Accident in Ballet Class

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

This story is based on something that happened in a ballet class I used to take. It was the first time I had witnessed a major accident by another girl who wasn’t a child and I found the experience incredibly interesting.
Emily rushed into the house, running late after spending too much time with her friends that morning. It was nearing noon, but there was no time for lunch as she had to rush off to ballet class in a few minutes. Thirsty more than hungry, Emily hurriedly downed a bottle of water and ate an apple, while Mom reminded her that she was running late for class. Emily had just been promoted to a trainee with the ballet company, and the rules were strict. If you missed just one class or were late without a valid excuse, you didn’t perform in the fall series. Emily was nervous about things like that as she constantly wanted to prove herself to the other girls. As most aspiring ballerinas are, she was highly self–critical as well as always concerned with her weight. At 5 foot 7 and barely 110 lbs, she wasn’t at all heavy, but wanted to look good and thin compared to the other girls who she thought were all gorgeous. As she finished the apple and finished her water, she remembered her skinny friend Katie who told her about water pills, so she grabbed some of her mother’s diuretic pills she had snuck earlier from the medicine cabinet, thinking it might keep her from looking bloated. She really wanted to look good today since one of the company soloists was teaching class, and, having no idea of the dose, she just downed a pair of them hoping it would help her lose some water weight and make her look thin like the other girls. Being unfamiliar with them, she did not know of their effects.
“Emily”, screamed her mother, “We’ve got to leave now or you’re going to be late for class, so hurry it up already!” “Okay Mom, Okay, but I have to go to the bathroom and then change first”, Emily shouted back as she ran up the stairs to her bedroom. “Use the bathroom at the studio, dear, just put on your leotard and tights, grab your shoes and let’s go, we’re going to be late if you don’t get ready now”, Mom yelled back. Emily looked at the clock on the dresser in her room, and swore inwardly. Only 15 minutes to get to class, no time for anything. She hurriedly took off her jeans, her underwear and her tank top and put on a pair of the faint pink ballet tights so common in ballet class, and then grabbed a medium–light blue camisole leotard from her dresser and wore that. “Emily, HURRY UP,” her mom shouted, anxious to get her teenaged daughter to class on time. Emily groaned, and as she didn’t have time to cover it up with anything, just decided to head out with only her leotard and tights on and grabbed her pointe shoes. Feeling a slight fullness in her bladder, Emily glanced wistfully at the bathroom she didn’t have time to visit, wishing she had time for a quick pee, but she figured she didn’t have to go that badly and could wait until she got to the studio. Once in the car, Emily put on her shoes and tied her long blond hair back in a bun, then relaxed and looked out the window while Mom drove to the studio. It was a nice late summer day, but still she wished she could have been covered up a bit more. While she was certainly comfortable in class just wearing a leotard and tights, it was a bit much for walking out in public or anything, and hoped nobody would look too closely in the window while they drove. As they drove Emily noticed the slowly growing fullness in her bladder, and secretly wished she had been able to relieve herself before leaving. She wasn’t desperate, but she hated the feeling of having to take class with a full bladder, and wondered if she should have drunk all that water that morning. She had finished most of a quart of water earlier this morning at her friends house, drank another bottle for lunch, and was sipping from another bottle on the way to class. As most ballerinas did, she always was drinking water, hearing it helped you maintain weight, and between the one bottle at lunch and the quart earlier that morning, she wondered how much her bladder was going to be able to hold as she had not used the bathroom since breakfast. “I’ll just go as soon as we get to the studio”, she thought silently, and pressed her knees together slightly as she nervously placed her hands under her thighs. Her mother, stopped at a traffic light, looked over at her daughter and asked, “What’s wrong, dear, you look nervous?” “Oh, nothing Mom, I just have to go to the bathroom,” Emily replied. She gazed at her thighs and tried to relax her legs so it didn’t look so desperate. Emily really hated Mom nagging her, and even more than that, Emily wished she could have used the bathroom before heading off into the car. She really wasn’t in any emergency yet, but the thought of taking an hour and a half long class without any breaks made her uncomfortable, and she knew she’d have to go as soon as she got there or it would be a long class. She wished she had been able to drive, but she wasn’t getting her own car until her birthday next month. Then, she thought, she could get around to all of this without her Mom nagging every minute. A few more turns, a few more lights, and they arrived at the studio, Emily glanced at the dashboard clock and realizing they were running late. She rushed out of the car, only to