The House - Part 1

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Kandra put both of her hands onto the rails of the lifeguard chair and lifted her body up into a standing position, her bare feet curled onto the rungs of the chair below. She arched her back to stretch and she tilted her head back, her long straight blond hair flowing straight down, shimmering in the remaining rays of late afternoon sunlight that shone through the large plate glass windows of the indoor pool. She looked like the letter “C,” her athletic body arched as she paused in the position, working the kinks out of her back after sitting for so long. Her red official lifeguard one piece bathing suit fit tightly against her slightly tanned body, her toned abs taut underneath the red fabric, her legs slender but muscular, accented by the high cut of the leg line of a bathing suit that was one size too small and fit too tightly. A few of the remaining swimmers climbed out of the pool –– she was on the last fifteen minutes of her shift before the pool closed –– and a couple of guys walked by and ogled. Kandra was one of the best looking girls who worked at the pool, a college sophomore with a fitness models body, just the right amount of curve in the hips, reasonably long athletic legs, and a perfectly shaped pair of 34C breasts that were trapped within the tight, thin red fabric of her bathing suit. Further back she flexed, stretching, lengthening her muscles as she did so. The red fabric compressed her breasts; her nipples, erect, jutted firmly through the taut fabric, catching the eye of every male swimmer who walked by. She bent further back, really stretching her lower spine, arching deeper. Her pubic mound, majestically prominent in all its fullness and roundness, was at eye level for those who walked by, her lips also taut against the tight fabric, the outlines of her femininity obvious, every shape and curve of her most private parts outlined clearly by the clinging fabric as she laid back, stretching, forcing her mound forward. Her neatly trimmed pubic hair pressed against the bathing suit, a few stray curls peeked through the tight and slightly worn fabric, a few more peeked out along the left edge of her crotch where the suit had edged sideways just slightly. A faint impression of her pubic hair was visible to those who walked close, the texture of the suits fabric changed by the compression of her curls within the straining, tight fabric. A slight strip of razor stubble was apparent along side the left edge of her crotch, small bumps along smooth light skin. Reaching one arm down, she readjusted her suit to cover herself better and released her stretch, standing and surveying the pool as she did so. She winced as her bladder stung maddeningly inside of her and she gasped for air. Fifteen minutes to go, the thought, fifteen minutes. The smallest damp spot was visible on the crotch of the red fabric, only a half–inch or so, a very faint telltale sign of the lifeguards tortured bladder. Kandra had to use the bathroom extremely badly, having been trapped in her lifeguard chair on duty for three hours without a break. Two empty bottles of water, quart size, lay beneath the chair next to her bag. As she finished stretching and sat back down, she clenched her knees together, holding her bladder tight, holding herself tensely, needing to pee so badly she almost started peeing uncontrollably in the lifeguard chair right there. Tensing again, she fought through a wave of intense, increasing pee pressure as she trembled slightly from the intense fullness in her abdomen, totally desperate for the bathroom, but still ten minutes or so away from relief. She looked out the large window along the right edge of the pool, looking through the tinted glass as the fields, a girls’ soccer game going on outside. Scanning the pool – there weren’t but a few swimmers left as closing time neared – she tried to concentrate on something else besides her tortured bladder that had been stretched to its limits, sending urgent messages to her brain that she ignored, trapped in the lifeguards chair, completely desperate to pee. She opened her legs for a brief second and felt the rushing surge as her pee seemingly rushed to the very edge of her urethra, about to burst out of her pee hole into red fabric of her lifeguard bathing suit, but somehow she held it, pressing hard, fighting. She placed her left hand in between her thighs and using her forefinger, pressed against her pee hole hard, pushing in and upwards, trying to keep herself from urinating into her suit. The pressure built further, the pain intense. Over three hours since she used the bathroom last and two quarts of water had been added to her overloaded bladder since her last pee. Struggling, unable to sit still in the chair, Kandra again considered just peeing into the chair, she wanted SO badly just to pee, to feel the release from the stinging pressure, from the tormenting tension that was inside of her. She couldn’t remember having to use the bathroom this badly before – ever. She glanced at the large clock on the wall, breathing harder, sweating a little, her body fighting its natural urge to void, her muscles tightened, holding her pee inside of her when it long ago should have been released. Just a few more minutes– the last swimmers were leaving the pool. Good. That meant she wouldn’t have to walk around reminding people to leave. She wasn’t sure she could walk around the entire pool without peeing violently into her bathing suit and she needed to use the bathroom SO badly she just wanted the end to come so she could rush off to the bathroom and feel the relief. Looking off into space, concentrating on fighting through another stinging, pulsating wave of pee pressure, she was interrupted. She looked down, her eyes wide with pain as she tried to keep from wetting her bathing suit. A mother and her teenage daughter stood there, the daughter in a tight green one piece, holding herself, obviously desperate for the bathroom. The mother asked for directions to the bathroom other than the one in the locker rooms – like there was another one, and Kandra explained that the locker rooms had the only ones. The daughter mumbled something about having to wait because they were busy, but they took off, the daughter rushing ahead of her mother, obviously about to pee in her bathing suit herself. Kandra giggled, the girl looked about 18, a little