The House - Part 2

By: Gillian
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The hallway in the school of business building was brightly lit and full of busy students as the morning classes were about to start. The classrooms in the concrete building lined the outer walls while the center core was offices and other rooms. A large twenty foot wide corkboard with notices and advertisements lay on the inside wall, across from room 304, where economics 102 was starting in ten minutes. Windows into the classrooms had curtains on them so the class had the option of closing them for privacy. 304 had the curtains open, the room was still mostly empty, only a few students had gathered to sit down. Across from 304 were the restrooms, men’s on the left, ladies’ on the right, with a unisex handicapped one in the middle accessible by either sex. Kayla walked by, looking to the right, flanked by two girls. Walking uncomfortably in a pair of heels, she wore a very short tennis–style skirt, pink with a faint light white print design embroidered on it. The shortest skirt she owned –– she rarely wore it because it was so short and exposed almost all of her legs when she walked. She was uncomfortable with going to class in it knowing anybody with half an effort could easily look up the skirt and see her light blue panties, a pair of string bikini nylon panties that clung tightly to her girlhood, her pubic hair obvious against the thin, clingy, slightly transparent fabric. Kayla tried to remember that she was going to have to remember to prevent somebody from looking up her skirt, as she walked carefully and even took the time to sit extra carefully in order to avoid flashing everyone. A few inches of abs shown along her well toned body and a pink ribbed tank top completed the outfit. Without a bra on, Kayla felt particularly vulnerable, her dark nipples stuck out visibly through the worn fabric, the shape of her breasts obvious as she walked. A dark blue backpack hung over her left shoulder, full of books for today was her longest day of classes. Stopping in front of the restroom, Kayla looked over at the blonde girl to her left, who shook her head. Kayla grimaced, and realized that she knew what lay ahead. It wasn’t even 8:30 am yet but Kayla already needed to use the bathroom. Not badly, but normally she would have taken the time to go to the ladies’ room before class. But she knew she’d have to go badly soon. There was no doubt about that. Initiation had begun two hours ago, when Kandra and Kim had knocked on her door at 6:30 am. That’s when Kayla had sleepily opened the door. The two girls had shown them a little card with the emblem on it, and Kayla knew then that the process was to start. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen. She recognized Kim, the girl who was at the library the other day, but didn’t recognize Kandra until she reminded her of the day she interviewed with The House. The morning had gone strangely. Kim and Kandra waited silently while Kayla went to the bathroom and took her shower, and then, at the breakfast table, the news was struck. The initiation process was simple, Kandra had said. Kayla simply had to wear exactly what clothes the two girls wanted her to wear, and do exactly what the two girls commanded her to do without any questions, period. Any refusal to do anything the two girls asked would mean dismissal from The House and with the power The House held, likely dismissal from the college as well. Kayla asked if it was going to hurt, and Kim smiled and said it wouldn’t hurt too badly but that it might be very uncomfortable. Nervous, Kayla was wondering what was going to happen, unsure of what the girls were going to make her do. And then Kandra opened up her own backpack and removed two quarts of water. Kim’s backpack remained closed. Kayla didn’t understand until Kandra told her to drink one quart of water right now, gulp it down. Kayla wanted to resist, knowing she would get bloated quickly, but obeyed the command and did as she was told, finishing the quart of cool water in a few minutes. And sure enough, she felt bloated from drinking the water so quickly. She burped, her stomach feeling full. She certainly was going to have to use the bathroom before class now, she thought. Kandra smiled and thanked her, looking at her and giggling slightly. Then Kim rose from the table and looked through Kayla’s clothes, picking out the outfit she had on today. Kandra giggled again, a nervous anticipatory giggle, noticing that everything her partner had picked for Kayla was extremely short and very revealing. Kandra made the suggestion to go without a bra, at which Kayla winced but had no choice other than to obey. Putting the outfit on, Kayla looked very hot, almost like she was going to a party, but instead was going to classes all day. After she had dressed, Kim pointed to the second quart of water and told her to drink it. Kayla started to object, but then realized she had no choice. It took her five minutes, but she forced the second quart of water down, the band of her skirt and panties feeling tight around as she once again felt bloated from drinking too much. “OK, time to go,” Kandra said, and they walked Kayla to class. A twenty–minute walk through campus, it wasn’t long until the water took effect on Kayla’s bladder. As they walked across the quad to the building for the first class, Kayla nervously asked, “Um, like if I have to use the bathroom, I’ll be able to go, right?” Kim and Kanda laughed. “No,” Kandra replied, smiling. Kayla stood in shock. “What?” “Well, not right away anyway. Eventually though.” Kim giggled, loving this moment. This was always a most enjoyable moment, she thought, right when they told their pledge that they couldn’t use the bathroom. The look of fright in the girl’s eyes always was precious to Kim. Kayla’s eyes grew wide as she then understood. She realized that the girls were going to make her drink a lot and make her sit through a class with a full bladder before letting her use the restroom. She had heard some people did that for hazing, and she didn’t think it would be that hard. Class was only 55 minutes long, and while she needed to pee badly already, she knew she could easily hold out for an hour no matter how bad she needed to go pee. “How weird though, making me hold my pee for an hour,” she thought silently to herself, wishing however that she could have used the bathroom. It was right there. It would have felt so nice to just sit down and pee before class, but she really wanted to get into The House, so she knew she’d have to play their stupid little game. It was only one class anyway; she could hold it that long.
