Park Ranger Desperation

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The fog was lifting from the skyline, the fir trees outlined against the hazy early–morning sky. The far window in the room was open, the fresh smell of pine needles and the pure mountain air wafting through the small room. The dormitory was eerily silent at this hour, the sun was just coming up and most of the dorm’s inhabitants were still cozily in bed, sleeping. Elizabeth got up out of her bed, quietly stretched her limber arms to the ceiling, trying not to wake her roommate. She yawned and looking at the clock on her makeshift desk, pulled off her pink underwear and lavender nightshirt and stumbled sleepily into the shower. Her roommate lay in bed, still asleep while Elizabeth started her day. Towel wrapped around her, Elizabeth walks out of the shower and turns on the small coffee maker they had in their room, then heads over to the dresser to find a clean uniform for the day. Dropping the towel to the floor, she looks at her body in the full length mirror, her shoulder length dark brown hair shining, still wet. Her dark nipples grow erect as the morning breeze gently blows across her naked body as she stands in the dorm room. She looks wistfully at her boobs, wishing her 34B’s were another cup size larger. She grabs the forecast sheet she took the earlier night from the office. Light winds from the west, 5–10 mph, mostly sunny with a high in the upper 80’s– a hot day ahead. She hunts through her dresser drawer and selects a pair of light yellow panties, puts them on and admires her toned body in the mirror. Her ripped abs, chiseled from many days in kickboxing class shone with a bead or two of water from her shower. Her panties, snugly tight against her crotch, outlined her mound and her mass of dark pubic hair was matted down beneath the cotton/lycra fabric, visible through the faint yellow color of her underwear. She briefly touched herself through her panties, her fingers softly stroking the soft fabric clinging to her most private parts. She felt a tingle rush through her, and she wished she had time to explore herself further. She loved looking at her body for some reason, and laughed at the thought of the other park rangers always staring at her when they walked by. If they could see her now, she thought, laughing inside. Her roommate still slept calmly in the other bed, and now the coffee was done. Elizabeth’s long slender legs walked gracefully across the room to the coffee maker, then she sat down in her chair and quietly drank her first cup of coffee for the morning. She glanced out the window, hoping nobody was spying on her as she was still topless, read a little of the book she was reading, then stood back up and finished dressing. Against park ranger regulations, she skipped her bra, hoping a supervisor wouldn’t be looking that closely, and she put on the medium tan colored uniform shirt of the park ranger service. She glanced around, trying to remember where she had put her olive green colored uniform slacks, then found them, and slid the tight slacks up her legs. A pair of socks and her hiking boots, and she was dressed. She walked over to her roommate’s mini refrigerator and took a pair of liter bottles of water out of the compartment in the door and placed them on the ledge near the door. Glancing at the clock, she realized she had a little more time before she’d have to clock in, and she sat back down and poured her second cup of coffee for the morning and went back to her book for another fifteen minutes. Another glance at the clock, and Elizabeth knew it was time to go. She double–checked the assignment sheet for the morning– she had the South entrance station. A 15–minute walk, and it was a nice day. She grabbed her water, threw it in the backpack she carried, put on her nametag and silently headed out the door, leaving her roommate to sleep. Another mid summer day for Elizabeth was about to begin, one of many during her summer job as a park ranger for a national park. While the pay wasn’t great, the experience was a great asset and looked good on her resume. As she strolled out of the employee dormitory onto the dirt path and headed to the ranger station at the south entrance, she looked up at the morning sky, the clouds now breaking apart as the sun started shining. It looked like it might be a warm day, but Elizabeth loved nature and the outdoors, and this was the ultimate job. Hopefully, she thought, when she finished college with her forestry degree, she’d be able to go full time with benefits and have a career in the great outdoors. As she headed along the path to the station she stopped to admire the two deer picking at grass at the roadside’s edge, unaware of her presence. Such beautiful animals they were, with their fur glowing in the morning light. Elizabeth turned up the entrance road and headed to the south station. The north station was far busier; this one was a little more remote, but it could still get busy at times, and she was the only park ranger assigned to it for the day. They were going to renovate the south entrance and add some facilities for guests there; right now it was a small guard shack and not much else except a faded yellow porta–potty across the road in the trees that served as the bathroom during the day. Elizabeth came up onto the guard shack, used her key to open the door and stepped into the shack, pulling up the chair near the shacks window where she’s sit for the day, collecting the day use fee from any guests who’d arrive in their cars. It wasn’t the most glamorous job, but all the rangers on summer internship had to share in the duties; not every day was leading tour groups or manning the information center at the major lookouts in the park. Elizabeth checked her watch and looked over at the porta potty in the woods. The two cups of her morning coffee were slowly making their way to the young woman’s bladder, and she thought about heading over and getting a quick morning pee in before the day started, but she hated the dirty porta potty and decided she’d hold it until lunch hour or later on if she had to. She hated the smell inside anyway.