old to be having a pee accident at the pool. Then she stopped giggling, realizing how badly she needed to use the bathroom, thinking how close she was coming to having a huge pee accident in her own bathing suit, and she was 21. The clock finally struck on the half hour marker, the pool was now closed. The announcement came over the PA system and thankfully nobody was left in the pool as the last few people started walking slowly back to the locker rooms or just hung out at the edge, talking as they gathered their belongings before leaving. Kandra stood up and realized yet again her tremendous need to use the bathroom. She was shaking, her body screaming at her for holding her pee in for this long. She turned around, her butt facing the pool, the red bathing suit slightly pulled up, exposing the white tufts of her athletic and rounded ass and then carefully climbed down the chair and picked up her bag. Looking around, the pool area was clearing out. She pressed her toned legs together as her bladder screamed within her, the afternoon’s water demanding attention, the nerves of her bladder frayed with agony as a familiar wave of intense pee pressure built inside the 21 year olds body once again. Kandra smiled at the last people leaving the pool; and walked slowly to the locker rooms, far more desperate to use the ladies’ room now that she was standing than when she was sitting. She paused and clenched herself, feeling her bladder spasm violently; her body shook as she held back her pee that so desperately wanted to escape from her body. She giggled, realizing clearly how incredibly bad she needed to urinate, how intense the stinging pressure was inside of her, how her pulse grew rapid as her need to pee increased with every tick–tock of the large overhead clock in the pool. Walking into the locker room, she saw the girl in the green bathing suit crying, her mother consoling her. A puddle of pee was quite obvious under her slightly spread legs as she stood there, a large damp patch in the crotch of her bathing suit, a few wet marks on her legs from where the girl had peed herself, unable to make it to the bathroom in time. Her mother consoled her, telling her 18 year old daughter it wasn’t the end of the world that she hadn’t made it to the bathroom in time, that it happens. Her daughter was humiliated and embarrassed, clutching her wet crotch with her hands, ashamed for having peed into her bathing suit in front of her own mother and the other people in the locker room when she couldn’t hold it any longer. Kandra headed quickly towards the bathrooms, almost leaking, the sight of the girl in the green one piece wet after she lost control making it even harder to hold in her own pee. Rounding the corner, the off–white concrete freshly cleaned this past weekend, Kandra saw the two twin girls who had been coming to the pool lately. They were freshmen in college, or something, she thought; both brown haired, about 5’6 or so, nice legs, small chests, pretty faces. Kandra remembered one of the guys who was trying to date both of them and had laughed; these two kept to themselves and weren’t among the most popular people she had seen at the pool. She did admit they had very nice, sexy bodies. The two twins were soaking wet, their matching light blue bikinis dripping water from the pool, still falling from the fabric as they stood there. The first one – Kandra didn’t know their names or which was who – turned around, facing the direction where Kandra stood. She giggled as she clearly saw the girls soaking wet bikini clinging to a mass of dark pubic hair now visible through the thin fabric of her bathing suit. Water still dripped down the girls legs and her long hair was soaking, shiny wet. Her sister turned around with her knees bent together, and Kandra saw the same sight, the clinging wet bikini barely covering the other twins pubic mound, the bikini fabric amazingly transparent, the tangle of pubic hair obvious to all who glanced. The second twin rushed ahead of her sister to be first in line for the bathroom. There were two stalls but one was broken. That would explain why the girl in the green suit hadn’t made it, these bathrooms really needed four stalls and one was far too little for the number of people who used the pool. Her sister complained and immediately stuck her hands between her legs and bent over, screaming “Hurry UP, I need to pee so BAD I’m about to bust!!” She stood there, half bent over, dancing, tapping her bare feet, water still running off her body as her hair dripped, her need to pee so obvious it only made Kandra have to use the bathroom even more urgently. “Oh God, Hurry, Hurry!!!” she yelled. Her sister had just closed the bathroom door and in the silence of the room the clack of the door latch echoed through the tiled room. The bathrooms were set off from the locker room and were eerily silent, each step of feet and each drop of water could be clearly heard, and the empty space echoed each sound, magnifying it. The desperate sister looked like she was about to pee in her bikini right there. “OH GOD, Hurry!!” she yelled again, clenching herself. Kandra stared at her, watching as she turned around, both hands jammed between her legs, pressing into her crotch, the girl’s wet blue bikini top slightly transparent as well with her smallish breasts pressing against the wet fabric. Inside, Kandra felt like she was about to burst. Two quarts of water and not using the bathroom before she went on shift had taken its toll, she was absolutely bursting, she paced quickly back and forth, her bladder on the very edge of exploding into her bathing suit, the urgency incredible. “HURRY,” the sister yelled, just as her twin had sat down on the toilet in the stall. The room had been quite except for the desperate sisters desperate screams to her twin to hurry –– until the sister in the stall started peeing violently into the toilet, pee streaming out of her loudly, hissing and sizzling as she urinated forcefully into the bowl, the sound of her peeing echoing loudly through the otherwise empty bathroom. “Nooo!!” her desperate sister cried, clutching herself harder, obviously about to completely lose control of herself in her bikini. “NOOO, oh god NOOOO,” she cried again, her face tense with agony. Her sister still was peeing loudly, her stream lasting well over thirty seconds with no sign of slowing down. Kandra stood there in agony, hearing the sizzling