hear her Mom yell, “Hurry dear and your sister will pick you up in an hour and a half or so, okay?” “Okay, Mom, Okay, I’ve gotta go,” cried Emily, rushing into the studio. Bursting through the door and down the hallway, she started to head for the girls’ room, but her hopes of a quick relief were dashed when she saw the class start to begin in the big studio. “Damn,” Emily cussed under her breath, “Now I’ve got to last all of class without a break, great, just great.” She brushed a speck of lint off the side of her tights, adjusted the tightness of the leotards crotch, tensed her muscles and rushed into the studio, just as the instructor started the warm ups. “Phew,” Emily said to her friend Amy, “I just made it”. “Yea, what took you so long?” Amy asked. Emily didn’t reply as the instructor started to walk them through warm–up routines at the barre. Emily hoped the instructor didn’t notice her arrival, and luckily she was not reprimanded for being late to class. The class began with stretching movements while holding onto the barre. As soon as Emily went up on pointe, she noticed an uncomfortable feeling as he bladder was starting to slowly fill. She grimaced and knew she was in for a long class. Breaks were strictly prohibited in class, the instructor always pointed out. The idea was that if you were dancing in performance and had to go to the bathroom, you obviously couldn’t leave the stage midway, and would have to learn to go before you danced or hold it. Emily thought it was a stupid rule. Each time, after class, almost all of the girls would rush to the girls’ room with a desperate look on their faces; especially given most everyone drank water during class. Amy and Emily both used to joke about how they would almost have peed in their pants as they rushed after class to the bathrooms on days when they drank too much. They knew that one of their friends, Kara, ended up having an accident in her leotard while she was waiting for the bathroom after class, and they often laughed at her behind her back because everyone knew she had done it and they sometimes used to tease her about it. Warm–ups continued, and Emily started to realize how badly she had to go. Any other time she would have gone off to find a bathroom, but here she was in a long class, stuck, with no opportunity to escape. Nervously she realized she had no choice but to hold out. Amy noticed Emily’s nervousness and asked, “What’s wrong, you look shaky today?” “Really? Um. Uh, I kind of have to pee, Amy, I didn’t get a chance to go before class”, Emily replied nervously. Amy giggled and replied, “Wow, well, don’t be like pee pants Kara over there then!” Emily glanced over at Kara momentarily and remembered hearing about Kara wetting herself and panicked at the idea of having an accident in nothing but a leotard and tights. “Come on, Amy, I’m not in junior high anymore, I’m not going to have an accident like a little girl” replied Emily, half hoping that what she was saying would be the truth. The barre work continued. For a while it was tolerable for Emily, but as her body warmed up and class progressed, her bladder started to demand some attention. While doing plies she would feel the fullness of her bladder press against her tummy. Her leotard snugly fit over her now slightly protruding tummy. She really wanted to pee, but knew she wouldn’t get a chance to class was over, and had to deal with the slowly increasing pressure as her bladder stretched to capacity. “How are you doing”, Amy asked her. “Amy, I really need to pee, like really bad now,” Emily replied. “Well, you know she’s not gonna give you a break until at least after the adage work, if even then, what are you gonna do? You’re not like gonna wet yourself are you?” “God, I hope not, but I really, really gotta go, it’s starting to kinda hurt.” Emily clenched her legs together and hoped her filling bladder would stop hurting and just stay where it was. She thought she could hold it for another hour if it didn’t get any worse, but knew if it got much worse that she’d be in real trouble and in danger of peeing all over herself. Her bladder, sensing her dilemma, didn’t co–operate and swelled for a second as Emily started to do low kicks from the barre. Emily felt the first increase of pressure, which signaled desperation and grimaced as her bladder contracted and a slight stinging sensation filled her abdomen as her pent up pee filled up her swollen bladder to capacity. She quickly clenched her muscles tight and a bead of sweat rolled down her forehead. She knew now that she was going to really have to concentrate on holding her pee while dancing because she really had to go to the bathroom badly, and any slip and she would likely leak and pee through her clothing. She looked around, just wishing somehow that the instructor would have to take a phone call or something, anything, which could lead to a quick escape to the restroom to relieve all of that torturous pee now held prisoner in her swollen bladder. As they practiced turns at the barre, Emily could feel her bladder fill even further with each passing minute, giving no relief to the poor teenager who was struggling with paying attention to her technique while her bladder relentlessly filled to it’s very capacity. The sensation of burning fullness grew as the clock ticked and Emily felt, for the first time in many years, true fear; she was so desperate to use the bathroom. Her bladder occasionally