Interview Distress

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

10:00 AM. Jenny rose off her couch, still in her nightgown, barely out of bed, and walked over to the window. She peered outside at the early summer day, clouds puffy and white in the sky, people walking along the busy street in the harried pace of the office employee, heads down, moving with purpose along the sidewalks. Moving from the window to her dining table, she picked up her resume and read it once again, double–checking for spelling errors and considering yet again rewriting her summary to put a different slant on her skills. The interview was at 12:00 noon downtown, about a mile away from her upscale apartment and Jenny was nervous. She needed a job, and the economic woes had made them scarce to come by, especially for new college graduates entering the workforce. Sipping her morning coffee, she at last decided that her resume was as good as it was going to be, and she headed to the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. Removing her nightgown, she stepped into the shower, her 5’ 5” slender body still asleep from the previous night. As she stepped onto the hard plastic tub that she hated so much, she realized how badly she had to pee. “Damn,” she muttered to herself. Whenever she was nervous, she always had to go to the bathroom, like her bladder got smaller when her days got tense. Too tired to step out of the shower to the toilet, she stood in the shower, naked, sighed, parted her slender legs and released her bladder, the strong stream of pee gushing out of her womanhood, streaming down to the tub floor, splashing noisily as her yellow pee trickled down the drain. Jenny giggled, thinking how totally naughty she was, standing there peeing naked in her bathtub. She moved a bit and as the last bits of her pee stream left her body, she put her legs together and giggled once again as the pee stream ran down her legs, and she quickly and embarrassedly moved her legs apart, not wanting to realize that she may have enjoyed the momentary feeling of her pee trickling down her bare skin. Her bladder empty, she turned on the shower and let the warm water flow over her 24–year–old body. The stream from the showerhead poured over her smallish breasts, her nipples growing erect as the water stimulated them. She massaged her breasts and managed a sigh, and then moved and let the water soak her long brown hair and massage her lovely back. After a few minutes of waking up in the warm water, she took some liquid soap and massaged her body as she cleansed herself, reaching to her womanhood and her neatly trimmed bush, massaging herself through her pubic hair as the water beat down on her, feeling the warmth build inside as she pleasured herself. Then, finishing, she began rinsing, and then turned off the shower and reached over to the counter for a body spray to moisten her skin and give it a delicate scent. She needed to look as good as she could for the interview, and while most people considered her to be gorgeous, she knew that the competition out there for jobs was tough. Everything was important, from the way you smelled to the way you dressed and the way you said hello. Jenny had the advantage of having once participated in a beauty pageant when she was younger and tried to remember how they taught her to walk on the stage and how to talk in public. She needed everything to come together today, and perfectly, if she were to get the job she so desperately needed. Her savings and the gift from her grandfather had paid for a few months rent in the apartment she loved so much, but she needed to become employed soon before the money would run out. She dreaded the thought of having to move back home with her parents, having now had a taste of independence and a more private lifestyle. The only thing missing was a boyfriend in her life, her last man having left the country for another woman he met on a tour for the band he played in.
10:30 AM. Jenny toweled off and headed into her bedroom. She chose a pair of thin black panties that tightly hugged against her taut body and then a pair of expensive French pantyhose, a slightly sheer medium black, and she rubbed her hands along the smooth fabric. She reached for a white camisole next, putting it on, it gliding gently over her young breasts, her nipples showing slightly through the fabric. She decided to be daring and not wear a bra since the suit would cover her sufficiently and she loved the feeling of the fabric against her bare skin. She admired herself in the mirror for a moment; her flat belly and firm legs from years of exercise and dance class were clearly evident. Her pride and joy was next, a Herrera suit, navy blue and very expensive, a graduation gift from her father. She rarely wore it out; afraid she’d ruin it in public. It had been tailored to fit her body perfectly, and she tingled with excitement as she wore it. The suit itself cost more than her first car, she thought laughing, and made a mental note to be very careful as there was no way she could afford to replace it.
