Jamie's Revenge

By: Full Bladder
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Kiran shivered with excitement as she carried Jamie’s soaked bed covers downstairs to the laundry room. She could feel the wet warmness on her arms and took care not to let the bundle dampen her t–shirt. Jamie was in the washroom getting cleaned up after peeing her bed and as her first act as Kiran’s master, she had instructed her to put the wet laundry into the washing machine.Kiran inhaled deeply to enjoy the scent of her girlfriend’s pee one last time before tossing the bundle in. She wondered what Jamie would have in store for her– she would certainly feel compelled to get payback after what had just happened. Her vagina tingled at the thought of being subjected to all of Jamie’s sexual demands. She hoped Jamie would be in the mood for some more pee fun. As Kiran returned from the laundry room, she saw that Jamie had joined her downstairs. Jamie had changed into a light brown pair of sweatpants with a tight black shirt that showed her erect nipples. She had placed two beers on the table and Kiran immediately got the message. Kiran seated herself at the table and started drinking under Jamie’s watchful eye. She finished the beers in ten minutes and was already feeling buzzed as the alcohol flowed through her skinny body. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she would be begging for the toilet. She had drunk a whole lot of water earlier to torture her bound lover by peeing in front of her. The water that hadn’t been peed out yet would surely cause problems soon, along with the beer. As soon as Kiran had finished drinking, Jamie picked up her purse from the table and pulled out her car keys. “Ok, shall we get a move on? There’s a new bar not far from here I want to check out.“Kiran looked at her friend in shock. Jamie was going to take this game public! She would undoubtedly make her suffer for what had happened earlier, maybe even make her pee herself in front of strangers. “Do we have to go out tonight? We’re having so much fun here!” She protested hopefully.Jamie simply smiled and gestured for her to get up and start walking. Kiran knew she didn’t have a leg to stand on. She had forced Jamie to wet her bed and now it was her turn to suffer. She could already feel a slight need to pee again, even though it couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes since she had relieved herself in that bucket.The bar turned out to be out of town. The drive took twenty minutes and Kiran was definitely craving the washroom by the end of it. It was a situation where she would naturally look around for a toilet after getting out of the car, if she hadn’t been under Jamie’s control. Jamie parked the truck and led Kiran into the bar. To Kiran’s dismay, Jamie located a pair of empty barstools at the front in clear view of almost everyone in the bar. It was quite busy, filled with young people looking for fun and maybe more on a Saturday night. Kiran knew that everyone would be able to observe her getting increasingly desperate as the beer flowed into her bladder.The bartender, a hot mid–twenties blonde named Misty with large pear–shaped breasts you couldn’t keep from staring at, greeted the girls with a large smile as they sat down and asked what they wanted. Jamie ordered a pitcher of Coors Light and two glasses. Kiran shifted worriedly in her seat knowing what was about to happen. Glancing behind her nervously, she saw a foursome of hotties seated not five feet away. She would die of humiliation if Jamie forced her to pee her pants in front of them.Jamie filled the two glasses to the brim and instructed Kiran to take a drink every time she did. They drank slowly, with Jamie pushing the conversation. The topics ranged from the weather to the latest fashions. Even Misty joined the conversation every now and then, getting away from all the men trying to get her number. By the time the two glasses were empty, Kiran had her legs tightly crossed. Jamie picked up the pitcher and refilled both glasses.Ten more minutes of drinking and small talk brought Kiran to the point of shuffling in her seat. She couldn’t help from uncrossing and re–crossing her legs every few minutes. She could feel Jamie’s eyes glancing down at her crotch more and more often as her desperation increased. She wondered if the girls behind her had noticed her increased shifting. In any case, it was a matter of time before they did, as nature did its thing to her poor body.Kiran leaned in to beg desperately in Jamie’s ear. “Can I PLEASE go pee?” Jamie just smiled at her and shook her head.Kiran tried again. “Listen, I’m sorry I made you wet the bed earlier. Please don’t make me pee my pants in front of so many people. Let’s go now and I’ll hold it until we get home. Then you can make me pee wherever you want.”“Are you sure you can hold it? What if you pee in my car?“Kiran considered this for a moment. It was a real possibility that she wouldn’t be able to last through the drive home. She had to quite pee badly already with nearly two pints of freshly drunk beer still making its way through her system. “Ok then, just let me pee now and I’ll keep drinking. We can go home and you can do anything you want– tie me up, tickle me, whatever.