Christmas Agony

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Saturday, 3:15 PM
18F. The number and letter on the worn sign, high above the light in the parking lot. The cold December wind rattled the worn metal of the sign against the cold gray light pole. Lisa stared at the lines of cars, gray with soot and dirt, and then gazed at the mall off in the distance. Parking was difficult this time of year. A few weekends until Christmas, and everyone headed out for their holiday shopping, all intent on getting the latest toy or the latest fashion, cutting one another off, swearing at each other all in Christmas joy. True holiday fashion, she thought, people being mean to each other. She loved the idea of Christmas, but the nature of the holidays wore on her. Clutching her light jacket against her, she walked against the wind across the parking lot, wishing she had worn her parka. Shivering, she quickened her stride, the icy wind blowing against her face. After ten minutes of walking, shivering cold, Lisa entered the mall at the southeast corner.
Saturday, 3:25 PM
The dry warmth of the mall air felt good. She dug through the pocket of her jacket, found the paper she had scribbled the notes on. Looking at the mall directory, she found her way to the food court and then to the maintenance room behind one of the closed doors. Inside a barren room with a few lockers, a few tables oddly strewn about, and a tired looking girl was sitting at the desk. “Hi,” the girl said, not bothering to look up at Lisa. “Hi,” Lisa answered shyly. “Excuse me?” “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Lisa.” She remembered she had to talk louder to strangers. “Oh. Lisa. Okay, right. You were hired for the Santa Workshop thing, right?” “Yes,” Lisa answered. “Um, pardon me asking, but how old are you?” asked the girl behind the desk, a college girl obviously working part time over the holidays for extra money. She glanced up at Lisa with a quizzical look. “Eighteen”, Lisa answered. She knew what the girl was thinking. Lisa was very shy, and very young looking. While she stood at a comfortable 5’6, she weighed a little over 100 lbs., a size 3, and with a 32AA chest, a youthful face, most people thought she was 14 or 15. She couldn’t stand that. Not that she wanted to impress people, far from it. Lisa, while strikingly beautiful, had been told by many she could easily model, even with her minimal chest measurements, – was extremely shy– to the point where her parents had begged her to undergo counseling. Bright and considerate, she kept mostly to herself, preferring to do things on her own, quietly, and not be involved with others. Even the thought of having to deal with the public today caused her anxiety and she felt nervous. Even in high school, which she was graduating from in the spring, she got straight A’s but always with comments from the teacher about how important it was to be more outgoing, to fit in socially. Her appearance didn’t help. Covering the 5’6”, size 3 body with long toned legs and a flat stomach were traditional and conservative clothes and a plain hairstyle. Her long brown hair, straight, hung back over her shoulders. She avoided eye contact whenever possible and hadn’t even had a boyfriend yet in her life. The girl at the desk wondered who hired this one. This girl looked so shy she seemed about to start crying. Whatever, they needed help. The Flu season was hurting them; so many workers couldn’t come in. Being responsible for the Santa’s helpers program in the mall where they took the pictures of the little brats in the stupid little set up scene on a little stage, they needed to get workers. “Ok, Lisa. Here’s the deal. You’re going to be taking pictures of little kids, mostly. We’ve got a costume for you, it probably doesn’t fit really well, but you did bring white stocking tights, right?” “Yes,” Lisa answered, pulling them out of her backpack. “Good. Anyway, take your costume and change into it. You can keep your clothes in the locker. You probably should keep your keys and any valuables with you – there’s a pocket in the costume dress you’re wearing, and then come back here and I’ll show you how to work the camera and what to do, okay?” “Uh, sure,” Lisa mumbled. Her nervousness increased. Now she wasn’t sure she could do the job. She looked nervously around, wishing she was back home, in her bedroom, reading or taking a nap. She hated this but her parents had laid down the rules, if she was going to live in the house until college, she’d need to work some. Turning around, the girl handed her a small plastic packet with a costume inside. Lisa wondered what it was. She looked around for a changing room, and didn’t see any. “Um, where do I go change?” she asked. “Right here, silly. This ain’t a hotel. Of course, you can go down into the other wing and use the ladies’ room to change, but that’s like five minutes away and we need to get started, so just do it here. Nobody will come in, just stand behind the lockers or something if you’re shy!” Lisa froze in fear. She never changed in front of anyone if she could help it. She was petrified of gym class, having to have other girls see her body. She abhorred the public showers, preferring to schedule gym class late in the day and then shower at home. She couldn’t stand people looking at her, their eyes, glaring and penetrating. But she needed the money, so she went over to the locker, took off her jacket and put it inside. Opening the plastic packet, she unraveled a small red shiny dress in a Santa Helpers motif. She sat down on the one chair and took off her shoes and pulled her pants off, looking over her left shoulder, seeing if anyone was looking. She felt really obscene, changing in an open room with only a small locker to block her. Standing up, she took off her blouse and stood there, naked except for her light pink Hanes panties clinging to her shivering (from nervousness now) body. Her flat abs belied the lack of physical activity; her parents were very fit and Lisa had the genetics most girls would die for– a killer body without ever working for it. The girl looked over and did a double take. