Senior Night Humiliation

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The night had been fun, for sure. Driving along the dark road back to their hometown, the two seniors were giddy with excitement. The Senior Night their high school had thrown for them was pretty cool, especially considering that it was the principal’s idea. Surely his teenage son planned it, they had thought, laughing.
Of course, the principal didn’t know that over half of the seniors had snuck in alcohol, sneaking drinks in the bathrooms or out by their cars when the chaperones weren’t looking. There wasn’t going to be any alcohol in this car though, Amber thought, as she drove home, still with a slight buzz on. She couldn’t believer her Dad let her take HIS car, his prized Mercedes, out on the town for one night. Maybe he wasn’t such a dork of a dad after all. Her best friend Kendra rode with her, in the passenger seat. While not blasted, both girls did sneak a couple of wine coolers in and Amber in particular was worried about being caught with alcohol on her breath. Dad was strict, and she knew she’d be in trouble if he found out.
The evening sky was gorgeous, calm; the night sky in the country clear, stars dotting the dark blue backdrop, far from the city lights. Living out in the country was a pain, for sure, and the long drive to the high school was always a hassle. Even worse was the lack of anything exciting to do. Both Ambers and Kendra’s parents had moved away from the hustle of the city seeking peace and solitude, leaving their daughters with limited options for entertainment. No wonder so many high school students drank without their parents knowing. Amber grew concerned, her mind drifting to what would happen if her parents caught her with alcohol. “Hey…” she called over to Kendra, who was staring quietly out the window. “What did Jason say was the best way to keep your parents from knowing you had anything to drink?” Kendra turned away from the window, pondering. “I think like you’re supposed to drink water or coffee or something so you like dilute the alcohol out of your system and then they can’t smell it I guess.” Amber nodded. “Yea, that’s right. I’m just worried about my Dad, you know…” “Yea, if YOUR dad found out, he’d like ground you for the summer!” Kendra answered. “We better stop up at the next town and get some coffee or something, you know?” “Yea”, Kendra replied, “And I gotta go pee too”, she giggled, clutching her legs together as her bladder slowly filled from the evenings drinking. “Yea, you always have to go pee”, Amber teased. “Hey, I can’t help it if I have a small bladder! And you’re the one who peed her pants at the movies last year, remember??” Kendra teased back. Amber’s memory flashed back to the movies, when she had been holding out to use the bathroom for as long as she could, trying to act cool in front of her friends when suddenly it was too long and she ended up soaking her skirt in the middle of the movie theater, pee running down the theater floor in the darkness, and then having to admit she wet herself to her friends when the movie ended and the lights came on, her skirt back soaked from where she sat in her own urine. “Yea, but you’re the one who always pees in her shorts in track, remember?” Amber teased back. Kendra DID have a problem holding, it seemed. Both girls ran track for gym and more than once Kendra would be out on the edge of the track, near the end of gym period, her bladder bursting after lunch period, and she’d look around and then have an accident in her dark blue running shorts. Luckily nobody else really knew about it. She’d always giggle and then run to the showers, nobody knowing that one of the prettiest girls in the school had a habit of having a pee accident every few months. Amber remembered the first time it happened, watching Kendra clutch her shorts and then suddenly seeing pee flood Kendra’s clothes and stream down her thin legs, streaming to the ground making a puddle in the dirt near the edge of the track. Amber laughed at her then, but since they became best friends, she didn’t tease her as much. And right now, while Amber wouldn’t admit it, she had to pee pretty badly herself. Neither girl had used the bathroom for a few hours, and both had drunk plenty through the evening. A quick rest stop was definitely in order, and both girls knew it.