Kayla looked at the two girls, and they stood outside while Kayla went into the classroom. “We’ll be right here waiting for you,” Kandra said, smiling. Kim and Kandra leaned against the wall and watched through the window as Kayla sat down in a chair in the middle row, trying to sit so she didn’t flash anyone with her extra short skirt. Sitting down she realized that she really needed to use the bathroom now –– the two quarts of water she had been forced to drink a couple of hours ago were quickly making their way to her bladder. She nervously held her legs together, and as the class started, she felt the pressure inside of her grow. The class was boring, and the instructor droned on. Kayla tried to pay attention and take notes, but she daydreamed, thinking of what it would be like to be a full member of The House. Rumor was that their parties, always held in a fancy house they also owned across town, were the best. Kayla tried to pay attention again; the instructor was hard to understand sometimes. She started to squirm in her seat, her bladder demanding some relief. So as the class wore on, she began to increasingly realize how badly she needed to use the bathroom, and began counting down the minutes until class was over and she could escape to the ladies’ room across the hall. As the professor rambled on about supply side economics Kayla fidgeted in her chair at the school desk, her legs slightly apart –– it was too tiring to clamp her knees together for the whole class. The professor would occasionally glance at her and get a slight peek at her light blue panties under her incredibly short skirt that barely covered her ass. A few of the other students had given her a dirty look for dressing so revealingly in class. Kayla ignored them, trying to be nonchalant about it, even though she knew anyone who looked at her could clearly see the darkness of her nipples through the pink tank top and that any careless move she made in her skirt would give somebody a view of string bikini panties. Mostly Kayla grew quite aware of how badly she needed to go. Having just wet herself in a hugely embarrassing accident a few days ago didn’t help matters –– as she sat there with her bladder rapidly filling to capacity, she tried not to think about the horrible feeling as she had to pee her skirt in her car when her bladder couldn’t be controlled any more. Looking up at the clock on the wall, it showed five more minutes until the end of class. Kayla started to struggle, her bladder was full, and she REALLY needed to go pee. She knew she had fifteen minutes before she had to get to her English class in the other building across the quad, so she had plenty of time for a restroom break. “GOD, do I need to use the bathroom now,” Kayla thought, her bladder pounding inside of her, stretching to the limit as the two quarts of water filled her to the brim. Three more minutes– Kayla sighed, needing to pee SO badly now, watching the clock tick by. The pressure intensified within her, growing wildly, she was desperate to use the bathroom now, really wanting to release. One more minute– the class ended, and Kayla was clutching the edges of her short skirt, her fingers white with tension, her knees pressed together. Right as she stood up, Kim and Kandra looked in the window at her and they knew. “Wow, she looks like she really has to go, doesn’t she?” Kandra asked. “Yea, she’s got to be bursting. This is pretty cool!” Kim replied. The door opened and students rushed into the hallway, a few girls heading quickly to the bathroom to relieve themselves of their tortured bladders from too much coffee before class. Kayla was in the middle of the group and ran to the two girls, tense, her eyes giving away how incredibly desperate she was to go pee, and quickly. “Ok, I really need to use the bathroom now, okay?” she said, and without waiting, started walking quickly over to the ladies’ room. Kandra giggled and grabbed her arm. “We didn’t give you permission.” “What??” Kayla said in shock, her arm shaking. “You can’t use the bathroom until we tell you. One class is not enough. Maybe after English!” Kayla froze in disbelief. “OH GOD, I’m not sure I can hold it that long!!” Kayla pleaded, her eyes wide with fright. “Hold it,” Kim commanded. Kayla’s posture changed, and she almost cried out. How cruel were these girls? How dare they deny her the bathroom break she so desperately needed? She needed to pee SOOO bad, couldn’t they see that? “But I really need to go bad,” she begged, looking at Kim’s eyes, hoping she’d get a bathroom break. Around her girl after girl rushed to the restroom, she imagined how wonderful it was that they could pee and relieve the horrible pressure within, to come out happy and empty, but it wasn’t going to happen to her. “NO,” Kim said, and then laughed. Kayla almost wanted to run into the bathroom anyway, but she knew she would never get into The House if she didn’t obey the girls. Fighting back tears from being denied a bathroom break, she looked up at Kandra. “Let’s go,” Kandra commanded, taking Kayla by her arm. As they walked over to the elevator to go down to the first floor, Kim fiddled with her backpack. As they got into the elevator, they were the only three people. As it moved, Kandra pressed the emergency stop button and the elevator lurched to a stop. Kim’s nipples grew erect under her white camisole, braless, and she was excited when she saw the look of terror on Kayla’s face. Kandra reached down into Kim’s backpack and pulled out a 20 oz bottle of water and handed it to Kayla. “Drink this now.” Kayla looked at Kandra in denial, but had no choice. Whimpering, she opened the plastic cap on the bottle and drank the water. Barely able to get it down, she immediately felt increased pressure on her bladder as her stomach expanded from the new water she had just drank. Dying to use the bathroom, she looked in shock at the two girls, but they didn’t show mercy. “One more class, surely you can hold your pee one more class.” “But I’ve got a weak bladder. I mean, I just wet myself in my car the other night and I’m really scared, okay,” she mumbled, hoping somehow she would get a chance to pee before another horrible accident would happen. “Have to learn how to hold it,” Kim replied, and smiled. Kandra pushed the emergency stop button again and the elevator started moving. It stopped on the second floor and four girls got in, crowding Kayla and the two girls to the back. As the elevator moved one of the four girls giggled to the other “I REALLY need to use a bathroom first, okay, I’m about to pee on myself!” The other girls laughed and one tried to tickle the desperate girl who backed away. Kayla almost started urinating into her panties and short skirt right there in fear; the thought of having an accident again petrified her. She’d have to hold it, somehow. Some way. Any way. As they walked out of the lobby the one girl ran into the bathroom. Kayla imagined how lucky it was for her, to feel the relief of finally peeing after holding it in for so long. She wanted SO badly to use the bathroom, so sit down, pull her panties off, and just pee as hard as she could into the toilet, but the two girls were denying her the very basic right to use the bathroom! GOD she needed to go pee SO BADLY. Somehow, she thought, she needed to hold out one more class. As the three girls walked across the quad to the English class, Kayla almost tripped in her heels and had to fight like crazy to hold back the massive pressure her bladder had built up. She knew if she fell or something that she’d probably start peeing uncontrollably into her skirt without warning. She slowed down and walked very carefully, her legs quite nice looking in her ultra short skirt. Kim walked behind her and loved knowing how incredibly badly Kayla needed to use the bathroom. She thought back a few days when she had wet her slacks on purpose behind Kayla in the elevator without Kayla ever knowing it and smiled. She knew what it was like to be made to hold her pee –– she, like all members of The House, had gone through the initiation and absolute desperation was always part of the process. Kayla struggled as they walked up the hallway; room 105 was around the corner. Once again, they passed a set of bathrooms that Kayla wanted to desperately to use. Kandra giggled as they walked by. “No, I know what you’re thinking. You’re just going to have to hold it in. It’s only an hour.” Kayla swore, worrying if she could possibly hold her tormented bladder another hour. She needed to pee SO badly she could barely walk, the intense pressure building with each step, the pain intense and constant. She needed to pee worse than when she left the library the other day and here she had to hold it in for another hour. As she sheepishly walked into class in total agony, her body screaming for her to relieve herself, Kim and Kandra once again leaned up against the wall. “We’ll be right here. No leaving early, you must hold your pee for the entire class.” Kim laughed as Kandra gave Kayla the bad news. Kayla picked a seat near the back, this time forgetting to watch herself as she sat. The chairs were angled in this classroom and as Kayla sat down both Kim and Kandra saw her expose her light blue panties to the rest of the class as she sat there, struggling to hold her pee in. As the professor started teaching, Kandra noticed Kayla was starting to rapidly tap her right foot, her heel clicking on the floor. She knew that Kayla was at the very edge of desperation, barely able to hold her pee inside. Kandra felt flush with excitement, she personally loved the last stages of desperation, when her body was barely able to hold on before exploding. She wondered how bad Kayla really had to go. Was she shaking, was the pressure strong enough? Would she make it through class? Knowing that they were making Kayla hold her pee in was incredibly exciting. Kandra wanted to go somewhere and pee her pants in release on purpose but knew she couldn’t, that she had to make Kayla hold it as long as possible, to force the freshman into getting as absolutely desperate as possible. Inside the classroom, as she sat struggling, her bladder screaming at her, throbbing as she sat in agony, Kayla didn’t even realize how much worse it would get.