would throb, sending a shriek of stinging pain through her body, as it signaled how badly it wanted to release. Emily clenched her muscles tighter, contracting her bladder and her crotch as hard as she could while moving in any effort to minimize the pressure. It seemed to help, but her bladder just kept filling. Emily couldn’t believe how with each minute that passed her bladder seemed to stretch completely beyond itself as more pee built up inside of it. Class wasn’t even halfway through and she was on the verge of having an accident, and she knew it. As class changed from barre work to the floor work, Amy and Emily were paired up at the far end of the barre, waiting for the other girls to complete their series of pirouette turns across the floor. Emily couldn’t stand still; her need to pee was so great. She paced back and forth; trying nonchalantly to put her hands tightly against her crotch between her legs while her body started signaling for an emergency bathroom break. She had to pee SO badly, her body was starting to involuntarily squirm as her bladder screamed for relief. And worse, the pressure kept on increasing. All of that morning’s water and the reaction of the water pills she took made her bladder contract and throb with each passing minute. As she stood there, she started to tense up when she felt the first strong contraction from her bladder overtake her body. Stinging pain swept through her body, like a circle of hot pain around her crotch. Her urethra felt like it was being tortured as it throbbed as her bladder signaled extreme desperation. “Oh god, I need to go pee, oh please, please, God, please don’t make me wet my pants here”, Emily muttered under her breath. Amy looked over at Emily who was now showing signs of bladder distress, and asked “Are you gonna be okay? You look like you really have to go like bad?” “Oh my God, I’m not going to make it Amy”, Emily started to wail in a low voice, clutching her leotard tight between her legs. Her bladder throbbed violently, sending spasms of pain through Emily’s poor young body. Tears sprang to her eyes as the burning pressure once again shot through her crotch. Her body felt like her urethra was on fire as the torture of holding back her screaming pee increased. Emily was so desperate, she knew she would leak if she didn’t clench her crotch together with all her might and concentrate on holding back the flood of pee thrashing in her bladder. “Oh my God I need to pee, oh my God, ohhh,” Emily wailed under her breath. In any other situation besides being stuck in ballet class in revealing clothing, Emily would be already wetting on herself, but her intense desire to avoid wetting in her dance clothing somehow gave her the resolve to control her bodies intense desperation. Emily couldn’t think of anything except her agonized bladder. She dreamed of just being able to rush to the girl’s room and just let go. Right now, she didn’t care if she could just pee, even through her clothes, but not right here in front of the other girls. Her bladders distress increased yet again. Her insides throbbed incessantly as her bladder was distended beyond where it ever had been in all her years. She was intensely desperate and it took every ounce of effort to keep her body from flooding her leotard and tights with the hot screaming pent up pee held prisoner inside of her. Finally her and Amy did their turns across the floor. Emily did okay until the last series and stumbled, slightly losing her center and her balance before recovering. As she did so, she felt her bladder violently contract and screaming torrents of pain racked her poor shaking body. She froze in fear and started to tremble uncontrollably and clenched every muscle in her body, bending partially over and quickly forcing her hands up and into her crotch in a valiant effort to stop the impending explosion of pee. She somehow managed to hold in this powerful contraction, and rushed behind the barre where the other girls were, hoping nobody could tell how incredibly bad she needed to relieve herself. As she stood there, another violent contraction overcame her, and her bladder screamed for relief. She thought she could feel the pee reach the very edge of her urethra were it met her lips and tried desperately to clench her crotch as hard as she could to contain the throbbing stream. It hurt so bad she couldn’t stand it. Tears formed in her eyes, and she tried everything to control herself. She managed to do so, but a little dampness escaped and she froze in panic as the very slightest escape of tortured pee slipped past her clenched lips and slightly dampened the fabric of her light tights. Emily quickly glanced down at her leotard crotch but didn’t see anything, and moved around to the front of the barre as the class continued their series of turns. Emily quickly glanced across the long studio. There was no way she could even sneak out to the girls room to pee without being noticed, and she knew the instructor would never let her do that, but as her bladders contractions grew with each passing minute, she knew somehow she’d have to get to the bathroom or it was going to be all over. Another wave of pressure quickly came, and Emily gasped in panic as the sharp pangs overtook her body again. She tensed up and tried to bend over slightly without being caught by the instructor, and stood there awaiting her next turn across the floor with her legs shaking, pressing