She strode barefoot to the kitchen table and sat down and had a leisurely breakfast while she read the morning paper. She knew she might be asked about current events and replayed in her head some typical answers to typical questions she might get at the interview. She drank a glass of orange juice, ate a small bowl of fruit and took some vitamins before pouring herself the last cup of coffee she had brewed when she stumbled out of bed earlier. Before she knew it, she glanced over at the clock on her stove and realized that she needed to leave. She put on a pair of black Kate Spade pumps she had found on sale locally, adjusted herself and then took her shoulder bag and placed her resume and spare copies into the folder inside and then grabbed a 32 ounce bottle of purified spring water from the refrigerator, set the alarm system and left her apartment.
On the street she hailed a cab, glanced at her watch, realized that she was running slightly early and relaxed. Once in the cab they headed out into traffic and Jenny started drinking from her water, getting suddenly nervous as she realized that the all–important interview was getting near. Thankful for the extra strength deodorant that was so far doing its job, she glanced out the window, wondering how she’d do. As the cab navigated the morning traffic, she mindlessly drank almost the entire bottle of water out of nervousness before she realized it, and soon the cab reached her destination, a large office tower. Jenny grew increasingly nervous as she got closer and started talking herself down, trying to calm her nerves. She got out of the cab, paid her fare (and gave an appropriate tip) as the cabbie stared lustfully at the gorgeous young women dressed to the hilt. As soon as her shoes hit the pavement she realized she needed to use the bathroom before the interview. The morning coffee and water was starting to make their way to her bladder, and her nerves weren’t helping any. “First thing, bathroom,” Jenny muttered to herself, feeling the moderate twinge inside of her as her bladder talked to her, the sure signs of a girl nervously needing a pee.
Jenny strolled through the lobby and looked around. The firm she was interviewing with was on the 38th floor, and she looked around the lobby, searching for a restroom, but found none. She looked at her watch and realized she had to be at the office in 5 minutes and put off her need for the time being and headed to the elevators, waiting with a group of people one to arrive. Inside the elevator, she smiled, trying to look confident while crowded in with a group of business people she didn’t know. Her bladder talked to her again, and Jenny realized she needed to definitely use the bathroom before the interview, and she stood anxiously at the back of the elevator as it made it to the 38th floor. “Okay, here we are. Bathroom break, then we go in”, she thought to herself. She walked across the lobby and in through the large glass panel doors that opened into a single oak paneled room with a receptionist desk in the center. A younger and somewhat nervous but nicely dressed girl sat quietly behind the desk, softly speaking into the phone as muted sounds of a busy office emanated from the locked doors around her. Jenny looked at her and realized it must have been some high school senior working on an internship or something that would explain the way she looked slightly uncomfortable in business clothes. The girl’s skirt was a bit short for business, Jenny thought, noticing that the girl’s black miniskirt showcasing a decent set of legs that grew a little larger near the thigh. A pretty girl, of sorts, she thought, with nice black hair and a cute smile. The girl was on the phone so Jenny stood there until the girl was off the phone and then politely introduced herself. The receptionist glanced up at Jenny.
“Hi. My name’s Ericka, thanks for stopping by. We’ve been expecting you. Mister Ballard will be speaking to you today, and he’ll be with you shortly. If you’d please take a seat and feel free to help yourself to coffee or bottled water over on the bar while you wait.”
“Thanks,” Jenny replied, sitting down.
“Oh, and that’s a very nice suit you have. Is that a Herrera?” the teenage receptionist asked, obviously knowing fine fashion.
“Um, Yes, thank you. Yes, it is,” Jenny replied politely, smiling at the girl while wishing she could have found a bathroom somewhere before she sat down. Looking around the lobby, Jenny concentrated on being calm and collected, knowing first impressions were everything, and then, out of nervousness, got up and strode over to the bar and poured herself a cup of some gourmet coffee and sipped it, smiling at the receptionist. She decided to make idle conversation. “So, how long have you been employed here?” Jenny asked, sipping her coffee again, trying to remain calm and collected while her bladder complained inside of her.
“Oh, I’ve been interning with them for a few months now. I’m still in high school, graduating this year. I started as a temporary before that and then got the internship after that,” the girl answered politely. Jenny found it strange that such a young girl would be in such a prestigious office, but you never knew– probably someone’s daughter. “So what position are you interviewing for?” the receptionist continued, happy to have someone talk with her to break the monotony of the day.
