Omorashi Fun

By: Full Bladder
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Sharon’s second year of college had gone by fairly quickly. However, there was something that she had been eagerly anticipating for months. She had been selected to participate in a foreign exchange program in Tokyo over the summer. Only one spot was available for all the Psychology students at Fairmont College and Sharon suspected that she had been selected as a result of the letter of recommendation from her professor, Kathy.
In Japan, she was living in a fourplex with Abby, a fourth year sciences student at her college. There were also Cho and Mika who were in the nursing program at The University of Tokyo. They had been great with showing the girls around the University and social circles in the city. It was a ten week program and Sharon had just finished her last exam with one day left to spend with the girls before her flight back with Abby.
Cho and Mika had promised a big surprise for the girls before they left, but had refused to utter a word about what it was. That morning, they ate a light breakfast under the advice of their hosts and then hopped on a bus headed across town. Mika and Cho could not keep themselves from giggling mischievously the entire way, leaving Abby and Sharon curious about what was coming up. Mika buzzed the bus to stop across from a large commercial building.
Once inside, the girls were given bags of clothing labelled with their names and directed to the washrooms. Sharon was impressed at how well the light blue jeans and low cut t–shirt fit; the Japanese girls had really gone out of their way to make this last day perfect. After getting dressed, Sharon took one last look inside the bag and found a note. It had a list of rules for what appeared to be a pee–holding competition, starting in fifteen minutes.
Surprised and excited, Sharon undid her jeans to empty her bladder as much as possible before exiting the cubicle. Within a few minutes, all four girls had changed and walked over to the competition room. Abby looked nervous, but seemed reluctant to voice her concerns. Sharon was hoping that she wouldn’t chicken out. It would be a real treat to see the shy, slim blonde have an accident in her tight jeans.
Once inside the room, Sharon was shocked to see a large number of young ladies all wearing the same attire as her. There were cameras set up all over the large empty room, which had a cubicle in the corner with a timer above it. From surfing the internet, Sharon knew all about the Omorashi culture in Japan and the incredible videos that came from it. However, she immediately grew worried at the idea of being recorded participating in such an event. If this got back to North America, it would surely mean trouble for her social life, maybe even her career. She turned to notify Mika and Cho that she wasn’t thrilled about this contest, but they had already wandered off to have a look at the cubicle containing a single toilet. Abby’s face was pale and in clear distress so Sharon decided it would be better not to talk to her at the moment. She diverted her attention to the list of rules.
The competition had a prize pool of ’1,000,000 with ’500,000 as the top prize, which was about $6,000 American. There were fifty contestants, so the odds of placing in the top three and winning money were slim, but very rewarding. Sharon tried to keep reading the rules, but it was difficult to focus. There were so many attractive girls everywhere and Sharon couldn’t help herself from taking in the scenery. She was already imagining some of the girls helplessly exploding into their jeans.
Luckily for Sharon, the rules were communicated verbally in English and Japanese prior to the competition. The contest kicked off with all the girls visiting the judges table to pick up full bottles of water and combination locks which attached to and locked their jeans. The girls were required to drink the water and shackle themselves within the next five minutes. The girls were given the combinations to their locks, but were not permitted to touch them outside the cubicle.
The cubicle would be open for the first three hours of competition, but contestants were only permitted to use them after “buying” a coin from the judges by drinking a bottle of water. The coin could be inserted into the slot on the cubicle door which unlocked it and gave the contestant ninety seconds to go in and relieve herself. If there was a queue, the girl would have to line up after finishing the bottle and obtaining a coin. In addition to this, all the girls were required to report to the judges and drink a bottle of water at the top of each hour.
The contest started off fairly predictably, with the first hour passing without any problems. A petite, Asian girl with an equally small bladder ended up having to buy a visit to the toilet just before everyone was required to drink a second bottle. Sharon watched with interest as the timer above the cubicle automatically set to ninety seconds as the girl deposited the coin. There was a warning beep with thirty seconds remaining and another beep as the clock reset once the girl came out. Sharon wondered how frustrating it had to be opening the combination lock before being able to pee, especially under a time limit that resulted in disqualification if violated.