together trying not to wet herself in front of class. Emily tried to concentrate on class, doing anything to keep her mind from her weakening body, but her legs were uncontrollably trembling and sweat beads formed on her bare back of her camisole leotard. One more pair of girls went across the floor doing turns, and it was almost Emily and Amy’s turn again. Emily grimaced as her crotch throbbed as the pressure grew extreme. Just as Emily was about to start moving across the floor, her bladder violently contracted, and she felt a huge pressure in her urethra as her pee desperately wanted to escape. The stinging pain hurt SO bad she couldn’t even concentrate on her upcoming turn series. She clenched every muscle in her body, her legs shaking, her tummy quivering, but to no avail. Her bladder wanted to release its contents, and a sharp quick burst of pee suddenly escaped Emily’s clenched crotch lips. The quick jet of warm pee, not even a half second long before she could stop the stream, quickly flooded into the crotch of her tights. Emily immediately felt the sudden warm wetness tingle her fine pubic hair as it spread, and knew she had just started to go. She hurriedly looked down at her crotch and confirmed her greatest fears. The quick burst of pee had made a small two–inch wet spot, dark, against the lighter medium blue shade of her leotard crotch. She felt the wetness in her tights and had no choice now but to hold on as she started to move across the floor. On her third turn, while moving, her body screamed internally and another shrieking wave of pressure overcame her. She stumbled, losing her balance and another quick shot of pee escaped the poor teenager’s clenched trembling lips. Her leotard quickly dampened as the warm wetness spread through her tights and into the lycra/cotton fabric of her leotard. “ohgod,ohdamn”, Emily cried under her breath as she felt the wetness again tingle as it soaked her pubic hair while she tried desperately to control the escape and regain her balance for the last turns. She was in shock, having wet pee against her vulva wasn’t a feeling she’d experienced since she wet her pants on a class trip when she was 13. If only the rest of class wouldn’t notice the wet spot on her crotch. If only. Somehow she managed to stop the impending flow and do the last pirouette series. Once over at the other end and the next pair of girls starting, she looked down to examine the damage. Now a palm sized wet spot had formed on her leotard, and another spurt, a small one, rapidly escaped without Emily being able to even prepare for it. Her bladder stung as it uncontrollably throbbed with extreme contractions, each contraction stronger than the last. Her bladder walls were weakening, and Emily knew she couldn’t hold on. Now she felt her tights wetness all over and suddenly froze in fear as she felt the last burst of wetness start to spread very slowly down the side of her right thigh. She glanced quickly down, half doubled over in pain from the ordeal of her agonizingly distressed bladder, and her crotch had a shiny wet spot on the leotard and a few inches of dampness darkening the faint pink color of her tights along the inside of her thigh. God, she thought, here she was, starting to wet herself, and she had to do something before she exploded. She looked over at her instructor, who had suddenly been looking over at Emily, noticing the girl’s distress and lack of concentration during the last turn series. “Emily, dear, what IS a matter with you? I’ve seen you do simple turns like that much better, dear, pull yourself together and try again.” The instructor stared at Emily as she spoke, and Emily replied while trying not to look desperate. “Uh, I’m sorry, but I really rally have to use the bathroom, is there any way I can go? It’s an emergency and I know like it is against the rules but I really have to go?” Emily whined in a cross between a cry of urgency and a response. “Emily, Emily, Emily, you know the rules, you have to learn control. Why don’t you try doing the turns across the floor again, and show me you know how to dance and act like the ballerina you want to be?” replied the instructor, thinking Emily was bluffing and just being lazy. Emily grimaced in pain, knowing she would have to do the series of turns again, this time completely alone with the whole class watching her. She scampered across the line of other students to the other end of the barre. Amy saw her and caught notice of her obviously damp crotch and a few other girls noticed too. “Oh my God Katy, Emily’s going to wet on herself”, Amy whispered to her friend standing next to her. Kara, the younger girl who had wet herself in the girls room a few weeks ago started giggling under her breath, and everyone of the girls in the class started whispering and watching as they suddenly noticed Emily’s wetness on her crotch and knew she was about to have an accident. Emily went up on pointe, about to start her movement and her body again contracted violently. Emily couldn’t do anything, and as she stood there, a jet of hot pee thrashed for a second out of her clenched body, The pee flooded her tights and her leotard crotch was now almost completely soaked. The large dark wet spot shined in the studios lights, and Emily cut off the escaping stream just as she started her turns, but as she turned, she felt the wetness spread through her tights and leotard and when she stopped her series at the