A half hour later, the first car of the day pulled up. Elizabeth leaned out the window and greeted the older gentleman in the car. She had recognized his face; he had done some photography for the park service and was probably going to take some more early morning pictures before the sun rose too far. She sat back and noticed that already the morning heat was getting stifling in the small shack, and she reached down to her backpack at her feet and pulled out the first liter bottle of water and started drinking it. As she filled her stomach with the cool water, her body rapidly took in the fluids, while her kidneys processed her earlier liquids. By 8am, one hour since she’d gotten there, Elizabeth had to take a pee. She looked over at the dirty porta potty again, grimaced at the thought, and since she didn’t have to go THAT badly yet, she decided to hold her pee and wait until lunch if she could. “Too bad I wasn’t at the north entrance,” she thought to herself, thinking about the indoor restroom in the building next to the guard shack there. She sipped some more of the water, mindlessly staring out the window, looking at the next group of cars coming down the road to the shack. She crossed her legs; she was starting to have to use the bathroom a bit worse now, an hour and a half since she had sipped her last cup of morning coffee, and the tourists were starting to arrive. It seemed busier at the south entrance than normal, especially for this time in the morning, she thought.
“Hi. That will be 5 dollars,” Elizabeth said with a smile. The harried mother shuffled through her purse and paid the ranger, taking the park map and speeding off down the entrance road. “Figures. Another family rushing in here just so they can rush home, missing everything because they are always hurrying,” Elizabeth mumbled under her breath. “Hi. That will be 5 dollars. How are you folks today?” she asked the group of Japanese tourists. They paid her and smiled, obviously not understanding her English. She tapped her foot on the wooden floor of the booth. She wished the cars would stop so she could run across the road to the porta potty. 10 o’clock now, and Elizabeth badly needed to pee. “Hi. That will be 5 dollars, how are you this morning?” she asked the next family as they pulled up. Some usual questions and they were off. It was getting warmer, and Elizabeth mindlessly grabbed her water, only to find the bottle empty. She looked at it and couldn’t believe she finished it already. She tossed it into the recycling bin outside the other wall of her station and grabbed the second liter of water from her backpack. She’d definitely have to go buy some more when she went on her lunch break at noon if she was going to get through the long afternoon, she thought.