“Jamie smiled mischievously as she straightened up from the act of listening to Kiran whisper in her ear. To Kiran’s horror, she responded loudly “What’s that? You want me to tie you up until you wet your pants?” Immediately, several heads in the bar turned to look at the two very attractive high school girls and giggles came from the group of cute girls seated behind them.Kiran’s face burned bright red as she focussed her gaze directly down on the nearly–empty glass in front of her. She knew everyone who had heard Jamie was now looking at her. Jamie decided to take advantage of all the attention on them and gently lifted up Kiran’s head to give her a long kiss with plenty of tongue for everyone to see. The kiss almost made Kiran start to pee herself. She reached into her crotch and pressed hard as she made out with Jamie, knowing everyone was watching but not really having a choice so dangerously close to wetting her panties.As they stopped kissing, the girls realized that Misty was now standing in front of them, obviously very interested in what was happening right before her eyes. Embarrassed, Kiran removed her hand from her crotch and sipped the glass in front of her until it was empty. Misty reached out to grab the glass and gazed deep into her eyes. She refilled the glass and placed it in front of her. “This one’s on the house,” was all she said before turning to serve the hollering men at the far end of the bar. Another beer was the last thing Kiran wanted, but the encouraging smile from Jamie told her there was no way out. Her legs shaking furiously, she raised the mug to her lips to drink. She longed to move her hand back into her crotch, but knew many eyes in the bar were focussed on her now. She could hear four girls behind her giggling at the desperation show she was putting on. Jamie hadn’t bothered to order another drink; she was too occupied with watching Kiran as she struggled to finish her beer with her filling bladder making things increasingly difficult. Even Misty was glancing over quite often to see how things were progressing.Kiran was now drinking her fifth beer in under ninety minutes, obviously quite drunk. Her shyness over being visibly desperate in public was quickly fading away and she started holding herself openly. With her other hand, she was touching Jamie constantly– her leg, hair, face, and even breasts. Drunken horniness was a part of her motivation, but so was softening up Jamie to let her visit the toilet before she wet herself. The hot girls sitting at the table had turned their chairs to face the action in front of them. Their excited chatter and laughter continued to fill the bar, but it was just background noise to Kiran now. All of her focus was on not going to the bathroom in her jeans.Fortunately, the rowdy drunk men at the other end of the bar had somehow failed to notice the hot lesbian scene being observed by nearly everyone else at the bar. They paid their tabs and exited loudly, leaving Misty free to chat with Jamie and Kiran. As Kiran finished up her beer, Misty leaned over the counter to get a closer look at the attractive Indian girl holding herself. The act of leaning forward brought her large breasts in contact with the counter, pushing them up towards the curious eyes of the two girls. Jamie felt a maddening impulse to reach out and cup a feel through the white t–shirt, but resisted the temptation.Misty was clearly very interested in the situation in front of her and began making conversation. “Looks like you need to pay a visit to the ladies, Hon,” she said matter–of–factly, still fixated on Kiran’s midsection.Kiran nodded her head in embarrassment, knowing everyone thought she was holding herself for sexual pleasure.“Well, it looks like you’re pretty close to losing it there. Why don’t you join me for a trip to the ladies– I’ve been needing to go for a while,” Misty said in anticipation. Watching Kiran struggle against her own body was making her very wet and she wanted to confirm that she was doing it for a sexual thrill. At the very least, she could make a move on her in the toilets. She had seen Kiran’s eyes wandering over her body a number of times. Misty didn’t consider herself to be bisexual, but rather someone who was up for anything should the opportunity present herself. She had a few flings with girls over the years, but never a relationship.Jamie quickly interjected, not wanting to give her girlfriend any opportunity to relieve herself. “I’m sorry, but Kiran has to ask me for permission before she is allowed to go to the ladies. I’ll go with you and she can wait here until we get back.“Kiran closed her eyes in humiliation. She heard Misty giggle softly before walking out from behind the counter to walk Jamie to the washroom. Before they left, Jamie instructed the four girls behind her to make sure Kiran didn’t go anywhere. They were only happy to oblige and got up to surround their victim. The four of them were quite desperate as well, having put off a visit to the ladies to enjoy the good times at the bar. They had been drinking heavily for about two hours now. Being surrounded by four attractive girls with their legs crossed made Kiran’s struggle to retain control even more challenging.In the washroom, Misty took charge as the older, more experienced woman. She guided Jamie into a cubicle, ignoring the shocked looks on the faces of the ladies at the washbasins. As she shut the cubicle door, Jamie finally did what she had been longing to do all evening. She grabbed Misty’s left breast through the thin cotton material and gently massaged it, causing Misty to moan. Misty ripped off her t–shirt and undid her bra so Jamie could directly touch her massive, all–natural breasts. Jamie buried her face in the homely bosom to lick the large erect nipples. She reached under Misty’s short skirt to grab her voluptuous ass for support.Misty reached into Jamie’s sweatpants and was surprised to discover that she wasn’t wearing any panties. She began rubbing her clitoris, producing some uncontrollable gasps. Jamie’s bladder was weakened considerably from the earlier events of the evening and she had to forcefully break away from the embrace before she peed into her sweats. Jamie quickly pulled down her pants and squatted on the toilet, peeing forcefully. Misty reached under her skirt to lower her panties and sat down on the young brunette’s lap, facing her. She peed through the narrow gap between Jamie’s legs into the toilet below. As they finished, Jamie ripped off a large wad of toilet paper and wiped Misty’s vagina. She continued down to her wet legs which Misty had peed on, before finally reaching