A few miles passed. The only town on their way home came up, the late night convenience store open, a few cars in the parking lot and at the pumps. “Okay, let’s go, I gotta go,” Kendra yelled, getting out of the car, her bladder throbbing with a full load inside of her thin body. Amber laughed, but not hard, as her own bladder slowly filled with each passing minute, although she wasn’t quite as desperate as Kendra. Still, a good pee would relieve that growing pressure down below; relieve that slight burning sensation of a full bladder. The more Amber thought about it, the more she realized how badly she needed to urinate. Kendra rushed back to the back of the store, looking quickly around for the restrooms. Nothing. She looked over at Amber. “Where the hell are the bathrooms?” she asked at nobody in particular, standing behind the aisle with the crackers and other snacks. “Yea, there’s nothing in here, Maybe they’re outside”, Amber replied, wondering herself if she’d have a chance to relieve her swollen bladder before the rest of the long trip back home. “Yea, that’s it. Well, I’m gonna go look. Get me a large coffee and some mints or something,” Kendra replied, her hands pressing between her legs as she rushed back out the door in an effort to find the restroom her body so desired to use. Amber picked up some breath mints, poured two large coffees from the pot on the back and went to the counter. A small line was forming. Amber looked around, wishing the line would hurry. Now she too had to use the bathroom badly, the pressure in her abdomen having increased ever since she stood up. She instinctively clenched her legs together, and she brushed the fabric of her very short dress as she felt a twinge in between her legs as her muscles contracted, holding in the pee captured in her bladder. Amber was dressed hot that night, no doubt. Her light mauve dress was of a thin smooth fabric, spaghetti straps framing her small shoulders, her small boobs almost exposed from the looseness of the dress around her 32A chest. Her legs were on proud display; the dress barely covered her rear end, and she knew that all night whenever she was sitting that guys had been looking up her dress, so exposed was her underwear due to the brevity of the dress length. She liked showing off, and secretly even enjoyed flashing them a little. Her thin lavender panties clung to her womanhood, tight, even more so as her bladder expanded her tummy. A pair of high heels, and she suddenly was 5 foot 8 tall, most of it legs. Those long legs now were shaking a little as she waited. Her bladder throbbed. She had to go. Just as she got to the front of the line and was paying the clerk, Kendra rushed back in, her face desperate with anguish. “I can’t find the bathrooms and I’m about to go on myself!!!!” She whispered to Amber, her knees pressed together. Kendra wore a pair of tight fitting tan slacks, very low hip, and a short camisole top. Her belly button ring gleamed in the light, her belly too distended from her completely full bladder that was about to burst. “Shit,” Amber replied, realizing how badly she had to pee herself. “Excuse me, Sir,” Amber asked the sullen faced clerk, “But where are your bathrooms?” “Oh, we don’t have any for the public. Too many people got drunk and puked in them, so after 11pm we don’t let anyone back there,” the clerk replied, too bored to even realize the vast desperation of the two teenage girls in front of the counter. Kendra panicked. “But this is like an emergency, I really got to GO,” she pleaded with the clerk, her hands once again rushing between her thighs as the throbbing grew in her body. “I’m sorry, rules are rules.” Amber looked at Kendra, her face distorted with pain. “Let’s just go. We can be home in like 25 minutes, tops, if we move it. I gotta pee bad too, but if we wait around here I’m gonna burst and go in my dress.” Kendra nodded in agreement, having no choice. Perhaps she could hold out another half hour. She was worried, but she had no options. Maybe they could stop on the side of the road somewhere and just pee in the grass. The two girls rushed back to the car. Kendra got in, sat down, her legs immediately pressing together as her bladder screamed for relief. Amber sat down, her dress riding up, her underwear exposed to all that could see. Amber had to pee very badly now too, and having to drive meant she couldn’t press her legs together to relieve the pressure. Amber would have to deal with her own increasing desperation as she pulled off back onto the lonely highway. And both girls, not thinking, downed the large coffees they just bought, totally unaware of their effect on their young, completely desperate bodies.