“Damn, another car. Can’t catch a restroom break this morning,” she mumbled under her breath, momentarily placing her hand between her legs as she squeezed her thighs together. “Hi. How are you doing? That will be 5 dollars. Yes, 3 miles up the road and take the first left, and you’ll find a bathroom there.” Elizabeth winced at her last answer. She wished she could use the bathroom; her bladder was filling rapidly with the two cups of coffee and liter of bottled water she had already drank this morning. Three more cars, and then she probably figured that would be it for a while, and she could run across to the porta potty before she had an accident in her pants, she thought. She tried to relax, but the swelling in her bladder was a constant now, letting her know that her body was requesting some relief of the pent up urine kept prisoner inside of her. “Hi. That will be 5 dollars. Thank you. Yes, 3 miles up the road and take a left.” Two more cars, she thought, two more cars. “Hi, that’s 5 dollars please. Yes, the visitor center is 3 miles up the road. No, your dog can’t come on the trails but you are welcome to walk it in the parking lot of the center. Yes sir, the center is open until 7pm tonight. No sir. Yes sir. Have a nice day.” “Jesus,” she thought, tapping her feet as she noticed her bladder swell inside of her, “what dumb questions that guy asked.” The last car pulled up. Relief was near. “Hi. That will be 5 dollars. Yes. No, it’s only $8 if you are pulling a camper. Yes, 3 miles up the road and you’ll find the public restrooms there.” She looked in the car and saw the couple’s younger teenage girl squirming badly in the back seat, obviously in need of a bathroom, Elizabeth thought, just like herself. The car drove off, and Elizabeth stood up and immediately noticed how badly she needed to pee. Smelly or not, she needed to quickly relieve herself right now and she walked quickly across the road to the porta potty, hoping no cars would pull up right then. She crossed the ditch and headed to the faded yellow plastic door. She grabbed the handle and pulled, and suddenly realized it was locked. The padlock was on it. Swearing, she fumbled with her keys, trying to find a key that would unlock it. She stood there, moving her feet, feeling her bladder start to scream inside of her; it must have known how close she was to a toilet, and her bladder wanted to release that pee, now! None of the keys fit. Elizabeth stood there, not believing her bad luck, and for a moment thought about heading behind the large boulder and just peeing there in the grass; she really had to go so very badly, but then she saw a group of hikers heading along the edge near the boulder. She was stuck, having to pee very badly with a locked porta potty right in front of her. She swore loudly and sheepishly headed back to the shack, her body now demanding release, her urine rapidly stretching her bladder to the limit, her slacks feeling tighter as her tummy swelled from the pressure. She sat down, sitting relieved the pain a little, and then she saw the next line of cars approach. She needed to call the ranger station and request a break, or she was going to end up peeing her pants, she thought, and even with that thought in her mind she absent mindedly reached for the water bottle and took a long gulp to quench her thirst from the morning’s heat.
“Hi, that will be 5 dollars, Yes, Thank you,” she said, noticing the flirtatious look the young men in the last car had given her. True, she thought, she did get the attention of the guys and sometimes the dads too. Right now she just wanted to find a bathroom, and she grabbed the phone and dialed the number for the ranger station up at the visitors center. “Station, this is Ranger Smith,” the voice on the other end of the line answered. “Yes, this is Elizabeth down at the south gate. Could you send somebody down here for a break as soon as you can please?” Elizabeth asked, trying not to show the urgency of her situation to the other ranger.
“Okay, South entrance, right? Yea, I’ll have someone come along any minute, everything okay down there?”
“Yes, although it’s been pretty busy. How’s it going up at North?” she asked. “They’re slammed, cars backed up for a mile. Some convention or something, they all decided to come here today. We might get record attendance today,” the other ranger replied.
“Okay, well thanks,” and Elizabeth hung up the phone. A few minutes, and a ranger would drive down the road with a truck and she’d be able to take the truck up to the visitor’s center and relieve her pounding bladder. The thought of releasing all that trapped pee within her body went through her mind. She really wasn’t one to be able to hold her pee THAT long, and she had always worried about being caught somewhere and not finding a bathroom. She remembered her roommate telling her how she had peed in her uniform giving a wildlife hike one day when she had drank too much water on the trail and forgotten to use the bathroom at the trail–head, and how the hikers all saw her pee in her uniform right there. Elizabeth and her friends had endlessly teased her roommate for months, laughing at the shame that girl experienced. Now Elizabeth wondered if it would come back to haunt her as she felt her bladder stretch inside and send a pulse of pain through her abdomen as her pee desperately wanted to escape her body. She clenched her muscles and held back, realizing now she was in an emergency situation and had to pee so badly she knew she could not hold on much longer. She hadn’t wet her pants in many years, but remembered once as a 13 year old peeing in her shorts in the mall in front of all of her friends and getting teased about it. Elizabeth clenched her muscles harder, fighting off another pang of pressure overtaking her struggling body. “Where the hell is that relief?” she asked loudly, looking out the window to see if the other ranger would be coming soon. She absolutely needed to use the bathroom badly, and couldn’t wait much longer. Elizabeth started to call the station again when the phone rang. “Yes?” Elizabeth answered, desperate to use the bathroom and squirming in her chair, holding back the torrent of pee within her.