her own vagina. She dropped the wet wad into the toilet and flushed. Both girls redressed and exited the washroom without washing their hands, eager to see how desperate Kiran had gotten by now.Kiran was no longer seated on the bar stool. She was hopping uncomfortably in the middle of a group of women, all desperate for the toilet. Everyone in the bar had noticed the commotion now and a large circle of curious onlookers had formed around the girls. Misty led Jamie to the back side of the counter so they could have a perfect view of the action. When the four girls guarding Kiran noticed they had returned, they left Kiran and began walking towards the toilets. They were all really desperate now– two of the girls were even holding themselves. They all wanted to see the cute Indian girl wet her jeans, but more pressing needs forced them to leave the scene.Kiran was just barely keeping her pants dry, exerting an incredible amount of force with both her hands on her girlhood. She had begged the girls to let her go pee, but they had kept their word to Jamie. Now she tried again, attempting to gain her master’s sympathy this time. “Can I pleeeeeeease go now? I’m going to wet my pants!” she wailed.Jamie just crossed her arms and looked on, satisfied that Kiran was about to pay for what she had done to her earlier. She felt bad for putting her friend through such public humiliation, but was also very turned on by the situation. Kiran felt herself squirt into her panties. Panicking, she made a move towards the toilets, but could only hobble in her condition. Jamie, moving quickly, easily intercepted her and walked her back to where Misty was standing.>Misty decided to make holding on harder still for poor Kiran, still trapped in Jamie’s grip. “You know, I once made an ex wet his pants.“Jamie moved her gaze from her trembling lover to Misty, immediately intrigued. “Really? What happened?”“Well, this guy was a bit of a douche– always drinking on the couch and watching TV, never had any time for me. One day, I finally had enough and I told him I was breaking up with him if things didn’t change. He was pretty drunk and got up all manly like he was going to hit me. Then he changed his mind and tried to take my clothes off, acting all smooth. I told him I was going shopping and I didn’t have time for sex right then. He said that he wanted to change his ways and agreed to come shopping with me.“Kiran felt another squirt escape her. She was sure there was a wet spot on her jeans now, hidden by her hands. She felt quite drunk and the buzz was reducing her control on her muscles. She could feel Jamie’s crotch gently grinding up against her butt– her girlfriend was clearly enjoying this too much to let her off the hook. It was really going to be horrible having a huge wetting accident in plain view of so many people.Misty took a deep breath and glanced down at Kiran’s jeans before continuing her story. “Anyways, he quickly got dressed as I backed out the car. I guess he didn’t pee before he got in. I had forgotten to tell him that I was planning on shopping out of town. The highway traffic was a bitch and he ended up needing to pee pretty quickly. He started begging and crying like a pathetic little ten year old, but there was a cop car behind us so I didn’t want to risk pulling over to let him pee. Anyways, he managed to hang on until we reached the exit I was gonna take, with the mall only a few minutes away. Thing is, I was getting pretty excited watching him struggle and hold his cock, so I just kept driving pretending that the store I wanted to shop at was further down the highway. By the time we got to the next exit, he was already pissing his pants. I stopped at the first gas station to let him find a toilet, but it was too late. Poor bastard soaked himself completely before he ever made it inside the convenience store. He was so embarrassed about the whole thing that he moved out of my place that same day. Bit of a shame cuz it was the first time in weeks that I felt like screwing him hard.“The story was agony for Kiran. She helplessly released a long spurt into her jeans. She hopped up and down violently just managing to regain control as the warmth spread into her hands and down the back of her legs. She knew there was a large wet spot on her butt now. There were laughs all around the bar, as people noticed that Kiran had started to wet her jeans. Even Jamie, in the middle of commending Misty for such a great story, stopped talking mid–sentence to analyze the damage. She let go of one Kiran’s arms to feel her wet ass. She couldn’t help giving the perfect curve a firm squeeze.The squeeze wasn’t much, but it was enough to drive Kiran over the edge. She lost all control of her bladder and released the flood straight down into the denim cloth of her skin–tight jeans. She sighed deeply and closed her eyes, no longer caring who was watching her wet her pants. All that mattered was the sweet relief of finally emptying her overfull bladder. A massive circular puddle was forming on the floor stretching out to the feet of the observers watching in complete silence. Kiran finally finished wetting herself after a minute and a half and promptly collapsed down on the bar stool in front of her, trying to recover from the mind–numbing relief of finally letting her pee go.The bar filled with loud laughter and chatter again, people not believing what they had just seen. The four girls had managed to pee and get out of the washroom just in time to view the accident. They led the laughing and pointing, despite undergoing the humiliation of being visibly desperate in front of the whole bar just moments ago. Thinking quickly, Jamie lifted Kiran up onto her feet and marched her out of the bar. They got into the truck and Jamie was about to drive away before stopping abruptly. She scribbled down her cell number on a piece of paper and ran back into the bar to give to Misty before heading home.
By: Full Bladder