Minutes later both girls were squirming. Kendra was near the breaking point. The diuretic effect of the coffee and the alcohol she had drank at the party combined to cause her poor young bladder to throb continuously, waves of pain coursing through her teenage body, her urethra swollen as her bladder desired to void. “Amber, I really gotta pee, like now!” Kendra spoke into the silence; her legs pressed desperately together, her hand firm against her pee hole, pressing to hold in the massive flood waiting behind the thin wall holding it back. “Yea, me too, but there’s like nowhere to go. Just hold on, a few more minutes and we’ll be home,” Amber replied, feeling the incessant throbbing of her own full bladder increase. She wanted so badly to pee she could barely concentrate on driving. Worse yet, she couldn’t press her legs together. At best she drove with one hand and occasionally pressed her left hand in between her legs, pressing against the thin fabric of her panties as they clung tightly to her distressed girlhood, her desire to pee so great she feared with each passing minute, with each bump, with each breath, that she’d leak and start wetting herself right there. Kendra moaned, a wave of pressure overcoming her. Her vision faded, as she felt faint. She concentrated with all her might on keeping her pee inside. The burning, the stinging, the pressure was so huge; Kendra would have been peeing involuntarily in her pants anywhere except in this car. She wanted desperately to feel that release, that freedom, the relaxation that emptying a swollen bladder brought. She was on the verge of peeing uncontrollably in her slacks, and she knew it. If she could just hold on. Just a little while longer, she thought, again fighting another wave of contractions as her bladder SCREAMED for relief from the liquid bursting within. Sweat started to appear on Kendra’s brow. Every breath was shallow, every motion controlled. She had never in her entire life had to pee this badly. Even when she had the sudden urge and those waves or pressure that had overtaken her during the gym classes where she had peed her shorts were nothing like this. She knew it would be only minutes before her body would give way, before her pee hole would burst, minutes before her hot urine would be flooding through and into her clothing. She panicked. “Amber, I gotta stop. I’m serious, I can’t hold it. I’m going to pee. Oh god, I gotta pee. Honest. Please, just stop here or I’m gonna wetohdamnnnnnn” Kendra yelled, her words mumbled as she fought off a desperate series of contractions from her tortured swollen bladder. The stinging sensation was unbearable. She had to pee. She had to release, but she couldn’t, not in her best friend’s Dad’s car. She tried to hold on, her underwear cutting into her vulva, her bladder constantly throbbing, tears forming in her eyes from the intense pain she was suffering. If only she could PEE. Release. Anything to relieve the pain, the pressure, the agony. Four hours had passed since she had relieved her bladder, and she had a lot to drink since then. She pressed her hands even tighter between her clenched legs, trying to hold off another huge wave of pain that racked the high school seniors’ body. She was on the verge of peeing, and she knew it. “Amber, I mean it, I gotta go right now, I can’t hold it!!!” Kendra begged. Amber looked over at her best friend squirming in the passenger seat, her face red, her breathing short, and her desperation obvious. It only served to increase Amber’s desire to pee. “Ok. Ok. But we’re like on a freaking bridge, so hold on and I’ll pull over in a minute or two,” Amber replied, looking over at the side of the road. Kendra squirmed, her legs shaking as she fought off another wave of pressure rushing through her tortured body. Kendra could feel the pee reach the very edges of her pee hole, desperate to escape. The car hit a bump. Kendra gasped inwardly, the sudden motion causing distress. Her screaming bladder could not hold and for the briefest fraction of a second, Kendra lost control. A quick spurt slipped out of her clenched body, her pee hole demanding to release. Kendra panicked, she felt the slight spurt dampen her underwear. She instinctively moved her hands and she gasped again as she felt the wet spot on her tan slacks. She glanced down. Sure enough, there was about a 2–inch dark mark where the pee escaped. Her body screamed for relief, and she tried to squeeze her legs tighter, her hand pressing against her crotch with all her strength, holding back, dying to relieve the pent up pee stuck, trapped, in her young body. “Amber. I’m leaking. Please. Please stop, I’m about to start peeing. Honest. I can’t hold it. Really,” Kendra shrieked. Amber looked over at the road, trying to find a spot on the shoulder to slow down. Her own bladder was screaming, the contractions increasing, and the pressure immense. She didn’t have the luxury of movement; she couldn’t squeeze her legs, so she sat there, her knees now shaking herself, as her bladder also demanded attention. Amber was also minutes away from wetting in her thin panties, on the verge of soaking her thin slinky dress, her dress rising high on her thighs, her panties almost in clear view of anyone who might look in. No shoulder, Amber kept on