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Lisa stood there, slowly putting on her white tights, her long legs looking incredible even in the crappy fluorescent lighting in the little dingy room. Her tiny breasts were erect in the cold air, tiny nipples pointing, and the girl stared at Lisa, not believing this was the same loser that had just walked in moments ago. Lisa pulled her tights up, the waistband a little low and just covering her panties. The white tights fit her legs tightly, just a little small. She pulled the dress on and to her horror it was extremely short. She looked down at it in disbelief. It barely covered her panties! Lisa never wore anything like this, ever. She didn’t even OWN a mini–skirt, and this was beyond what she could imagine. She called out. “Um, excuse me, but this is a little short, do you like have anything in a larger size?” The girl turned around in her chair and faced Lisa and marveled at the incredible legs of the teenager. Lisa still looked much younger than she was, but the sexiness of her body was much more noticeable now. This girl needed a makeover for sure! “No, I’m sorry, it’s only one size. It’s supposed to be short anyway, silly, you’re supposed to be a sexy elf like Santa’s helper!” Lisa froze. She couldn’t believe she’d have to go out in the public like this. So exposed, her thighs showing. She had no choice. It wasn’t in her character to back out of things, so she nervously walked up, putting on her elf shoes and closing the locker. Her car keys were in the small pocket on the side of the costume dress. She looked like she was going to cry she was so uncomfortable in something so exposing. The girl behind the desk looked up and sighed. Lisa turned around for a moment to pick up something on the floor and she bent over. The girl almost laughed out loud. The costume dress was so short it didn’t fully cover Lisa’s butt. When she moved her panties hugging her ass came into view. The girl thought of telling her but decided not to. This one would probably have a heart attack if she knew everyone was going to be seeing her ass for the next 5 hours, so she kept her mouth shut. Lisa looked around. She actually wanted to find a bathroom and pee before she started, but didn’t see any around. She was thirsty too. Might as well ask. “Um, I need to get a drink or something, my mouth is kinda dry, is there like a bathroom nearby?” “Bathroom no, you gotta go down the wing near the other side, since the restrooms in the food court are under renovation. But we’ve got water here. Drink a LOT, it’s really hot out there and you’ll get dehydrated and you won’t have a lot of time for breaks.” She reached under the desk and opened a small refrigerator and pulled out a quart of bottled water and handed it to Lisa. “Ok, come with me, I’ll show you the ropes.” Lisa followed, opening the water and mindlessly drinking it. She wished she could have gone and taken a quick pee. She didn’t have to go badly but she wasn’t sure when she’d get her break and she’d drank a lot of water earlier that day. “Ok, here’s how it goes. There will be two of you. One of you will be signing the parents up, taking the names down over here, and the other will lead the kids up to the stage up here, sit them over here (as she pointed out the little stool in the stupid little winter scene set up on the stage), and go to the camera over here and push this. Take two shots of every kid. Everything is automatic, just write down each kid in order and don’t forget or everything is screwed up. Okay?” Lisa nodded; nervous as she walked out into the public with people all around, dressed in what really amounted to nothing much more than a very short nightgown. Lisa was petrified; taking small steps, hoping people wouldn’t stare at her. So exposed, her legs in clear view. She never understood why people thought she was sexy. She didn’t understand the concept, thought about cutting her hair off and wearing loose clothes more. She didn’t want the attention. But she had to do this job or her parents would cut her off. Nervous, having to pee a little from nerves, she followed the girl who seemed to be rushing everything. “Ok, so got it?” she asked. “Um, uh, can you go over the camera again,” Lisa asked, her quiet voice barely audible over the din of the mall. She took a long gulp of water. She drank water a lot, especially when she was nervous, it gave her something to do to occupy her hands. She wanted to take a bathroom break before she started. She needed to pee, not badly, although she could feel her bladder talk to her, but she was too shy to ask for one before work even started. The girl explained the camera again, and then looked around. Lisa