“Oh, I’m here for the public relations opening, I’m a communications major,” Jenny replied.
“Yes, that’s a very popular position. You wouldn’t believe how many people they’ve interviewed for that. I hope you do well,” the receptionist replied just as the office phone system rang, a muted tone coming from the console. Jenny finished her coffee and with her bladder pulsing, as she really needed to use a bathroom, she sat back down and crossed her legs, wishing she could find a place for relief. The morning liquids were taking their toll on her and her nervousness didn’t help.
Before long the large door next to the receptionist opened wide and a dark haired man, older, maybe fifty, came out with a smile on his face. “Hi. My name is Mister Ballard. Please come in,” he beckoned in a deep baritone voice. Jenny put on her best smile and walked her best walk as she strolled calmly into the office, trying not to think about how badly she needed to pee. Once inside the office, she quickly glanced around, hoping to see a restroom she could somehow escape to but instead she saw a large window office with shelves of manuals on one side and a large picture window with an expansive view of the city behind a large oak desk. No bathroom was in sight, and Jenny realized that she would have to control herself, the interview was too important to her and she wasn’t going to seem like a desperate little schoolgirl asking to use the bathroom. She was 24 now, a master’s degree in hand, and she had to act like the business professional she wanted to be. But she had to pee quite badly, her nervousness making her need to pee so much worse and the amount of water and coffee she had drunk made it difficult for Jenny to feel comfortable. She had no choice. She had to make do the best she could. Her bladder pulsated again, desiring release. Jenny certainly had to use the bathroom now, and it would have been so nice if she could have gone before the interview, but that wasn’t to be. She’d have to hold it in, no matter what.
“Hi Mister Ballard. Thank you very much for asking me to come in for this interview. I’m sure you have had lots of applicants for the position and I’m appreciative of the opportunity to come talk to you,” Jenny replied, speaking her best English, smiling her best smile. She patted the knee length skirt of her expensive suit and sat down across from Ballard. He moved his chair from behind his desk to the side so he would seem less threatening. In truth it was because he found the candidate incredibly attractive and her suit, while stunning, was short enough in the skirt to arouse him. He wondered, like all men seemingly did, what she wore underneath her pantyhose. Jenny turned to face him, desperate to use the bathroom but focused on doing her best. Surely the interview wouldn’t last that long and she could escape and somehow, somewhere find a bathroom to relieve the ocean of pee building inside her poor size 5 body. She needed to pee SO badly and she secretly hoped this would be over soon.
“Well, I’ve looked over your resume already and it looks impressive. What can you tell me about yourself that you don’t have on here?” he continued.
“Well, I suppose you would be asking about my academic achievements related to this position,” Jenny replied.
“No, actually I’m looking more for examples in your life that might relate to our needs. For example, do you feel that news coverage today is accurate or inflated? I’d like you to discuss your thoughts on current trends in the media as we feel a good candidate needs more than educational success to be an effective public relations director.” Jenny froze momentarily. She thought the position was for a PR assistant, and she suddenly realized they were interviewing people for a director position. That was a huge increase in benefits and salary and she grew nervous. Accordingly, her bladder started demanding relief, and Jenny felt, for the first time that morning, a strong surge of pressure move through her abdomen as her bladder signaled an emergency. Jenny now needed to urinate much worse than before, bad enough that normally in any other situation she would be making a dash to the bathroom to relieve the torrent of pee inside of her. At the interview, however, that was not an option. She fidgeted on her chair slightly, sucking her belly in trying to think past the wave of pee pressure that overtook her momentarily. It passed, but the stinging sensation inside of her remained. Jenny was quite desperate, needing to pee SO badly, and the interview was just beginning.
Maybe talking would take her mind off her screaming bladder. “Interesting point, Mr. Ballard. I think the trend now in the media is to exaggerate things, to blow stories out of proportion sometimes, simply because many of the stations and newspapers are all in competition to outdo each other,” she answered.
“Hmm,” he replied, “so you think that truth in reporting is being overshadowed by the ratings wars?”