pee come out of the other twin didn’t make it easier to hold in her own ocean, and a smile crossed over her face. The girl’s sister turned and looked up at Kandra, tears in her eyes. “I can’t hold it, oh my god, I’m so sorry oh GOD,” she screamed suddenly, her face twisted in anguish, her body trembling in agony. Kandra looked down, and the girl had slowly started peeing in her bikini, a slight trickle of pee running out from between her legs. Kandra looked up at the closed stall door. The other twin was still peeing, her stream finally dying down. Kandra looked back at the twin, who looked at Kandra, begging, her eyes wide. Kandra looked down again, and the twin started urinating harder, obviously trying desperately to control her urge, but losing the battle, and she started violently peeing into her bikini right in front of Kandra. Her own pee need now immediate, her body pulsating insanely, her bladder about to explode like a burst balloon inside of her body, Kandra shook violently, her bladder sending a few last warning messages. Clutching herself slightly, Kandra looked right into the crying twins eyes, took a breath and emptied her bladder forcefully into her red one–piece bathing suit. The pee exploded out, her tortured urethra gushing pee into and through the red fabric, now totally wet and soaked at Kandras crotch. The urine was streaming in rushing rivers out of her girlhood, pee cascading in sheets down her long semi–tanned legs, a huge puddle quickly forming between her legs as she urinated uncontrollably into her bathing suit in front of the desperate twin. The twin was still peeing but trying to hold it, having managed to hold back a little after fifteen seconds of streaming pee into her bikini, and she was still tortured, humiliated, struggling to hold the rest in. And then the twin heard the sizzling noise coming from Kandra’s exploding crotch and looked up at her before checking the source of the hissing noise. Not sure what she was seeing at first, she then suddenly realized that the lifeguard was violently wetting into her bathing suit, and then it was too much. The twin lost total control just as her sister opened the stall door. The twin started peeing uncontrollably full force into her bikini, streams of pee rushing down her legs, adding quickly to the small puddle that had already formed between her feet on the tile floor. Her sister came over and looked at her twin and started laughing, watching her sister peeing her bathing suit in front of her. Her twin started sobbing, trying to apologize in between gasps for air as she continued wetting her bikini in front of Kandra and her own sister. Kandra looked at the dry sister and then again at the wetting twin and smiled. As she finished peeing uncontrollably into her own bathing suit, she giggled, flush with excitement. She reached down with her fingers and lightly stroked her mound briefly, the tips of her fingers brushing across the worn red fabric of her bathing suit, her public hair nestled underneath, feeling the warm wetness of the pee soaked fabric between her legs. Aroused, Kandra then tensed her abs and forced out the last of her pee, a long arc of pee bursting from between her legs in front of the twins, pee hissing out of her body now, even after the twin had finished wetting herself. Her face flushed with excitement, she smiled again as she enjoyed the warm feeling of her last pee as it trickled down her soaked and shiny legs, the luscious warmth of her flowing urine exciting her, her innermost parts awash with excitement, engorged with delight as she finished wetting her suit. The dry twin was giggling while she consoled her humiliated sister and the two girls watched in disbelief as the lifeguard completed wetting her bathing suit in front of them, having peed uncontrollably into the red fabric for over a minute. “Wow, you must have had to go BAD,” the dry twin said. Kandra smiled, saying nothing, and turned and walked away, pee dripping down the insides of her legs as she strolled slowly away, a large puddle of pee remaining on the tiled bathroom floor. She left the two girls and went to her locker, grabbed a sweatshirt, threw it over her bathing suit, her wet crotch still exposed and obvious to all that walked by, and she strolled slowly out, noticing the two twins whisper something as she walked by. Kandra looked down and realized her own bathing suit was slightly more transparent now that she had peed in it, her vulva clearly clinging against the wet fabric, her girlhood enlarged and well defined against the pee soaked red mesh of nylon and lycra. As Kandra got to the door, she reached into her bag, took out a pair of sandals, put them on her feet, giggling she realized her feet had been soaked with her own pee, and she walked out into what was left of the daylight. She took her time walking back to her nearby apartment, giggling as she walked by people in her sweatshirt and bathing suit. It was totally obvious to all that she had peed herself, the streaming marks left by her pee streams obvious on her legs, her soaked crotch visible as she walked by, not trying to hide anything. Kandra pulled up her sweatshirt as she walked by a couple of teachers’ assistants she had seen, her ass exposed, her wet bathing suit now really obvious. The two women giggled as they stared at the pee soaked 21–year–old lifeguard strolling by, acting like she enjoyed the whole experience. Which, of course, was the truth, as Kandra was loving the feeling of what she had just done, peeing, on purpose, in public, in front of the two younger twins. She had planned this all week and couldn’t believe she finally had the courage to live out one of her strongest sexual fantasies. As she walked back to her apartment, her bladder refilling, she felt the strong urge again, straining against a now weakened bladder. Stopping at the street corner waiting to cross, Kandra emptied her throbbing bladder into her bathing suit again, feeling the warm wetness spread through her bathing suit and run down her legs. The warm flood felt wonderful against her bare skin in the remaining light of the pleasant evening, dripping into her sandals and feet, leaving trails of pee droplets on the pavement as she crossed the street near her apartment. The crotch of her red bathing suit was dark, shiny, and so obviously wet as it clung to her pubic mound, clearly outlining the shape and texture of her private parts.