was the only worker, the other worker having taken off without any explanation. “Oh boy,” the girl muttered. “So, Lisa. Um, I hate to tell you this, but you’re gonna be all alone until I can find somebody to take the shift that Danielle was supposed to do.” “Uh Wh wh WHAT?” Lisa cried, freezing in fear. “Relax, don’t’ worry, I’ll find somebody to help you. Just take the order yourself, then lead the kids or whomever up to the silly sleigh up here on the stage, take the picture, mark it down. And don’t forget to mark it down or everything will be screwed up, and then thank them, take their money and go on. Anyone can do it!” Lisa was trembling with fear. She wanted to go home. She needed to use the bathroom; she wanted to go away. This was too much. She had no choice. She told herself she wasn’t a quitter. She gulped the rest of the quart of water down, finishing the bottle. The girl looked over at her. “Wow, you’re thirsty, huh?” “Yea,” Lisa shyly muttered, walking over to the podium where the long line of kids and parents formed. “I’ll be back to check up on you in a bit, so have fun!” and the girl was off. “Hi, are you here for the pic, uh, picture on the sleigh?” Lisa mumbled. “Yea, YEA, YEEEEAA”, the hyperactive girl said. “Ok, well tell me your name,” Lisa asked, looking down at the chubby little girl in line with her mother protectively beside her. “Cwisty.” “Christy. Okay, Christy. Come up here with me and we’ll take the picture, okay dear?” “Okay, YEAAA yeeeaa… This is sooo fun!” The little girl wouldn’t shut up. Lisa took the girl up the stairs to the little stage and sat her in the sleigh. Thirty feet away, near the white Santa Claus style fence that outlined the area from the public were a pair of twin young teens, laughing at themselves. A couple of guys walked by and stopped. Staring. What Lisa didn’t realize was that by climbing on the stage that anyone who wanted to now could clearly see up her Santa Claus dress outfit. When she turned around to adjust her child, her butt stuck out, the white tights not hiding the fact she was wearing Hanes her–way pink bikini panties that clung to her 18–year–old body. “OmiGod,” the one twin girl whispered, “she’s showing everything and I bet she’s too stupid to even know it.” “Yea, wow. I bet she’ll get lots of digits from all the guys tonight,” her twin sister replied. The guys stared, their eyes transfixed on Lisa’s long legs, finely toned and encased in tight white stocking tights, the seam line of her crotch visible and the faint outline of her panties visible up her dress, even from thirty feet away. Lisa walked back down the stairs; now she wasn’t so exposed, and the guys and the twins and a lot of other onlookers checked out the girl. She looked so young. Not much chest, but very, very attractive. One of the guys wanted to ask her out, but couldn’t figure out a way to catch her attention. Lisa took the picture and processed the girl’s information, collected the money and took the next child in line. Her admirers went away, off to other parts of the mall. Lisa’s boss walked out with a bottle of water in hand. “Hey, since you ran out, I think you’d want this,” she said, handing the water to Lisa, who automatically opened it and took a gulp, temporarily unaware that all the water she had been drinking was being processed by her kidneys and on the way to her bladder right now. “By the way, I’m having trouble finding somebody to come in. The weather outside is picking up, it’s snowing now and nobody wants to come over in the storm, so are you OK?” “Yea,” Lisa mentioned, gulping another drink of water and moving to the next girl in line– a pretty redhead with a chatty and jovial dad who clearly was checking Lisa out. Lisa avoided eye contact and did her thing, not thinking about either the storm outside or the swelling in her body as her bladder filled with the water. She gazed up at the clock. 4:15 pm. She was supposed to work until 10pm when the mall closed for the night. “So, did you visit Santa Claus?” Lisa asked the redhead child. “Yea, it was FFFFFUUUUN,” she screamed. Daddy looked, and then resumed staring at Lisa, flirting. “So, do you like this job?” “Yea, it’s okay, I need the money anyway.” “Yea, for Christmas. Do you go to school?” “Yea, high school.” The man kept flirting as Lisa wrote down the information. “A freshman?” he asked, fooled by her looks. “No, senior. Everyone always says that though.” “Wow, so you’re 18?” he asked, suddenly excited. “Yea, don’t look like it though.” Lisa tried to take her mind off the annoying man. WHY, oh WHY did every guy, of all ages, all try to always talk to her? She couldn’t figure it out. She smiled at the man and took his daughter up the stairs to the stage and sat the darling little girl in the sleigh. The girl’s father quickly grew a bulge in his pants when he saw Lisa’s outfit not quite covering her underwear. He moved closer, staring at Lisa’s ass, the pink panties hugging the round firm cheeks, her white tights covering the pink fabric, the crotch of the tights and panties clearly visible as Lisa turned around. Lisa had no clue every guy near the stage checked out her legs and body when she was up there. Shy, she was totally unaware of how much she was showing. In her business to process the kids, she never gave thought to the uncomfortable nature of the short dress she was wearing. The twin sisters came back, giggling as they saw the man staring up Lisa’s dress. “Wow, she’s getting lots of attention, isn’t she,” one said to the other, giggling, and then walking by again. Lisa came down, took the picture, wrote down more things and took the money from the man. The man gave her a business card, “StockYard Agency, Paulghotti Stockyard– owner” on it. He smiled. “If you ever consider modeling, please look me up,” and he walked away. “Great,” Lisa said to herself. “Another stupid agent wanting me to model. Why?” she asked herself, pulling her long gorgeous hair back behind her head. As Lisa stood up to greet the next child, she looked up at the clock. 