Twenty minutes into English Lit 104 and Kayla thought she was going to go into her chair. She had to go to the bathroom so badly that it was even much worse than when she had wet herself in the car at the traffic light. She thought she had felt the most incredible pain of desperation that day but this was something else. Every breath she took felt like her body was going to explode. The large amounts of water inside had stretched her bladder walls out as far as they could go, she needed to use the bathroom so badly that every second seemed like an hour, every tick of the clock’s second hand was torture, every note she took in her notebook took effort. Kayla was sweating, her legs pressed together, her left hand jammed between her legs up her short skirt, not caring if it looked ladylike or not, while her right hand took notes. Her nipples were fully erect and the pain was agonizing. Her skirt didn’t fully cover the small chair, and as she shifted her weight everyone who looked saw a bit of blue panty, in between and around her hand that was pressing hard against herself. The professor saw it and laughed inside –– he always loved it when a student had to pee and he never let anyone use the bathroom either, watching when class was over how some of them rushed to the bathroom, their bladders bursting. Once he had a freshman pee her pants in his class, her jeans soaking wet as she urinated into them in her seat. He wondered how badly Kayla had to go to the bathroom. He really liked what she was wearing, especially the short skirt and the way her nipples showed through the fabric of her tank top. As he’d walk through the class, he’d stand over her and look down her tank top, a little loose for her, and stare at the lovely, if slightly small, mounds of her breasts, the very edge of her nipples visible from where he looked, erect from the cold temperature in the class room. What had she been thinking, dressing like this, he thought. Whatever, he enjoyed the view. Maybe he’d get lucky and she’d wet herself in his class; he fantasized over seeing her wet on herself in that skirt.
Forty minutes into class and Kayla was breathing rapidly, her bladder intensifying yet again the pressure. She was afraid if she stood up that she’d immediately start peeing into her skirt, but held on. Twenty minutes to go and she could use the bathroom. She HAD to hold on. But it was SO HARD. The pain kept coming, wave after wave, the pressure so intense she couldn’t even concentrate on what the professor was saying. She had never needed to pee this badly in her whole life, never. She couldn’t believe that somehow she was still holding on, the pain was so incredible, it was just the will of her mind that kept it from flowing into her panties and skirt in front of everyone in class. Fifteen more minutes, she thought now, just fifteen minutes. The stinging sensation grew even stronger, feeling like needles inside of her, her insides burned, her pee seemed constantly at the edge of her pee hole as she sat there, feeling trapped, being denied the bathroom at the very time she needed it the most. She almost started to cry as another surging wave of pressure overtook her young tortured body. She pressed harder against her pee hole, opening her legs slightly, not caring if the professor saw her panties. She needed to touch herself to keep from going, needed to hold it in. Somehow. She felt the nylon fabric as she pressed it into herself, acutely aware of how thin the fabric was, and how easily it would become see through is she ended up peeing into it. She HAD to hold it. Somehow.
Class was over. Students were getting up, headed for the door. Kayla stood up, having to take her hand away from her pee hole for the first time in over half an hour. She almost peed herself as she did so, as the pressure of her pee increased when she stood and struggled to walk to the door, taking little steps, her bladder screaming violently inside of her, her muscles tightened to the very limit trying to hold her pee back. Getting to the doorway, she almost started going but somehow managed to fight it. Her right leg twitched nervously, her foot tapping, her need to pee so immense she could barely walk. She struggled to hold her pee in; in the most agonizing desperation she had ever felt. Another few steps, and the pressure steadily increased, screaming from deep inside her. She saw relief in the front of the restroom doors across the hallway, down the hall a bit. She didn’t even stop to look at Kandra and Kim as they greeted her. “HOLD ON,” Kandra commanded. “Oh God, can we talk after I go pee, I’m seriously about to have an accident right now, honest, I’m bursting!!” Kayla kept walking, and Kim grabbed her this time. “We didn’t give you permission to use the bathroom yet,” she said, sternly. Kayla froze in panic. There was NO way she could hold on, no way. “OH God, no, please, I mean please, I really need to go. This isn’t funny. I’m serious, this is an emergency, and I am so about to wet myself. Please.” “Maybe later,” Kandra commanded. “What do you mean later, I can’t hold it anymore, honest, Okay, you guys made me hold it until I’m bursting. Come on, I’m about to pee, please, please, please, I really just need to go pee!!!!” Kayla begged, her voice rising. “Later,” Kim said, laughing. “I don’t think you need to go bad enough yet anyway,” Kandra said. “Oh God, I’m serious. Please, oh God. Please. Don’t do this to me, honest. Oh God, I need to go pee. Please. I really need to pee!!!” she screamed, doubling over, holding her hands between her legs, up her skirt, her panties obvious to anyone who walked by. “Drink this first,” Kim replied, handing Kayla another 20 oz. bottle of water. “WHAT??” “Drink,” she commanded. “NO way, honest, I can’t do it, I have to go, oh God, I’m about to start going right here. Please don’t make me wet my pants, oh God, GOD, I need to pee SO BADLY, oh God, please don’t make me wet my pants, please, I can’t hold it any longer. Please, I need to use the bathroom, oh God! Please please PLEASE PLEASE!! I CAN’T can’t holditanylonger oh God,” she yelled, then softening her voice. Kim’s nipples grew taut again under her white camisole as she listened to Kayla begging them to use the bathroom. Kayla’s voice had risen to a hoarse scream, it was so obvious she was totally desperate, in absolute sheer terror of peeing herself in the hallway. Kim smiled. “Drink, or you’re out,” Kim told Kayla. Kayla looked up, crying now, barely able to control her bladder, shaking. She looked at Kim with tears streaming from her face, her cheeks streaked with tears as she wailed in protest, again being denied a bathroom break when she needed to pee far worse than any other time in her life. She drank the water, gulping it down, feeling her bloated belly expand further. The skirt and her panties fit much tighter now, her tummy expanded from her swollen bladder and her stomach filled with too much water. Almost immediately she thought she was going to pee into her skirt, as the pressure grew again. “Let’s get to class. After this, you can use the bathroom,” Kim said, laughing. She knew there was no way Kayla could hold it this long, but it was going to be fun to watch her try. Especially because this class, sociology, had all three girls in it. Kim and Kandra would be watching Kayla struggle and they looked forward to it. Kayla complied silently, desperately walking carefully, her bladder burning. She thought about just peeing in her skirt to ease the pain, to release the ocean inside of her, but she tried to hold onto her dignity. Maybe she could excuse herself from sociology class and escape to the bathroom. She knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold it much more than a few minutes. She was SO desperate, and these girls were not letting her use the bathroom!!
