Airport Humiliation

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Traffic during the Christmas holiday was always hell. Jen sighed, looking at her watch, stuck in the middle left lane on the interstate as traffic crawled along. Her Honda Accord looked like an ant in the middle of an ant farm, insignificant when viewed from above. Another three exits ahead and she’d be at the airport, she thought, running late as usual. The airlines had been saying to get to the airport two hours early because of all the increased security, and she wasn’t going to make that. “Oh well, they probably are making it out worse than it really is,” Jen spoke out loud, to nobody in particular. Traffic stopped again. Jen turned down the heat in the car. It was a decent day for once and not as cold as usual. The dry car heat made her thirsty, so she finished up the last of her liter of bottled water. Along with the traffic jam and the impending flight, Jen really needed to use the bathroom; she had rushed out of the house without thinking, her bladder already filling from the water she drank during her aerobics class earlier that morning. “Come on, Come on people, lets go,” Jen sighed out loud to herself, feeling her bladder tense up as it swelled further. First order of business, she thought, was to get to a ladies room when she got in the terminal building, as she was starting to feel uncomfortable sitting there with her bladder filling by the minute. She shifted her position in the seat to try and decrease some of the discomfort and silently wondered how long it had been since she used the bathroom. “Oh my God, I haven’t been since before class, and that was two hours ago,” Jen silently pondered, mindlessly starting on another bottle of water without thinking of the situation. Traffic started to move again, and her mood improved. Two more exits to go, park the car, get to the terminal, and find a restroom… and quickly. She clenched her knees together slightly at a pang of pressure as her bladder’s discomfort grew more. With one hand on the steering wheel she used her free hand and lightly smoothed out the fabric of her light gray business slacks along her thigh. She almost had the desire to grasp her crotch with her free hand but tried to keep her mind off her impending desperation to find a bathroom. One more exit to go. Traffic was crawling, but still moving. “Ok, almost there, almost there. I gotta pee, I gotta pee!” Jen said out loud, feeling all the sillier talking to herself. Her bladder was demanding relief now, swollen with the near half gallon of water she had drank between aerobics class and now. She got off the exit only to find a jam of cars heading onto the off ramp. She clenched her legs together, trying not to think about the increasingly painful pressure of her abdomen. She had to really go, and was consciously aware now of how bad she had to use the bathroom. “God, please don’t make me wet my pants right here, please God, please,” Jen mumbled to no one in particular. Finally she arrived at the long–term parking lot. Driving around the lot trying to find an empty space on the holiday weekend was an ordeal. Every minute that went by just increased the fullness Jen was feeling. Finally she found a spot in a far corner. She locked up, and immediately upon standing up out of the car felt the immense fullness of her swollen bladder. Standing up was much worse. Jen had to go pee, very badly and right away. Putting her jacket on, she opened the trunk, got her bag out, and headed to the bus stop to catch the shuttle to the airport. The cooler wind didn’t help. Jen paced back and forth in the bus shelter, fully realizing how badly she needed to relieve herself. How she wished there was a bathroom out here, she thought, but then realized how silly that would be. Just a few more minutes, and she’d be inside the terminal, head to the bathroom and could finally release the torment of pee that had been building up the past few hours, she thought. The bus slowly appeared in sight, and finally made its rounds to the bus stop where Jen anxiously waited. She boarded the crowded bus, took a seat in the back, and subconsciously pressed her thighs together in an effort to relieve the pressure. She patted down the smooth thin fabric of her light gray silvery colored slacks, fitting somewhat tightly against her body. She unbuttoned her jacket, showing her lime green blouse and her moderate boobs off a bit as the cold air outside stimulated her nipples. Jen felt trapped, sitting there in the back of the bus with a throbbing bladder, desperate to get to a bathroom. When the bus went over the speed bumps on the road leading to the terminal building, the shock caused her to gasp