’s dance,” she suggested. She had a big drunk smile on her face.
“I’m not much of a dancer.” I realised that I needed to pay a visit to the washroom soon with all that beer filling up my bladder.
“Oh COME ON! Do you really want me to have to ask another guy to dance with me?” Tanja pleaded, quickly gulping down the remainder of her beer. She quickly stood up from her stool and yanked me off my seat. I quickly finished my own beer before letting her drag me to the dance floor.
Tanja was an amazing dancer, even with six drinks in her. It must have come from her Spanish background. She danced circles around me with her nimble feet, while I tried not to trip over myself. I stepped on her toes a few times but she didn’t mind. She had amazing stamina along with agility. She kept up her torrid pace through five straight songs, while I huffed and wheezed with her, finally calling it quits after the fifth song. Tanja laughed her guts out as I raised my hands up in mock surrender. Suddenly, she stopped laughing and doubled over with her hands in her crotch. All that laughing must have made her lose control of her bladder. As she straightened up, I looked for a wet spot on her jeans but saw nothing.
Tanja convinced me to stay on the dance floor while she went and talked to the DJ. I saw him shake her head at her, but seemed to agree to play her request a minute of pleading later. Tanja made her way back to me happily and told me to wait until the next song. I wanted to quickly nip off to the gents, but I knew Tanja would have none of it so I didn’t bother asking. I was starting to get pretty desperate now. Dancing was really taking a toll on my rapidly filling bladder.
The next song was a slow love song. The dance floor, pounding just moments ago, was now calm. Couples were locked together, moving in tune to the slow music. Tanja offered me her hand and I accepted. My dancing was much better now, with Tanja guiding me. I had my hand just above her waist and couldn’t resist reaching down to give her firm bum a quick hard squeeze through her tight jeans. She gasped from the shock, but smiled up at me. I knew that I would not go unpunished for the crime. Tanja pulled me closer to her with her left arm around my neck. Her right hand went down into my pants. She reached into my boxers for my penis and grabbed it. She started slowly stroking my shaft, making it hard and erect. Some nearby couples had already noticed what she was doing and had stopped dancing to stare at the sex scene in the middle of the dance floor.
I unbuttoned Tanja’s tight jeans and yanked down her zipper. She sighed as the pressure exerted by the waistband of her jeans on her bladder was removed. I could feel her bladder push out as I lowered her pants just enough so that I could finger her pussy through her panties. They were already wet from the momentary loss of control from the laugh. I gently rubbed her clitoris through the wet fabric, making her moan. Everyone on the dance floor was staring at us now. A huge circle had formed around us. Even the DJ had neglected to play a song after Tanja’s request, leaving the club in a shocked silence.
Tanja’s panties were getting wetter as I continued to massage her vaginal area. I couldn’t tell if it was pee or her natural lubricant seeping out. Tanja undid my jeans and started stroking harder. Her soft hands felt pleasantly cool against my hot male organ. I sped up my stroking of her pussy, excited about making her have an orgasm on the dance floor. I could feel her vaginal muscles pulsating. She was getting close to climaxing.
I could see a group of security personnel rapidly walking towards us from the far end of the club. I rubbed even harder, hoping to get my lover off before we were asked to vacate the premises. I was very close to cumming in my pants as well. I felt a warm spurt wet my fingertips. Tanja was squirting. She let out some loud shrieks, reaching orgasm just as the security guards reached us. Seeing Tanja pinnacle was just the push needed to drive me over the top as well. I came in my boxers, my load soaking my underwear and even getting through the thin cloth to drip onto the dance floor.
The security guards grabbed us and walked us out of the club, warning us that we would be reported to police if we were ever seen on the property again. We still had our pants undone as we were escorted out of the door and out into the warm night. The line up outside the club was staring at us in disbelief. We quickly zipped up and started walking towards the street, hoping to get a cab.
We were both extremely desperate, to the point where we were unable to walk without hunching over. Tanja’s jeans already had a wet spot from her squirting on the dance floor. Her wet butt was eye candy for everyone lined up outside the club as she walked through the well–lit parking lot.