The three girls arrived at class in the humanities building. Outside the classroom, once again, sat a set of bathrooms. Kayla saw them and wanted to run to them, her bladder pulsating wildly inside of her, her body needing to urinate immediately, unable to hold on any longer. Kayla gasped, holding back the most intense wave of pee pressure, her bladder violently throbbing inside of her tortured freshman body. Kayla tried one last time. “Ok, I really need to go. Please, please, please. I’ll do anything you want okay? Please just let me go pee. Honest. I can’t hold it!! PLEASE, PLEASE!” Kayla’s voice was hoarse now from her screaming and begging, her eyes wide with pain, her skin white with the terror as her bladder pounded within her. Kim giggled. “All that whining, there’s only one thing to do.” Kayla looked hopeful for a moment, until Kandra took the last bottle of water from her backpack and gave it to Kayla. “Punishment for whining: drink it, now.” “OH GOD, NO,” Kayla swore, not believing they were making her drink MORE water. “I can’t, honest, I’m about to wet myself. Please don’t make me drink more water. Oh God, please no more water; no more, please, please, please, no more!!! Oh God NO, NO, PLEASE NOOO.” Kayla was screaming now, but to no avail. “DRINK IT NOW,” Kandra yelled. Kayla started crying, her bladder bursting inside. She felt her pee rush up to the very edge of her pee hole, about to explode outside of her body, but she clenched as hard as she could and drank the last bottle, crying as she did. As they started to walk Kayla froze. “OH GOD, oh no, I can’t hold it! Oh GOD please, please, please let me go to the bathroom please, please.” Kayla felt the most incredible surge rush through her body, felt her burning pee press against her insides, and she couldn’t control herself as she tried mightily to keep her pee in. Straining, tears running down her cheeks again, she lost control for the briefest moment as a one second burst of pee escaped her clenched pee hole, quickly causing a two inch wide wet spot in her light blue string bikini nylon panties. A droplet of pee ran down her leg as it happened, and Kayla panicked and somehow, against all odds, clenched shut the flow before she exploded. The pain increased, and the pressure was unyielding. She quickly reached her hand down and wiped the inner thigh of her right leg where the pee had trickled. “OH God, look, I just went in my panties. Oh please let me use the bathroom. See?” She pulled up her skirt and quite visibly, where her girlhood had wedged over to her right thigh was a wet spot, shiny in the fluorescent lighting of the hallway, a small wet mark on the blue fabric. Her pubic hair, dark and curly, pressed against the nylon, the dark patch obvious under the thinner fabric. A few strands poked through the fabric, the mound of her vulva clearly visible, her lips engorged in desperation. It was clearly obvious that Kayla needed to pee so badly she was about to lose all control. “NO,” Kim replied. Kayla looked at her and pleaded “but I’m wetting mymy myself, okay? Aren’t you happy now? Oh God, I really won’t be able to make it, okay? Oh please please let me use the bathroom, please, oh please just let me go, why, why, why, are you doing this?? Why are you making me pee myself? Oh please, please honest I’ll do anything oh GOD” she begged, her words jumbling together as she was unable to speak, so totally desperate that Kim and Kandra knew it was only a few minutes before Kayla would end up peeing herself uncontrollably. Both of the girls needed to use the bathroom badly as well and anxiously awaited the time when Kayla would have the accident they were forcing her to have. Kayla wiped the tears from her cheek again, and the three girls went into the classroom. Kim whispered something to Kayla and Kayla almost fainted. “Oh, for this class, you can’t press your legs together. You have to keep your legs apart, the whole class. And you can’t touch yourself either.” “WHAT?” Kayla said back, a little louder. “You heard me. You have to keep your legs at least a little apart the whole time, or we’ll kick you out of The House. If you touch yourself or try to hold yourself, you’re out. And we’ll be watching.” Kayla picked a chair in shock. This class was different; the chairs were in a circle, all the students facing each other. Kim sat opposite of Kayla and Kandra sat a few seats away. Both of the girls could easily see Kayla’s blue panties up her short skirt as she sat there, her legs about six inches apart, desperate to pee and being denied the bathroom for the third class in a row. Kayla tried to look away, concentrating on holding in her pee. Kim stared up Kayla’s’ skirt, liking the way Kayla’s slender thighs were soft looking, liking how she could see the blue panties clinging to Kayla’s crotch. She thought she saw that the panties were pulled over slightly and saw razor stubble and a few stray pubic curls poking out. Kim needed to use the bathroom pretty badly herself. She was wearing a thin, short black rayon cover–up skirt that almost exposed her ass – it was really supposed to be a cover–up for on the beach, but Kim liked being daring sometimes. Kim was dressed simply but sexily, the skirt somewhat matching her white camisole, and she thought about what it would feel like to empty her bladder into her blue mesh panties under her skirt. She spread her legs apart, giving a few of the guys across the table a view. Her own panties clung to her girlhood, the mesh being transparent; it was obvious that Kim was exposing herself for fun. Kayla noticed and was shocked at how carefree these girls were. Kandra sat in a pair of tight tan slacks with a light blue blouse on and also sat open legged. Underneath, Kandra had on a faint yellow pair of cotton bikini panties and her own bladder was filling rapidly. Kayla sat there and struggled. As the instructor, a young woman in her late twenties, passed out the class assignment sheet, she froze in panic as she fought off another wave of intense pee pressure. She looked, pleading silently with Kim for a bathroom break, but got no response. She was squirming in her seat now, her nipples clearly visible through her tank top, her legs apart, her panties clinging to her most private parts in full view of anyone who sat across from her, unable to close her legs together because the two girls had commanded her not to. Not being able to touch herself was the worst part. Kayla SO badly wanted to press her fingers into her pee hole and relieve the pain, but she couldn’t. Kayla grasped the outside edges of her skirt; pushed so far back almost all of the side of her thigh was visible. She clenched, her fingers white, tense, with her bladder unrelenting in torturing the struggling freshman. As she sat there waiting for the professor to begin, she felt screaming waves of pain overtake her body. The fierce pain was stronger than ever. Her bladder, membranes stretched to the bursting point, throbbed violently within her, pressing against her pubic bone, making her need to urinate so much stronger. Her urethra was on fire; she felt stinging pressure, as she needed