The next day
The oldest section of the library was on the fifth floor of the building. The librarian assistant for that floor sat at a lone desk in the foyer immediately outside of the elevators and entrance to the staircase. Long rows of bookshelves fanned out in three directions, somewhat poorly lit with shadows looming eerily in between each series of shelves. The older building creaked in the wind, seemingly full of ghosts. The shelves reached fairly high, and at the end of the room, across from the elevator lobby, a small area with a plastic chair and a card table, a drinking fountain and a single restroom was lit by a flickering fluorescent fixture overhead. A broken vending machine sat silently, it used to sell snacks until the libraries no–food/no–drink policy was invoked, some old snacks still in the machine, likely stale. The mechanical clank of the elevator door echoed in the foyer as Kim walked out from the elevator, and she waved her long brown hair behind her head, her shiny mane easily reaching her shoulders as she strolled. She walked past the library assistant, a freshman who was earning money to help pay for college. The girl sat at a simple folding table with a pair of file cabinets to her right and glanced up momentarily at Kim as she walked by. The regular desk had broken and this was all the school could afford as a replacement until the budget next year was submitted. Kim continued down the aisle and turned right, to that end of the room where a series of tables were set up for studying. While half the light bulbs were blown out, the light here was much easier for reading. She put her backpack down next to one of the chairs, and strolled down the same aisle to find the book she needed to quickly re–read for her assignment and exam later that week. As she walked down the aisle to find it, she noticed two guys who were leaving, books in hand, trying to flirt with the library assistant, who paid them little or no attention. Retrieving her book, Kim walked back to the old wooden desk, picked out a spot that wasn’t too horribly damaged from years of service and laid out her notebook. Reaching into her backpack again, she glanced around, didn’t see anyone, and pulled out a bottle of water she had snuck in – library rules prohibited food and drink but everyone broke them anyway. Drinking the water down, she got to work and read through the chapters she had marked down in her notebook, taking notes as she refreshed herself on the book comparing late eighteenth century European authors. Looking at her Fossil watch her mother had given her on her 19th birthday; she noticed that she only had an hour left before the library closed to study. Today had been nothing but rushing around. As badly as she wanted to use the restroom before she started reading, she knew she was short on time. Denying herself a pee break for about the fourth time in the past three hours, she winced, shifted her weight, and held it in, trying to maximize her time studying. She sat in the chair with one leg folded up Indian style on the chair and the other leg down, her eggplant colored khaki slacks fitting softly against her athletic body. A worn cream–colored camisole served as a top, with no bra underneath. The worn fabric clearly showed her dark brown nipples as she sat, poking through the fabric in the cool air conditioning. With modest 34B breasts she rarely worried about a bra, and her look was more that of a shy college student, she wasn’t trying to win any fashion awards. But beneath the simple clothing was a highly toned and fit body. Kim spent many hours in the gym lifting weights, doing cardio workouts, and taking both Pilates and Yoga classes. While she may have been short at 5’4”, her body wasn’t anything she was ashamed of. And right now she was more concerned with getting her studying done, and then relieving her throbbing bladder that she had ignored all afternoon, than trying to impress anyone. She sat there and studied, turning pages, taking notes while her bladder stretched further, the pressure building slowly as she sat and did her research. From time to time Kim would become acutely aware of the huge weight inside of her as she felt the stinging pressure increase while she sat there, trying to study while holding herself until the library closed in a little while. One time she almost considered getting up – she really needed to pee SO badly, but put her hand in between her legs, moving them both down next to each other and clenched her thighs together in agony from having to pee so badly.