other end of the floor, she could feel the telltale dampness and saw that a dark wet shade now appeared down her right thigh to the knee, about an inch or two wide, and a smaller wet area was visible along the left edge of her leotard crotch were it met her tights and the dampness of the few pee spurts was all through the crotch of her tights and leotard. “Emily, what was that? How many years have you been studying ballet? You have a better centerline than that. Stand up straight. Here, go up on pointe and let me correct you,” the instructor replied with disgust at the weak turn series Emily had just performed. Emily froze in terror as her instructor walked over to her. Surely she’d see that Emily was about to lose control and completely wet herself and then maybe she’d get to go to the bathroom before she let any more pee out of her swollen bladder. The instructor came over to Emily and put one hand along Emily’s back, just above her butt and the other hand against her tummy, right around the area where the top of her panty line would be and pushed in against her tummy and against her back to show Emily the proper alignment. The sudden physical contact combined with the strong force of the instructor’s pressing hand against Emily’s tummy sent screaming sharp waves of pain through her body. Emily gasped in pain, audibly, and her bladder contracted strongly and she suddenly peed a full second of hot screaming thrashing pee through her clothes, right there with her instructors hand still on her body. Emily started crying, tears running from her eyes. The pee rushed through the fabric and started trickling down both of Emily’s legs. Emily could feel the hot wetness run down the sides of her tights, and her crotch was now soaked in her own pee. Somehow she managed to cut the pee flow off again, but her tortured urethra could not bear much more punishment, and her muscles were growing weak as she continued to hold her pee in as best as she could even with these recurring small escapes. As Emily had gasped, her body tensed and she came down off pointe and went flat– footed. The instructor moved her hand down on her tummy and as she removed it slowly brushed over the top edge of the growing wet spot, which was spreading through the leotard crotch. She looked down at Emily’s crotch and noticed the wetness in shock. Emily froze and suddenly her bladder released another second long spurt of pent up pee, another trickle running down her legs as she embarrassingly looked at her ballet teacher. “Emily, are you having an accident in class dear?” “Oh my God, yesss, is there any way I can please, please, please go to the bathroom? I can’t hold it any longer,” Emily wailed in reply, her words running together as her tears streamed down her poor cheeks and her face became all red and blubbery with her emotion. Another small spurt escaped, further dampening her crotch. For a brief moment, the dampness could be seen spreading through the already dark patches of wetness of her leotard. “Emily, yes, in a minute, you can go. But I want the class to see this. Think about control, girls. We can’t just go running off to the bathroom in the middle of a performance now, could we? We have to learn how to hold it. In fact, Emily, do another series of turns, correctly this time, my dear, and then you may go to the little girls’ room before you go all over the floor. Quick, quick, let’s do it right and not have any accidents!” Emily, still crying, trotted over to the end of the barre and waited for the pianist to start the music again. She stood up on pointe, and again her bladder could not control itself. A massive wave of pressure swept through her abdomen, and the intense pain against her bladder, her tortured urethra and her weakened muscles was too much for Emily to hold back. She shuddered and came down from pointe and the huge wave overtook her. Her screaming bladder sent a streaming hot torrent of pee through and out of her clenched urethra, and she peed uncontrollably into her clothing for 2 seconds before managing to stop the flow. “Oh God, I can’t do it, please can I go now?” Emily wailed as she felt the flood of pee completely soak her leotard crotch. Pee started to trickle much faster down each leg now, the small pee droplets gliding down the smooth fabric of her tights in contrast to the damp wetness of the pee darkening the fabric as the insides of both her legs were now wet, with dark pee trails about two inches wide down both legs to her pointe shoes. Her leotard crotch was now wet and shiny and starting to spread to her butt a little and the moisture was moving upwards a little in the front too. “Emily, do your turns, and you can go. Do your turns or I’m writing you up and you know what that means, dear,” the instructor bellowed. Emily went up on pointe, suddenly peeing for another second, her bladder rapidly losing control, and she mustered all her effort into doing a series of turns across the floor as perfect as she could. She managed three out of the four turns, but stumbled badly on the fourth turn and almost fell to the floor. “Emily, almost. Try the last one again dear, you almost have it.” “I cant, oh please, I can’t do it. I have to peeeeee”, Emily cried, tears streaming down her face. She was thrashing up and down, almost in a tantrum, her legs shaking, her crotch soaked with pee, her face red with distress. “EMILY, get a HOLD of yourself. Hold it in and do another turn and