4:30 pm. She felt a strong urge in her bladder. Lisa needed to use the bathroom, badly, but not urgently. She put the pressure out of her mind and hoped she’d get a break soon. She wanted to go pee so she could work more comfortably. The next boy was pretty quiet and his mom was quiet too– a good thing. She gulped more water, now having downed a quart and a half of water here and at least two bottles back home. Totally unaware how incredibly badly she would need to use the restroom in a little while, she drank more. She wrote down the boy’s information and took him back up to the stage. One of the parents in the line had a video camera and without his wife looking, he zoomed up to Lisa. He zoomed into her perfect ass, her panties now slightly wedged between her cheeks on one side, her white tights clinging to her gorgeous young legs. As she turned around after putting the boy in the sleigh correctly, he zoomed further, focusing on her crotch, where the seam of her tights was, her panties clinging to her girlhood beneath. He thought he could tell the shape of her private area up her skirt, but the light wasn’t great. Without his wife knowing, he got hard in his slacks and envisioned what the Santa’s helper girl would look like naked in his bedroom. His wife tapped him on the shoulder and he jerked the video camera down. “What are you taping,” she asked. “Oh, nothing, Trouble with the exposure,” he lied, putting the camera back down on the whole scene, then zooming in to his daughter in line. Lisa was taking the next picture, now aware that she really needed to use the bathroom. Her afternoon water had made its way to her young bladder and she noticed the familiar sensation. She needed to use the bathroom. Badly. The clock on the wall said 4:45 PM. Her boss was nowhere to be found.
Saturday, 5:15 PM.
The peak of the evening traffic was arriving, even though there were five inches of snow on the ground outside. Lisa was hectic, trying to hurry up and process the ever–growing line of children and anxious parents that circled the stage area. Her bladder was swollen now, urgently crying for relief. She wasn’t absolutely desperate, but she REALLY needed to use the bathroom. She needed to pee, to relieve the growing and still expanding pressure inside of her shy body. She would clench her muscles every once in a while, looking in vain for her boss. She should be able to get a break now, right? She thought. I mean– it’s after 5. She just wanted to go use the bathroom. She didn’t like this feeling, this slow burning sensation that was beginning to take over her as her water filled up her already distended bladder. She finished off the 2nd quart of water without thinking. Lisa was smart but didn’t always have common sense. She never realized the torture she was putting herself through by drinking so much. Next in line was an older boy. She smiled, agonized at her filling bladder, filled out the paperwork, and led him up the stairs. A few hours since she started now and she still didn’t realize how much of her body she was showing off. If she knew, she probably would have had a seizure and started crying right there. Guys were walking by with their little snapshot cameras, taking pictures as she walked up the steps. She thought they were all just taking holiday snaps, never realizing many of them zoomed into HER, her gorgeous legs, the perfect rear end, the pink Hanes panties in view. Video cameras zoomed in, recording her steps up to the sleigh. Within the two or so hours she had worked, she had, unknowingly of course, been the photographic subject of at least a dozen voyeurs, all staring at her, photographing or videotaping her on the platform, the too short costume dress exposing quite a bit of the young woman.
5:30 PM.
She was desperate to pee now. Her bladder was screaming for relief, the surges that meant “emergency” were starting to build. She looked around desperately for her boss, who was still nowhere to be found. Another redhead girl came up with another dad who flirted with her. Must be the day for flirty dads. Take the name, lead them up the stairs, take the picture, take the order, and then get the money. Do it all over again. Lisa was dying to pee. Another ten minutes passed by, and she was nervous, her bladder starting to throb inside of her. The pressure was constant and annoying, the stinging pain in her tummy intense. Her stocking tights felt tighter as her belly expanded from her swollen bladder. She needed to go PEE so VERY BADLY, and she did not know when she was going to get a break. She was almost in panic, her body sending S–O–S signals of desperation to her brain. Her body SO wanted to pee, the pent up pee wanted to escape the poor girls clenched girlhood, to escape into a toilet, relieving the tension, freeing the pressure.
5:45 PM.
