Ashley's Orientation Day

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The ice cubes rattled against the large frosted glass as Ashley sipped the last drops of the fresh lemonade her Mom had just made by hand. Two glasses, and she still wanted more, but Mom interrupted her. “Ashley, we’re ready, say goodbye to your sister, and let’s get this thing started.” It was the day all recent high school graduates waited for with anticipation: the 1st day of college. The two of them had already packed up the car, cleaned out her room (that her younger sister Katie was inheriting) and was ready to go. Outside of the hot August temperatures, it was a perfect day for the three–hour drive to college. Earlier that day Ashley had taken her last morning jog through the familiar neighborhood, drank a bottle or two of water to quench her thirst; then returned home, showered, changed and prepared for herself for the trip away from home. Finally, no more nagging parents, no more curfews. Freedom, the goal of her 4 years in high school, was around the corner. She couldn’t wait to meet all the other girls in her dorm, thinking of all the new friendships she’d make. Ashley decided she’d be one of the popular ones just like she was in high school. She was excited to leave, but where was her damned sister? Of course, already moving into her old room, she saw. “It figures, Katie. I’m not even gone yet and you’re already redecorating,” Ashley said, laughing. Katie looked up at her, her young blond hair shining in the window light. Ashley hugged her sister goodbye, actually admitting to herself that she’d miss her after all, even after all the sibling spats the two girls had gone through over the years. Ashley glanced one last time at her old room, checked to make sure she had everything, and headed downstairs to get ready to leave. Mom and Dad were at the car. Ashley locked the door behind her, then stopped, realizing she probably should go use the bathroom before she left for the 3–hour drive, feeling a slight tingle inside of her young body. In her excitement she cast that thought aside, not bothering to go back in the house. They’ll just stop at a rest area and she could go there; besides, it wasn’t like she had to go bad right now or anything. Clutching her backpack she took out a bottle of water and hopped in the backseat. God, it was hot, she thought, and she sipped the cold water as her parents pulled out of the driveway. Ashley waved at her grandmother who was staying with her sister for the afternoon, and off they went. Ashley brushed her slightly reddish–blond hair back, tying it up to get it out of her face. Too hot for any hairstyle, she thought. She sat back, relaxed, and stared out the window as they headed towards the interstate. Ashley glanced at the neighborhood she was leaving behind. Her parents had lived in that house since they had gotten married 20 years ago; all of her friends lived on the same few streets. For a moment, Ashley felt sad, knowing she might not see some of her high school friends again, but the thought of new friendships came back as Ashley anticipated her first day at college. The rows of houses passed by, and soon Dad drove up the first onramp to the two–lane road, leaving the neighborhood behind. The interstate was a few miles up ahead.
“Should have gone to the bathroom,” Ashley silently thought as she noticed her bladder’s signals. Far from being desperate, she nonetheless still realized she had to go, feeling her bladder call her name as they drove along, and figured once they got on the interstate she’d have her parents pull over at a rest area where she could go pee before continuing on to college. She knew there was almost no chance of being able to hold it for 3 hours, but she stopped thinking about it as her parents began their usual boring conversation with her. “Excited?” Mom asked. “Yea, I can’t wait” was Ashley’s reply. Parents always asked such dumb questions. She couldn’t wait to get away from them. Dorm life was going to be great, she thought. New friends, new guys, no parents, it would be a dream. “Damn, I have to go to the bathroom,” Ashley thought silently again, somewhat surprised at how fast her bladder was filling. “Probably shouldn’t have had so much lemonade”, she thought silently to herself. The sensation of the weight in her belly made her wish she would have relieved herself before she left. She subconsciously adjusted her shorts. Tight, ultra short, and low cut, the blue denim short shorts were a bit taut against her slowly expanding tummy. The legs however left a pretty serious gap at the crotch, and as Dad pulled up to a traffic light in the town next to theirs, he looked back and saw a clear view of his teenage daughter’s white panties between the edge of her shorts and her tanned legs. “Ashley, did you have to dress in so little?” he asked, laughing but secretly admiring his daughter’s body. At 5 foot 7 and a decent 120 lbs., she was pretty. Medium small boobs, nice muscular legs, nice tan, and the shortest shorts he had ever seen. He admitted to himself he fantasized what it would be like to feel her, and then caught himself in the guilt. A track coach for a private girl’s school, he had fantasies almost every day about his students, but his own daughter had a special look he admired too. He knew his wife had long ago figured out his obsession with younger girls, and somehow didn’t mind. Their sex life was definitely good, especially the past five years, so it really didn’t matter to him. “Oh COME ON Dad,” Ashley responded, “Everyone wears this stuff now anyway, big deal.” Her green tank top almost came down to her shorts, showing her belly ring off along with her toned