suddenly as her bladder shrieked in revolt, almost losing control. Clenching her muscles, she looked out the window as the bus moved in seemingly slow motion to the terminal building. She had to pee so badly; she could hardly concentrate on anything but her desperation. “Terminal 1. USAir, Southwest, United”, the bus driver yelled. Jen stood up, again feeling the massive increase in her bladder pressure when she stood, again aware of how acutely desperate she was to pee, and quickly walked off the bus with her bag while heading rapidly into the terminal building with the aim of immediately finding a bathroom before she wet her pants. “Bathroom. Bathroom. Bathroom,” Jen thought silently to herself, totally desperate now. 30 years old and acting like a desperate 13 year old, Jen scanned the terminal area and in shock noticed the long line for the security checkpoint. She looked at her watch and knew she’d barely make her flight, but also knew that she was on the verge of having a huge accident in her pants at any minute and HAD to find a bathroom, NOW. Heading towards the end of the security line, Jen did not see any restrooms. “Where the hell are the bathrooms?” she spoke under her breath, struggling with the burning sensation in her abdomen as the walking and standing made her bladders struggle worse. She approached the security guard near the end of the long line through security. “Hi, excuse me, can you tell me where the restrooms are please?” Jen pleaded with the officer. “I’m sorry madam, due to the security restrictions; the ones in the waiting area are closed. You can find the men’s and woman’s restrooms once you pass security in the gate area.” Jen looked in disbelief at the officer. “You mean there’s nothing up here?” The pitch of her voice was rising as her bladder’s desperation increased. “No madam, even the ones in baggage are closed. Don’t worry; the line looks worse than it is. It’s only about a 45 minute wait through the checkpoint”, the officer replied, not really noticing Jens look of panic on her face. “Oh my God, 45 minutes”, Jen thought in panic, not sure she could hold out that long. But she didn’t seem to have any options, so she took her place in line, put her bag down, and paced nervously trying not to think of her totally swollen bladder. She distinctly felt the stinging pressure as her pee filled it to capacity even more. She hadn’t had to pee this bad since she had an accident in dance class as a young teenager, and worried that she could not hold on until she got to the gate area. “God, please, let me hold on,” she silently prayed to herself. By clenching her legs together and bending forward slightly, she managed to reduce the pain a bit to make it manageable, but each time she had to walk, it seemed like the entire burden of her distended bladder worsened, bringing her ever closer to the point where she would no longer be able to control her bodily functions. The thought of being 30 years old and wetting herself terrified her. She remembered peeing in her dance clothes 15 years ago and shuddered at the thought of having an accident as an adult. Worse yet, guys were checking her out. At 5’7 and a reasonable size 6 wearing somewhat tight fitting thin slacks; Jen wasn’t bad to look at. Her darkish almost auburn red hair, a fine texture and shoulder length glowed in the interior lighting. The light freckles on her skin made her an appealing subject in the female race, although she certainly wasn’t a model or anything. Her nipples, stimulated by the sheer desperation in her bladder, poked through her thin bra against the fine thin fabric of her blouse, which was a bit tight fitting itself. Amazingly, fifteen minutes passed, and Jen still was able to control her bodies’ incredible urge to void the bladder. Oh, how she had to pee. Every step was torture. Her womanhood was clenched shut as she valiantly tried to maintain her dignity, each step and each passing minute reaching further to the loss of control she feared. Her bladder would be fine, and then throb incessantly, causing her to tense up in pain as waves of pressure spread through her abdomen and crotch, her pee built up seemingly to the edge of her lips, dying to escape her tortured urethra. Closer yet, with the pressure building all the time, the line crept. Time to show the first security officer her ID and ticket less travel printout. “Is this your only bag, Madam?” the office asked, noticing Jen fidgeting as she desperately tried to keep from wetting herself right there, her need to urinate so immediate and strong. “Uh, yes”, Jen replied sheepishly, suddenly trying to clench a huge wave of pressure off in her bladder. Her bladder screamed in agony. A huge burning sensation