Lisa was absolutely desperate to use the bathroom. She looked around anxiously for her boss, desperate, needing to urinate so badly. Her boss was nowhere to be seen. Lisa clenched her legs together. Back to the line of children she went, close to bursting.
Saturday, 6:10 PM.
Lisa was struggling. She couldn’t believe how much more badly she needed to pee in the last twenty–five minutes. Her bladder was completely swollen, she was uncomfortable, with the stinging pressure growing with each tick of the clock, and each careful step she took. Next up in line, twins– older, definitely high school. Seniors probably. Oh well, if they wanted to play games and go on the sleigh and have their picture taken, why not. “Hi.” The twin teenagers giggled. “Hi, we want to get our pictures taken, are we too old?” More giggles. They wore identical outfits, short denim micro miniskirts barely covering their legs, gray sweaters and a green and red holiday scarf. “Um, yea, I mean, no, um, yea, come on up,” Lisa mumbled. Her bladder was stinging, her girlhood engorged with tension, her body needing to pee so badly Lisa was having trouble concentrating on her job. Where was her boss? How was she supposed to get a bathroom break with nobody else working? “Stupid job,” she thought clenching her legs violently together when a sudden wave of pressure overtook her, almost causing her to involuntarily urinate into her clothing. Sweat quickly formed on Lisa’s brow, she was very nervous, acutely aware of how close she was to having a major accident in her clothes. The thought of peeing on herself horrified her. She HAD to find a way to go to the bathroom!! She led the girls up the stairs, trembling as she took each step. Walking was torture. She so wanted to jam her hands between her legs to ease the building pressure inside of her, but she couldn’t, not with everyone watching. The stinging pain pulsated through her body, her bladder violently demanding relief. Her body shook as she walked, almost unable to hold the ocean of pee inside of her. The girls kept giggling and looking at her funny. As usual, a few more people were staring at her. Another man with a video camera was zooming up to her legs and butt as she turned around. Lisa was still unaware as person after person got their personal video of things up her short costume dress. Lisa struggled, almost unable to speak, as she needed to pee so violently. She fidgeted before she walked back down the stairs, almost unable to control the surging pee within her. “Hey,” one of the twins yelled out. Lisa turned around, her body in agony, her face twisted with pain as she fought off another throbbing wave of pee pressure that overtook her young body. “Wh what?” she mumbled, trying to keep from peeing into her underwear and tights. “Do you, like,” the girl paused, and both twins giggled, “Do you like have to go to the bathroom really bad because you’re like squirming!” more giggles. Lisa turned red with embarrassment. She didn’t realize that it was that noticeable. “Yea, I need to take a break,” Lisa admitted and walked down the stairs, almost crying, the pain inside so forceful, the pressure so total, the urgency to pee so absolute that she almost lost control right there. She stood behind the camera, her legs pressed together, her left foot tapping, nervously, quickly, against the hardwood platform. She needed to PEE SO BADLY. She grimaced as she fought another wave. The twins giggled and whispered to one another. “She’s gonna pee her pants. I’ll bet you. Look at her. She has to go soo bad.” The other twin whispered back. “Yea… how cool would that be. Speaking of which, after this I need to use the bathroom or I’m gonna wet on myself in this skirt!” “Really?” her sister asked. “Yea, I’m dying!!” The girls sat there, posing. Lisa was dying inside, but took the picture, not even caring that both girls sat with their legs slightly apart and a view up their skirts clearly in the picture. Lisa could only concentrate on her screaming bladder and the torment she was enduring. She looked up as she called the girls down. She NEEDED to take a break before she had an accident right there. What could she do? She couldn’t leave. Not with this line. She was trapped. She almost broke down and started crying again, her bladder surging inside of her, pulsating, her pee on the edge of her urethra, dying to escape her tortured pee hole. She clung and clenched and clasped, trying to keep it inside. The pressure built, she gasped, but somehow managed to not urinate onto herself. The got the money from the twins and they rushed over to sit on Santa’s lap before heading off. Lisa saw them waiting in that line as she took the next child– a young girl and an attractive 30–year–old mother, with long dark hair and a nice body. “Hi,” Lisa muttered, somehow managing to control herself. Out of nowhere, Lisa’s boss arrived. “HEY,” her boss said, coming up to the podium. Lisa sighed in relief– FINALLY, a bathroom break. “How’s it going?” “Hey, I really need to use the bathroom, could I have a quick break?” Lisa begged, trying not to show how incredibly badly she needed to pee. “Yea, sure,” the girl said. Lisa hopped off the platform and started to walk quickly towards the bathroom, feeling her bladder scream violently. She almost started going into her tights. “WAIT!” Her boss screamed at her. She was holding her cell phone. Lisa looked back. “Come back for a second!” her boss yelled. Lisa grimaced, and returned, trying not to pee into her clothing. She was SO close to