to go to the bathroom so badly she couldn’t even concentrate on the first sentences of her class assignment. It was something about a group discussion. A huge wave of throbbing pressure came over Kayla and she panicked. She briefly touched her knees together but saw Kim shake her head. She couldn’t hold back and she had to spread her legs. The pee inside of her came to the very edge, she was barely able to hold back the surging pressure built up inside of her. Then she looked in horror: The professor had been rambling about using this group discussion in her other classes and she had just placed a broadcast quality video camera up at one end of the classroom, saying she wanted to tape this class for the group discussion and use it later. Kayla looked up and gasped loudly, noticing the big camera lens was pointing right at her chair, slightly above the head height of Kim, whose back was to the camera. She wanted to close her legs, to make sure the camera didn’t see up her skirt, but she couldn’t. She was mortified. Not only did she have to use the bathroom so badly she was about to pee in her skirt, but she had been told to sit there unladylike with her legs spread apart and a video camera was aimed at her side of the class room. She had to pee SO BADLY. Panicking, she started to reach down with her left hand, but then remembered the rule. Kim looked at her and motioned to her with her hands to spread her legs wider. Kayla started to cry, embarrassed, and her legs were about a foot apart, her skirt open now, her blue panties in full view. Her bladder went into contractions violently, and Kayla gasped for air, her heart rate racing, and her pulse rate astronomical. Kayla twisted her legs back and forth, trying to keep moving somehow, it made it easier to hold, her legs looking awkward as she sat open legged but her legs squirming, her feet tapping against the floor, so incredibly desperate to use the bathroom she was trying anything, anything at all to help keep the pee inside of her. She gasped sharply as another wave of pain overcame her. All the water and all the waiting was too much, and as Kayla sat there, legs apart, skirt open, even though she tried with all her might to hold her muscles taut, her bladder was going crazy. The pulsating waves suddenly grew in magnitude, the screaming pain increasing, and feeling like a hot needle had been plunged into her tummy. Kayla screamed, in mortal pain, her bladder rapidly going into constant spasms, her entire body shaking, trembling wildly like a seizure. She tried to steady herself, holding tight onto the edges of the chair, her fingers almost broken from pain as she held on. Her bladder fluttered and what had been a series of spasms changed to a tremendous pressure, a constant throbbing, and more pressure than she had ever felt as its membranes were stretched beyond the limit. Her body spasmed again violently, shaking, tears coming from her eyes, the stinging too much now, her breath held as she tried to hold it back, her vision blurry, and without any choices, and the pressure was too much. Kayla started violently urinating into her skirt. A powerful jet of pee exploded out of her tortured pee hole, bursting instantly through the thin blue nylon fabric of her string bikini panties, a stream so strong it jetted out forcefully onto her skirt and the surface of chair. Kim looked and almost wet her own skirt as she watched the puddle quickly growing between Kayla’s spread legs. Kim, out of excitement, spread her own legs, exposing her blue mesh panties to anyone who looked. She wanted to pee herself so badly but had to hold on. Kayla somehow managed to stop the flow for a second, but another powerful spasm was too much. A four second long stream of sizzling pressurized pee gushed from her pee hole, soaking her panties more, flowing into the pink fabric of her skirt, adding to the puddle in her chair. Kayla was breathing rapidly now, gasping for air, tears were streaming down her face, her body was shaking, her heels rapidly tapping on the floor in total desperation, her focus fuzzy as the room blurred from the pain of her most intense need to use the bathroom. She couldn’t believe she was being forced into peeing in her pants. She was eighteen years old. The accident in the car was just that, and that was embarrassing enough, but to pee in her skirt, in front of a class and the professor and the stupid video camera was too much. She started sobbing, everyone in the class noticing, the professor pausing as she began her opening remarks. Kayla couldn’t control her bladder any longer and the third jet of pee that thrashed through her thin blue panties completely soaked her panties and her skirt, and the entire surface of the chair she was sitting in. Pee exploded out of her, stream after stream of hot pee spraying out of her pee hole, a constant river of exploding pee streaming out of the tormented freshman, the ocean of pee released, pee hissing and sizzling so hard Kayla felt faint just from the pressure of how hard she was going. Finally, after over four hours of holding all that water, her bladder found relief, and Kayla wet herself violently into her short pink skirt, a huge puddle splashing in the chair and streams of pee dripping off the chair onto the tile floor of the classroom. She was peeing so hard that everyone hushed up and listened to the sizzling sound as she urinated explosively into her panties and skirt, rivers of pee pouring out of her girlhood, streams of pee running in rivers off the edge of her chair, splashing noisily onto the tile floor. Another puddle formed around her chair as she sat there, crying and sobbing uncontrollably, pee still jetting out of her after a minute and twenty seconds, seemingly never ending. The class started giggling as they watched Kayla, the shy but pretty freshman girl, completely having the most humiliating accident ever in front of everyone. Kayla laid her head down, sobbing, shaking, experiencing a nervous breakdown as Kim and Kandra watched. Kim’s bladder was on the verge of exploding and she was highly excited while watching the course of Kayla’s huge pee accident. Kim loved the way she could see how the accident started, from the first pee stream that quickly dampened Kayla’s panties and then quickly soaked her skirt and how the remaining pee streams flooded the chair, creating two puddles, one on the chair and one below. Kim wanted to pee in her skirt SO badly, she wanted to feel the wonderful release, to feel her own hot pee gush into her own clothes, but she held on. The professor went behind her lectern, and standing there, obscured from view, wet herself uncontrollably, but on purpose in her long beige summer skirt, her own pee streaming out of her white bikini panties. She was an alumnus of The House and had worked with Kandra and Kim to set up the chairs and video camera in this class for this purpose. Pee streaming down her 28 year old legs, the instructor told the class that class was cancelled, and everyone got up, most of the other girls laughing at Kayla as she sat there, open legged and peeing still in her skirt. After two