abs. Too hot, she didn’t bother with a bra today, and as a result her tender nipples stuck out of the fabric nicely for all to see. Maybe some cute guy would notice her on her first day of school, she thought, not realizing how sexy she looked. Right now her thoughts drifted, but then came back to her bladder. Only 30 minutes had passed, and already she had to use the bathroom pretty badly. They headed up the onramp to the interstate and she tried to remember where the rest area was on this road. She definitely needed to take a break; the two large glasses of lemonade, the 1/2 bottle of water she drank so far on the trip, and the bottle or two of water she had after she did her morning run were certainly making themselves known to her bladder. When was the last time she had peed, she wondered silently to herself? After breakfast? She knew she’d have to use a bathroom soon or she’d be in big trouble. She shifted uncomfortably in the seat, feeling more twinges from inside of her as her bladder slowly stretched. She hated the feeling of having to pee so badly, afraid of having an accident in her pants. Dad glanced back and saw even a better view of his daughters panties, her legs splayed open as she relaxed in the seat, underwear showing to the world. The thin cotton/nylon blend fabric hugged her 18–year–old privates, her lips straining against the tight fabric of the underwear. He was almost certain he could see the faint darkness of her pubic hair through the fabric, but he had to drive, not ogle his teenage daughter sitting open legged in the back seat. “Dad, can you stop at the next rest area, I gotta go to the bathroom,” Ashley finally announced, hating to admit she had to pee to her parents. It just wasn’t cool, but by now she had to go quite badly, and didn’t want to wait any longer. “Sure honey, I think there’s one up about 50 or 60 miles from here,” Dad replied, grinning. Now he knew his daughter had to pee, and for some reason, that excited him. Ashley began to panic. “60 miles?” she said sharply, in shock. “Why, is it an emergency honey?” her Mom asked, turning around. “No, NO, I’m okay. Just let me know when we get there, I’m gonna take a nap,” Ashley said, trying to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal, when in fact she really wanted to release her built up pee. She had to use the bathroom very badly, but didn’t dare admit it to her parents. If only she could just stop the car and release her pee behind a tree or something. She hated having to go badly, she reminded herself again. Mom’s special lemonade was working overtime. Ashley leaned her head against the window, closed her eyes, and changed the disk in her Walkman and tried to take her mind off her throbbing bladder. She was getting concerned now, since she did have a history of some very public accidents the past five years, and in the back of her mind she really wanted to just stop the car and find a bathroom, but was too proud to admit to her parents that she had to pee so badly. The heaviness in her bladder grew but Ashley managed to tune it out as she drifted off to a semi slumber, listening to music. The miles and the minutes passed as Ashley daydreamed, and then fell asleep. Ashley dreamed of college life, of making lots of new friends, of being popular with the other girls in her dorm, of classes, the freedom; the usual dreams of a new freshman in college. While she dreamed, her bladder stretched even further from the effects of her drinking that day so far. Her parents drove on, Ashley for now in peace as she slept in the rear seat, the sunlight glinting off of her hair, her tanned legs looking good in the short shorts, her bladder secretly filling to capacity while she slept.
60 miles passed, an hour later, and the sign for the “rest area, one mile” came into view. Dad turned to Mom and thought about it for a minute, and then sped on. The only rest area on the highway was soon in the rearview mirror, their teenage daughter napping in the rear seat, her bladder already filled to its limit with no chance of relief now. Nothing but long boring country road highway ahead, not even a place to stop and get gas. Dad smiled as he drove on, the traffic flow light and the day pretty. Ashley was dreaming in the back, but her bladders insistence on some attention and relief mingled with her dreams. A nightmare came into her dozing mind; Ashley suddenly dreamed of the prom last year, her maroon evening dress, short, slinky and very thin and clingy. She remembered being in the car on the way to her boyfriend’s house, the fun they would have, the good times, the romance. Suddenly she remembered her bladder screaming for relief. On the way to the prom, stuck in the limo she remembered squirming, as she suddenly had to pee beyond any belief, and was too embarrassed to ask the limo driver to stop. Ashley’s head tussled back and forth slightly as she dreamed of how badly she needed to use the bathroom, but there was no way of it happening. She remembered panicking, hoping she wouldn’t wet herself in the limo, and then remembered getting out of the limo in a desperate state, searching for the bathroom in vain, only to suddenly lose control as her bladder exploded into her panties, soaking her underwear and flooding her legs with hot steaming rushing pee as she peed her prom dress right in front of her friends, her boyfriend, and worst of all, her parents, who were escorting them to the prom hall. Ashley woke up in fright, trembling at the bad memory. Just last year she had totally wet herself in front of everyone, and she couldn’t stand how embarrassing that day was. Suddenly Ashley instinctively grabbed her crotch. She had to pee incredibly badly, and