driving, pressing the accelerator of her father’s Mercedes further. Kendra was crying now, tears running down her face, the pain intense. Another spurt and Kendra screamed. “Oh God. Amber, I can’t I can’t hold it Oh my god I can’t,” and her bladder released another spurt. Kendra somehow managed to hold on. The wetness quickly spread into her underwear, her crotch of her tan slacks darkening with a 5–inch wet spot as she summoned all her will power in a last ditch effort to hold on. She was losing control. A few more minutes, she thought, and it would be all over. “Kendra, just hang on girlfriend, I’m almost there, just don’t wet my dad’s seat, okay?” Amber replied in panic, her own body quivering as she suddenly realized how immense her need to relieve her bladder was. Amber started to sweat. Her breathing became quick and short as well, her body fighting to hold onto her dignity as her bladder screamed again for attention, the vast contractions and the massive waves of pressure overtaking the poor young girl. Kendra sat, squirming, her long blond hair straggled around her neck, her camisole top showing her belly, her blue eyes begging for relief, praying to the silent gods that she somehow could hold onto her pee for a few more minutes. Amber was still looking around. Dark hair, long, brown eyes, great legs and medium small breasts, she offered an almost equally attractive view as Kendra. Kendra certainly was the looker in school, but little did Amber know how many boys lusted after her, especially with having one of the better rear ends in the school. Right now it was her crotch that was the point of concern. Her panties snug against her girlhood, she was dying inside, trying to prevent an accident in the shortest dress she owned. She sped up the car even more. Kendra begged again. “Help, Amber, please,” as Kendra felt another spurt escape, this one longer and stronger, lasting a full second. Kendra was crying now, embarrassed as the pee stream escaped from her tortured urethra, flooding her underwear and soaking her crotch of her tight tan slacks. Her wet spot was obvious, the wetness now spreading to her ass, the first droplets of moisture meeting the fine leather seats of Amber’s dad’s car. She couldn’t hold on much longer. Each second seemed like eternity, the waves of pressure almost constant. She so badly wanted to just relax, to pee, to relieve the flood within her gorgeous teenage body, to let the flow out, anything to stop the pain. Amber panicked. She could not find a spot to pull over. Her bladder pulsed, contracted, and without warning she felt the hugest wave of pressure and almost wet her pants right there. Suddenly, up ahead, flashing lights. Police cars were blocking the road, and a flagman was waving cars to a stop. Amber panicked. What was wrong? Within minutes they saw. A roadblock. Amber slowed the car down. Kendra yelled: “What’s wrong? Oh my god, no. NOO. Oh god. Noooooo NOO,” and suddenly another spurt jetted out of Kendra’s pee hole, soaking her underwear. She stopped the flow, but it was too late, the 2–second floor of rushing pee completely soaked her panties and crotch. The pee flowed down to the seat, and she sat in a small puddle. Another wave took over. Kendra could not control the contraction, and she peed again, her urethra unrelenting now, spraying pee into her underwear and pants in bursts. Kendra was having an accident, in the car, and there was nothing she could do about it. “No,” Kendra sighed, “Amber, I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I couldn’t hold it any longer. Ooh god I’m sorry I can’t hold on any longer oh my god I’m peeing in, in, in my pants,” her voice tailing off, meek. Amber was in panic, she looked over at Kendra, her pants now wet between her legs. She turned off the car, her own bladder screaming now. Kendra looked over, crying like a little girl now, and in the silence as the girls waited at the road block, suddenly Kendra could hold back no longer. The hissing of her pee as she lost all control loudly echoed through the car. Kendra peed her pants. Plain and simple, Kendra was wetting herself, her bladder finally having it’s own way, and her tortured pee hole was a fire hose for the volumes of pent up pee. Kendra had valiantly held back for hours. Pee flooded out of her crotch, streaming through her pants, her seat awash in a huge puddle of pee staining the fine leather. Kendra relaxed her legs, opened them, and leaned back, crying and whimpering like a lost nursery school girl as pee rushed out of her body into the fine fabric of her cotton underwear and then into the taut fabric of her tan pants. Pee was everywhere. The sound of her best friend wetting herself was too much for Amber. She looked over in panic, and a sudden spurt of pee escaped her body. Quickly a wet spot appeared on her underwear, the pee dampening her crotch quickly. Amber cut it off, but knew she was about to wet herself as well. Just then a police officer came up to the car; a woman in her late twenties. She knocked her flashlight on the window, and Amber opened it up. Just then Amber had another contraction and could not hold on. Another jet of pee burst through Amber’s clenched pee hole and flooded her panties. The pee spread through the fine nylon/cotton blend and then