I was close to peeing in my own pants. All the beer that I had drunk was now in my bladder, wanting release. There was a small garden near the entrance to the club parking lot. There was a tropical tree planted in it. I could pee behind the thin trunk and relieve myself before the fat bouncer at the door could catch me from across the parking lot. I felt a squirt escape into my pants as we walked by the garden.
“Just a second, Tanja!” I yelled running behind the tree, unzipping on the run. I peed blissfully, making a foamy lake on the soil. I saw Tanja watching me, dancing on the spot with her hands in her crotch. I felt bad for her not being able to relieve her pain behind a tree like me, but was all the more grateful that I had been born a man. The bouncer at the door was jogging towards me as fast as he could, shouting into his walkie–talkie. I knew I still had a good ten seconds before I was in any danger of being caught. After then, Tanja and I would need to run. I finished peeing, but had no time to shake myself off. I stuffed my penis back in my pants and zipped up. I felt my crotch dampen from the excess pee on the head of my penis.
I just barely eluded the charging bouncer as I stepped out from behind the tree. I grabbed Tanja by the hand and started sprinting towards the street. She hobbled along with one hand still gripping her crotch. We managed to catch the attention of an oncoming cab and hopped in just before the huffing bouncer could grab Tanja. Thankfully, the cab driver understood the situation and drove off as soon as we had shut the door. I promised him a large tip for his trouble and told him to drop us off at our hotel.
I looked over at Tanja, getting more and more desperate by the second. She had leaked some more while running away from the bouncer. Her jeans were wet down to past her knees now, and getting wetter. She sat with both of her hands pushing down on her pee–hole, her fingers glistening with wetness. I could smell the pee aroma in the cab and wondered if the driver knew what was going on in his back seat. I had seen him glance into his windshield mirror a couple of times, but doubted he could see Tanja’s crotch, hidden by his own seat.
It was a slow ride back to the hotel. It was a warm mid–summer Saturday night in Puerto Vallarta and there seemed to be many enthusiasts out on the streets taking full advantage. We were also getting very unlucky. Nearly all traffic lights seemed to come up red. I felt sorry for Tanja, but was also excited from her ordeal. She continued to squirt, unable to help herself. Her pee was flowing out of the backside of her drenched jeans onto the cab seat, getting absorbed by the black foam material.
I decided to help her try to hang on until we got back to the hotel. As much as I wanted to see her have an accident right there in the back seat of the cab, I loved her and didn’t want her to suffer for my own pleasure. I reached over and pushed down on her hands, adding pressure to help her hold in her pee. She removed her hands, leaving my hand pressing directly against her crotch. I pushed as hard I could, getting a whispered “Thank you” from Tanja for my efforts. Even with me exerting all of my force on Tanja’s vagina, she continued to let out regular spurts wetting my hand. She was wriggling more and more in the car seat, trying very hard not to have an accident. Little grunts were escaping her mouth from the tremendous effort of maintaining control of her very full bladder. Despite her best efforts, the squirts were becoming more and more frequent as all the alcohol she had drunk continued to flow into her tortured bladder. She had placed her hands on top of mine now, pushing so hard that it made my hand hurt.
Finally, at a traffic light one block away from the hotel, Tanja could wait no more. She let out a loud gasp and I knew she had lost all control. She opened the door and rushed out of the car, pee flowing down her legs. She fully soaked her jeans right there, with all of the people in their cars at the intersection watching. She peed a large lake on the asphalt, which split into rivers flowing out into the street. The light had turned green, but no one moved. All the drivers were focussed on the beautiful lady having a massive accident in the middle of the street.
I quickly paid the cabbie, shelling out almost double the regular fare, and exited the cab. I would have to walk the short distance back to the hotel with Tanja. I put my arm around her and led her back to the hotel, sneaking a few peeks at her glistening jeans. We received some questioning looks from the receptionist and passers by as we walked into the hotel but ignored them.