finally relieving the pain. “Emergency. Look, I’ll be back here in five minutes– something’s up at the other location. Hold on, I’ll let you have your break in five. Maybe ten minutes. I promise,” and the girl took off, running. Lisa stood there in shock, almost crying. She needed to PEE, dammit. And she was so close. She led the little girl up the ramp. She could barely keep from peeing into her pants. She tried to hold back, barely able to contain herself. The surging pain was wicked, coursing through her body, her totally filled bladder throbbing, waves of pressure overtaking the poor 18 year old, and she could barely keep from letting go. She felt sweat trickling down her one leg and even down her neck, as she was SO nervous, trying to control her body’s increasingly desperate urges. “Make sure you get a good picture of her,” the attractive women mentioned. Lisa posed the child again. Another camera clicked– the mall photographer, who was also now aware of the lovely legs and body that Lisa had. While most of the pictures were for the mall, he took a few private ones, zoomed completely up to her crotch, and when she turned around, to the quite visible panty line of her Hanes underwear snug against her ass under the white tights. Lisa had to readjust the pose and suddenly the biggest wave of pressure overcame her. She stood upright, then bent over, instinctively jamming her hands between her legs. She looked up at the clock. 3 minutes till a break. The wave overtook her, the pain blinding. Lisa started to cry, a small tear left her eyes, the pain so immense she didn’t know what to do. “Are you going to have an accident,” the girl asked as Lisa struggled to hold back the ocean of pee inside. “NO,” Lisa stumbled. She walked down to the camera quickly and on the middle step another wave of pressure forcefully overtook her. Lisa almost fainted; her pain was so great. Her body quivered and the wave forced her to involuntarily squirt a quick burst of pee into her clothes. Lisa panicked. She felt the one second spurt escape her and jammed one hand up her dress as she stood there, then realized everybody would see it. The mall photographer snapped more pictures. Lisa felt a little wet spot. She knew she couldn’t hold it– even a few more minutes. She took the picture. Another spurt. Lisa started to cry, a tear running down her cheek again. She was starting to slowly lose control. She was 18 years old, very shy, and about to start peeing into her pants in front of a mall full of people waiting to get their stupid kids picture taken with a stupid winter sleigh in the background. Another spurt. A small dark line of pee trickled down her left thigh, noticeably dampening her white tights. She didn’t know what to do. She rushed up the steps, into the mall. The photographer was now realizing what was happening. He was zoomed in, clearly seeing now the wet mark in her tights. A damp spot, 4 inches around in her crotch and a small line of pee stain on her left thigh. She led the child down and another burst escaped. She couldn’t hold back, the pressure was too intense. As she walked down the stairs, she peed for two seconds into her tights. Her underwear slowly dampening, and she felt the horrid wetness as it rolled down her thigh again. She looked over at Santa. The two twin girls were sitting on his knees. Lisa wondered if she could call over the helper from there before she wet herself any more. Pain riveted Lisa’s body once again, rushing through her, the pressure immense. Somehow Lisa held on. The wetness on her legs was noticeable if you looked closely, and a few people in line saw it. She looked over at Santa. One of the twin girls squirmed and then smiled. Right then Santa’s face turned ashen. The twin girl who needed to pee let her bladder out into her micro mini skirt; pee flooding out of her panties, into her denim skirt, which soaked through to Santa’s lap. Santa didn’t realize the girl had peed herself on purpose. Her sister giggled, and then peed herself on Santa’s lap. Both girls were now peeing into their mini skirts. Santa stood up. Angry. Lisa couldn’t hear it, but the two girls ran down and away. Then she saw the big wet spots on the backs of their skirts and realized they BOTH had just peed into their skirts. Lisa panicked. Seeing somebody else pee himself or herself was too much. As she collected the money from the elegant attractive mom of the young girl she had just finished, pee exploded out of her uncontrollably. Lisa yelled softly, and pee gushed out of her swollen girlhood for four seconds, totally soaking her panties. The hot pee spread down her right thigh now too. The woman looked at Lisa, in shock. “Are you okay?” “NnnNNO,” Lisa cried, tears streaming down her cheek. “I can’t hold it. Ohmigod, I’m so sorry. So sorry,” and Lisa ran behind the camera. The woman and her child walked away. Lisa didn’t know what to do. She started to go to the podium again, to talk to the next parent when a massive wave of pressure overtook her. She looked up, and in horror saw her high school principal in line and also her parents’ best friends and the people she babysat for. They didn’t realize Lisa was starting to pee herself. They started waving, big eyes and big smiles. Lisa waved back, in horror. She couldn’t control herself. She tried to walk, and suddenly a wave of pressure overtook her. The pain was incredible, causing her to almost faint. She lost peripheral vision and her bladder violently throbbed. She tried tapping her feet as fast as she