“This is Ranger Nelson up at the center. We’ve had an incident here; somebody tripped on the gift shop floor and we can’t send anybody down there right now. Can you hold out until lunch? It’s only an hour away, and then I should be able to send someone down to relieve you.” Elizabeth froze in panic. An hour, she thought. Could she hold back her throbbing pee for an hour? She realized she had no choice, and desponded replied in the phone that she could wait until lunch but that if anyone got free she could use the break sooner.
“Have to pee, huh, laughed the ranger.
“Yea, actually, yea,” Elizabeth said sheepishly in return. “Could you hurry? The porta potty here is locked and I don’t have the right stupid key”, she said, a hint of desperation in her voice.
“Well, just hold on, I’ll get someone down there as soon as I can. It’s pretty bad up here, this old lady is screaming and her husband is freaking out and I don’t have anybody to send right now.”
“Okay, I’ll be okay,” Elizabeth lied, feeling the unrelenting pressure building further within her shaking body, her pee screaming for relief, her girlhood swollen and tense and her muscles clenched. Her dark green uniform slacks pressed tightly against her tummy, making the feeling of desperation worse. Elizabeth needed to pee so badly, and there was no relief in sight. 45 minutes to go, she thought, and here came the next group of cars– a long line this time. Elizabeth tensed her muscles, tried to stop squirming in the chair and concentrated on holding back the river of pee inside of her bladder, filling like an overflowing lake behind a dam that prevented the water from releasing. Elizabeth had not had to use the bathroom this badly since she peed her pants at the mall 6 years ago, and she shuddered at the thought of having an accident in her pants as an adult. The first car pulled up to the guardhouse. “Hi. That will be five dollars. Thank you.” The next car, and after that came then the next. Elizabeth could not stop from squirming in her seat; her bladder was swollen to the very limit, the edges stretched, her urethra desperately wanting to release the hot urine within her bladder into the outside world. She pressed one hand hard against her pee hole through her slacks, trying to press up and in, keeping her muscles clenched as she felt a wave of pressure run through her body, causing her to almost lose control, but somehow managing to hold back at the last moment. Elizabeth was in panic, and she knew she would be having an accident if relief didn’t come soon. She glanced up at the clock as the next car pulled up. 11:30. Thirty minutes more until lunch break. She clasped her free hand tighter against her crotch and she tapped her feet violently on the floor as she tried to hold off another burst of pressure that singed like a red–hot knife through her throbbing body. She again managed to hold back the impending surge of pee somehow, and the pressure passed. She took a deep breath, somehow managing to deal with the sharp stinging pain within her as her bladder cried out desperately for relief. The next car was a large family– with lots of questions. Elizabeth struggled as she answered the many questions, trying as hard as she could to smile and maintain a professional attitude while the inside of her body violently screamed for the relief of her distended bladder. “God I HAVE TO PEEEEE!!!” she thought to herself, struggling against all odds as her bladder again sent explosive signals of pain through her body, making her feel like her pee was at the very edge of her pee hole, trapped within her, trapped behind her yellow panties and green uniform slacks, unable to escape. She violently shook, trying to hold back the urge, and again managed to control herself while the pain increased. “Hi. That will be five dollars. Yes, three miles up and too your left. Thank you!” Another car. The pressure increased. Elizabeth didn’t dare take her one hand away from her crotch; she feared if she did that she would instantly pee into her clothing from the immense desperation she was feeling. 11:45. 15 more minutes. She was still thirsty, and finished the last of her second liter of water. Her bladder screamed in protest as her kidneys processed more urine. Her bladder could not stretch much further without exploding, and the searing intense pressure within her body was almost too much for her to take. Her knees were pressed together, her feet tapping on the floor, her butt squirming in the seat, her hand pressed hard against her pee hole, her body totally desperate from the massive water consumption that morning, all without a bathroom break she normally would have taken hours ago. Another car. “Hi. That will be five dollars,” she somehow managed to say, fighting back yet another urge to void, her bladder signaling immediate distress. Only her years of kickboxing and running that had built up her muscles kept her dry; any other girl would have been uncontrollably peeing into her pants at this point, but the immense pain and discomfort was almost too much for Elizabeth. 5 more minutes, she thought, taking short breaths as her bladder struggled with the ocean of hot pee inside of it. “Hi, that will be five dollars. Yes, there is a public bathroom up at the visitor’s center. No, there isn’t anything here. I’m sorry, it’s just a short drive,” Elizabeth explained. The young couple was striking, but the guy’s girlfriend sat anxiously in the front seat, her hands pressed against her khaki shorts, obviously struggling with her own bladder. “Ha. And you think YOU have to go pee,” Elizabeth sarcastically said as the last car drove through. She looked around, wishing for any sign of her relief. Finally, 12 noon. Nobody. She squirmed in her seat as she looked around. She’d just have to run for the rock; there was no way she could hold in her pee any longer. She grimaced and screamed as she barely controlled her bladders last violent contraction and somehow she managed to keep from uncontrollably peeing into her underwear. She had to pee so badly, she stood up and rushed out of the guard shack, almost peeing into her slacks as she stood up as the pain increased, and right as she got to the ditch she saw a park ranger walking down from the other end of the road. She froze, her bladder still screaming and her legs pressed together but happy to finally see some relief. Then she panicked. Where was the truck? She prayed he had the key to the porta potty.