We were both pretty tired from the long night, so Tanja decided to hit the shower. I needed to shower too, but decided it could wait until after a late–night snack and bit of TV. I found a box of Ritz cheese crackers in Tanja`s luggage and plopped down on the couch to enjoy them.
Tanja showered surprisingly quickly. She stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later wearing a thin white see–through nightgown and black lingerie underneath. She walked over to one of her suitcases and pulled out a bottle of expensive red wine. She rubbed it between her legs teasingly as she walked over to me.
“Are you sure more alcohol is a good idea?” I asked.
She laughed. “I think that it has been quite a fun night. Why don’t we split this bottle and make it even better?” I could tell she was still drunk.
We ended up drinking the entire bottle together, talking well into the night. She did most of the chatting, touching on many different things in her past– ex–boyfriends, ex–girlfriends, high school, university, and her family. As she got drunker, the stories became more personal.
“When I was sixteen, I went on my first date. I had plenty of boys interested in me, but my mum didn’t allow me to go out on an actual date until I had turned sixteen. I had already lost my virginity by then anyways, with some random guy at my friend’s birthday party. I shouldn’t have done it. The guy was a total dick, but I was young and dumb– yanno the drill.”
“Anyways, a day after my sweet sixteenth bash,” she continued, “I went to a classic dinner and movie date with a cute boy from the football team. I was the head cheerleader in high school, so this was the typical football star dates the pretty cheerleader kind of deal. He was a nice enough guy, took me to a classy restaurant with reservations only, waiters, free drink refills, the whole shebang. Naturally, I was pretty nervous for the first date ever in my life and wound up sipping through a whole glass of ice water before our food arrived. The slurping was a good way of covering up the awkward pauses in our conversation. All he knew anything about was football, cars, and action movies. I thought I was the dumb one, not being able to understand any of the crap he was talking about– play–action fakes and his friend Joey’s Ford Mustang. I ended up drinking another two glasses of root beer before we left for the movie.
“The movie he took me to was a long one– I don’t even remember what movie it was, but the theatre was quite full. An hour in, I felt a need to pee, but decided I would wait until the end. I didn’t know that the movie was nearly three hours long. By the end of the second hour, I was wiggling in my seat. I wanted to go to the toilet pretty badly, but I was too shy to tell him I needed to pee. Besides there were people on both sides of us and I would have to ask them to stand up so I could walk to the end of the aisle…and stand up again when I came back to my seat.”
“I had to hold myself for the last half–hour of the movie, so I wouldn’t wet my jeans right there in my seat. Luckily, the theatre was pitch black and no one could see what I was doing. The movie finally ended and I had never looked forward to a toilet bowl more in my entire life. I was pee–pee dancing as we walked out of the movie theatre. My date asked me what was wrong and I had to tell him I needed to go to the washroom. I quickly tried to make my way to the toilets but an usher stopped me. He was making sure that everyone who had just finished watching the movie took a back exit out to the parking lot. He wouldn’t let me use the washroom even though I was begging, saying that I was faking desperation so I could sneak into a free movie. What a prick.”
“I walked back to my date’s car holding my crotch. I begged him to find me somewhere to pee. He drove me to a nearby gas station, but I was already starting to leak in my pants. I ran to the cashier counter begging for the key to the washroom, but the cashier said it was already occupied. I waited outside the washroom dancing desperately and wetting my jeans slowly before the door finally opened. I rushed inside, but it was too late. I completely pissed myself before I could get my pants undone. I continued to try to unbutton my jeans while peeing, but I was shaking too much from the relief of finally letting go. I eventually gave up trying to remove my jeans and waited for my bladder to empty itself in my pants. After the accident, I sat on the toilet crying knowing that I would eventually have to walk out of there with wet pants and a huge puddle on the floor. I didn’t know how I would ever be able to live through the embarrassment. After listening to about five minutes of my crying, the cashier opened the washroom door to see what was wrong. He found me seated fully clothed in my soaked jeans holding my head in my hands. He was really nice about the whole thing– told me not to worry about the mess and that accidents happen to all of us at one time or another.”