After the second drink, there were some signs of desperation in the room. Sharon was still quite comfortable, but could feel her bladder filling up. She knew the desperate girls in the room were faced with a dilemma. Peeing would provide some temporary relief, but drinking more water would cause major problems later on. Sharon glanced over at Mika and Cho who were still chatting happily. However, Abby was hunched over, clearly quite desperate. She wiggled around for a few more seconds before deciding to hobble over to the judges table to request a bottle of water. By the time she had finished it and traded the empty bottle for a coin, there were six other girls drinking alongside her.
Sharon observed Abby enter the cubicle and judged the fullness of her own bladder. She could have used a good pee, but it wasn’t anything urgent yet. There were still thirty minutes to go before the second hour was up. Judging by the desperation in the room already, Sharon doubted many girls would be able to make it long after the cubicle closed.
Sharon snapped to attention by the sound of the cubicle opening. Abby was still dancing desperately as she walked out in tears. Sharon quickly walked towards her and took her arm.
“What’s wrong, Abby? Are you OK?” she asked.
“No! I couldn’t get this fucking lock open. I was so desperate I kept messing up the combination and when I finally opened it, the warning beep went off. I panicked and did up my jeans again!”
“So you didn’t pee at all then?” Sharon questioned, feeling deep sympathy for her friend.
“Not one drop! I guess I’ll just have to go back to those damn judges looking like a fool and drink another bottle.” She groaned loudly grabbing her crotch and walked back to the judges, who looked quite amused.
By the time Abby had finished drinking yet another bottle of water, there was a line–up of five girls in front of the cubicle, including the petite Asian girl who had visited the toilet already. Abby was by far the most desperate at the back of the line, dancing very desperately now. Eight minutes would be a long wait for her in that condition. Sharon felt sorry for her, but she couldn’t help being turned on by the girls crossing their legs, shaking their hips, and gripping their private parts.
The first three girls in the line made it in and out of the cubicle, but the petite Asian was in terrible shape by the time her turn came. Moments after entering the cubicle, she came back out with her jeans soaked down to her high heels. Abby appeared grateful not to be the first to pee herself and rushed in, absolutely desperate for relief. She managed to open her lock this time and peed heavily for a full minute before stopping to ensure she was out of the cubicle before the buzzer sounded.
Sharon could feel a nagging need to pee now. It was almost time for everyone to drink another bottle of water and the line at the toilet had grown to ten girls long. She knew it was going to be a long wait even after she decided she was desperate enough to justify buying a coin, but at the same time it was probably not advisable to drink two full bottles of water in rapid succession. She should at least hold off until a little after the mandatory drink at the top of the hour so that she could pee out as much as possible. She paced around a bit to try and take her mind off her bladder.
As the second hour ended, two more girls had wet themselves in line and were dismissed to the washrooms. All the girls who were not in the line–up were asked to retrieve new bottles of water from the table, while a judge distributed bottles to those in line. Sharon felt sorry for Abby who was desperate again having broken the seal and had been halfway through the process of buying another coin when a new bottle was handed to her at the judges table.
Mika and Cho joined Sharon after their third drinks and they discussed random topics to keep their minds off their very full bladders. All three girls were dancing on the spot, but none of them had visited the toilet yet. Collectively, they decided that it was time to join the queue and quickly drank a bottle each in front of the judges. Sharon was glad to finish before they did and get in the line first. Even so, there were about fifteen girls in front of her.
At the front of the line, Abby was in big trouble again. Having drunk so much water in a short time frame and her bladder already weakened from holding her pee, she was fighting a losing battle. She made it inside the cubicle, but the struggle to open her lock was too much. She started pissing a torrent into her jeans and generously decided she would finish wetting herself outside so the other desperate ladies in the queue would not be kept waiting. Still peeing, she opened the door and walked out, where she was instructed to go to the washroom by a stern looking judge.
Nearly half the girls in front of Sharon, Mika, and Cho ended up wetting their jeans before they got a chance to pee in the toilet. Accidents were frequent now and girls were being eliminated quickly even though the cubicle was still open for another half hour. Two girls were even disqualified for not exiting the cubicle within the time limit. By the time Sharon reached the front of the line, her hands were clutching her pussy very tightly and she was hopping from foot to foot. She prayed that she would be able to open the lock quickly when she entered the cubicle and be able to pee out the entire ocean in her bladder.