“Hi. I’m Jaspere. I’m your relief, so go have fun!” the young gentleman replied. Elizabeth had seen him before at a party, but didn’t know him.
“Hey, Thanks. Um. By the way, do you happen to have the key to the bathroom here? I have to go pretty bad!” she admitted, blushing as she said it, knowing there was no way she could walk the 15 minutes back to the dorms without having an accident in her pants.
“Huh? Nobody told me about that. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was why you needed the break. Guess you better get going then”, said the man, a bulge forming in his pants as he realized how desperate the young and very attractive park ranger was.
“Shit. Okay, I’m outta here, I’ll be back at one!” Elizabeth said, leaving her backpack behind and heading down the path back to the dormitory. Her first steps almost caused her to burst; the immense pain inside of her made it hard to walk. The very act of moving her legs caused her bladder to violently contract a little, and she panicked, trying to hold back the stream of pee inside of her. She looked around, desperate, unable to continue, her bladder thrashing, screaming, protesting as it reached the very limit and demanded release NOW. She had to pee so badly that at any other time she knew she would have been peeing her pants. She couldn’t believe how she had been able to hold it in so long, but she knew there were only minutes left before she’d be urinating into her clothes as a fully–grown adult of 19 years, and she didn’t want that to happen. Over there, she saw a large tree. She started to head over when around the bend a group of hikers came into view. “Crap!” Elizabeth swore– clutching at her crotch, her legs pressed tight together, unable to move in fear of peeing right there and then. She tried to take a few more steps and almost wet herself right there, barely able to hold back the incredible shrieking pain inside of her. The group of hikers started walking towards Elizabeth, coming much closer.
“Shit,” she thought, trying to hold herself together. She hoped they didn’t have many questions, as she stood there, struggling with her overloaded bladder, waiting in the middle of the dirt road for them to approach. She barely kept herself from peeing as another violent wave of pee pressure overtook her struggling body.
As they came closer, Elizabeth recognized them, a girls camp group, and here on a weekend retreat. The leader had caught Elizabeth’s eye; she was about 28, blonde hair, and very pretty, her stocky but sexy legs in a pair of very short shorts. The rest of the group were younger girls, all wearing backpacks too big for them and wearing the same color light tan short shorts with a light blue T shirt a logo on it. The leader came over to Elizabeth, who tried to stand up straight and look professional, her body panicking inside.
“Hi. We saw you the other day. We wondered if you could tell us the best route to the lake trail over here on the map?” Elizabeth looked at the trail map and started to explain the choices. Halfway through her explanation, a violent sensation overcame her as the surge of pee pressure overtook her and she tried desperately to control her pee. She started shaking and was holding the leader’s map so she couldn’t rush her hand to her crotch to hold back the impending stream, and she felt another surge run through her body, but this time she couldn’t control it. She tapped her feet, stood there squirming as she held the map, and felt the first burst of pee escape from her burning pee hole and escape her clenched girlhood. She shook violently and somehow forced her pee hole closed, peeing only a second into her clothing. She glanced down and saw in horror the very obvious two–inch wet spot on her upper inner left thigh where her vagina had been aiming the burst of pee. She felt another wave overtake her, and tried to answer the woman’s questions, but suddenly fest another spurt of pee escape. The small jet of pee burst through her yellow panties and a small trickle ran down her left thigh and stopped after a small stream formed. Elizabeth knew she was losing control, and tried with all her might to hold back the increasing contractions within her bladder.