Twenty minutes later, as Kim finished up with the last chapter she glanced at her watch. Five minutes until closing. Shifting in the chair, noticing how badly she needed to use the bathroom now, the bottle of water she had drank while studying torturing her bladder immensely; she put her notebook back into her backpack. Standing up, her bladder sent a screaming spasm through her body, demanding urgent relief. After denying her bladder the entire afternoon since lunchtime, rushing around busy, Kim could not wait any longer – the 21 year old, 100 lb. brown haired girl was absolutely desperate to use the bathroom, and could barely stand still she needed to use the bathroom so badly. Kim clenched her legs together, realizing with all her awareness how dangerously desperate to pee she was and gasped. “Jesus, I really should have peed earlier,” she thought to herself, realizing that skipping the bathroom earlier in the afternoon had caused her current situation of despair. Just taking a few steps she almost wet her pants, her bladder was pulsing strongly within her, the screaming waves of pressure building with every minute that ticked by. She hobbled quickly over to the bathroom door and tried opening it, but it was locked. “Strange,” she thought, her body shaking, as nobody else was in the library except the assistant, who was sitting at her table. Grimacing at the denial of her incredibly urgent need to pee, Kim grabbed her backpack and headed down the aisle to return the book to the spot on the shelf. Walking was torture, her bladder pulsed almost constantly, her urine so desperate to escape that Kim thought seriously she might end up having an accident right there, and then maybe sneaking out without anybody noticing. GOD, she had to go pee, she thought, shivering as her bladder tormented her with every step. Looking down the aisle as she walked, she noticed the librarian assistant sitting there. Kim giggled briefly as she saw that the girl was sitting in her short denim mini–skirt with her legs apart under the table, her white panties clearly visible from anyone who stood far enough away to see under the folding chair. Obviously unaware that anyone was looking, because she sat so unladylike it was almost unnerving. The girl was tapping her left foot hurriedly, as if she was uncomfortable. The girl saw Kim approaching in the aisle. “Are you ready, ‘cause we’re closing up!” Kayla barked down the aisle to Kim. “Yea, I’m done,” she replied, walking towards the dark haired girl sitting behind the table. The girl, Kayla, a pretty brunette with a tiny body still sat there, fidgeting, her skirt apart, her feet tapping on the floor. Kim bent down to get something out of her backpack and looked closely, up the girl’s skirt. White string bikini panties, a small blue flower in the corner, cotton. “By the way, is there something up with the bathroom on this floor?” Kim asked, standing up, wishing she could have gone to the bathroom, her feet pigeon toed as she stood there, a sure sign of incredible desperation as she was half bent over. “Yea, it’s broken. Plumbing. Sucks, ‘cause I need to pee so bad I’m about to make a puddle in my chair, so I’m kinda in a hurry!” Kim giggled, realizing now the assistant had to pee probably as bad as she did. The girl stood up, bent halfway over, and Kim followed, her own bladder screaming with pressure, close to exploding in her own pants as she walked. The girl switched off the four rows of light switches next to the elevator and they pushed the down button and waited. Only a single overhead emergency light illuminated the lobby. Outside, the early evening activity could be seen through the old plate glass windows set near the lobby. The assistant looked uncomfortable, tapping her foot, wishing the elevator would hurry up. Kim’s bladder was screaming as well, her need to pee extreme, her heart rate racing as she became more desperate with each second of silence as they waited for the elevator to arrive. Just as Kim considered taking the stairs the elevator arrived and the two women boarded. Kim went to the back of the car and leaned slightly against the back rail. The dark haired library assistant stood, pacing nervously, near the front, almost like she was willing the elevator to move faster. The old elevator groaned and grumbled and then slowly started to move. “Damn, hurry up, this thing is SO slow,” she said. “Wow, you must really need to go to the bathroom, huh?” Kim replied, noticing the girls incredible desperation. “Yea, I’m about to pee into my skirt I need to go so bad. Stupid maintenance was supposed to fix the bathroom this morning and I’ve been holding it all day.” Kim giggled. The elevator stopped on the next floor, the door opening, but nobody was there. The girl was incredibly desperate, moving from one foot to another, the shoes she was wearing clicking against the metal of the elevator cabin as she nervously paced and tapped her feet. Kim looked at her and thought she was quite attractive in a different way, thinking back to what it had looked like when the girl had been sitting open legged in her skirt, her panties so obvious. The girl swore, and clenched herself, obviously on the breaking edge about to wet herself. She looked good in her short denim miniskirt, nice thighs, a nice butt, nice calves, and decent clothes. Kim had to pee so badly she could barely concentrate but she still could see the dark haired girl’s beauty. The elevator lurched and the girl clutched herself, trying not to wet herself in front of the student behind her. Kim smiled; she had never seen somebody so incredibly desperate to pee in an elevator. A few more floors– “Come ON, come ON” the dark hair girl said, to nobody in particular, one hand of hers pressing between her clenched legs as she stood there desperately trying to avoid wetting herself in her skirt in the elevator. Another floor passed, ground was coming next. Kim breathed sharply as a tremendous wave of pressure overtook her body, sending pee right to the very edge of her urethra, her need to go SO incredible she had trouble focusing her eyes. She brushed her hair back, nervous, really needing to use the bathroom badly. As the elevator slowly lurched towards the ground floor where the parking garage was, it paused, a grinding sound, but the door didn’t open. The dark haired freshman swore and clutched herself; her legs pressed tightly together, she was starting to whimper she needed to pee so badly. The elevator moved again and the door slowly opened but then froze, only a few inches open, a mechanical malfunction of some sort. The girl swore, clenched her legs together, obviously about to pee into her skirt, and somehow released the jam with her hands. “Happens all the time. Stupid library,” the girl said. Kim took a step forward, just a few feet from the struggling desperate girl as she unjammed the door, and smiling, Kim emptied her bladder into her khaki slacks, peeing as hard as she could. The pee was hissing and sizzling out like a geyser, sheet after sheet of it soaking her khakis, her white panties underneath completely soaked. The noise of the elevator door as it opened masked the sound of Kim violently peeing into her pants and the girl just a few feet in front of her never realized Kim was explosively wetting herself into her slacks right behind her. Pee flooded Kim’s clothes, the heavy dark khaki fabric now laden with hot pee, her legs soaking and heavy as she continued to urinate, her bladder releasing its contents finally, pee flooding into her panties and pants. As the elevator door fully opened the library assistant quickly ran to her car, not paying any attention to Kim, who stood there, still going into her pants, a huge puddle on the floor of the elevator car. As the girl ran to her car, it was obvious that she was desperate for a bathroom herself, she could barely run. As the last streams of pee escaped Kim’s throbbing body, she giggled, relishing the fact that she had just wet herself on purpose in a forced accident in front of a cute stranger. Walking slowly out to her own car, her pants legs heavy with soaking warm pee, she saw the girl’s car rush up the ramp and out into the traffic. The girl was obviously trying to get somewhere to use a bathroom before she peed herself in her mini–skirt. Kim got into her car, sat down, unbuckled her slacks, and looked down, giggling as she saw her now transparent panties. She peed the rest of her bladder into her pants as she sat there in the parking garage, her right hand feeling the last jets of her hot pee escaping through her white panties, and she sighed as she pleasured herself, sitting in her car wet with her own pee, nobody else around in the parking garage.