“Not all the time,” Jenny replied, glad to finally be getting into the conversation with something she knew about. It helped take her mind off her bodies intense needs. “I think that often the media is trying to be truthful, but the way they present things tends to blow things out of proportion. Like they are trying to get the public to notice them,” she continued.
“Very good, very good,” Mr. Ballard said, laughing. He scanned over her resume some more. “What particular skill do you think makes you the best applicant for this position?”
“Well,” Jenny answered, fighting off another wave of pressure from her raging bladder as it wildly caused stinging pain throughout her abdomen again, causing her to twitch in her seat momentarily as she forced herself to hold the urine inside. She wiggled on the seat and tapped her foot, trying to control herself. It really hurt now, very badly. She was near the point where she feared she might have a pee accident and the thought petrified her. “Well,” Jenny continued, stumbling a bit with her speech as her bladder violently screamed for relief again inside of her, “I think my ability to see both sides of a story, or perhaps better yet, to visualize both sides of an issue would be my strongest asset, sir.” Jenny was doing well with the interview, but not so well with her body. Mr. Ballard looked again at her resume, silent, and her body screamed again as her kidneys kept draining more pee into her already distended bladder. Her suit fit much more tightly as her belly stretched, her body so badly wanting relief. The stinging pain was constant and much stronger now. Jenny fidgeted in the chair, uncrossing her legs and squeezing her inner thighs together hard, trying to control her bodies desire to release, knowing she was so close to having a huge accident it wasn’t humorous. She had to hold on, somehow, some way.
Mr. Ballard continued. “Hmm. If you had to report to the press an unfortunate incident at the company you worked for, how would you approach it?” He looked up from the resume and looked at her, his eyes glancing down, trying to see between her thighs as she sat there with her legs clenched together. Her body language gave subtle hints that maybe she needed to use a bathroom badly, but he didn’t seem to pick up on them.
“Well,” she started, suddenly realizing that she had answered with the same first word for like the third time. “I think my approach, no, I believe my approach would be to be honest and straightforward and just report the facts of the incident instead of trying to give my opinion of it.”
“Good, Good,” he replied, again becoming silent for a moment and thinking. Jenny fought off another pulsating wave of pee pressure, this one stinging much harder than the last, and the constant searing pressure within her growing with each passing minute. She was afraid if she stood up or moved too fast she’d lose control and start peeing right into her clothing right there. Things were getting worse. Jenny desperately needed a bathroom break!!!
“Ok,” Mr. Ballard continued, Jenny now squirming in the chair, trying valiantly to not pee into the skirt of her expensive suit, her bladder throbbing stronger now, demanding constant attention from the poor tortured girl as she sat, trapped, completely desperate to pee but unable to. “Ok”, Mr. Ballard started again, “I’m curious as to what you think your long term plans are. Say five years. Do you see yourself in public relations then?”
“W… well”, Jenny stuttered, trying to hold back an amazingly sharp slicing pain cutting through her as her bladder SCREAMED for immediate relief, her pee seemingly on the very edge of her pee hole, dying to escape her clenched muscles to relieve the pressure inside. Jenny started again, somehow holding her pee inside, her feet tapping, her legs pressed together, half concentrating on her answer, half concentrating on keeping her pee from gushing out of her hole into her clothes. “I think I’d be happy in something related to public relations,” Jenny paused, sucking in a breath as another huge wave of pressure overtook her poor body. She almost started leaking, but somehow managed to hold it in. Her pee was on the very edge now, barely able to be contained, about to explode out of her clenched lips, an accident seemingly so close. The pain was incredible, the torture massive. Jenny almost cried she needed to pee so badly. She had to continue. The interview was going well. Time to hold it together, just a little longer; she could do it, she thought. “PR work is rewarding, and while I’d like to manage a group as well, I think I could be happy as long as I was challenged by the daily tasks of the assignment,” she finished, and for the first time visibly squirming as her bladder almost exploded into her skirt. She drew a sharp breath inward, and Mr. Ballard looked up at her for a moment before starting back down at her resume. Jenny shook in the chair, trying to remain calm but unable to sit still since her body was racked by the torturous stinging sensation throbbing inside of her. She had never had to pee SO badly in her entire life, not even when she had an accident in gym class in junior high. She was petrified she might start urinating into her two thousand dollar suit, and knew she was on the verge of leaking. If only she could put her hand over her pee hole to stop it, that would help, but there was nothing she could do but sit there, insanely desperate to pee, stuck, trapped, her body about to explode. Sweat appeared on her forehead and she felt her underarms dampen with perspiration as her body tensed, trying so incredibly hard to hold her surging pee within herself.