woke up in a hurry, her bladder sending desperate signals through her young body, waves of pressure appearing and then leaving, the sure signs of immense bladder desperation. “Hey, Dad, um, how far until the rest area?” Ashley pleaded, not believing how incredibly badly she had to urinate, reeling from the sharp stinging pain in her crotch. “Oh honey, you were asleep so we didn’t stop, I’m sorry,” Dad replied. Ashley sat up in panic. She was on the verge of wetting herself in her parents’ car, and couldn’t believe this. “WHAT? Oh my God, Dad, Dad, Like, I’m serious, I really REALLY have to use the bathroom!!” Ashley pleaded, adding, “can we stop at the next exit, I’m about to bust!!” “Sure honey, but the next exit is college. You know there’s nothing else out here but farmland right now,” her Mom replied. Dad grinned. His daughter was obviously in very serious trouble, her desperation now obvious as she squirmed in the seat, clutching her shorts, trying to relieve the unyielding pressure from her distended bladder, swollen full with hot pee. “Oh No. No,” Ashley wailed, realizing she had no choice but to hold it for the rest of the trip. “How far?” She begged, dying inside at her bad luck. She didn’t want to have an accident in front of her parents; last year was bad enough. It seemed like every year she ended up peeing in her pants somewhere as far back as she could remember, and her parents of course were always around, totally embarrassing her. “Oh, not bad, maybe 30 or 45 more minutes. Just hold it, you’re not a little girl anymore, you know?” her Dad replied, smiling. “30 minutes? I’m not sure I can make it, so like drive fast, okay?” Ashley begged, clutching herself as Dad continued along, not increasing speed. Ashley tried to take her mind of her incessantly pounding bladder. The pent up pee was making her bloated, her tummy pressing against the waistband of her shorts. She undid the button, freeing her swollen tummy from the constricting shorts and that helped, but the screaming intense pain of her enlarged bladder increased with every mile. Ashley started sweating, seriously afraid that she was about to lose control and pee right in her shorts in the back seat of her parents’ car. She swore silently at herself for drinking so much water; she knew she didn’t have the worlds largest bladder, and this was as bad as she had ever had to go in her life, and the motion of the car bumping along the older interstate highway roads didn’t help. She so desperately wanted to open her pee hole and just relieve the flood within her. She started to try and sit still, but could not since the confined pee within her was so bad that it made her body tremble. She sat squirming, subconsciously touching her crotch through the gap of her short blue jean shorts trying to press against her pee hole. Dad caught her doing this and smiled, and then added “Ashley, will you stop playing with yourself for goodness sake and just hold on!” Ashley quickly removed her fingers from her panties where she had been pressing against her pee hole, and it was worse. She had to pee incredibly badly, her situation dire, her bladder tortured, her pee growing, the pain increasing. Maybe 15 more minutes, she thought, surely she could hold out. She slid over to one side of the seat and put her hand against the crotch of her shorts and pressed, holding hard. That helped a little, keeping her muscles clenched so the unrelenting pee stayed inside her. Her urethra burned and stung as it wanted so badly to contract and release the overload in the bladder, but Ashley fought the urge, and held on, in seemingly ever increasing pain as waves of pressure started to overtake her, each wave starting from deep within her abdomen and at the peak almost causing her to pee uncontrollably if it weren’t for her muscles clenching hard, fighting her body’s urge to urinate no matter where she was. GOD, did Ashley have to pee. “Dad, DAD, hurry, I’ve really got to go damn it!” Ashley screamed, realizing he hadn’t been driving any faster. Her bladder pulsed ferociously inside of her, demanding relief. Tears swelled in Ashley’s eyes. “ASHLEY! You watch your language, girl. We can stop this car right now and you can pee in your pants for all I care if you continue with that attitude,” her Dad screamed back, slowing the car as he pulled over into the right lane, heading for the emergency lane. Ashley looked at him in panic, her poor tortured pee hole about to explode, her body shaking from the anguish of her desperation. “No, no, please Dad, no. Please keep going. I can hold it. Please, please don’t stop” Ashley pleaded, her voice suddenly soft and begging, tears in her eyes. “I can’t hold it much longer, please just keep going. I’m sorry I yelled,” she continued, pressing her hands into her crotch, fighting off another huge wave of pressure causing her to almost release pee into her clothing. Her public area swelled, the panties she wore became even tighter against her girlhood, stray public hairs escaping where she hadn’t shaved so closely. Her bladder screamed for relief. She held on. Dad looked back and then re–entered the left lane and sped up. A smile was on his face. His daughter was nice and obedient now, and obviously in extreme discomfort from her need to empty her bladder. Mom glanced back at her daughter, who was trembling and shaking as pee racked her body. Mom smiled at Dad knowingly, knowing what might happen soon. A few more miles passed by, and Ashley could barely control herself, breathing shallow breaths, her body trembling still, uncontrollably squirming in the seat, fingers pressing hard against the soft cotton fabric of her panties as her underwear clung to her swollen