spread throughout her crotch, and she could feel her pee rush to the very edges of her crotch, on the verge of escaping into her clothing. Never in her life had she had to go this badly, only minutes away from loss of control, and she knew it. Sweat beads formed on her forehead, and slowly she inched forward. “Oh god, I have to peeeeeee”, she thought to herself in agony. She leaned forward, and suddenly felt another huge wave of pressure overtake her poor tortured body. She instinctively bent further forward and jammed her free hand immediately between her legs and pressed, valiantly trying to keep her surging pee from escaping. The pain was white hot, her need to pee so immediate, Jen almost fainted from the intensity of her bladder’s urges. Thankfully, the wave passed, and Jen stood up straight, dizzy, her bladder still throbbing strongly, her muscles clenched. Amazingly, it was almost her turn. She paced back and forth, unaware of the blurred surroundings, while totally concentrating on her bursting bladder. “Just a few more minutes, please God, Please dear holy God, please, please, please,” she begged silently as she realized she was within minutes of totally having an accident in front of everyone. She straightened up to put her bag on the conveyer belt. A huge wave of pressure quickly arrived. The pain in Jen’s swollen crotch was immense, her bladder stinging. She nervously fidgeted; trying to maintain control, and thought for a minute she had it under wraps. She could barely hold back. She could now clearly feel the impending rush of pee held back only by the last fibers of muscles clenching her womanhood tight closed. Any second, and she’d lose the battle with her distended swollen bladder. Her urethra burned in protest, desperate to release its contents, and way, anyhow, and soon. “Madam, please take off your boots and pass them through the x–ray machine too”, the officer said. “What?” Jen replied, half in panic, half in confusion. She didn’t expect to have to speak. Her mind was totally concentrating on her total and absolute state of desperation and still nervously paced. “Take off your boots and pass them through the conveyer, Madam”, the officer answered again, this time a bit louder and suddenly aware of Jen’s nervousness and pacing. “Oh please, I really have to use the bathroom, can I just go through and you check the boots later?” Jen begged, her voice rising to a higher pitch in a mixture of sheer fright and desperation. “No madam. Do it now please!” Jen bent over, struggled to take off her ankle length boots. Her bladder stung, her body tormented and in pain, while she suffered through the most intense agony of her life trying to stand on one leg, take off her boot from the other, and not totally wet her pants right there in front of everyone. She managed to get the first boot off. Working on the second, she suddenly felt the hugest urge overtake her, her bladder violently throbbing in utter demand for relief. Her clenched tensed muscles could not totally hold on. A quick sharp jet of pee violently escaped Jens tortured body, maybe just a 3/4 second spurt. Jen clenched in total panic and lost her balance, falling down. Another quick spurt, maybe a 1/2 second this time. Jen started shaking, trying everything to control the losing battle with her violently contracting bladder. She stood up, and immediately felt another small jet spray into her fine string bikini panties. She panicked as she felt the sudden warm wetness in her underwear’s fabric and felt the slight spread of warmth on her right inner thigh, just below her crotch. She managed to stand up, both shoes off, and snuck a tense look at her crotch. Sure enough, a small 3–inch dark wet stain appeared near her right bottom of her crotch, and she could feel the wetness of her underwear cling to her tortured vulva. Clenching her legs together, she went through the metal detector, when her body violently throbbed again. Another small jet of pee violently escaped the poor woman’s tensed body. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. She felt the jet of pee flow through her thin underwear and into her thin slacks. She looked down, and sure enough, the wet spot grew and was slowly starting to spread down her thigh, not totally obvious yet, but obvious enough to anyone that looked that she either dropped water on herself or was starting to wet on herself. She reached for her shoes and tried to put them on when the chief security officer, a younger girl around 25, came over and asked if she could come this way with her. “What?” Jen asked, in total panic, trying to hold back the impending waterfall of pee about to burst loose from her weakening crotch muscles. “Please Madam, you’ve been acting nervous the whole time and you’ve been selected for a personal search. Please come this way”, the officer mentioned, a National Guards man trailing Jen as Jen blindly headed after the officer. “But I didn’t do anything. I mean, is there anyway I can use a bathroom please. I have to go to the bathroom really bad. Please, it’s an emergency and I have to go like really, really bad please”, Jen begged. “We can’t let you do that for obvious security reasons Madam, you’ll have to wait until we’re done searching you. Please come this way”, the officer continued. “Oh God please, I really have to peeeeee,” Jen begged, asking mercy on her desperate situation, feeling and just stopping another jet of pee before it totally soaked her pants. “Come this way Madam, quickly please”. Another wave of pressure overtook Jen suddenly. Her bladder screamed with agony. She tried with all her might and all her effort to contain the urgency, and her bladder, her urethra, her entire crotch burned with urgency as her pee desperately wanted to escape, and now. She doubled over, her pee starting to seep through her clenched muscles. Even through her valiant attempts to control herself, she felt a slight amount trickle free. The warmth spread through her panties, which now clung tightly against her crotch. The wet spot slowly grew in her crotch, appearing now on her left inner side too. The guard motioned her on, and Jen stood up straight. “Please, I’m wetting myself, please please let me go to the bathroom, I can’t hold it please, please, please… uh er uh I gotta pee, please I gotta peeeeeee ahhhhhhh, pleaseee, i gotta go so baddddlyyyyyyy,” she pleaded, her words turning into sobs as her body throbbed massively. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her bladder pulsing violently every half second, the impending waterfall of pent up pee seconds away. The officer looked at her, standing straight up, tears running down Jens eyes, and sarcastically giggled, saying “nice try, but we have to still search you.” Jen couldn’t believe her luck. She was about to miss her flight, she was slowly wetting herself at 30 years old in a nice expensive outfit, and they wouldn’t even let her use the bathroom before she embarrassed herself in front of everyone. By now the entire group of people near the security checkpoint stared at her. This poor auburn haired woman stood trembling about 15 feet away, and suddenly it happened. Jen tried with all her might, but the next wave of pressure tortured her body beyond anything before. The pain intensified and the pressure built further than ever. Wave after wave of screaming throbbing pain racked her abdomen, and her urethra and muscles could no longer control the urge. “Oh GOD”, Jen screamed out loud. “Oh NO, Please, OH GOD, Oh God, OH GOD! OH GODD”, her voice trailing as her bladder suddenly gave way. “uhhh, hhhh, uhhhhh”, gasped Jen in short breaths, her screaming crotch unable to control the massive torrent seconds away from release. Suddenly she lost control. A huge jet of hot steaming pee sizzled from her clenched lips and flooded her underwear. For 3 seconds she peed, the stream completely soaking her clinging panties. The crotch of her fine thin fabric silver/light gray slacks darkened immediately. The wet spot along her right thigh grew and glistened as the jet of pee ran down her leg. “Oh no oh no noooooo”, Jen sobbed as her bladder’s desires took control. Another pair of huge jets of pee escaped, each 5 seconds long and with a brief pause between them. The dampness surged through her underwear, flooding the thin fabric. The wetness spread throughout her entire crotch of her pants and part of the back of her underwear and pants. Her right inner thigh showed the cascaded streams of pee as they ran down the fabric, darkening lines, as the fabric could not contain the escaping urine. The warmth of her legs was embarrassing, and the second stream completely wet her pants. Then her bladder sent another huge stream of pee, almost 15 seconds before Jen could control it, and she completely wet her pants. Pee thrashed down the insides of both inner thighs and the back of her thighs somewhat, making a puddle after soaking her socks. Her boots were still in her hand and her socks soaked as she stood in a growing puddle of her own pee, trembling in embarrassment. She managed to hold back the rest of her flow, still having to go badly, and the security guard motioned for her to come along anyway. Everyone in the terminal looked aghast with shock and amazement at the plight of this pretty woman with totally wet slacks. Jen sobbed as they led into a private room off the security corridor. A table was there, and a uniformed female guard, maybe