soaked the bottom of her dress. She was starting to pee in her skirt, but somehow she managed to stop the flow. “Hello miss, this is a state police alcohol awareness roadblock.” the officer replied, shining the flashlight in the car. Amber panicked; hoping the drinks she had back at the party didn’t show. Her body racked with pain, she attempted to answer the officers’ questions and then suddenly peed into her underwear again, a small puddle forming in the drivers seat now, her dress clinging to her ass from the pee soaking the fabric. The burning sensation, the pressure, and the contractions were too much for Amber, and she was fighting a losing battle, but somehow again managed to hold off the next wave of pressure. “We haven’t been drink–drinking,” Amber offered nervously, before the officer even asked the question. The woman peered into the car. Her flashlight shone between Amber’s legs, Ambers dress pulled high, her panties, now obviously wet, in full view. “Looks like you drank something, because it sure looks like you’ve had a pee accident,” the officer replied, continuing: “So why don’t you step out of the car Miss?” Amber froze. She reached to open the door, another spurt of pee escaping. She managed to stand up, and the massive pressure on her bladder was too much for her. She started to pee little spurts, the wetness slowly spreading down her bare legs. “Come over here, Miss,” the officer beckoned, “I’m going to search you for weapons, and then we’ll take a little test.” “WHAT”, Amber replied in panic as the officer patted Ambers ankles down. She then felt up Ambers legs along the back, reaching up her dress, touching the soaked underwear from inside, then reaching around to her belly. “Wow, you must really have to pee, you’re rock hard here”, the officer joked, pressing hard against Ambers tummy. “NO, why are you doing this to me I have to pee please, I have to pee!” Amber begged. The officer felt her tummy, moved her hand down to the top edge of Ambers underwear along her hips, moved her hand to the area under her belly button and pressed hard again. Amber screamed and wet herself. The pain shooting through Amber’s body was too much. The officer’s hand combined with Amber’s total desperation brought Amber over the edge. She started peeing uncontrollably, pee thrashing out of her lips against her left thigh, soaking her bare legs in her hot pee. The officer moved her fingers down to Ambers trembling crotch, hot and awash with streaming pee. The officer gently felt Ambers pubic mound through her soaked panties as Amber continued to lose control. Smiling the officer stood up. “Finish peeing please, right now,” the officer commanded. Amber looked sheepishly at her, unbelieving that such a search could be legal. She was only 18 years old, and she just had her wet panties touched by a woman officer of all things. The officer patted down the wrinkles in Ambers dress, and then glided her hands along the inside of Amber’s thigh where the pee was trickling down her legs. Amber released the rest of her bladder into her underwear, the pee flooding everything, streams dripping onto the ground, waves of pee flooding down her young legs. Amber was having an accident, and the officer was watching all of it. She led Amber over to a trailer. Amber glanced over in shock as she saw some of her friends handcuffed waiting outside. “Hey AMBER, is that YOU. WOW. Did you pee yourself?” One of the guys yelled. Amber looked over. It was Joey, another senior she had a crush on. She couldn’t believe he was seeing her with a huge wet spot on the ass of her dress and pee running down her legs. Amber said nothing. The officer made Amber recite the alphabet backwards, and then ran through some basic sobriety tests. Amazingly, Amber had peed out her alcohol and was no longer drunk. The officer mentioned she could go, and she stumbled back to her car, pee running down her legs from the fright of the experience. She got in the car, looked over at Kendra crying. “What’s the matter?” she asked Kendra. “I had to pee again, I’m sorry. I just went all over your dad’s car. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Kendra kept repeating, her tan slacks sitting in a huge puddle of pee. Amber got in, and drove off. The journey home was another 35 minutes. Unfortunately, the amount of liquid, plus the coffee earlier, combined and within 20 minutes of that journey both girls, their bladder muscles weakened after the first ravishing ordeal, let go. Both girls peed uncontrollably in their pants again, Amber now soaking her dress and sitting in a puddle of pee while Kendra for the third time that hour wet herself again in her pants.
Needless to say, when they got home, Amber’s father was not happy to find pee stained seats in his prized Mercedes car. Amber was grounded for a month, and teased by her friends for the rest of the summer. Only Amber knew about Kendra wetting herself, as by the time Kendra got home her parents were asleep. To this day most of the guys in the high school class of 2002 did not know how often Kendra, the best–looking girl in the school, had peed on herself. They also didn’t know that Amber wet her bed uncontrollably for nights on end as she relived the nightmare of being felt up by a stranger during the sobriety checkpoint.