minutes she finished going and the pee puddle was huge. The professor stood behind the lectern, finishing her own pee, feeling the warm wetness as it streamed down her long legs, and waited as the others walked out. Kim and Kandra took Kayla by the arm and led her into the hallway. Kayla started sobbing uncontrollably and fell to the floor, her back up against the concrete wall, her knees up, her legs spread, her blue panties soaked with her pee, a smaller puddle forming underneath her as she urinated uncontrollably a last few drops, amazed at how much pee she had been forced to hold. Tears streamed from her face, her cheeks were red. Her pink skirt was completely soaked with her pee and she sat there, exposed, as students walked by, gasping, giggling, all staring at the pretty 18 year old freshman who had completely wet herself in front of everyone in class. Kayla sat there, crying as Kim and Kandra stood next to her, smiling. Kim needed to pee so badly she almost peed into her skirt right there but held on. Within a few minutes, the next class had started and the hallways were empty. Kayla’s crying could be heard in the silence of the empty hallway now. “Ooh God, why did you do this to me? OH GODDDD. WHYYYY? Why did you do this to me? Oh God,” she wailed, her voice shaken with total humiliation. Kandra winked at Kim and sat down next to Kayla, holding her, consoling her. “It’s okay, it’s just part of the process.” “Bubut you made me wet myself in front of everyone,” Kayla wailed. Kandra then put her arms around Kayla from behind and held her tight, tighter than a hug, to keep her from moving. “That hurts, what are you doing?” Kayla wailed, trying to escape. Kim walked over and stood above Kayla and right there in the hallway, and taking one hand, pulled up her thin rayon skirt, leaving herself exposed, her blue mesh panties a foot from Kayla’s body. Kayla looked up in shock, not realizing what was happening. Kim’s panties were so close she could easily make out the dark patch of her pubic hair under the thin fabric. A small wet spot where Kim had just barely started to wet herself was visible, and a few dark hairs poked through the mesh fabric and escaped along the edges of her panties. Kayla couldn’t believe she was staring at another girl’s panties so intently and embarrassed, diverted her gaze, but then looked back, suddenly seeing what was happening. Kim moved closer, her crotch directly above Kayla’s tank top, and smiling as Kandra held Kayla tight so she couldn’t move, Kim emptied her own tormented bladder into her blue mesh panties, the thin mesh fabric useless in holding back any of the stream, and Kim peed through her panties onto Kayla’s tank top. Kayla quickly saw the wetness in Kim’s panties spreading quickly as the dark haired girl sprayed pee into her panties, and as the first sizzling stream hit her clothes; Kayla gasped and tried to move back. Kim moved closer, peeing as hard as she could, then moving her panties aside with one hand, she adjusted herself and urinated forcefully on the edge of Kayla’s tank top right above her breasts. Her pee stream was soaking the top of Kayla’s breasts as well as the fabric that covered Kayla’s nipples, making the pink tank top transparent as Kim continued to pee over Kayla’s chest. Kayla screamed as Kandra held her tight, and Kim continued urinating on the struggling girl; pee gushing out of her body as she relaxed her bladder, emptying the morning’s contents. Kayla sat there, looking at the gushing stream pouring out of Kim’s pee hole and while in horror, somehow realized a moment of pleasure –– the warm wetness as it spread over her breasts forced her nipples to become incredibly erect. Kayla didn’t understand what was happening. Her thoughts were a blur, on one hand she was horrified that another girl was peeing on her, going to the bathroom down her tank top, but at the same time, she instinctively moved closer. Sighing, struggling, the freshman didn’t understand what was happening. Moving, struggling, her tank top fell off her shoulders and her left breast was exposed, her dark nipple erect and firm. Kim moved again and directed the last streams of her hot pee and it sprayed forcefully over Kayla’s exposed nipple and breast soaking it, the hot stream rushing over the sensitive skin. Kayla moaned loudly and then screamed in panic as she saw Kim move again. Kim sat down on Kayla’s lap, moving her panties back across her pubic region, covering herself, smiling. Kayla felt trapped, Kandra continued to hold her from the back, and Kim sat and hugged her from the front. Kim touched Kayla’s exposed left breast, stroking the incredibly erect nipple. Kayla froze in panic while at the same time feeling an incredible rush of excitement within her. Then Kim moved closer, and still needing to pee, reached down between Kayla’s legs and pulled her blue panties back by the string, exposing the top strip of Kayla’s dark pubic hair. Kim moved again, and then peed as hard as she could onto the edge of Kayla’s panties, soaking the top of them, and then directing her stream right onto Kayla’s now exposed pubic hair, her hot pee rippling through Kayla’s bush, trickling down the razor stubble on the edges, soaking the rest of her panties. Kayla thrashed in excitement and embarrassment, the feeling of the other girl urinating on her pubic hair was incredibly exciting yet horrendously embarrassing, and she didn’t know what to do. Moaning, sighing, and alternately screaming in shame, Kayla thrashed as Kim finished peeing into Kayla’s panties from the top. With all the excitement Kayla didn’t even realize that Kandra had been stroking the girls now exposed breasts, the tank top pulled down, her nipples erect, rigid in the chilly air. Kim quickly pulled her skirt back up and Kandra released her, hugging her and thanking her before standing up. Kayla sat there, pulled her pee soaked tank top over her breasts, and sat, in shock, her legs still apart, her now totally transparent pee soaked panties showing everything through the wet blue fabric. She was exhausted and humiliated and couldn’t say anything. “OK, Kayla, you’re okay, it’s almost over. You now are commanded to walk home in shame and change. We’ll let you know if you’ve passed the first phase of the initiation and when the second begins. So far, so good,” Kandra said. Kayla looked up at her, begging. She had no clean clothes with her, everything she wore was now pee–soaked. Her dorm was over a half mile away; she’d have to walk across the entire campus soaking with her own pee, every student seeing her! She started crying again, sobbing, and slowly got up, adjusting the strap of her heels, soaked in her own pee, and stumbled down the hallway slowly, pee dripping off her skirt, obviously having just totally peed herself as she had to walk back to her dorm room in absolute shame. As she left she was in a state of confusion, completely ashamed and humiliated while trying to understand why she felt such excitement during parts of the experience. As she walked, everyone stared at her, wondering what kind of pee accident she must have had to become that soaking wet.