then you can go. What is SO hard about that?” the instructor replied angrily. Emily straightened up, moved back, and tried to start turning, but another wave of pressure overtook her and she halfway did a turn and suddenly felt her body give way as a huge and final wave of pressure overtook her and her weakened muscles could barely control her flow. Pee started to sneak out past her clenched lips, and she felt small spurt after small spurt jet into her leotard and tights. “Oh GOD, please, I’m wetting my pants, I’m sorry I can’t hold it anymore –oh God oh God.” She cried and stood there, frozen in panic and fear. Her body contracted, and a huge 3–second spurt thrashed out of her bladder, flooding her leotard and now her tights were completely soaked as the flood of pee rapidly flooded down both of her legs all the way to the floor. She shook back and forth, not sure what she should do, afraid to go without permission when her body again racked with pain responded and she exploded with another huge stream of pee, this one full force and 4 seconds long. A loud sizzling sound came from Emily’s crotch as this stream relentlessly escaped with full pressure through her clothing. The rushing pee soaked through her leotard and started dripping straight down onto the dance floor. Emily could not move and was crying, sobbing uncontrollably as her bladder took over. She tried to clench her lips in one last valiant effort to contain herself, but her bladder was contracting continuously and the stinging pain in her body was too much. It hurt SO bad she knew she just had to pee and relieve the intense pain. All the water and the diuretic pills had taken their course and Emily lost control. “Emily, I can’t believe this. How old are you now? High School? College soon? You’re not a little girl anymore, and look at this; you can’t even control your bladder in class. Just go off now, dear before you wet the floor,” the instructor ordered in disgust. Emily was still frozen in terror. She had never been so embarrassed and didn’t clearly hear her through the intense burning pain in her own crotch. Wave after wave of pee suddenly exploded through her body, floods of hot streaming pee cascading like ocean waves out of her wet leotard crotch and down her shaking legs. The soft smooth fabric of her tights was soaked on both insides, and everybody in class could see Emily was having a major accident. “Oh my god,” Amy whispered. Kara gasped, knowing full well the horror of peeing in your leotard, but amazed at how much more embarrassing Emily’s accident was than hers. The whole class stood there as Emily wet herself, unable to move in fright. Huge floods of pee suddenly overtook her and thrashed through her body. The class was silent and the hissing, sizzling sounds as her pee escaped her urethra and flooded into her tights and leotard could be heard by most of the girls. She peed so hard that stream after stream of hot pee flowed directly down from her crotch and onto the floor. The shiny crotch of her leotard caught the light as pee flooded through the fabric. Emily couldn’t stop, and kept on peeing. She clenched her legs together, and now the streams hitting the floor from her overloaded bladder now ran down the fronts of her thighs, soaking that part of the once dry soft fabric. She unclenched her legs again in fear, not knowing what to do, and her body sent one last wave of pain. Unable to control anything, she started peeing again, stream after stream thrashing out of her poor body, rushing down her legs, soaking her leotard beyond belief and streaming down onto the floor. Pee was everywhere. The hot pee flooded her clothing and the puddle between her young legs was at least three feet wide. The only sounds in the room were the sizzling sound of her pee hitting the leotard fabric as it escaped her body and the splashing sounds of the pee streams hitting the puddle on the floor. Emily kept on peeing for almost a minute and a half, unable to stop the flow. Nothing in her entire life had hurt like this and she was almost glad to be able to be free of the intense, stinging pain from her bladder, but as she looked up sheepishly through her tear soaked eyes, she blurrily saw the entire class staring at her, with a few of the other girls giggling at her. The last drops of pee came out, and Emily was sobbing again, completely aware that she had just peed in her leotard in front of the entire ballet class, and didn’t know what to do. She rushed out of the studio crying, apologizing on the way out, and rushed to the girls’ room. Several girls were in there, changing for another class, and noticed her, soaking wet tights and obviously wet leotard crotch, running into one of the stalls. Pee droplets followed her footsteps. Emily sat down on the toilet, right in her leotard, and hung her head in her hands. She still had to pee some, and just sat there, still in her leotard and tights on the toilet, and went through her clothing into the bowl. She started sobbing uncontrollably, totally embarrassed by her accident, and continued to empty her bladder through her clothing and wondering what she was going to do. In a panic, she suddenly remembered that she had gone to class wearing just her leotard and tights, not bringing a pair of warm ups or a skirt or anything. She had nothing to change into, nothing to wear, nothing to hide the fact that she had completely wet herself, and she started crying uncontrollably