could, hopping back and forth. She HAD to hold on for a few more minutes. Until her boss came back. She HAD to. The pain increased. The intensity of the pressure in her bladder doubled. Lisa burst into tears, right as her principal, her parents’ friend and the family she knew stepped out of line to talk to her. Tears streamed down her legs simultaneously as her bladder erupted. “Noo… NNNOOO. Oh god NOOOOOO,” Lisa yelled, in the utmost agony now. Pee exploded out of her, a torrential stream of hot screaming urine burst out of her pee hole, instantly flooding her size 3 panties, the pink cotton fabric totally soaked within fractions of a second. Pee flooded her underwear and the tights of her crotch. Wave after wave of pee rushed out, quickly flooding her white tights on both thighs. A trickle of pee ran directly straight down from her, splattering on the floor. Somehow she managed to stop the stream, her body convulsing wildly as she did. She felt the hot wetness spread through the clinging tights. Tears streamed uncontrollably down her face. She stood in shock, and ran up the stairs, thinking she could hide behind the sleigh. She froze on the top deck, people staring. The mall photographer clicked like crazy. A dad with a video camera was filming. The mall security cameras were filming. Lisa couldn’t hold back. She stood there, then started back down, walking aimlessly. She stopped on the middle landing of the stairs, and then couldn’t hold it back. The rest of her pee once again exploded, this time a hot strong steady stream of pent up urine rushing through her clothes, and the gorgeous but very shy 18–year–old senior peed into her clothes at full force. Stream after sizzling pee stream escaped her pee hole. The insides of her legs were soaked with her urine, the tights sticky and clinging to her. The wetness irritated her legs when they touched together. She stood slightly spread, not realizing the view people below had. Everyone saw the pee rushing from her body, the stream clearly noticeable as it exploded through the pink fabric of her soaked panties and through the thin white material of her costume tights. Rivers of pee ran down her young legs, a huge puddle forming under her. A stream of pee ran straight out of her, splashing on the floor. Lisa had a nervous breakdown, crying loudly, screaming, as she continued to pee in public, yelling, begging for it to stop, pee exploding out of her tortured body. She could hear the sizzling, hissing noise as her pee flooded her clothes. She ran down the stairs, the people she knew staring in shock, video cameras rolling, a few cameras flashing. Unaware of anything but the total agony of her accident, Lisa tried to walk, but slipped and fell, landing on her butt, legs spread. She finished peeing as she sat there, legs apart, a puddle forming on the floor beneath her. She had been peeing for over a minute and a half before it stopped. She sat there, her panties and tights soaked, people staring, many laughing. Her boss finally appeared and couldn’t believe her eyes. “Oh my GOD. Oh wow. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you had to go THAT badly,” the girl yelled. Lisa ran sheepishly into the maintenance room; pee running down her tights, leaving wet marks on the floor where she dripped. Rushing to her locker, crying uncontrollably, she looked around. She yelled, screaming when she realized what had happened. SOMEBODY HAD STOLEN HER CLOTHING AND JACKET– all of it! She looked around. Nothing. She didn’t know what to do. She stammered around, screaming, crying, a total breakdown. Her short red costume dress barely covered her now obviously wet crotch, rear end and her tights were totally soaked to the feet. She had no choice. She had to get to her car. Thankfully she had her car keys. She opened the door sheepishly, tears starting to dry on her face, makeup running. She walked out, people instantly looking at the incredibly attractive teen who had quite obviously peed in her work costume, and Lisa quickly escaped out of the mall, trying not to notice the hundreds of people staring at her as she rushed through the crowds, pee dripping from her.
In the parking lot, and a new coat of snow everywhere. Six inches had fallen since she started. She looked around. Saw the sign, 18F, in the distance. The number and letter were on the worn sign, high above the light in the parking lot. The cold December wind rattled the worn metal of the sign against the cold gray light pole. She was freezing, her wet tights and the thin fabric of her costume dress not protecting her against the elements. She reached her car, brushing off snow with her bare hand, freezing cold, and got into her car and started it, waiting for the heater to warm up. She sat there and started to cry. Her day had gone SO badly. She could not believe she had just had a major accident in front of her principal of her high school, plus her mom’s friends and the people she babysat for. She couldn’t BELIEVE her bad luck. She knew that EVERYONE would hear about this, how she wet herself, 18 years old, embarrassedly in front of everyone. For someone as shy and withdrawn as she, this was a nightmare come true. The heater was generating warmth, and Lisa was still cold, her damp pee soaked tights cold and clammy against her shivering body. She turned the control up as far as it cold go and slowly drove out of the parking lot. The roads were horrible. She kept breaking down into tears as she slowly drove home, massive traffic jams everywhere with the new snow.