“Ok,” continued Mr. Ballard, not realizing he started every question with the same phrase himself. “If we were to give you this position, how would you feel working with people with greater seniority than yourself in your group?”
Jenny tensed, her bladder again pulsating violently, and then somehow managed to answer the question while dealing with the violent contractions within her that sent her tormented body almost into shock from the extreme pain. She was so close to just peeing and she was unbelievably frightened. She must not pee herself, she thought, she HAD to hold it back. “Well, I always worked well with my peers in college. A lot of the students in my program were older than I, having gone back to school,” she answered quickly, trying to clamp off her urethra that now seemed enlarged. Her pubic area was engorged with tension, her pee on the very edge, the pressure intense, the throbbing now constant, and her body about to pee uncontrollably into her clothing. Jenny panicked; she didn’t know what to do.
“Good”, Mr. Ballard replied. “Well, I have to thank you, your answers have been very concise and clear, and I expect we’ll be calling you back for a second interview soon. This is just a preliminary meeting, and I wanted to get a feel for you as a candidate and so far I’m impressed. Do you have any questions for me?”
Jenny wanted to run so badly and just find a bathroom somewhere before she emptied her bladder into her suit, but she knew she had to ask some questions. Somehow managing to hold back yet another massive contraction within her sending her pee again to the very edge of escape, she managed a few. “Yes, I was wondering how your business got started and when your need for public relations came into being,” she answered, panicking, trying to keep from peeing herself.
“Well,” Mr. Ballard said. “We started 20 years ago. My father owned the business before he died and he always had a PR staff…” Jenny tried to listen as he rambled on, but her bladder was beyond belief. She just needed to PEE. She sat there as he spoke, squirming violently in her seat, unable to sit still, her legs still clenched, her feet tapping the carpet floor, her left hand pressed against her belly inconspicuously trying to relieve the pain, a huge surge building within her. She barely could control her pee. “… My father always believed that honesty with people was the best policy and he decided from an early stage to…” he continued. Her heart jumped a beat, the last surge of pressure was too much, and she could barely control her body. Every inch of her womanhood was throbbing, her urethra burning, and another stronger wave came over her. She tried to hold back a squeal, now at the absolute point of desperation, her bladder about to explode. She tensed her muscles, taut as a steel wire, trying not to urinate into her clothes while sitting at this man’s desk in this fancy chair. “… And we’ve continued this method of operation for years now and hope to….”. Her bladder screamed and Jenny almost fainted. Pee quickly escaped her clenched pee hole, streaming out in an accidental release that she could not hold back. She sat white faced in shock as she uncontrollably peed into her skirt for a few seconds before somehow managing to clamp it off. She was in shock, in disbelief as she felt the warm wetness flow through her panties, the wetness settling into her pantyhose and onto the bottom of her skirt as she sat in the chair. Her suit cost SO much money, and she had just started to pee into it! She needed to hold back, somehow. She hoped the lining in the skirt kept the pee from making a stain. Another surge of pressure built up, and she tried to hang on. “… And anyway, that’s how we got started. Any other questions?” Mr. Ballard finished. Jenny couldn’t answer, her pee exploded again out of her pee hole, now burning with intensity. She wet herself uncontrollably for another four seconds, pee momentarily spraying out of her lips soaking her panties, and she felt a little trickle off the edge of her skirt and she saw a few droplets drop onto his carpet. She could feel a small puddle of her hot pee in her skirt, somehow kept there by the skirts lining, and she panicked. She knew she had to leave or she was going to make a huge puddle all over his floor. She stood up and thanked him. “No, thanks for having me.”
“Well, thank you Jenny for coming in”. Another small trickle of pee leaked from her body beyond her control, the small trickle running down her inner thighs of her pantyhose, stopping around her knees. She looked down and in horror saw the small wet spot on the chair she had been sitting in. She knew the back of her skirt had to be wet, and didn’t know what to do.