again, wondering what her sister would do when she picked her up. After a few minutes, she pulled herself together, stood up, took off her leotard, and then took off her tights. She tried to dry her legs and crotch off with toilet paper, and then put just her leotard back on. Her tights were completely soaked with pee, and so were her pointe shoes. She sheepishly came out of the stall in just her leotard, bare legs and bare feet, and quickly threw her tights and shoes into the trash, hoping nobody would wonder why she wasn’t wearing any tights. The leotard was still soaked from her pee in the crotch and lower butt area, but she figured maybe she could hide that and go outside and wait for her sister without anybody else in the studio knowing what had happened. The dampness of the Lycra leotard against her naked crotch was a different feeling than the fabric of her tights, and she felt the leotard fabric snug as it cut into her girlhood. She dashed passed a few girls who were giggling at her as she ran past and headed out of the studio and waited along the outside wall, trying to lean against the wall with her hands covering her wet crotch. She didn’t know what she was going to say to her sister, and Mom would be really mad too. It still was a half hour before her sister would come, so Emily stood there out in the sunny day, waiting. She glanced down at her crotch, noticing the still obvious dark wetness on her leotard and ashamed of how her lips were obviously defined through the wet fabric of her leotard as it clung to her body. Horrified, she sat there and waited, continually trying to cover her crotch area with her hands. What was worse was even though she’d only been out of the bathroom for ten minutes, she suddenly noticed she had to go to the bathroom again, and she couldn’t believe this, not realizing the effect of the diuretics and the water combined with her now weakened bladder muscles was about to put her through another ordeal as bad as her first wetting. After about 20 minutes, other parents’ cars would pull up into the parking lot, waiting for their daughters to leave class. By now Emily was extremely uncomfortable, as she suddenly had to go to the bathroom really badly again. She couldn’t figure out why, but here she was, just about a half hour or so from totally wetting herself, and she had to go BAD. Emily didn’t want to go back into the studio because by now a lot of the other classes had ended and it would be full of girls, and she didn’t want any more people to see her wet crotch. If she could just hold it until her sister came, then they could drive to a McDonalds or something and she could go there. More time went by, and still her sister had not shown up. She knew she’d probably run late, but her need to relieve herself again was immediate. That familiar pressure had returned to her body, and the stinging pain of a swollen bladder seemed worse and more urgent this time. Emily kept fidgeting, her hands placed lightly against her crotch, trying to shield the wet spot from earlier from the girls and parents entering and leaving the studio. One of the other girls waiting outside kept looking at her funny, and Emily tried to act like nothing was happening, but she had to pee so badly again she didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t believe how fast her bladder reached it’s limit this time, and was on the verge of peeing herself once again, but was trapped, knowing she could not run to the bathroom and have everybody in the ballet school see what had happened. The agony was overwhelming. Her friend Amy came outside, with Kara right behind her, and they saw Emily and came over. Emily grimaced from the pain of her now refilled bladder and tried to look like everything was okay. “Hey Emily, guess you won’t laugh at me for wetting myself in the girls room now, huh?” Kara giggled as she came over. “Yea, how are you doing? Who is picking you up anyway?” Amy asked. “My sister, but she’s late”, Emily replied, looking off in the distance, wishing her sister would show up at any minute. “What’s the matter, you have to go to the bathroom again”, Kara asked her, noticing Emily’s constant rocking back and forth and her tense look. “Uh, yea, I can’t believe this, but I gotta go again like really bad!” “Just go back and go to the bathroom then,” Amy replied. “But I don’t want anyone else to see me. Look at my leotard!” Emily cried, moving her hands so Amy and Kara could see the still obvious wet damp spot from her earlier accident. While it had dried out a bit, it was still completely obvious to anyone who could see that Emily had peed in her leotard earlier. Kara giggled as she looked at Emily’s damp crotch. Amy looked around at the other girls in the studio and near the front door. “Yea, no way you could go back in and not be seen. What are ya gonna do?” Amy asked. “I don’t know. I really wish my sister would get here. I can’t hold it; it really hurts again. I really gotta go like now!” “Just do it in your leotard, we won’t tell,” Kara said, “nobody will know anyway since you’re already wet down there.” “Yea, that’s it, just do it,” Amy said, “and we promise we won’t tell anyone and nobody could see from here anyway.” Emily looked at them, then looked around and realizing how much pain she was in, knew she really had no choice. A few other girls from her class glanced over at her. One girl, someone she didn’t know, Gill or something, kept staring at