At the first traffic signal past the library building, the library assistant screamed as she sat there, not moving. She held on, clenching her legs together as she waited out the light, her bladder exploding with pain and pressure, on the very edge of losing all control. The light changed. Moving past the truck that was unloading at a ramp, partially blocking traffic, the freshman almost wet her skirt as she slammed on her brakes to avoid an oncoming car. Swearing, she somehow held on and seeing the green light ahead sped up to the next traffic signal, the busiest one at the college. Just as she got near, it turned yellow, then red, and she had to stop. Scores and scores of students walked by, some looking at the shy looking dark haired girl in the short, light denim miniskirt in the car. She looked up at the light, wishing it would change, trying to hold on. The light took forever, and with a huge wave of pressure building inside of her, the dark haired library assistant suddenly screamed loudly, right as the light turned green. Crying out, she started peeing uncontrollably into her miniskirt, her white panties quickly flooding with pee and her skirt becoming a lake of hot urine as she relentlessly jetted stream after stream of pee into her clothes, unable to hold her bladder any longer. She trembled, one hand on the steering wheel, one hand in between her legs, touching her soaking panties as pee continued to stream out even though she tried in vain to stop the flow. It was no use; her body kept releasing torrents of hot pee into her panties, into her skirt, over her car seat. Her fingers were soaked with her own hot urine, she cried and sobbed, humiliated at what was happening. She couldn’t stop peeing, her skirt was a puddle, the fabric absorbing only so much pee that the rest was in a puddle, the backs of her bare thighs sitting in the pool of pee between her legs. She looked down between her legs in horror, seeing the huge puddle, the sizzling, hissing stream exploding from within her spraying noisily, adding to the puddle. Her car seat was now ruined, soaked with her pee. She cried harder, stream after stream of tears running down her cheeks as she continued to wet her skirt in her new car. Other cars behind her honked, she was too ashamed to move. Embarrassed, she sheepishly accelerated, humiliated that she had just totally wet her skirt at age eighteen, in the car her parents had just given her as a high school graduation present. Pee continued to stream out of her for almost a minute as she sobbed while she drove back to the dorms. She drove back horrified, sitting in a puddle of her own pee, her panties squishing wet with her urine, her skirt soaked, a huge puddle in the seat, visible to anyone who looked in the window as she drove by. Tears rolled down her eyes in shame. “OH GOD,” she cried to herself, sobbing harder, mortified at what had just happened to her. How was she going to explain this to her mother? What if somebody saw her like this, her skirt soaked with pee, her legs shiny wet? She shivered at the horror of being seen so humiliated. The very fact that she actually peed her own skirt at THIS age was unreal to her. She was closer, the building up the street. She tried to pull herself together, and wiped the tears from her face. Taking her hand out of her crotch she wiped the pee off on the seat edge, then took a tissue and blew her nose. Looking in the rear view mirror, her eyes were bloodshot, makeup running down her face, and she was a wreck. When she arrived, she carefully stepped out of the car, only to feel streams of pee run down her bare legs and over her shoes. She was a mess, having sobbed uncontrollably the entire way home, humiliated that she had just wet herself, the first time since she was 13 when she had an accident during a school play. She looked around, praying, hoping, and wishing that nobody would see her like this, pee soaked clothing and urine still trickling down her bare legs as she walked in shame. Walking down the hall she was thankful, lucky –– nobody noticed her pee streaked legs, the wetness on the bottom of her skirt, or her pee stained shoes. Quickly turning her key into the door, she opened her room and rushed inside. Pee droplets left a trail to her door, it was obvious that she had just urinated into her skirt; there was no hiding it. She had peed herself. Soaking wet, she stood there in shock, just glad to be inside, away from where somebody could see her so wet. Thankfully, her suitemates were out of the country for a semester and she had the rare privilege of a single room for this term. She couldn’t even imagine what it would have been like if someone she knew had seen her like this, wet, sobbing, and embarrassed. Dropping her skirt onto the ground, she peeled off her pee soaked panties and headed into the shower, still embarrassed by the horrible accident she had just experienced. Turning on the water, she stood in the shower, and once again started crying uncontrollably, humiliated by her accident. She couldn’t believe