Kim and Kandra had let her go and rushed into the bathroom. Once inside, Kim locked the door behind them and then it was just Kandra and herself in the bathroom. “OH GOD,” Kandra exclaimed, and she began to quickly wet her tight tan slacks in front of Kim. Kim pulled up her skirt, exposing her blue mesh panties and emptied the rest of what was left in her bladder right there. The two girls grasped for each other, hugging tightly. Kim dropped her skirt and undid Kandra’s slacks. Taking off their tops, the two girls stood there only in their pee soaked panties and pressed each other’s pubic mounds against the others body. Kim urinated uncontrollably again through her panties, her warm pee running into Kandra’s thigh where it then streamed down onto the floor. Kandra moaned and moved her fingers down to Kim’s panties, pulling down the front of them, exposing the top strip of her pubic hair. Being the taller girl of the two, she pressed her faded yellow panties, now soaking wet against the top edge of Kim’s panties. Pulling her panties down, she aimed her pee hole at the little triangle that formed between the edge of Kim’s thigh and the edge of her pubic hair and urinated forcefully into Kim’s panties as she held Kim’s panties away from her belly with one hand, just as Kim had done with Kayla. Kim adjusted herself and felt Kandras pee stream jet over her pubic hair, loving the sensation as the hot pee from her partner streamed through the hair, running down between her legs, exciting her. She returned the favor by pulling Kandra’s panties down further and kneeling down and drinking the last bits of Kandra’s pee stream as it faded, and then proceeded to probe the blonde girl’s inner folds with her tongue, quickly bringing Kandra to an explosive orgasm there in the girls’ restroom. Kim climaxed at the culmination of the days thoughts, highly aroused by what they had done to Kayla and loving feeling Kandra’s hot pee coursing over her own body. The two girls fell, exhausted, and spent, into each other’s arms. They hugged each other tightly, nuzzling each other, enjoying their relationship as two girls who loved to wet, and they looked forward to the remainder of the initiation process with Kayla that remained. They knew that quite soon they would have yet another member of The House, one who truly understood the sexual pleasure of wetting.
One Day later.
The next day, Kim and Kandra woke up and Kim went out to her mailbox. In it was a DVD, burned from the videotape Miss Johnson had made from her sociology class. Cuddling, the two girls lay in the couch, dressed only in light blue camisoles and white bikini panties; they inserted the DVD into the DVD player. As promised, Miss Johnson had zoomed right in on Kayla, and her whole pee accident was there, clear as day, in high definition video. Kandra wet herself on the couch in excitement and the two girls were soon probing each other in a hurried excitement as the video screen showed Kayla wetting herself in her blue panties and short pink skirt in front of them. From the beginning moments where Kayla squirmed as the first drops of pee escaped to the final sizzling streams of pee rushing from her bladder into her panties and skirt, flooding everything that it touched. Screams of ecstasy filled the apartment as the two girls tumbled off from the couch onto the carpet, both urinating uncontrollably into their clothing as they touched either other in a frenzy of sexuality, loudly climaxing as they enjoyed the memory of Kayla’s classroom accident.
Epilogue: One year later.
The college athletics department didn’t use the old gymnasium any longer, so The House had bought it for their own use. Only a few knew what really happened there. Inside, four girls stood in the middle of the room. A gymnastics high bar was in the center of the room, and next to that was a small folding table. Six quart bottles of water sat on the table, four of them empty. Kim walked into the gym and looked, smiling. Two of the girls had their backs turned to her but she knew who they were. Two girls, dark haired twins, were standing under the high bar, their hands handcuffed to the bar. Kim smiled as she saw what they were wearing. Both twins had tight light pink camisole lingerie tops on, too thin to wear outside, their dark nipples showing clearly through the very thin fabric. They weren’t very long, exposing both of the twins’ belly buttons. Both twins had on matching pairs of light pink nylon string bikini’s, very brief. The triangle patch of them barely covered the girls pubic regions, razor stubble showing, and loose pubic hairs curling around the edges. The thin pink fabric was slightly transparent, the twins’ dark pubic bush seen to the naked eye, the texture breaking up the smoothness of the nylon as it clung to their bodies, defining every curve. The girls looked incredibly uncomfortable and were begging the two other girls for a bathroom break, but to no avail. “Hey Kim,” the dark haired girl replied when she turned around and saw Kim enter. “Hey Kayla, are you enjoying being on this side of the process?” “Oh yes,” she said, giggling, “This is SO much fun.” Kayla looked over at the blonde girl, Kandra, and asked, “May I?” “Sure!” Kandra replied. The very girl who they had humiliated last year was now the most excited of all of the girls in The House when it came to public humiliation and it showed. Kayla walked over to the table and rummaged through the bag. Retrieving a video camera and tripod, she set it up directly across from the two twins. Then she grabbed a long piece of thin black plastic and went over to the two twins. “So, you really need to pee now, huh?” The twins started begging in unison. This was the second stage of humiliation –– both twins had been made to pee in their skirts in Miss Johnson’s class and had been video taped, and now it was time for further abuse. Kandra giggled and helped each twin finish another quart of water –– a difficult task with their hands cuffed to the high bar, but with some spilling Kandra and Kayla managed to give the girls the last of the quarts of water. It had been three hours since they had used the bathroom and both of the twins were nearly bursting, on the very edge of desperation, being forced to hold their pee while having to go so badly for the second time in a week by the members of The House.