“Well, thank you again. When will you be contacting me again?” Jenny asked, her legs pressed suddenly together as her bladder violently surged once again, the throbbing pain WORSE now that she stood up, and as he answered, she started to pee into her pantyhose again. This time she could barely stop it, and for five seconds she stood there mortified as warm pee streamed out of her still clenched pee hole, running down her legs, her panties soaked. A few droplets fell between her legs and onto the black polish of her expensive shoes. She was urinating in front of her best job prospect, and she HAD to stop now before it became obvious. With all her might she stopped the stream and shook his hand and walked quickly out of the office back into the lobby, her pantyhose now wet on the inner thighs rubbing together making a funny noise. The pain didn’t subside, and as she concentrated on holding it back she never realized Mr. Ballard staring at the obvious wet spot on her expensive navy suit. As she passed by the receptionist desk, she saw the young dark haired teenager and desperately asked where the restroom was, just as another stream of pee escaped her body, further soaking her pantyhose. Jenny hoped the receptionist didn’t see her accident.
“Oh yea, the ladies’ room is down the hall, past the elevators, on your right.” Jenny thanked her and quickly headed for the door. Just as she reached the door handle of the impressive door, Mr. Ballard’s voice called to her. Jenny turned in shock, trying not to pee on herself any more. She needed to escape; afraid her wetting accident was going to be obvious the longer she stayed there. She could barely hold back the rest of the ocean, and she froze.
“Jenny, dear, you forgot your notebook,” Mr. Ballard said, holding her binder with her resume and reference list at his door, beckoning for her to come over and get it.
“Oh, Oh. Thanks, I totally forgot!” Jenny embarrassedly said, feeling stupid for leaving it on his desk. She sheepishly walked over when another burst of pee quickly exploded from her lips, totally soaking her pantyhose, streams of pee visibly running down her legs. She crossed her legs; partially bent over to stop the pain, took the binder from Mr. Ballard and walked quickly to the door.
The receptionist had looked at Jenny on the way over to the door and seen the very obvious wet mark on the back of her expensive suit skirt. She tried to suppress a giggle but couldn’t, and as Jenny walked by she asked what happened. “Wow, I’m like not trying to embarrass you, but did you pee your pants in there?” Ericka the receptionist asked as Jenny stopped. Jenny turned red and as another small stream of pee leaked replied that she had. She rushed out of the door, while Ericka thought she had seen shiny streaks of pee on Jenny’s pantyhose as she walked by, and couldn’t believe someone had peed on themself during an interview.
Jenny ran down the hallway, past the elevators and to the restroom. She tried the door, but it was locked. Some type of card reader was on it. She cursed, and stumbling, trying to hold in the massive pee while her body throbbed incessantly, she rushed back into the office, tears in her eyes now. “I’m sorry, the bathroom doesn’t work. Do I need a key card or something?” Jenny pleaded with the receptionist in agony. Ericka looked at Jenny, now with obvious pee trails on her semi sheer black pantyhose and a couple of pee stains on her black shoes. Jenny couldn’t hold it in and as Ericka reached into the desk for the key card Jenny streamed pee into her clothing. The wave after wave of pressure and the weakening of her urethra and muscles from her minor accidents so far were too much.