lips. The contractions within her were harder to hold back, each one growing stronger, forcing her to summon ever deeper into self–control to withhold the burning stinging pee that so severely wanted release. She was mortified of the very real possibility she wouldn’t be able to hold back on the next contraction, she clenched harder, the spasms of pee pressure growing even further. Tears once again streamed down her face, the pain unbearable. If they could just get to a bathroom, anywhere, even a tree so she could relieve the unyielding pain within her 18–year–old body, she’d be fine. ‘Please, Dad, Hurry,’ she silently thought to herself, sitting in total agony as her bladder sent another series of violent contractions through her taut body, challenging her ability to control her bodily functions once again. How much longer could she hold on? When would the contractions and the waves of pressure overtake her and cause a huge accident. Would she pee all over the back seat of her father’s car? Ashley was terrified, and clenched further, using every bit of strength in her young body to hold back the flood. Sweat broke out again on her brow, the tension within her trembling body increasing with each passing minute, with each ounce of fluid added to her already overflowing bladder. The stinging pain, the pressure, and the bloating increased. Her lips wanted to part, her pee hole desired to open, her urethra stung with pain as her need to pee reached levels never before seen in her 18 years on earth. She thought back to the other times she had an accident in embarrassment. She realized in terror that it had been so; exactly each year she had wet herself, always somewhere embarrassing with her parents watching, and suddenly she realized that as bad as those had been, the pain and the torture was nothing like it was right now, in the back seat of the car, going to college for freshman orientation. She couldn’t believe her bad luck. If only she could PEE!! The exit was next. One mile. Ashley thought she might be able to hold on somehow, some way. Each second to the exit was excruciatingly painful. The stinging pressure was constant, even having her short shorts unbuttoned didn’t help; she had to pee so bad she wondered if she could even stand up without suddenly just peeing into her clothes. She almost lost control when the next wave passed, but managed to hold it in. She stroked her taut vulva, which strained through the tight cotton fabric, her girlhood tense with the desperation, taut and sensitive to the touch. She had to pee SOOOOO bad, the wait for relief was pure agony to the pretty teen. The exit arrived. Dad started down the side road slowly, the one that led to the main parking lot of the campus on the residence side, following the big yellow cardboard signs leading the way. “Dad, hurry up, I’m about to wet myself!!” Ashley cried from the backseat, totally uncontrollably desperate with a swollen bladder screaming from within her for instant relief. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much then, dear,” Mom replied, smiling. Dad continued to drive slowly along the road, enjoying every bit of the experience as his daughter valiantly fought for control in the back seat, absolutely bursting to pee. Freshman orientation was in Lot D, another few minutes down the road. Ashley swore at the other cars in their way. She had somehow pulled herself together and stopped crying, taking a moment to wipe the tears from her face. She wanted to look cool for the other students, and somehow had to hide the fact from others that she was literally minutes, if not seconds, away from a total pee accident. GOD she had to pee!!! First thing for sure, she thought, was to find a bathroom. ANY bathroom, she thought, even the boys’ room. She HAD to find a bathroom immediately, she thought, or it was going to be over. GOD was the pain incredible. The stinging continued, rising in pitch, torturing the poor freshman beyond any pain she had ever suffered. If only she hadn’t drank the bottle of water, she thought, or the two huge glasses of her parents’ great lemonade they had specially made that day. The parking lot arrived. Ashley was squirming uncontrollably, even though she wanted to seem calm, her body would seemingly let pee out to the very last holding point whenever she sat still. She felt that if she stood up she’d explode. As Dad pulled into the parking space, Ashley was in panic, already looking for a parking place. A wave of pressure overtook her, she barely held on. She opened the car door, and another wave came. The burning sensation inside reached new peaks. She tried to hold on, but for the first time, couldn’t quite hold everything back. The smallest quarter second spurt of pee escaped her pee hole despite her clenching every muscle in her body to hold it back. Ashley breathed in sharply, sucking air, taught and tense as she felt the small spurt escape, a slight feeling of warm dampness in her panties. Tears came to her eyes again, and she stood up. The pain was incredible, far worse standing up. She could barely stand straight, half bent over, her knees knocked together, trying to keep the next pee stream, already building massively inside of her, held back. “Ashley, you might want to button up your shorts, honey,” her Mom said. Ashley swore, forgetting she had unbuttoned the top to relieve the pressure. She took care of her shorts and the pain of the waistband was almost too much. She had to pee somewhere immediately. She looked around in panic, squeezing her knees together, the pain sharp as her bladder contracted violently, almost causing her to lose all control. Ashley could barely breathe, could barely even see. She