“I sat on the toilet weeping for another few minutes before finally gathering the courage to face my date waiting for me outside. I walked out of the gas station trembling, feeling goose bumps form all over my legs as the cold night attacked my soggy jeans. As I walked towards the car, I realised that he had fallen asleep waiting for me to come back from the restroom. I walked to the passenger side and opened the door. This awakened him and also triggered the light on the car roof. I stood there shaking on the spot, as his eyes looked over my barely sixteen year old body, now illuminated by the dim glow of the car light. I saw his eyes lock on my wet jeans and a look of horror come over his face.”
“The asshole quickly made up a lie about having to go home right away and drove away leaving me alone and in tears in the gas station parking lot. I went back inside to borrow the phone and called my parents, explaining to them how I had peed myself and gotten ditched by my date. My parents came ten minutes later and took a good long look at my wet pants as well, making me even more embarrassed. It was a very rough first date for me. Luckily, I’ve managed to find guys more tolerant of my faults.” She said the last sentence with a wink and I couldn’t help but smile.
I shared my own childhood wetting story with her– the time I had wet myself in a school play at the age of twelve in front of hundreds of parents and children in the audience. I didn’t possess near the story–telling skills as her and my tale ended in less than half the time as hers, with a lot fewer spicy details.
As we neared the bottom of the bottle, we were both very drunk and very tired. The conversation slowly came to a close and we decided to cuddle together in bed. Tanja put on some romantic Indian music and we dozed off to a deep slumber in each other’s arms.
I was awakened just an hour or so after sunrise by a very immediate need to pee. I was still a bit drunk from all the alcohol I had consumed the night before and still extremely tired. I didn’t feel like leaving the bed, but knew I had no choice. The bed felt warm…and wet. I could feel moisture on my feet and legs. I ripped off the bed sheets to see what the wetness was. Tanja had wet the bed. Her side of the bed was completely soaked with pee, in the shape of a huge circle centered on her crotch. Her black panties were drenched.
I shook Tanja awake. She groaned and turned onto her side facing away from me, not wanting to get up.
“You’ve wet the bed, honey. Wake up.” That got her up. She quickly sat up in horror and looked around at the bed seeing the wetness. She anxiously felt up her panties, confirming that the liquid had come from her bladder. Her face was red and she didn’t meet my gaze. She was embarrassed.
“It’s okay, sweetie. You had a lot to drink last night. It’s no big deal.” I put my hand on her back and started massaging soothingly.
“I can’t believe I wet the bed. I’m so sorry, David.”
“It’s okay, baby. I don’t mind. Just forget about this, okay? You take the bed sheets off while I get dressed and then I’ll drop them off at the laundry service in the basement. They’ll have everything washed by tonight. You just go take a nice hot shower and get dressed. I’ll take care of everything. It’s nothing to worry about.”
Tanja nodded thankfully and started gathering up the wet sheets. I went to the bathroom and relieved my own desperation, before throwing on some sweatpants and an old workout t–shirt. Tanja had gathered up everything that needed washing including her soiled panties and stood naked in the middle of the room. I still could not believe that I had the love of such a spectacular woman. I bundled up everything with the large bed sheet and carried it to the elevator. It was a large load of clothes; we had done a lot of wetting in our first day and a half of vacation. I knew that this would not be my only trip to the basement during my week in Mexico.
It ended up being a very wet and fun vacation in Puerto Vallarta. The only downside was that I knew that this could very well be the end of our time together with Tanja getting a promotion to the new firm. I tried to ask her about her plans a number of times, but she absolutely refused to discuss it, saying she just wanted to enjoy her vacation. She finally shared her decision with me on the flight back to Los Angeles. She told me that she would not be returning to work with me. She would be preparing for her move to San Francisco over the next month, but promised to keep in touch through phone calls and e–mails, even visits on weekends. I felt angry that she was leaving me after we had grown so close to each other, but also knew that she would be crazy to turn down such a generous offer.
The plane had landed in Los Angeles. I didn’t know what would happen to our relationship now as we walked out of the plane holding hands, but I knew that I would have to make the most of Tanja’s company tonight.
By: Full Bladder