She entered the cubicle and dialed the combination with shaking hands. Thankfully it opened on the first try and she pulled down her jeans and panties in one swoop. She sighed with ecstasy as she sat down on the seat and peed as hard and fast as she could. It seemed like only a few moments before the warning beep sounded. There was still too much pee in her bladder to win the competition if she stopped now; she would have to risk cutting it as close to the buzzer as possible. She peed forcefully into the toilet for another fifteen seconds before painfully cutting off the weakened stream. She quickly pulled up her pants and snapped the lock shut before banging full force into the door, opening it and stepping out with two seconds to spare. As she stepped out, she saw that Cho had lost control and was now wetting herself producing a giant puddle on the floor. Behind her, Mika rushed to step past Cho to insert her coin in the cubicle door and avoid wetting her own pants.
By the end of the third hour, only fourteen girls remained. Six of them were in line when the cubicles were declared closed and all the girls were asked to report to the judges table to drink their final bottle of water. The girls in line protested to no avail. Sharon was already feeling a need to pee again but knew that she was in pretty good shape compared to some of the others. Before the girls had finished drinking the last bottle, four of the girls who had been in the queue had already wet themselves.
Fifteen minutes later, Sharon was holding her crotch again, but the competition was down to only six. Mika was still holding on and Sharon hoped that she would be able to place in the top three if her own efforts failed. One of the girls remaining was a bigger build with large bladder capacity that hadn’t been at risk of wetting herself all day. Sharon noticed that she had strategically timed her only washroom visit to happen just a few minutes prior to the toilets closing. She wasn’t showing any signs of desperation and Sharon highly doubted she could outlast her. However, the other girls were just as desperate if not more desperate than her, so she had a good chance of leaving Japan with some cash.
Mika suddenly yelled at another contestant in Japanese. A female judge immediately got up and approached the contestant in question, kneeling down and touching her butt. After confirming wetness, she gestured to the other judges that the girl was eliminated and pointed her towards the washrooms. Frustrated, the girl gave up the struggle and drenched her jeans while walking out of the room.
Sharon was desperate now, bouncing up and down just trying to hold her pee in a little while longer. Any squirt or leak would result in elimination. She had held on too long to walk away with nothing at this point. Behind her, Mika let out a loud shriek as she started peeing herself. Another girl standing to the left of Mika noticed her starting to wet her pants and it was enough to drive her own bladder over the edge. Both girls were dismissed and Sharon suddenly found herself looking forward to some money. She was guaranteed to win ’200,000, with the possibility of ’300,000 if she could just outlast the tall, athletic, red–haired Japanese girl, who appeared to be just as desperate as she was.
Sharon shifted her feet desperately and ground her legs together as tightly as possible. She could feel her pee pushing right to the opening of her pee hole. It wouldn’t be long now before she would release her fluids involuntarily into her underwear, her jeans, her shoes, onto the floor. There were cameras focused all around her– on her butt muscles clenched tight beneath her jeans, on her long slender legs scissoring with relentless effort, on her delicate hands grasping her vagina. They were just anticipating the inevitable moment when the urine would be released from her body and flow down from her crotch like a powerful waterfall that can’t be contained. She couldn’t help but wonder how many sets of eyes would see her pissing her jeans over the coming years. Would her parents find out? What about her friends?
Sharon felt a squirt escape her pussy. She longed to release all her pee so badly. How good it would feel to just let it out! She could only imagine the sweet relief of having the burden of holding in so much urine lifted from her poor girlhood. She could almost feel the hot liquid that would flow down her legs to her feet. The judges had not seemed to notice her squirt, but it was only a few moments now before the dam would surely burst. Another squirt escaped, a longer one this time. She could feel liquid running down the inside of her leg.
Just then, the redhead gasped loudly and lowered her head to helplessly observe her jeans darken with wetness. It was all Sharon needed to hear. She gave up the fight against her own bladder and the two girls peed themselves gasping with relief. Even the winner opened her lock and pulled down her jeans to pee powerfully at the camera. Sharon realized now that she must have been one of the Omorashi professionals famous for having iron bladders that held on for full days. Being able to produce a powerful stream like that would undoubtedly make it easy to empty a full bladder in under a minute.
Even though it was not first place, Sharon couldn’t believe that she had just won $3,500 on her last day in Japan and how much fun she had doing it. She had seen a whole lot of pretty girls wetting themselves and even got to piss her own jeans in front of others without being singled out. As she finished emptying her bladder with orgasmic contractions from her vagina, she reiterated how great this visit to Japan had been. She would certainly have to spend some of the winnings on her friends tonight to thank them for all the good times and plan a trip back soon.
By: Full Bladder