felt faint she had to pee so badly. Wait. Over there, she thought. There was a desk with a cute brunette with an orientation T–shirt and badge on who obviously was the first step. Maybe she’d know where the bathroom was. Unfortunately, there were 5 people behind in line. Ashley swore inwardly, as she was hopping back and forth on her feet, squirming, trying to hold back her pee. Another torturous wave of pressure overtook the poor teenager, and again she felt the pee go all the way to the edge of her pee hole as she tried to stop it. She tried valiantly. She tried with all her effort, her muscles fighting, her body taut, but she couldn’t hold it all back, the peak of the pressure contraction too much for her to contain. She gasped sharply, her body rigid. A half second jet of pee rushed out of her tortured pee hole, releasing into her soft cotton panties, quickly wetting them, then darkening her shorts. A couple of droplets of pee ran down her right thigh. Her pussy screamed for relief, her body shaking. Ashley somehow managed to hold on, praying that nobody would see the wet spot on her shorts or even worse, the trickle of pee drops on her thigh, which she quickly brushed away. “Hurry up, damn it, hurry up,” Ashley swore under her breath, standing there in absolute agony, squirming, unable to stand still. The waistband of her ultra short, low–rise shorts pressed against her, the pressure unbearable. Ashley didn’t want to appear desperate now that she was in line, but she had to press at least one hand against her crotch to keep the pee in. This was an emergency, and the girls in front of her were slow. Another jet escaped, Ashley barely had time to stem the flow as the pressure came upon her so quickly. Another half second, and now her panties were definitely wet for about 3 inches in her crotch. The crotch of her shorts was dark, and the right edge of her shorts leg had a very obvious wet spot where the pee had sprayed down. An obvious trickle of pee flowed down her young tanned legs, shining in the afternoon sun, stopping at Ashley’s white socks. Ashley panicked, extremely desperate now. The girl at the counter looked at her. “Are you okay? Do you have to go to the bathroom or something?” she asked. “Yeah, um, is there a bathroom nearby?” Ashley embarrassedly replied, somehow holding back another wave that would surely have escaped her trembling sweating body. Ashley could barely talk, her breath now short and fast, her heart racing, her head pounding. Any second now she knew she was going to wet her pants, she just HAD to find a bathroom in the next minute or it was going to be all over. “Well, there’s a ladies room over in that building across the quad. Go past the table, which is where you’ll have to go to get your room and hall keys, and take the second door on your left. Better hurry, it looks like you’re about to have an accident!!” the girl giggled. Ashley looked over, not understanding. “Wait, take the second right and then the first door?” she mumbled confused, suddenly fighting a huge wave of pressure. Ashley lost the battle again. A one second stream of pee thrashed out of her clenched pee hole, completely wetting the crotch of her soft panties, flooding the crotch of her shorts, and two distinct streams of pee came trickling down her right leg, and a few droplets falling straight to the pavement. Ashley froze in panic, and the girl looked down at Ashley’s crotch, seeing the wetness in the denim fabric, and laughed before she caught herself, and then replied “oh my god, you’re peeing your pants! Listen carefully. In that building, past the table, second door to your left, okay? Hurry.” Ashley froze again, stood up looking, and suddenly another burst shot from her body, another one second long stream. “No. NOOOO”, Ashley screamed as her pee flooded her panties, sizzling in its release, sending another stream down her legs, this time her left thigh getting wet as she had shifted position. Her pussy burned, her body trembling, the pain in every limb increasing, but somehow she managed to hold on. The girls in back of her in line were laughing. They clearly saw the wet mark spreading on Ashley’s shorts and saw the trickle of pee running down her leg. A small dark puddle formed, maybe one or two inches, on the ground between Ashley’s legs. The sock of her right shoe was wet with her pee. Ashley somehow held on, ran three steps, and then froze, another very short burst exploding from her tense body. Only a half second shot, but this streamed straight down from her crotch between her legs. Everyone in the area saw it, the quick droplets flowing from the poor girl who was starting to pee her pants. Somehow Ashley had to control it, to get to the bathroom before she exploded. She and her parents made their way across the quad. Ashley could barely walk. Every few steps she’d stop and press her hands together against her crotch in total desperation to hold off an impending burst. Somehow it worked. She hobbled across the quad’s walkways until she reached the building, but then lost control momentarily and peed another half second into her underwear before she could call on all of her muscles to halt the flow. Tears flowed from her eyes, her shorts now obviously wet, both of her legs damp, the right leg more so, shining in the sun from the pee that had run from her panties into the blue denim fabric. Her panties were soaking, her girlhood pressed firmly against the dampened fabric as it clung to her. She found the table. Second door to the left, second door to the left. The pain increased. Ashley was seconds away from relief. Her body somehow managed to comply with her wishes. She held it in, dying every step of the