she had just totally wet herself, and she was sure some people had seen her as they walked in crowds near the traffic light where she had lost control of her bladder. The warm water running over her naked body, she sobbed, leaning against the side of the shower before she reached for the soap to cleanse her pee stained legs and crotch. After a few minutes, she got a hold of her emotions, and once cleaned up, stepped out of the shower and dried off. Next, she put on a pair of white panties, a loose pair of gray sweats, a tank top and she sat down at her desk. “Funny, I didn’t see this before,” she said to herself. She was trying to put the horror of her wetting behind her. Realizing she had rushed in, embarrassed, she had never noticed the little envelope with a cryptic emblem on the cover. She reached over, took her nail file from her desk, and slid it along the top edge of the envelope, opening it. She took out a small handwritten card and read it out loud, to nobody in particular:
“Dear Kayla,
After considering your application, the panel has decided to offer you the opportunity to pledge to The House. As you were told, there is an initiation process that you must complete in order for you to be accepted. And, as you were told, while this process will not harm you in any bodily way, that you must comply with all aspects of this process and follow the direction of the two people who we will send to oversee the process with you. And of course, this process must be kept confidential. Anyone who breaches the information about this process to another student without our permission will be removed from attendance at this university.
Note that the initiators who will soon randomly visit you will choose the initiation rites that you will undergo. You will not receive advance warning when they will arrive and from the moment they identify themselves to you by showing you a business card with the emblem of The House on it, you must comply exactly and fully with their directives to the fullest extent. Failure to do so will cause immediate dismissal from The House and will also seriously jeopardize your enrollment in the university.
If after reading this invitation you do not wish to participate with this process or do not wish to be considered for membership in The House, please place the red sticker on your cars windshield no later than midnight tonight or place the red sticker on your door near the top left edge. You will find the sticker enclosed with this card. We have verified that you have received this invitation in ample time for you to make the choice.
I think you will agree that the benefits of The House will serve you well in your stay at our University and that you will join us in eternal friendship and pleasure that awaits those who are accepted.
We await your decision.”
There was no signature, just the mysterious emblem again, imprinted at the bottom of the note.
Kayla looked up and smiled. For the first time in her life she had the chance to be PART of something. All her life she was ignored. Ignored by her parents who were too busy to play with her, ignored by the boys at school who only wanted to date the popular girls, ignored by her friends because she was at times very shy and inward. She really liked the people she had met at The House– they were different. They all seemed like family, but were very different from the other organizations on the campus, they seemed more content, happier, less having to prove themselves. Unlike the other places, they didn’t seem arrogant or egotistical. And they were mostly pretty. That would be awesome, she thought, to be told she was pretty and sexy. Nobody ever said that she was pretty. Not even her dad. Surely the initiation process couldn’t be that bad. Kayla looked inside at the two red stickers and threw them out. Then she put her pee soaked clothing into a hamper and went down to the laundry room to clean them, hoping nobody would ever know she had wet herself in a huge pee accident in her car on the way home from her work–study job at the library. She still felt embarrassed by the whole accident. It just wasn’t like her to wet herself, certainly not at age 18.
Later that night
Across campus, Kandra’s cell phone rang. Fumbling, as she was finishing dinner, she pushed the answer button. “Hello?” “Hey, what’s up?” “Just got done with dinner. How are you?” “Good, really good. We’ve been assigned.” “Really? Who?” Kandra asked, excited now. “Don’t know her– some girl named Kayla, freshman. Dark hair. We’re getting her bio and picture tomorrow.” “Kayla huh. Isn’t she that really cute shy girl we interviewed two weeks ago, really tiny but nice body?” “I don’t know, I was out of town, remember?” “Oh yea, Well, if that’s her, we’re going to have some fun!” “I hope so! Do you think this one will stay or quit like the last one?” “I hope she stays for sure! That last one just couldn’t take it could she?” “Yea, anyway, gotta run.” “Really, what’re you doing?” “Oh, just having fun.” “Alrighty Kim, I’ll talk to you tomorrow in class then!”