about 28, was there too. “I’m sorry you had to lose bladder control Madam, but we need to search you. You’ve been selected for a body search and you’ll have to remove your clothing except for your underwear and bra once the National Guardsman leaves. If you don’t comply, you will be charged with violations to airport security and immediately arrested and taken to jail,” the younger woman said, sternly. “What? Please NO, I didn’t do anything, honest”, Jen protested. The shock and panic caused her now fiercely trembling body to send another jet of pee down her sodden pants. The light gray/silver fabric was now a darker silver/gray color along the insides of her thighs and even along parts of her upper frontal thigh. The backs of her legs to her knees were starting to get soaked. The embarrassment of having to take her clothes off in front of these two women was shocking. Jen was an upstanding young woman. She taught a bible study class on Tuesday night for teenagers, and had never gotten into any trouble in her own life. “Please Madam, remove your blouse, and then your pants, and then your socks, please”, the younger woman asked. Jen nervously tried to retain the rest of her still throbbing bladder, and removed her blouse. The edges of her blouse tucked in her slacks had gotten a little wet in spots and her boobs now stuck firmly through the thin fabric of her bra. The younger woman stared momentarily at Jens excited tits, and then asked her again to remove her slacks. “Please, I wet my pants, can’t you tell I’m not hiding anything?” Jen begged. “Remove the pants, or I’ll do it for you, Madam,” the woman replied. “Oh God, Oh God,” Jen sobbed, and she took off her wet socks and pulled her slacks down to the floor. The wet material bunched up on her legs and Jen had to steady herself on the table as she pulled the pants legs off her wet legs. She stood there, her fine slightly freckled legs glistening with wetness as she trembled. Her pewter colored nylon string bikini panties were soaked and stuck to her crotch. The dampened fabric was entirely seen through and Jens dark russet colored pubic bush was clearly visible. The cooler air brushed across the dampened fabric and Jen felt the wetness of her crotch and tensed. The female officer glanced down at Jens soaking underwear and took a long stare at Jens womanhood through the slightly trimmed but not fully shaven patch of pubic hair. The damp fabric caused Jens underwear to cling tightly to her pubic hair and crotch. “Make sure you examine her bra, officer,” the other woman, standing against the door commanded. “I’m sorry about this, this is my first search,” the younger girl replied, as she walked over to Jen and touched the side of her bra. Jen tensed as the younger girl felt around the bra sides, looking for contraband. Then she reached inside of Jens bra and felt Jens smallish but still supple 34A breasts. Jen clenched at the embarrassment, while again realizing how badly she still had to use the bathroom. “Do you really have to feel me like that?” Jen begged in a pleading voice to the young girl. “By the book, Madam, by the book.” “Actually, you know, we really have to remove her bra, you know,” the other woman mentioned. “If we want to really go by the book.” Jen panicked at the thought of what might be next. “True, good point,” the officer said as she unclasped Jens bra and physically put Jen’s hands to her side. The other woman searched the bra and put it on the table, far from Jens reach. Jen stood there, tears running down her face both at the agony of being searched almost nude and the pressure still building in her throbbing bladder. She realized she hadn’t finished peeing and hoped they would finish soon so she could pee somewhere and change her clothing and somehow catch her flight. “Please hurry, I really still have to pee, please,” Jen begged, her bladder suddenly getting desperate again. “Well, we have to examine one more place, and then we’re done”, the officer said, with a glint in her eye. “What?” Jen screamed in panic. The other woman came over and held Jen from behind, grabbing her arms tightly. “Oh God, GOD, NO, Please not THERE,” Jen screamed, panicking. The panic gave way to her bladder, and her bladder lost control, and Jen uncontrollably started peeing right there in her soaking panties. Pee thrashed right through the thin fabric of her soaked panties, the stream coming right through and streaming straight towards the ground. “Okay, I guess we can try the picture method and see now it goes,” winked the officer to the woman holding Jen. “Stand up straight, hands on your sides,” the officer commanded. Jen complied, the other woman letting her go. The office went and grabbed a