way. The pressure was no longer coming in waves; it was now a continuous pain throbbing incessantly inside of her, a screaming pain that would not go away. It was just constant muscle pressure and one hand against her wet panties up her shorts that kept her from totally losing control. A few more steps, and she’d be there. She could see the “Ladies” sign on the door– almost there. She ignored all the students standing in line for the registration table. Her parents were behind her, Dad smiling. He’d never seen his daughter have to pee THIS bad, and seeing as she’d wet her pants once each of her teenage years in her life, that was saying something. All the students looked over at this poor girl, her reddish blond hair sticking to her sweating face, obviously about to lose control. “Wow, she’s wetting her pants,” one student said, catching a glimpse of Ashley’s wet shorts and the shine glinting from the afternoon sun on her legs where she was wet. “Oh my God, you’re right, she’s having an accident,” another girl noticed, looking at Ashley hobbling to the ladies room door, her shorts obviously wet. Ashley got to the door, tried it, and it was locked. “WHAT? NO. No. NOOOO!” She screamed. She pounded on the door, and then saw her worst nightmare. “Out of Order,” scrawled in black magic marker on a small index card, to the left of the door hung up with masking tape on the cinder blocks of the building wall. Ashley couldn’t believe this. “NOOO,” she cried, “oh god NO, Please no,” she wailed, suddenly peeing a one second burst of pee into her clothing before managing to stop it. Pee flooded her panties again, the renewed warmth flowing through the soft fabric, saturating it and then further wetting the blue denim fabric of her shorts. She looked around in panic, pressing her legs together so she wouldn’t obviously drip on the floor. Pee droplets trickled down her thighs again from this position, and she thought the better of it and stood with her legs apart. A small puddle appeared from the escaped stream, but was unnoticeable to most. Ashley ran towards the first girl she saw. “Where’s the nearest bathroom?” she pleaded in a panic, sweat pouring from her forehead, tears streaming from her eyes, droplets of her pee dripping from her shorts. “6th floor, but you’ll need to get your hall pass first. That’s this line over here. Wow, you REALLY have to GO, don’t you?” the girl answered, catching sight of the shiny streaks of pee on Ashley’s thighs and the shiny wetness of her crotch of her shorts. “Hall path pass??” Ashley replied in panic, not understanding. The pain was so intense she couldn’t speak or hear clearly. “Yes, you need a hall key, to get to the 6th floor. It’s like a computer card. Get it here,” the girl answered, pointing to the table with a huge line of girls waiting. Ashley looked at the line and panicked. There was no way she could wait that long. She turned towards the door of the locked bathroom and in disbelief, tried it again. Tears exploded from her eyes. She turned around, wailing. “Oh no. Please NOOOOO. I gotta pee so bad, oh I have to pee; please somebody open this, pleaseeee oh pleassseeeee,” her voice drifting off as she wailed in desperation. She leaned back against the cold cinder blocks, legs apart. She was shaking like she was having a seizure, her body racked with pain from the tenseness, from the unrelenting pressure. Another spurt shot out, and she could barely stop it. The pee left her swollen bladder, traveled through her swollen urethra and left her straining pee hole, flooding her panties with hot wetness, traveling into and through her denim fabric of her shorts before running down her legs. “NOOOOOO,” Ashley screamed, turning to her parents, eyes wide in panic, for help. Dad and Mom stood there and watched. Ashley was too far along now. The entire hallway of girls from the dorm stared at her, locking in either at her crying, sweat–drenched face or staring at her short low rise blue jean shorts with the 7 inch wet spot, soaking in the light, and many saw the trickles of pee and the shiny wetness from the pee on her legs. Ashley panicked, but couldn’t move, her body wracked with her incredible need to relieve herself. She tried to hold on, but the next wave of pressure built up and caused her to almost black out. She saw things faintly, held her breath, but couldn’t control her body any longer. Too much liquid and too much time, finally it was all over. Ashley’s body exploded violently, unable to hold back any longer. Pee thrashed out of her pee hole, flooding her panties and shorts. The first spurts were about five seconds long, two of them, but then Ashley could not even hold those back. The next was insane. A huge pressure built up, and Ashley’s bladder let loose. A torrential stream of hot steaming pee exploded out of her, hissing loudly as her bladder contracted strongly, forcing the pent up urine through her violently, and she peed into her clothing for a full 45 seconds. Pee streamed everywhere, her shorts crotch was soaked, her underwear soaked and clinging to her crotch, her legs shining wet as pee rolled down her inner thighs like waterfalls. Pee thrashed out of her so much she was peeing down the sides of her legs and straight out of her, causing a huge puddle to form on the shiny brown floor of the building lobby. Another stream exploded, this one lasting another 45 seconds, continuing the damage done by the first one. Pee gushed everywhere as Ashley sheepishly looked up in horror, then down at her crotch, pee flowing from her body like a fire hose with absolutely no way to control any of it. Everyone in the hallway stared aghast at the pretty 18–year–old totally peeing her pants. Mom and