Both twins were frightened; unable to comprehend the horror and the shame they had been put through. The other day had been torture, being made to hold their bladders through three classes before they both burst and embarrassed themselves in class by peeing all over their chairs in front of everyone, but this was really stressing them. They simply weren’t used to being restrained, and the handcuffs hurt their delicate wrists as they struggled, completely unable to use their hands to help relieve the incredible pressure within each of their bodies as their bladders stretched to their very limits, the blinding, stinging pain overcoming the twins as they needed to go pee so badly. Kayla looked over at the twin on the left, and stroked the girl’s tummy, reaching lower and lower until she stroked along the top edge of her panties. Lighting touching, she moved her fingers across the top band of the girl’s nylon panties, back and forth as the girl winced from needing to use the bathroom so badly. Kayla felt her own nipples grow erect as she touched the girls underwear, loving the sensation, relishing in watching the twins beg and knowing full well how incredibly badly they both needed to use the bathroom, and knowing full well how they weren’t going to be allowed to use the bathroom they so earnestly desired. Pressing her hand against the girl’s lower tummy, hard, above her bladder, the twin started screaming, as the pressure to pee became immense. Unable to control it, the twin started to go to the bathroom into her panties for a few seconds before she could stem the flow, the touch of Kayla’s hand into her tummy too much to bear, the pain too intense. Kayla pressed harder, effectively shoving the agonized twins bladder hard against her pubic bone, and as the twin screamed in pain, her bladder violently throbbed from the pressure of Kayla’s touch; she was barely able to control herself, her body was about to explode, her need to pee so immediate, so forceful, so painful. The twin’s leg was shaking, her wrist clattering as she moved along the high bar, her handcuffs holding here there. The wet spot in her panties excited Kayla. Kayla wanted to see more; she was ecstatic as she watched the twin on the last seconds of desperation, knowing full well what was about to happen. She wanted to see the damp spot on the girls panties expand, her mind racing, her heart beating, Kayla was excited, and she knew what she had to do next. Reaching for the black plastic, Kayla walked around the back of the girl, her panties exposing the tufts of her ass, the girl squirming in agony trying to maintain her composure as her bladder throbbed incessantly within her tortured body, her need to use the bathroom denied for the past three hours by the two girls from The House. She reached her arm back and with all the force she could muster spanked the twin with the plastic strip as hard as she could, and then repeated it four more times, quickly, violently, the plastic hitting the panties and flesh with a loud “crack,” the girl screaming in pain. The wet spot on her panties expanded suddenly after the second stroke, she was starting to lose control, pee was on the very edge of her urethra, and she couldn’t clench it any tighter. She begged Kayla to stop, the agony was too much, but Kayla smiled and shook her head as the twin started crying, sobbing, begging for her to stop the brutal assault on her body. Kandra came over to assist, and held the girls tummy and pressed against it hard just as Kayla spanked her again, even harder this time. The twin screamed in agony and no longer able to control herself, explosively peed her panties as she trembled in desperate agony as the video camera captured the humiliation on camera. The twin was wetting herself in her thin pink nylon panties, her pee stream spraying out of her humiliated body, hot sizzling urine streaming out of her tortured pee hole. It was flooding through the thin, soaked fabric, running down her legs as she shook violently, twitching back and forth on the bar while she peed into her underwear, alternately sobbing, then screaming, then crying softly in shame as she continued to wet on herself uncontrollably. Kayla looked over at the other twin. She looked over at Kayla in shock, not wanting the punishment, but it was too late, and the first strike from the black plastic wand shook the other twin. Again Kandra assisted and held the girl’s tummy, pressing firmly into the her tummy, right above the top of the panty line, but this was all that was needed as the girl was even more desperate than her sister, and she quickly exploded into her panties, peeing uncontrollably before the second strike of the plastic hit her ass. Just as her sister was finishing peeing she started spraying jet after jet of hot pee through her underwear, streaming between her legs onto the floor, her panties soaked, her pubic hair obvious through the wetness, her legs shining as pee streamed down them, river after river of hot pee escaping from the completely desperate twin. Kandra and Kayla stood out of the way and the video cameras capture both twins, crying in shame as they violently wet themselves in their panties, tears streaming from their eyes as they begged, pleaded, and cried. The House had never initiated twins before, and Kim looked on in amazement. Wearing a black pair of tight slacks, a medium blue blouse and black lace panties, she peed into her slacks as she witnessed the second stage of initiation of the twins, loving the feeling as she emptied her bladder into her clothes while watching the process of humiliation. Kayla turned around and looked at Kim and giggled when she saw the river of pee flowing from the cuffs of Kim’s black slacks, a puddle forming between Kim’s wet legs. Kayla was wearing her pink mini skirt and the same pink tank, again without a bra, the colors now faded from being soaked in pee a year before and being washed many times after that. Kayla turned around to look at the twins, who had just finished peeing and had shiny marks still on their bare legs where pee had trickled down them. Kayla giggled and then released her swollen bladder into her skirt, urinating hard into her blue panties, streams of pee spraying from her pee hole through the underwear, streaming directly down onto the floor between her own legs. The twins’ eyes grew large as they watched Kayla purposefully wet herself in the miniskirt in front of the rest of the girls. Kayla turned around and pulled up her skirt, showing Kim the wet fabric of her panties, relishing in letting the other girls see her wet herself on purpose. Kim cried out, excited, and finishing what she started, Kim emptied the rest of her bladder into her slacks, feeling the last streams soak the fabric, her legs awash in warm pee. She moaned from excitement, loving the feeling of peeing into her pants, wishing she could touch Kayla, feel her wetness right there, but she knew she couldn’t. Phase II of the twins’ initiation was ending, and Kayla had work to do. One year ago almost to the day, Kayla had shamefully endured the very same process, being strung on the same high bar in handcuffs and spanked violently until she peed herself in front of Kandra and Kim while being videotaped, screaming and begging for the humiliation to stop as her bladder was tortured to the fullest by the two girls. One year later Kayla had changed, she understood the pleasure, and now was one of the most enjoyable members of The House, and always volunteered to perform initiations or to perform punishment. Kandra and Kim were proud of their prot’g’, having finally realized their dream of introducing a new freshman girl to the pleasures of The House. Kim smiled, and in her pee soaked slacks, left the four girls as they started to unhitch the shamed twins from the high bar. Kandra followed her out, the blonde girl grabbing Kim in the hallway, hugging her tightly as she emptied her bladder into her short denim shorts, her white panties quickly flooding as she urinated uncontrollably while hugging her partner Kim. Back in the room, the twins lay in shame, hugging each other in a fetal position on the floor as Kayla delivered the news. The twins had been accepted into The House. Soon their tears of shame turned to tears of joy, realizing the initiation was now complete. Kayla smiled, thinking how the legacy of The House always continued.
Across town, a girl in a green one piece bathing suit was filling out her application to the university while she sat drying off after a swim in the pool. She also wanted to interview for The House. As she filled out her forms, she realized she needed to use the bathroom quite badly. The locker rooms were way over on the other side and she needed to go. Looking around, she flipped her head back and forth, her long blond hair flowing as she did so. There wasn’t anybody nearby. As she sat in the plastic chair filling out the form, she paused for a moment and then giggled as she released her bladder into her bathing suit, the warm pee quickly flooding into the Lycra fabric, warming her crotch, a wonderful feeling as she peed into her swimsuit on purpose, filling the chair with hot pee. The girl giggled as she sat, still urinating; pee sizzling out of her body as she completed the forms. She wondered about the secret initiation process that The House was known for. She wondered what they did. Movement. She looked up quickly, clenching her legs slightly. A blonde lifeguard smiled as she walked by the girl. Kandra grinned as she saw the puddle of pee between the girl’s legs and the puddle forming on the tiles underneath as pee dripped off the edges of the chair while the girl looked up sheepishly, hoping she hadn’t been caught wetting her bathing suit on purpose.
By: Gillian