digital camera from her bag in the corner, and suddenly told Jen to smile. “What? Naked? Please, this can’t be right. Please no!!!” Jen replied in terror. Her body in total shock started peeing again, a huge 3 second stream streaming from her body, straight through her soaked see–through panties an all over the floor. The digital camera flash went off right during the middle of her pee stream. The office smiled, looking at the display. “Nope, we have to search you the old fashioned way, sorry about this.” The other woman grabbed hold of Jen again. “Oh god no, nooooo,” Jen wailed in terror. She started peeing in panic spurts, and then as the other woman used her feet to spread Jens legs a shoulders width apart, Jen couldn’t control herself and started peeing uncontrollably again, pee streaming out of her body like a fire hydrant. Jen, crying uncontrollably in a mixture of rage and embarrassment, somehow managed to stop the last flow. She couldn’t believe how much was in her bladder. The puddle forming on the exam room floor had grown as her pee splashed all over. Trickles of pee streamed down the insides of her bare legs. The officer slowly move her fingers alongside the top edge of the bikini string of her soaked panties, pressing slightly against Jens distended belly. Jen shrieked, started crying uncontrollably again, and lost all control, suddenly peeing again as the officers fingers pressed against her body. The officer then put the tips of her fingers inside Jens soaked underwear from the top, her fingers brushing the top of Jens pubic bush, dampened with her own urine. Jen grimaced, and although managing to stop the flow momentarily couldn’t when the officer reached her fingers down towards her vagina, her fingers softly probing the poor wet woman’s private area. Jen tried to stop peeing, but couldn’t, and then the young girl moved her fingers right over the urethra hole, and pee ran over and around the officers finger as the officer suddenly massaged Jens urethra before moving further down. Jen couldn’t believe the embarrassment. She couldn’t stop peeing and this woman was feeling her up and the other woman wasn’t stopping her. The officer finally reached further and for a slight pause stroked Jens swollen clitoris and Jen moaned both in fear and terror as she felt the officers finger enter her most private parts. The room went to a blur for a second as she panicked. Once the flash faded, she realized she had a minor fainting spell while peeing when this woman felt her up in the right spot. The humility of having been felt up by a total stranger while going to the bathroom on herself was too much for Jen to handle and she started shaking and sobbing constantly. Finally she stopped peeing, and the officer took her hand out of Jens crotch and smiled at her. “You’re very pretty. You probably shouldn’t drink so much before you go to the airport, but we’ve enjoyed seeing you have your accident. Have a nice day. The restrooms are between gates 4 and 6,” smiled the officer. Jen couldn’t believe what had happened, and sheepishly put her wet clothes back on, put her boots back on, grabbed her bag, and headed out of the security corridor, still obviously wet from her accident, and headed to the nearest restroom, totally ashamed of herself. People stared at her, especially the guys who ogled at her soaking wet butt and wet legs. Once in the restroom, she went into the handicapped stall, sat down on the toilet and started crying. She tried to dry herself off with toilet tissue, but it didn’t help. She knew she couldn’t go out like this again, so she put on a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, and left her wet clothing behind. Realizing she had no chance of catching her flight and that she smelled of pee, she scurried out of the airport, back to the Long Term Parking lot, and sat down in her car, fully aware she wasn’t going to see her family this Christmas and fully aware of the huge accident and experience she had that afternoon in the airport. The episode was so traumatic that Jen developed urge incontinence for a few months afterwards, to the point of even wetting herself in church one Sunday, with an obvious trickle of pee flowing off the pew edge onto the church flow while she sat wetting her skirt in embarrassment listening to the pastor speak. With some counseling, Jen overcame the utmost embarrassment and terror of her life, and moved on. Never did she know that the two security officers working that day were bisexuals who abused the privileges of their job and had a collection of pictures. If Jen only knew that by that same afternoon, a picture of her topless body, with her pee soaked underwear, was out on the Internet. If she only knew.