A few miles up ahead, an attractive 30–year–old woman finally had made it home to her house, her daughter screaming in a tantrum behind her. The woman, her long dark hair covered in snowflakes now was squirming, looking for her keys. “MOmmmy, MOOOMMMMMY,” the little girl screamed. “Honey, just a a a mo–moment”, her mother stammered. She couldn’t find her keys and her husband wasn’t home yet. She grimaced, seemingly in amazing pain. The mother, 30 years old, locked outside of her house in the show swore and started to urinate into her dark blue slacks, pee flooding her Victoria’s Secret panties, floods of warmth running down her legs. She swore again, her daughter having a tantrum, she’s locked out of her own stupid house, her husband wasn’t back from work yet, and she’s having an accident. At 30 years old. As pee rushed down her legs, totally soaking her expensive dress slacks, Lisa was slowly driving down a side street. Lisa hated this weather. She had been driving for almost an hour and she realized how badly she needed to go pee again. “No. NO. NOT AGAIN,” she begged out loud, to nobody in particular. She held on, and then ended up skidding. Her car lost power and control and skidded into a snow bank. Nobody was on the road. She tried to start the car, but it wouldn’t start again. She sat there, panicking. Her bladder, completely weakened from the earlier torment, throbbed. Lisa got out, looking to see if anyone could help her. She clenched her legs, shivering in the wind. “Help. HELP. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!” she begged. Her body racked with pee pressure, she quickly went back inside of the car. She tried to start it. Nothing. Sitting in her seat of her new car she was given on her 18th birthday, Lisa started crying. Her body pulsated violently and weakened, she couldn’t hold back the second pee. Urine flowed mercilessly out of her already tortured pee hole and flooded her car seat. Once again, the hot pee gushed from her through her panties and tights, a huge puddle on her car seat, ruining the fabric. Lisa broke down again, screaming loudly, cursing everyone, cursing God, as she wet herself for the second time in her new car, the hot pee streaming out of her tortured body.
Across town, their parents were disciplining the twin teenagers. Grounded to their room, they both needed to use the bathroom incredibly badly again. Dressed in only their pajamas, they weren’t allowed to leave the room for anything. Not even the bathroom, for two hours. Both of the girls were crying. They were 18 years old and still their Dad had spanked them, hard, for peeing themselves on Santa’s lap. Now they had to stand there, almost an hour left of their punishment, and both of them had throbbing bladders. Unable to control themselves, they both started wetting into their pajamas, the soft fabric dampening as their pee streams coursed like rivers down their legs, a puddle forming under each girl on the floor. They both knew their Dad would hit them again, but they couldn’t help it. They had drunk too much water and while they had peed in their skirts for shock value while on Santa’s lap, this was totally embarrassing.
At Lisa’s disabled vehicle, a tow truck had come by and helped her out and started her up. She had no money to pay the man but once he saw her pee soaked clothing, he felt sorry for her and let her go. She promised to mail him the payment. She drove home to her parents’ house and sheepishly walked in. Her parents’ friends had already phoned and she was yelled at by her mother and then told to go to her room. As she lay there in her bed, sobbing uncontrollably, more than a dozen people were looking at video that they had taken at the mall of the cute Santa’s helper who suddenly peed into her very short outfit. As Lisa drifted off to sleep, shamed and embarrassed, pictures of her soaked tights and her wet crotch were already on the internet; available for the world to see. Lisa cried uncontrollably and had a nervous breakdown in her bed, crying and screaming into her pillow, angry at the world for this accident.
It wasn’t surprising that the next morning that she awoke to wet sheets. She had urinated into her bedding a few hours earlier, ruining her mattress as well. Things wouldn’t improve for Lisa when she went back to school on Monday either as by now everyone had heard about the cute shy girl who never talked to anyone and how she had wet herself in front of over a thousand people at the mall.
Surfing the web, the twin girls stumbled across Lisa’s picture, pee running down her legs, wet tights in view. They downloaded it and sent it to their friends. Lisa’s wetting became the most popular wetting picture of that year, and she never realized it.
Over at the mall, the workers were building a new platform to replace the wood where Lisa’s pee accident had stained it. Every worker in the mall was talking about the cute girl who sprayed pee into her tights. Lisa had no idea how well known she was to become.
By: Gillian