her from a few feet away. Emily tried to move so her wet leotard wasn’t noticeable, but she knew she couldn’t hide. Her bladder muscles were screaming, and the pressure extreme. It hurt so badly, but Emily didn’t know what to do. “Guys, I gotta peeeee,” Emily moaned, and tears came to her red eyes again and rolled down her cheeks. “Just do it, nobody is going to know,” Kara told her, putting her hand on Emily’s shoulder and giggling. “Okay, you promise you won’t tell anyone, Kara?” Emily replied. “Yea, but only if you stop teasing me about when I went in class, okay?” “Sure, anything, I really need to go.” The other girl looked over, hearing what was going on and gasped, staring in awe of the poor teenager about to wet herself for the second time in an hour. Emily tried to relax, thinking somehow she could hold out, but the pressure prevailed, and suddenly without warning, her clenched muscles gave way, and she began peeing right through her leotard, down her bare legs, right there. A jet of pee thrashed through her clenched lips, desperate to release. The first stream lasted a few seconds and freshly flooded her leotard crotch. She pulled her hands away so they wouldn’t get wet, and Amy and Kara quickly glanced down and saw Emily’s wet spot grow rapidly in her blue leotard again. A few droplets of pee lazily ran down Emily’s inside thigh. The other girl stepped closer, and stared at the spreading wet spot in Emily’s leotard. Emily blushed. “Don’t look! This is so embarrassing,” she cried to all three girls, face red with embarrassment. “Just do it, quickly, before Mrs. Burns comes over and asks something,” Amy replied. “Oh God, not her,” Emily screamed. She looked up, and relaxed her bladder again. Her swollen bladder, her muscles weakened from earlier, now complied, and she started uncontrollably peeing right into her leotard in front of her friend and Kara and this other girl looking a few steps behind the other two. “Oh God, this is embarrassing,” Emily cried out as she totally lost control. Pee streamed out of her crotch, flowing directly down onto the gravel of the parking lot. She clenched her legs and pee suddenly cascaded down the front and sides of her bare legs, and when she unclenched them, pee streams kept coming out. The streaming pee shined as it left Emily’s poor body and soaked leotard on its way to the ground. Kara and Amy kept on staring at Emily, peeing herself right in front of them. Her legs clenched together, sheet after sheet of cascading pee streamed down her bare legs, glistening in the afternoon sunlight for all to see. Emily was so embarrassed, but figured it was better than doing it again in front of a class. She knew Amy and Kara wouldn’t tell anybody, but couldn’t figure out why that other girl kept on staring at her; she couldn’t stop her flow anyway. Long jets of hot pee flowed from the poor teenager’s racked body. The wetness of her leotard caused the fabric to cling tightly to her swollen private parts and obviously defined the shape and size of her crotch as it swelled under the tight soaking fabric. Thank god she had not worn a white leotard, Emily thought, feeling her leotard tightly cling to her body. Tears streamed down her face, but finally, as her bladder emptied, she stopped peeing, and she looked around. Amy giggled and said, “Wow, you’re really like soaking wet!” Kara looked over and agreed. “Yea, you like really had to go again, wow.” “P–P–Please don’t tell anyone, okay guys? Please, this is really embarrassing!” Emily begged through her tears. “Don’t worry, we won’t,” the other two replied in unison, “but you better cover up, we can like, see through your leotard!” The other girl hurried away, embarrassed that she had been watching the incident so closely. Emily glanced down at her crotch, and sure enough, the dampness clinging to her taut privates outlined the shape and size of her mound and caused the fabric to be slightly see through, enough to see the outline and shape of her pubic bush. Emily froze in embarrassment, but just then her sister finally arrived, and with Emily’s legs shiny wet with pee and her leotard freshly damp, she went over and got into her sister’s car, sat on a towel, and explained to her sister she had wet herself in class by accident in front of everyone. Her sister started laughing as they drove off home. The other girls in her class by now had left the building, waiting for their rides or driving their own cars, and the talk of the afternoon was the poor girl who had peed all over the studio floor during Advanced Ballet that afternoon.
Epilogue: Emily never returned to ballet class. Amy found out later that she had gotten a call from the director of the ballet and they had withdrawn her trainee scholarship and that she wouldn’t be dancing any more with the company. Apparently Emily’s mom had gotten really mad as well for her daughters accident and for the ruining of her pointe shoes, and Emily was grounded for a month. Kara’s older sister went to high school with Emily, and somehow her classmates found out about her accident and ballet class and she was constantly being teased about it for months afterward. Too late for Emily, but the class rules changed and the girls were given a bathroom break midway in class as the instructor was written up for having a girl pee herself in the class and ruin the dance floor. Kara and Amy still attended class and Amy now dances with the company in Emily’s place.