“Yes, I think given the size of your gr–uhm a group” Elizabeth stumbled on her words as another jet of pee rushed through her pants, a very obvious 5 inch wet mark on her inner left thigh appearing, along with the shiny wetness that surely was obvious to anyone looking that the park ranger was beginning to have a pee accident. Elizabeth tried to continue.
“Yes, the northern trail would be better. Have a nice day!” she managed, forcing a smile as she died inside, peeing another 2–second burst into her clothing. Her panties now were soaked at her crotch and her olive medium dark green slacks were obviously wet at the crotch and marks of wet pee appeared on her left leg. She looked at the group of girls and suddenly realized they were pointing at her, giggling.
“Wow, she’s like totally peeing her pants!” one red headed girl in very short shorts said.
Elizabeth blushed, and suddenly she cried out, “Oh my God, I’m sorryyy,” and Elizabeth’s screaming bladder finally won the battle, and she started to pee, first jets of pee lasting 3 seconds, then as she tried to hold them back but ultimately couldn’t, her bladder increased and the pressure of her hot pee increased, and the next few bursts of pee were 4 seconds long each, soaking her panties and the crotch area of her slacks. A dark, wide pee stain was slowly spreading down Elizabeth’s left leg, and then she totally lost control. The other girls and the leader suddenly looked at the poor desperate park ranger while Elizabeth lost it and started peeing uncontrollably into her pants. Pee gushed out of her crotch, her pee hole enlarged with the pressure as hot pee streamed out of her, through the fabric of her damp panties, into and through the fabric of her uniform pants. The dark wet stains of her pee as pee shot out of her body and flooded through the uniform pants fabric glistened in the high noon sun. She was peeing like a fire hydrant, her bladder pumping ounce after ounce of warm streaming pee out of her tortured pee hole, pee thrashing into her clothes, exploding through the fabric, running down both of her legs now, puddling on the ground. 19 years old, attractive, and a first year park ranger, Elizabeth was peeing her pants– in public– in front of strangers. She started to cry, and then screamed in anguish, and ran off, embarrassed and humiliated as the group of girls started to laugh, her clothes obviously wet from her pee accident.
Elizabeth made it back to the employee dorms, only to find her room locked and her roommate gone. Elizabeth stood there with pee soaked clothing sticking to her legs, and cried. She had forgotten her key in her backpack back at the guardhouse. Sobbing violently, she released the rest of her pee into her clothes, emptying her bladder as her uniform dripped with her pee, and she headed down the hall to get the supervisor to let her in the room. As soon as she rounded the corner she entered the lunch room full of people, all park rangers and park staff, who saw the pretty 5’8” dark haired park ranger, standing there, tears in her eyes, sweat on her forehead, with peed in pants, wet marks everywhere, leaving a trail of wet footprints in the carpet behind her. Elizabeth stood there, humiliated, and sobbed like a newborn baby, having a nervous breakdown as she headed sheepishly back to her room to take a shower and change out of her pee soaked clothes.
A week later, tired of the teasing, Elizabeth quit her job, dropped out of the forestry program and moved back home, her life ruined, she thought. On the trip home, on the bus, she had an accident in her shorts, soaking the seat and sitting in a puddle of her own pee for 3 hours in the back of the bus and she cried once again, hating the world for what was happening to her, and wondering why her luck had turned so bad. Back at the park, Jaspere, the young ranger who had come by to give her a break, was masturbating to the images of Elizabeth peeing herself. He had a crush on Elizabeth that she never knew about, and fantasized about her peeing in her pants, and wished he could have seen it happen instead of hearing stories about it. He did get a bonus when he saw one of the girls in the girl’s group rush into the visitors center later and suddenly clutch her tan shorts and then pee uncontrollably into them right onto the floor. The rumor was, he heard, that she had been holding her pee too long on the northern trail. Elizabeth never returned to the national park and now works as an administrative assistant in a nursing home. She still occasionally has days where she pees into her pants accidentally, even past her 20th birthday.
By: Gillian