Kim put the phone down. Turning around, she faced a well–built muscular dark haired girl with large breasts. The girl was standing in the corner of the suite, her arms tied behind her with cloth tape. A long braid of dark hair flowed down her muscular back. Her blue nylon athletic shorts were clinging to her well–rounded ass as she paces back and forth, her eyes wide. A large piece of masking tape covered her mouth. Kim reached over, letting her hands caress the taller girls breasts through the blue nylon tank top, her fingers gingerly touching the girls erect nipples through the fabric. “Ami, you’ve broken the rules of The House, and you know it. I’m going to take the tape off, do you understand the punishment now?” As she said this she reached over and removed the tape. Ami immediately cries out “OH GOD, Please, PLEASE let me go to the bathroom, I’m about to pee myself!!!!! Oh GOD, hurry, please hurrrrry!!!” She raised her voice, begging Kim to use the bathroom. She paced violently, her hands still tied behind her back, her eyes wide in absolute desperation, begging Kim to untie her. Two empty quart bottles of water lay at her feet on the hardwood floor. Kim smiled and brushed her fingers over Ami’s erect nipples again, and then reached down and stroked Ami’s distended tummy, her bladder bursting, the waistband of her short blue shorts tight against her bare abs. Kim pressed hard and Ami screamed. “NOOOOO, oh God, NOOOOO, Please I really NEED TO USE THE BBB–BBATHROOM OH GODD!” Ami’s voice grew hoarse as she pleaded for Kim to release her and let her use the bathroom she had been denied for the past few hours. Kim giggled and pressed hard into Ami’s tummy again, forcing her hand into her body, pressing directly against her bladder. “EEEYYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIII” Ami screamed in agony as the pain multiplied within her pee tortured body. Screaming, tears welling up in her brown eyes, Ami shook violently, trying to push back from Kim’s forceful touch, but to no avail. Her body was on the verge, the taller girl started shaking, her legs twitching as her bladder almost exploded. “OH GODDDD. Please– PLEASE I NEED TO GO PEEEEEEEE” she begs, crying out in total desperation. Kim smiled and reached into a small box sitting on the counter top near Ami. Reaching in, she took the five–inch tarantula spider they nicknamed “Ike” and held it in front of Ami. Ami’s face turned white in shock and she started to back into the corner, screaming. “OH NOOOOOOO, oh God NOO!!!” Her body quivers in absolute fear, almost unable to move, her bladder protesting, violently throbbing, her hear rate doubling while she looks in terror at the large, furry spider. Kim moves closer, reaches over with her left hand and pulls open Ami’s top, her large breast unprotected without a bra. Ami’s eyes are completely dilated, in shock, her body tense, and her bladder screaming. Kim takes the large spider with her white hand and drops it down Ami’s tank top, onto her right breast. Immediately the spider crawls, with its hairy legs reaching over Ami’s completely erect nipples. Ami screams the loudest scream she’s ever screamed, pure terror emanating from her mouth as she almost faints. Unable to stop the spider’s advances as it crawls over her breast inside her shirt, she panics. The spider’s hairy legs continue to probe her large breast, her nipple getting most of the attention. Ami screams, her voice like a grate from absolute fear now, her body convulsing violently, trying to back even further into the corner in terror. Pee explodes from the taller girl as she loses control and wets herself in her gym shorts, streams of pee exploding from her, the crotch of her shorts dark with pee as they stain while she uncontrollably urinates in the corner with her hands still tied behind her back. Amy tries to stem the flow but can’t, her body’s urges are just too strong. Pee gushes out of her womanhood in torrents, streaming down her bare legs, flooding her blue nylon shorts as she wets herself right there. Kim smiles, and reaching down, feels the pee dripping off the inside edge of Ami’s shorts. She moves her fingers along the now warm nylon fabric, feeling Ami’s pee soak through her clothing as Ami screams in total terror, the spider trapped in her tank top, crawling around over her huge distended nipple. Reaching her fingers between the gaps in Ami’s shorts, she moves her fingers up and touches Ami’s pee stream as she continues to urinate explosively into her clothes in front of Kim. Kim’s other hand reaches and retrieves the spider and throws it back into the box. Stepping back, she closes the lid on the box and then reaches her hand back to Ami’s shorts, feeling the warmth of the taller girl’s pee as it flows violently from her tormented body. Kim strokes the edge of the shorts some more, and then Ami’s thighs, feeling the warm wetness spread through the fabric as she continues to pee uncontrollably. Smiling, she then unties Ami’s hands. Ami cries out in relief, and grasps Kim in a strong hug, pulling Kim into her chest, arching her hips into Kim’s body. Kim urinates into her panties and probes deeper into Ami’s girlhood with her finger, feeling the girl’s innermost parts through the now soaked panties, pressing Ami’s wet cotton panties deeper inside, stroking. Ami moans loudly, finishing her pee, and the two girls tumble to the hardwood floor, Kim brushing her left shoulder as she does so. Ami reaches for Kim’s pee soaked panties and pulls the corner down, exposing Kim’s pubic bush, razor stubble surrounding the dark bristly hair of her mound. Ami starts exploring with her kisses, and then with her tongue as Kim screams in pleasure, climaxing from Ami’s touch while pee streams from her lips, streaming over Ami’s mouth. Kim thrashes on the floor as Ami pleasures her, and finishes peeing while Ami brings her to a stunning climax. Kim screams, the room going black at the peak of pleasure. Regaining her thoughts, she hugs Ami closer, feeling the taller athletic girl’s moist body against her own. The two girls cuddle, soaked with their own pee, relaxing in each others arms, breathing steadier, their bodies comfortably intertwined as they lay there, spent from exhaustion.
Ami had only been a member of The House for a month.
End of Part One
By: Gillian