Jenny stood there in shock, her legs slightly apart and proceeded to pee into her clothing. The first spurt of pee gushed from her crotch and soaked everything with hot steamy urine. She paused for a second trying not to continue, Ericka now transfixed by the image of this extremely well dressed woman having an accident in front of her. Jenny started to cry, and then her bladder totally exploded. Jenny yelled in agony, and her bladder let go. Pee thrashed out of her tortured pee hole violently, streaming into her black panties, into her pantyhose, and down her legs while another stream started to drip quickly between her legs onto the expensive carpet. Jenny tried to clamp the stream but couldn’t. “I’m sorry. I’msorryohmyGODohmygod I’m sorry” she wailed, looking like a sobbing child at the receptionist as pee streamed down her legs. Jenny grabbed her suit skirt and bent over, clutching at herself and from where Ericka sat she could see more of Jenny’s thigh as pee continued to flow down the poor girls legs. Wave after wave of pee streamed out of Jenny, and she peed for slightly over a minute into her expensive clothing and down her slender legs. When she was done, she was crying uncontrollably just as Mr. Ballard walked out and saw her. A bulge instantly formed in Mr. Ballard’s trousers as he noticed that this very attractive interview candidate had just peed herself. He secretly wished he could have seen it; he knew she was having trouble when he saw her walk out of his office with a wet mark on her skirt, but this was amazing. Jenny sheepishly left the office crying, as she got into the elevator, thankfully alone. She had just managed to pee herself in the worst possible pee accident of her entire life and couldn’t bear it. She sobbed and sobbed as she walked the long walk home, too ashamed to hail a taxicab for the journey. Her wet thighs got a rash from the pee soaked pantyhose rubbing against them. As she walked she continued to pee on herself as her bladder released its second load into her clothing. Her two thousand dollar suit was ruined, her shoes were soaked and her chance at a great job was gone. Her life was in chaos. After an hour of walking, she sheepishly went to her apartment, took off her ruined clothes and took a shower. She collapsed on the couch and had a nervous breakdown, uncontrollably shaking and sobbing as her life was, to her at the moment, totally ruined. She sobbed even harder as the utter dismay of it all. Her ruined pee–stained suit lay on the floor in the corner; she was too upset to bother attempting to dry clean it. Two thousand dollars ruined from a pee accident. It was too much.
6:00pm– across town, Ericka the receptionist stood outside of her parents’ house in her blue shorts and her white tank top. Her mother was inside in the back cleaning. Ericka was still amazed at what she had seen today. She brushed back her black shoulder length hair, touched her swollen belly, and after reading about it on the internet and seeing what she saw today, started to slowly pee into her shorts as she stood there on the back porch over the concrete back patio. She quivered with excitement as she released her bladder for a few seconds into her tight white panties. The second wave of pee she let out flowed gently through her underwear and tickled her body as a few droplets ran down her left thigh. The warmth of her pee surprised her, as did the wonderful naughty feeling of peeing in one’s clothes.
“Ericka, where are you?” her mother called.
Ericka swore, obviously not wanting to be caught. “I’ll be back in a bit, Mom,” she yelled. She stood there, transfixed by the pleasure. She let a little more go. She had to know. For a few seconds her pee hole opened and warm pee spread through her panties and shorts, further wetting them. She smiled as a larger stream of pee trickled down her leg, splashing. She had held her pee since 3pm and had needed to pee incredibly badly and wanted to know what it felt like to just do it. Finally, looking around, seeing nobody, she let go and peed into her shorts, pee streaming from the high school senior’s body, running down her legs and splashing onto the patio floor. She peed for forty–five seconds, hard, pee gushing out of her and as she did so, she felt light headed. The edges of her shorts were immediately wet and her crotch became soaked, her panties tightly clinging to her girlhood. She was in ecstasy as pee exploded out of her body. Even her toe ring was shiny where her pee had streamed onto her bare feet. She moved her legs together and emptied the rest of her bladder into her panties. She smiled as she felt the trickle of warm pee run down her bare legs. 18 years old and she had just gone to the bathroom into her pants, on purpose, for the first time and she loved it. She had finally tried her secret fantasy for real. Finishing, she enjoyed the last spurts and the last slow trickle of warm pee running down her thigh and then stopped. Ericka ran back into the house and headed for the basement, throwing her wet pee stained shorts and panties into the washing machine and then changing before she headed up to her room to take a shower. Her mom and dad never knew their honor roll daughter had secretly wet herself for fun out on the back patio. Some things were just meant to be kept as a secret. As she showered, she climaxed to the thought of peeing and tried to imagine what that Jenny girl had gone through during the interview, having obviously to pee so badly and being trapped. Ericka knew she’d have to experiment further. As she stood there in the shower, she managed to pee for a few more seconds, pee trickling down her naked body onto the floor of the shower stall, her hands massaging where it felt good. She felt guilty, but excited at the same time.
Jenny never got the job.
By: Gillian