Dad smiled, then giggled. This was beyond their expectations. Ashley had held on much longer than they thought she could, and the accident she had in front of all of her class AND dorm mates was incredible. Their 18–year–old daughter was wetting herself worse than ever before. Far worse than even the accident she had at 17 during her prom, even worse than when she peed her pants in a track meet at 15, maybe even worse than the time she lost control in a gymnastics exhibition during her second year in high school where she wet herself in front of all of her best friends with her parents watching. Ashley looked up at her parents, holding in the remaining pee now that she had wet herself completely. She had peed for 2 minutes, the puddle between her legs flowing down to the drain six feet away from where she stood, her legs soaked with pee, shining with glistening wetness in the light. Her shorts dripped pee as she walked. Both shoes were soaked. Both socks were soaked and stained a light yellow from the pee they had absorbed. Her shoes squeaked as she walked. It was time for her parents to go. They unloaded her bags, carried them to the hall while Ashley waited, mortified because of her accident, in the line to get her room and hall keys. Every student gasped when they saw how wet she was. Even the registration volunteers could not hold back a giggle and a laugh when Ashley finally made it to the table to sign in. Her wet shorts and legs were obvious, especially from as close as across a table. Ashley carried her bags up to her room with her parents, only to find the hall key not working. Unbelievably, she had to use the bathroom again, badly. The 30 minutes she had waited in line were enough for her bladder to process the rest of her liquid, and she could barely hold on. She swore, and then uncontrollably peed her shorts for the second time. The need to pee came over her so suddenly she yelled and suddenly realized her weakened muscles had no more control. There she stood, the hall door locked, pee streaming for 45 seconds. Stream after stream once again left her tortured body, soaking her shorts again, her legs now again totally shiny from the wetness, the carpet under her feet dark and wet from her pee. Some attractive blond girl came from inside and opened the door, and then stood in shock when she saw Ashley standing there, pee dripping from between her legs, shorts and thighs soaked, pee marks on the carpet. “Oh my fucking GOD. You peed your pants. We all heard about it. Oh my GOD,” the girl replied. Ashley sheepishly walked into the lobby in shock, crying in shame. She headed to her room. The blond was her roommate. Ashley looked at her and simply mumbled, “I’m sorry, I really had to go. I’m sorry.” She hugged both of her parents goodbye, unpacked her clean clothes, and found the dorm showers. As she stripped the soaking shorts off her body she looked at herself, her white panties soaked and clinging to her. She still had to pee. Looking around, standing in the shower with the water still off, she let the remainder of her bladder out, her underwear again being the only thing between her pee hole and the outside. She finished wetting her pants, took off her clingy panties and showered. Once changed, she threw away her wet clothes and returned to her room. All the other girls in the dorm looked at her and laughed. Apparently everyone knew she was the “one who peed her pants in the quad.” Her roommate came by. “Okay, so what’s the deal? Do you have some kind of bladder problem I should know about?” “No, no,” Ashley shyly replied, then explained what had happened. “Well,” the girl replied, “I hate to tell you this, but everyone in the dorm knows about it now. They have a web cam set up near the two orientation tables and everyone saw you pee your pants, so I think you’re gonna have a rough couple of days,” and then the girl giggled. “Boy, you really did look like you had to pee too!” and then she left the room. Ashley sat on her bed, stunned. Sure enough, everybody seemed to know. Throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening every look she got was from somebody who then giggled to their friend. Ashley was now the “girl who peed herself” and her first day was a living hell. Everyone knew. How could they let that be shown on the Internet? How many others would see the blurry web cam image of her body, bent over in distress, pee shooting out of her shorts onto the floor? The humiliation was too much. Ashley started to cry again. How she longed to be back at home, sleeping in her bed, away from everyone who saw her accident. The rest of the evening was torture as the resident advisor meetings and the safety meetings all ended with the other girls in the dorm glimpsing at Ashley, giggling to themselves, making fun of the “girl who peed her pants.” Thankfully, for Ashley, bedtime came soon. Ashley’s roommate had come back, and had already taken the lower of the two bunk beds in the dorm room. “Hey. I’m tired, so try not to get up all night and go to the bathroom from up in your bunk, okay?” the blond yelled up at Ashley, as she turned out the lights and climbed under her covers. Ashley lay down on the top bunk, having changed into her yellow T–shirt and yellow cotton panties, clutching the teddy bear her sister had given her years ago, crying softly. Ashley replayed the events of the day and couldn’t believe how badly things had gone. Every hope of having a good freshman year was gone. Her body was tired and she sobbed silently. An hour went by, and Ashley could not get to sleep. The stress of the day kept her awake; she had been crying for the whole time, her pillow now soaked with tears. She was as depressed and humiliated as she ever had been, and wished that she had not chosen to attend college. It was the worst day of her young life. Worse yet, Ashley had to pee. Badly. The rest of the day’s worth of drinking had caught up with her, but there was no way she was going to anger her roommate any more by climbing down from the bunk and heading out to the bathroom down the hall. She’d hold it in and go in the morning. She tried to sleep. Her bladder was totally unrelenting; it was already weakened by the afternoon’s ordeal, her pee hole once again tortured with the pressure building inside. Ashley put one hand against her crotch, lying face down on the bed, still crying into her pillow. She felt trapped and mad at herself for drinking too much while she sat alone in the residence hall cafeteria. Her fingers tried to relieve the pressure by pressing against her hole, trying to keep it in. Ashley knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it. What could she do? She didn’t want to anger her roommate any further, so she cried harder, her body racked with desperation as she lay on her tummy on the crisp white sheets. A few minutes passed, but by then her body could no longer control itself. Ashley had to pee urgently, the sudden pressure and intensity returning, but with no more strength in the mortified teens body to hold back, things got worse. She needed to pee ever so badly, but didn’t dare leave the bed. The next wave of pressure overcame her, the contraction immense. Ashley couldn’t fight back, and suddenly peed into her bed, jets of pee thrashing once again from her clenched pee hole, a continuous stream of pee escaping, flooding her yellow panties, and soaking the sheets. Ashley cried harder, sobbing relentlessly, her body racked with embarrassment and distress. She continued to go, unable to stop the flow, and within seconds was feeling the warm wetness of her pee flow through her sheets. She was face down lying in a puddle of pee. The entire front of her panties were soaked, the pee clinging to her panties pressed against the strip of pubic hair where she didn’t shave along the top of her mound. She turned and felt the squishiness of the wet sheets against her legs, crotch and abs. She had peed for one minute into her bed, sobbing. She didn’t dare get up. Her panties and T– shirt clung to the wet sheets, her legs, crotch and even stomach sticky from where they came in contact with her puddle. Ashley had wet the bed for the first time in many years. As she lay there sobbing violently, her body eventually gave way and somehow she fell asleep, knowing the next day would be even worse when she had to explain to her roommate about the wet sheets. Ashley’s freshman year was going to be hell. She had experienced total humiliation and would not live it down for some time.
Back at home Mom and Dad were getting ready for bed. “Wow. That was something, wasn’t it?” Dad mentioned. “Yes. It was,” Mom replied. “Do you think she ever knew that we planned it each time?” Dad asked, laughing. “No, I don’t think she figured it out.” His wife smiled, and having to go to the bathroom herself, peed into her nightgown as he fondled her 36–year–old tummy, reaching for her soaked underwear underneath. Little did Ashley know her parents had discovered a pee desperation fetish about 5 years ago and engaged in desperation and holding practices themselves for fun. Little did Ashley know that because of their fetish, her parents had purposely planned her to make her wet her pants each year as they watched. Little did Ashley know that the web cam images of her accident during orientation were all over the internet now, and her parents even had copied the images onto their laptop, to add to the home movies and videos of some of her other accidents over the past few years of Ashley’s life.
The next morning two things happened.
Ashley was teased by her roommate for having wet the bed. The horror in her life continued, finding nobody to talk to and having no friends as she wandered, shamed by the accidents, through the busy campus. She spent most of the morning in the laundry room in the basement of the dorm, cleaning her wet clothing and sheets. Back at her home, 3 hours away, it was after lunch. Ashley’s sister had just walked down the stairway, her red and black cheerleading uniform fitting tightly, new and not broken in yet. Her sister’s dream of making the team after years of gymnastics and cheerleading camps had been achieved. Thin and tiny, her body looked good in the uniform, the cheerleading skirt barely covering her ass, her red trunks showing easily to the world. Dad looked over. “So, are you ready to go to practice?” he asked, staring at the tight red nylon fabric of her trunks hugging her ass. “Yea.” “Why don’t you have some lemonade, dear?” her Mom asked, smiling. Their other daughter downed the glass. “Well, let’s go then, shall we?” her parents asked. “Okay, but I’ve gotta go pee, wait up.” “We’ll be late, you better hold it and go there, okay honey?” Mom replied. “But I’ve really got to go,” her sister pleaded. “Go at the gym, dear, we don’t want to be late for your first practice,” her Mom replied. Dad looked at his other daughter, the pained expression on her face, the desperation already evident as she smoothed out her uniform. “Oh. OKAY,” their daughter replied with an attitude, subconsciously touching the crotch of her trunks under her cheerleading skirt to relieve the tightness of them as they pressed against her bladder. Dad looked over and smiled at his wife. It was her turn now, he thought, just as they had discussed earlier in bed, and he began to drive his other daughter to cheerleading practice. A smile was on his face.